Would've meshed with Miyamoto's idea to have Bond meet his defeated foes in the hospital. Maybe if he never shoots them, then he's just visiting them all after their appendectomies.
I own literally every Nintendo console, many of the games on NSO, and an HD upscaler to play it all through, and I still play NSO more than my original hardware. So the input lag can't be that bad.
@ZZalapski "Entitlement" is the word. The idea that selling one's own property to a willing buyer is the manifestation of greed is flatly absurd.
I love video games and I'm all for game preservation, but lets not act like people who are fortunate enough to come upon some rare piece of gaming are withholding insulin from diabetics.
@Duffman92 Really surprised he wasn't mentioned here.
@Pillowpants It's utterly fascinating. I've been keeping up with the A Button Challenge for years, and the exploits are nuts. This run has been known to be possible for a long time now, but apparently this is the first time someone has done it without tool assist.
Gonna say this is probably the best Igavania I've played (haven't played the DS ones) but still not as good as the likes of Dracula's Curse and Rondo of Blood.
I won't name the places, but the games are Super Mario Bros. (and especially the SMB/Duck Hunt/Track Meet 3-in-1 cart), Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter II, Sonic 3, Donkey Kong Land, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Halo: CE, LoZ: Twilight Princess. And more besides.
Genesis 3-button, U.S. Saturn, Gamecube...how do I choose just one?
N64 and Dualshock were both great...for their time. Imagine if Nintendo had just remade the N64 controller for every new system these past 27 years. Kind of shocking how Sony can claim to have the worst controller four generations in a row now.
I was scared until the very end that you'd go without mentioning Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa.
@Muddy_4_Ever Crap, beat me to it. That's what I get for dawdling on the Hoopz Barkley SaGa Wiki.
Never before have I even been seriously tempted to buy a retro console, but this one has me very interested. I have a decent collection of retro games, and playing them across all the systems under my TV is a bit of a hassle, to say nothing of the trouble with picture quality and input lag that comes with playing old consoles on new TVs. Shame that you have to buy separate modules for cartridges, since most of my retro games are on carts.
@mystman12 It fascinated me when I was a kid. I knew about the Game Boy and Game Gear, but I then I looked through the Sears catalog and saw it and thought, "What is this thing?"
Mildly interested for the Lynx collection alone. But then, I'm more interested in the Lynx for collection purposes, so what I really want is an actual Lynx.
How have I not heard of this? This looks incredible!
The one downside is that it is emulation, not hardware designed to mimic the original, but I guess that wouldn't be possible if you want to play games from so many systems.
So my biggest issue is that my SD consoles display too dark on the screen, making some games impossible to play even when the TV's brightness is turned all the way up. Will this fix that problem, or does anyone know of a device that will?
@Kalmaro Well, Nintendo is the company that referred to the game rental business as a "grey market," so I wouldn't put any stock in what they say about ROMs. Owning a ROM is fine, under the right circumstances.
Comments 34
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
Would've meshed with Miyamoto's idea to have Bond meet his defeated foes in the hospital. Maybe if he never shoots them, then he's just visiting them all after their appendectomies.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I remember this, I remember the ads, and I remember it being impossible to use when I tried one for the NES.
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
I own literally every Nintendo console, many of the games on NSO, and an HD upscaler to play it all through, and I still play NSO more than my original hardware. So the input lag can't be that bad.
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
Q21 should specify New 3DS. The start buttons on the 3DS look completely different.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
@ZZalapski "Entitlement" is the word. The idea that selling one's own property to a willing buyer is the manifestation of greed is flatly absurd.
I love video games and I'm all for game preservation, but lets not act like people who are fortunate enough to come upon some rare piece of gaming are withholding insulin from diabetics.
Re: How Well Do You Know Castlevania?
The leaderboard is a cool addition.
Re: Someone Has Just Beaten Super Mario 64 Without Pressing The A Button
@Duffman92 Really surprised he wasn't mentioned here.
@Pillowpants It's utterly fascinating. I've been keeping up with the A Button Challenge for years, and the exploits are nuts. This run has been known to be possible for a long time now, but apparently this is the first time someone has done it without tool assist.
Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You
@Pally356 No votes, I think. I gave it a 9 even though I haven't played it because, c'mon, it's Street Fighter on the Saturn.
