Comments 89

Re: The Worst Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Games Of All Time


That is a pretty solid list. Most of these I hadn't played, but I remember the disappointment of Strider's Return, and Rise of the Robots. I wanted that game to be the future of fighting games (because of the graphics and the magazine previews about it)... And it was terrible.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 19th)


I have fallen in love with Infernax and will be finishing up my first playthrough. I feel like it is definitely one of the best homages to Castlevania 2 and Zelda 2 I have ever seen.

Sometimes I think the whole modern retro thing is overdone, and then I play gems like this.

If I have any other time this weekend, I'm going to play some Castlevania 3. After all of these years playing it here and there, I'm going to try and beat it.

Re: Future Of Famous Seattle Retro Game Store In Doubt Following Armed Robbery


@TheBigK I don't think they are specifically a target, it is that EVERYWHERE in Seattle is vulnerable now. I lived there for a short while about 11 years ago, and almost all of the friends and family I know over there has moved. Seattle is a pretty disgusting place these days, and businesses have had to close left and right due to safety issues.

Re: Round Up: Here's What Reviewers Made Of Final Fantasy 7 Back In 1997


I remember arguing with several of my friends about this game back in the day, because there were so many other RPGs on the PS1 that I liked better. I really like several Final Fantasy games, but 7 just never clicked for me. The summons were very cool, though. Other than that, meh. I had way more fun with games like Legend of Dragoon, the Lunar remakes, etc.

Re: Best PlayStation Games


So, this was an interesting console generation for me. I had a total love/hate relationship with the PS1 and N64. I absolutely HATED 3D graphics on these consoles, especially after the crisp and colorful look of games from the SNES and Genesis.

There were a lot of great games, but dang it felt like most of them made my eyes want to bleed. The first Legacy of Kain, the Oddworld games, and Castlevania: SotN looked fantastic though. Once the PS2 came out, I was then really impressed by what 3D worlds looked like.

Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games


I can't say strongly enough how much I loved my Genesis. Between it and my best friend's SNES, we had no shortage of amazing games to play. It really was a fantastic time to be a gamer.

This system just had amazing game after game after game to play! So many of them hold up today too.

One game I would have added to the list though? Eternal Champions. It is still one of my favorite fighting games, and one that really needs a 3rd entry. (The sequel on Sega CD was great too)

Re: Best SNES Games


@Axelay71 You're absolutely right. The NES era was incredible for starting so much, but the 16-bit made everything even better, and created so much more. It was a great time to be alive.

Re: Best SNES Games


Oh man... This system still astounds me to this day. The SNES truly had something for every type of player. Truly a one of a kind.

I agree with @BloodNinja . This site is wonderful!!

Re: The Making Of Split/Second


This was such a great game! A couple friends of mine and I easily put 100 hours into it in total. Triggering Power Plays was a total talking at the water cooler moment for us, and I always wished for a sequel. Still holds up today.

Re: Welcome To Time Extension


Congratulations on the new site! This is exactly what I have been looking for. Would love to see some new reviews on older games, as well as tips and tricks on old games, etc.

I have been playing a bunch of collections of old games lately, so this is just the perfect time for me!

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