

Catching up on PS1 and PS2 games...

Comments 303

Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show


No idea if this will work and be any good if done now, but I’m certainly intrigued enough to watch it when it releases. I have no interest in watching celebrities (who I probably won’t recognise) playing FIFA, Fortnite or COD, but I’d certainly like to see how the retro sections play out.

Also I wonder if they’ll be aiming this towards man children like me who grew up with the original show, or kids/teenagers now who enjoy the above mentioned games? Or both?

I’m intrigued anyway. I’ll keep my eye on this!

Re: Pre-Ordered A Polymega With Walmart? We've Got Bad News For You


@andykara2003 I’m with you there. I even love playing old consoles via RF on a CRT, it’s just so nostalgic for me! Obviously RGB is the best though.

I have looked into things like the Franemeister and OSSC in the past, as I know one day my CRTs will die. But I always end up down the rabbit hole of all the hassle that comes with it, like OSSC settings for different consoles, even different games on the same console, issues with resolution switching on PS1/N64 games, will my TV be compatible with all the modes the OSSC has, lag on the Framemeister etc. And I just can’t be bothered and stick to playing on my CRT. I do have a RAD2X cable for my Nintendo consoles, as whilst not the best picture it’s just easy plug and play. Will get a RAD2X for the PS1/PS2 too, then I should be done!

Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?


I did know this at the time as it was one of the control options and even showed two controllers on the screen. This was 1997 though, and using two analogue sticks at the same time just didn’t feel right. I think I gave it a go but quickly stuck with the one controller option. I managed to compete the game on all difficulties with one controller so obviously it was fine. I’d like to give the dual control scheme a go now.

Can the dual control method be used in 2 player?

Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine


It certainly appears more positive than it did a year or two ago, and from what I’m reading and seeing on YouTube the emulation seems impressive. Especially for the Saturn.

I’d love to see PS1 games from this compared to the new PS1 digital mod recently released, to see how impressive it is.

I’m not normally a fan of software emulation, but I do see the appeal of an all in one system like this if the emulation is of good quality. I look forward to seeing MLiG’s and Digital Foundry’s analysis.

If they ever manage to get a module for N64 released with good quality emulation, I’d be very interested.

Who is bank rolling all this by the way? Given how long it’s been in development, it must have some serious money spent on it already. I’m surprised they didn’t go bankrupt ages ago.

Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?


@ThanosReXXX it would be nice to be able to run the gameS without having to load up SWISS, but of course it’s no hardship if not.

Another nitpick question I have is whether the Gamecube still has its normal start up sequence with this installed? It’s my favourite start up of any console so it would be a shame if it loses it with this installed.

But ultimately this device looks awesome, and the fact no soldering is required makes it so much more desirable. I’ll have to get one.

Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?


I would love for the Nintendo and Sega mini consoles to take this approach. Have their games in a mini replica cartridge that plugs into the console. It means they could sell future collections easily (say 10 or 20 games per cart) rather than release a new console each time they want to release a fresh set of games (assuming they even do that at all, nobody has yet).

I really like the idea of this, but not with the current selection of games. If that ever improves, I’d consider getting one.

Re: Feature: Jason Brookes Talks Super Famicom, Import Gaming And Super Play


Oh goodness. I can’t believe he’s died, so young too.

I downloaded most, if not all, copies of Super Play in pdf format from various places on the internet a couple of years ago, and read them all. Despite completely missing this magazine back in the day, I got completely sucked into the ‘club’ like I was there at the time. You really felt their enthusiasm for the SNES and Super Famicom, especially the JRPGs that either only made it to the US, or never left Japan.

I’m gutted to hear about his death 😞

Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct


Nice to read a Rare story that isn’t DKC or Goldeneye, so thanks for the read!

I remember getting KI for the SNES back in Xmas 1995 along with SNES Doom. Most of my time was spent with Doom (I was obsessed with original Doom back then) so KI didn’t get much of a look in. I’m not the biggest beat em fan, and I don’t think I ever managed to pull off an Ultra combo, so I didn’t get to enjoy it to its full potential. Still, I have great memories of its graphics and style and that awesome music CD!

Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal


I have the Super Nt, and whilst I’m a die hard original hardware and CRT retro gaming fan, it’s an amazing piece of kit, and provides me with more flexibility to play SNES games, whilst being able to go between both my retro and modern set ups with the same games, with no compromises.

I’m not as into Sega as Nintendo, so don’t collect any of their systems or games, but this Mega Sg would be ideal. I’ll pair it alongside the Mega Everdrive, and will basically have access to the entire Master System, Game Gear and Mega Drive library in just two pieces of kit. Sounds good to me!