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
@-wc- They're missing the Mega Duck, too! And they call this a list!
Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable
I have 3 of these on my Switch, but I'd love to get more. Especially the Neo Geo games. 90s SNK was something else.
Re: Best Rare Games, Ranked By You
Tine for your free ratings adjustment, courtesy of Reality Check (TM).
Too high: Banjo-Kazooie
Waaaay too low: BK Nuts & Bolts
Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?
DKC2 and it's not really close.
Re: Rare Co-Founder Under Fire For "Teasing People" With 1997 Space World Zelda Cart
"Backlash" is a bit strong for the tweets shown. And anyone who does get really upset about these tweets needs to touch some grass.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow Turns 20 Today
Gonna say this is probably the best Igavania I've played (haven't played the DS ones) but still not as good as the likes of Dracula's Curse and Rondo of Blood.
Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?
I won't name the places, but the games are Super Mario Bros. (and especially the SMB/Duck Hunt/Track Meet 3-in-1 cart), Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter II, Sonic 3, Donkey Kong Land, Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Halo: CE, LoZ: Twilight Princess. And more besides.
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
@-wc- "Real numbers," excluding prices, inflation rates, and production costs, apparently.
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Genesis 3-button, U.S. Saturn, Gamecube...how do I choose just one?
N64 and Dualshock were both great...for their time. Imagine if Nintendo had just remade the N64 controller for every new system these past 27 years. Kind of shocking how Sony can claim to have the worst controller four generations in a row now.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
Everyone already knows Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best Sonic game, so I'm glad articles like this exist to remind us that Sonic 2 is a great game, too.
Re: Random: What Happens When You Remove Charles Barkley From His Own Video Game?
I was scared until the very end that you'd go without mentioning Tales of Game's Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa.
@Muddy_4_Ever Crap, beat me to it. That's what I get for dawdling on the Hoopz Barkley SaGa Wiki.
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
I just want this game on Switch, as part of a second anniversary collection.
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
Fantastic selection of games. Looks kind of small, though. I think it would be really crowded having two people in front of that screen.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
Never before have I even been seriously tempted to buy a retro console, but this one has me very interested. I have a decent collection of retro games, and playing them across all the systems under my TV is a bit of a hassle, to say nothing of the trouble with picture quality and input lag that comes with playing old consoles on new TVs. Shame that you have to buy separate modules for cartridges, since most of my retro games are on carts.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
@mystman12 It fascinated me when I was a kid. I knew about the Game Boy and Game Gear, but I then I looked through the Sears catalog and saw it and thought, "What is this thing?"
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
Mildly interested for the Lynx collection alone. But then, I'm more interested in the Lynx for collection purposes, so what I really want is an actual Lynx.
Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage
How have I not heard of this? This looks incredible!
The one downside is that it is emulation, not hardware designed to mimic the original, but I guess that wouldn't be possible if you want to play games from so many systems.
Re: Hardware Review: GB Boy Classic And GB Boy Colour: The Best Way To Play Game Boy Today?
Cool, I guess? But I'm wondering why you guys bothered reviewing a machine loaded with stolen games.
Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True
@Guspaz @sdelfin Thanks, all.
Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True
So my biggest issue is that my SD consoles display too dark on the screen, making some games impossible to play even when the TV's brightness is turned all the way up. Will this fix that problem, or does anyone know of a device that will?
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@Kalmaro Yes they are. That wasn't my point at all, though.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@Kalmaro Well, Nintendo is the company that referred to the game rental business as a "grey market," so I wouldn't put any stock in what they say about ROMs. Owning a ROM is fine, under the right circumstances.
Re: Hardware Review: Cyber Gadget Retro Freak
If my Genesis and SNES stop working, I might get one of these. But I greatly prefer using an original console, even with having to use AV cables.
Re: The Man Responsible For Sega's Blast Processing Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"
All I know is the SNES comes with five free games to the Genesis's zero, and that Game Boy games are the color of creamed spinach.
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
"[T]here is a lack of creative ideas because the money and the teams are simply too big."
I'd like to hang that quote at the top of every gaming website.
Re: Month Of Kong: The Making Of Diddy Kong Racing
Awesome game. Not as good as MK64 for playing against friends, but that single-player mode is killer.