Re: Feature: How One Magazine Told The World About Pokémon


@Raphi7 coax probably wasn’t a good word for me to use! Of course I won’t push her in any way, she will like what she likes and that’s fine by me. If it happens to be games, I’ll be very happy.

Given how she already tries to grab controllers from me when I’m playing in front of her, I think she may already be a gamer. The best was when I handed her an unplugged SNES controller when I was playing for real, she was bashing it alongside me. It was so adorable, I can’t wait to play games with her for real.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


@roadrunner343 thanks, I did think it would work but normally I see this mentioned so wasn’t sure.

I would love to get their NES/Famicom Analogue console, but I can’t justify its cost, especially as I don’t hold much nostalgia for the console (I was more Master System / Mega Drive until the SNES). I’m happy with my little AV Famicom at the moment, but I’m always keeping an eye out for the original Analogue ones, if they ever re-release them at a cheaper price.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


@sdelfin yeah, I must say it’s much harder to argue the original/RGB/CRT route is the best when the Super NT looks and plays as good as it does. Especially if you didn’t grow up with the consoles back in the day.

I’ll always keep my consoles and CRTs for as long as they function, but I’m glad there’s an acceptable alternative for me now. The only downside is that I don’t see the FGPA route going past the PS1 and N64 era anytime soon, but that’s still plenty to be getting on with!

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


I have commented on here many times about how I prefer original hardware, RGB, and a CRT (I have a PVM but even my ‘portable’ 14” no brand CRT looks great). And I still think this is the best way to play these consoles.

However, my set up is relegated to our second lounge, and because I want to spend most of my time with my wife and daughter in our main lounge with the HD TV, I wasn’t getting to play my retro consoles as often as I’d like. So I went against all my preaching and bought the Analogue Super NT.

I’m so glad I did. It truly is an amazing clone console, and I never realised how good SNES games can look on a 40” HD TV. I still say original hardware and CRT is the best way to play. But being able to spend more time playing these games is just as important too.

I’ll definitely buy this at some point. Hopefully second hand after someone has already imported it. The postage + import duty to the UK is quite a hit.

I presume this will work with the Mega Everdrive X7?

Re: Polymega Answers Critics With 25 Minutes Of Sega Saturn Gameplay Footage


I’d personally love a Saturn Classic Mini in the same vein as NES/SNES/PS1. This Polymega certainly looks intriguing, but isn’t something I’ll ever buy given its price. I would love a convenient way to enjoy some of the best Saturn games, as it’s a console I’ll never purchase or collect for (I missed that boat!), but I’d love to play some of the games.

Doesn’t look promising though, given what I hear about the difficulty in emulation. Can’t imagine SEGA or ATgames are up to the task going from their recent efforts.

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@Damo I do enjoy the photos you do of your games and systems on these types of articles. Glad to see it’s not just Nintendo games and systems getting the love!

I only just bought a PSP end of last year, and I’m gutted I didn’t get one much sooner. Since then I’ve amassed over 50 games, most good or great, because they’re so cheap. And I must say I do love those little UMDs. Totally impractical of course, but for someone who plays only at home they’re a great little novelty. They remind of the mini discs from Sony in the late 90’s, just before MP3 players hit the big time. Sony do have a bit of a track record when it comes to failed media!

Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?


Just done a quick google search. Unless I’m mistaken, it seems that copy of Yellow Box PAL Super Mario World sealed with red strip could be worth £8,000+ alone! A copy of it appeared to have sold on eBay back in 2013 at that price anyway. I might have misunderstood, but if not that’s insane!

I regret selling my SNES collection back in 2005. It wasn’t huge, but going from prices today it would probably be worth close to £10k. Think I sold it for around the £1k mark. If only I could go back in the DeLorean and tell myself this! I recall importing Earthbound from the US for about £80, which I thought was loads back then. Now it sells for about £500+, I should have stocked up!

I’m happy with my collection now though. I have a CRT, many everdrives and modded disc based systems, so I have access to pretty much any game I could want to play (just missing the Mega Drive and PC Engine). And I play and enjoy them, rather than look at them in a box or a shelf. Mind you, I still have quite a lot of games, you can never lose that collector’s urge completely.

Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure


Great read, thanks. I plan to get a Mega Drive and Everdrive at some point for Master System and Mega Drive Games. Might get a 32X too if my curiosity is high enough when the time comes.

Luckily I already have a small collection of Mega Drive power supplies, thanks to them seemingly being able to power pretty much every Japanese retro console I have! Shame you can’t plug them in next to each other in the same power strip though as they’re so big!

Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion Super SD System 3 Unlocks The Entire PC Engine Library


Like the sound of this. I was contemplating the Everdrive for the PCE but that didn’t cover the CD games.

I’ll admit to not having a clue about all the different iterations of PCE consoles, so if I was looking to get one console that can play ALL games via this device, which one should it be? Is that even possible?

Also, in terms of PAL consoles is the hardware locked down to 50hz like a PAL SNES, or can it output 60hz if ntsc software is used via this device?

Re: Feature: Neo Geo's First Flash Cart Is Here, So What Now For Switch-Owning SNK Fans?


@tanookisuit I've got all the Nintendo ones (incl. the Game Boy ones, and SD2SNES rather than the Super ED), and they've been a revelation. I've got Jap consoles so I get full NTSC 60hz gameplay, and just play the US ROMs from them. Much better than spending £1,000's on inferior PAL carts.

I actually like the fact that the NES/SNES ones aren't 100% compatible either. It means I've still had to buy a few carts for those games that I want to play, like the FX chip games on the SNES or the NES games with audio chips like the Jap version of Castlevania 3. I scratch that collecting itch but in the most efficient way possible. And I get to enjoy the games, which ultimately is what it's all about. Playing Conker on the N64 a few months ago without having to pay £150+ was joy.

Re: Feature: Take A Tour Of The UK's Most Incredible Retro Game Store


I went there a few months ago on a day trip to York as I live not too far away (Leeds). It really was a great shop. I bought some Super Famicom games from memory.

I hope they do sort out their online presence, it was a real shame knowing all that goodness was available but not easy to access. I also hope their second store is in Leeds if it's in Yorkshire still.

Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True


@ThanosReXXX without being able to test both the OSSC and FM together on various models of TVs and see the results in person, I will always go with the Framemeister, even at the higher cost.

I was looking to buy a new TV at the same time, and with no idea whether that TV would be able to handle the OSSC's higher resolution outputs, I didn't want to risk it. Plus the lack of composite input is a deal breaker.

Ultimately all my research led me to one conclusion: HDTVs are rubbish for retro games and even when spending hundreds of £'s on processing devices you still have to make compromises. In the end I'd rather play my retro games on a 14" CRT. My no brand Maxim CRT produces a better picture than my Sony and LG LCD TV.

But luckily I have a Sony PVM and have been allowed to keep it for the foreseeable future. In the meantime I'm going to buy a couple more 14" CRTs to store in the loft, so I should be set to retro game on a CRT well into my retirement 😀

Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True


I've recently been researching this and the Framemeister as it was looking like I was going to have to lose my CRT/PVM for retro gaming, although luckily I can keep it now.

I must say I struggle to see the benefits of this over the Framemeister. Many positives I hear about the OSSC is that it doesn't add input lag. Which is true, but it only outputs 480p in a normal mode that most displays will accept. This means you're relying on your HDTV to upscale, which as I understand it will do a much worse job than something like the Framemeister and add more lag. Hence I was always going to get the Framemeister if I had to lose my PVM. Also the OSSC can't receive composite or S video unlike the FM, which meant I would have had to spend £200+ to get an RGB modded Famicom.

I still miss the pictures from CRTs, especially progressive ones. LCDs are just fundamentally rubbish compared to them. Lag, motion blur, rubbish contrast, rubbish blacks. When you compare them side by side there is no contest.

I really hope OLED ends up being the true replacement for CRTs' picture quality. It's only taken about 15 years!

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@FlameRunnerFast I'm not really against emulators or the ROM scene (whatever you want to call it). In fact it's because of that scene I have access to some of the best, most obscure retro games that were ever released. What I am against are people using the preservation arguement so casually, to justify them using emulators to play ROMs they don't own legally. I don't really have a problem with people doing that if they want to (for non-current retro systems of course), I just don't like people trying to excuse it in such a way. I prefer flash carts to emulators myself (as I much prefer playing on original hardware to PCs), but ultimately I'm playing illegal ROMs on them. I don't pretend otherwise. The law is pretty black and white in such matters, regardless of whether you can buy said game legally today, or the original publishers/developers still exist. Having a ROM for a game you don't own is illegal.

What you describe about the link to the official Wii eShop to buy the games legally, before the unofficial 'enhancement' is done is a great idea. Obviously that still limits the games to what you can buy digitally today (a drop in the ocean really) but it should certainly be encouraged where possible.

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@Switch81tch I thought it was interesting too. Although just reading up on it a bit more, that file extension became a default (like .sfc) for SNES ROM files in general so it doesn't actually mean all .smc files you come across were originally copied from that device. But still interesting to know the history.

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@Switch81tch yes. They were uploaded to the internet.

EDIT: just to add as it's a fair argument. Even the most legally created ROM in the world (it's so legal you can call it a judge) becomes illegal the moment it appears on the internet. Regardless of the intentions of the creator and uploader.

Also SNES ROMs with the file extension '.smc'. Created from a device called the Super Magic Card. An illegal copying device from the 90's. Used during the time when the SNES was still active (certainly in Japan).

Let's not pretend ROMs don't exist because of pirates back in the day. I'm thankful. But let's not pretend.

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


The whole "preservation" argument for ROMs and emulators is used too casually and in most instances is complete nonsense. People using this argument so casually are not helping their cause.

Most ROMs on the internet were not created for preservation. They were created by Pirates illegally. They wouldn't even pass the requirements for true preservation because they do not bear any resemblance to the actual ROMs on the cartridges/discs (e.g. headers, devices not being up to the standard for true preservation, ROMs hacked so rubbish emulators can play them etc). True preservation is not a hobby. It's a real, complex and professional activity. It should not be used in such a flippant manner.

Also, emulators were not created for preservation (except one, see below). They were created by people who wanted to play these ROMs for free on a PC. None of them (except one) anywhere near represents the hardware they are supposed to be 'preserving'. If they were for preservation, then why would emulators like CEMU exist? You know, for a console that can still be purchased at the time of its inception? Most emulators exist as a hobby for the hacking community, and for people to play ROMs on them, regardless of how said ROMs were obtained. Preservation just seems to be the buzz word and excuse that people who use them shout in defence of themselves these days. It's nonsense.

If you really must insist you're using an emulator for preservation purposes, and as such are retro gaming's salvation, then use Higane with your own clean dumped ROMs. That's the only true emulator for preservation purposes that I'm aware of, as it was specifically created to perfectly emulate the SNES hardware. The guy even used special techniques to scan all the chips like the DSPs! But you won't use Higane will you? As it requires a powerful PC, and you're not really into game preservation, you just want to play retro games for free and you use that as your excuse, don't you? Which is fine. Just stop pretending.

I own most of the Everdrives and an SD2SNES because I want access to every retro consoles' game library on original hardware. Not because I'm some amazing champion of game preservation and deserve a pat on the back and am the salvation of retro gaming kind. I own many original cartridges because I love owning them and playing them that way. I own loads of VC games because I want to support the rereleases of retro games. But at the same time I know both of these methods will never get me anywhere near to full ownership of all the retro games I want to play. So I use Everdrives and download ROMs from the internet. It's illegal, even if I own the game (as it's not a ROM I dumped myself for backup purposes). That's a fact, plain and simple. I won't dress it up in 'preservation'. I'm happy to take that risk to allow me to play games I would not otherwise get a chance to. Some people use emulators to do this. Fine. Just please, for goodness sake, stop saying you're doing it because you're a 'preservationist'. You're not.

And those saying 'it's illegal'. Yes we know, but we're happy with that if it means we can enjoy the best and elusive games a system has to offer, or experience some of the best Japanese games with fan translations. Sounds a lot more fun than sticking 100% to the letter of the law to me. Yes, we sleep soundly at night with our morals intact. And no, anarchy has not ensued.

I'm done now, I'm going to 'preserve' my sanity and stop this wall of text there....

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


I was worried when I first saw this, but by the end I realised most of my flashcarts fall into the low or zero risk category. Phew. I don't mind too much if the hardware wears out, as that's still pretty cheap to replace. Flashcarts aren't though, I wouldn't want to have to keep replacing those!

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@Kalmaro but what about when there is no legal way to buy that game anymore, other than to buy second hand for £100+ to some 'collector' on eBay, of which no money goes back to Nintendo or the original developer or publisher? I personally buy lots of VC games as a means to own retro games legally and give some money back to the owners, but I end up playing them on my Everdrives anyway because I prefer original hardware. I agree with your point about the preservation excuse. Emulators and ROMs are hardly ever true preservation as they end up bearing little resemblance to what they're supposedly preserving, having to be hacked to death just to work. Only the Higane emulator can use that excuse, as it's a work of genius.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader


I own this on the cube, but I really don't see the appeal. I'm not into Star Wars at all (I still don't think I've seen a film all the way through), but I like Star Fox so I assumed I'd like this, but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe one to go back to I think, it worked for Castlevania which I never liked but recently I 'got it' and now I think it's ace