Comments 75

Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System


I am definitely not in the right demographic that this device is appealing to. Which is why I just don't find the game selection all that interesting.

But I do think it's cool that this device exists, and does seem to be getting support. When I first saw it announced, I wrote it off as yet another one and done retro-gimmick that would flop and never get further support.

I am frankly amazed that in the era of software piracy we now live, something like this is selling at all well. Guess it's a reminder that just because a crowd is loud, doesn't mean they're necessarily everywhere.

Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems


Even if it were releasing flawlessly, it doesn't support the game consoles I'd be most interested in.

I would want it to support Game Boy, GBC, GBA, N64 and Gamecube. These are the systems I have a lot of actual physical games for that I'd also want to play and I don't already have half a dozen other platforms that I can get them on very easily.

Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming


"before reading on, yes this piece will indeed be talking about the shady practice of using ROMs, so if that kind of discussion brings you out in hives, we'd advise you navigate away from this page immediately"

This was rude and uncalled for. If you the writer cannot handle the honest concerns people have about piracy perhaps you shouldn't be writing a public article like this.

Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster


Why should I believe this guy? Does he have any solid proof it's Nintendo's fault? Is there any 3rd party who can verify what he is saying? Why would Phil Spencer say it was a rights issue if Nintendo somehow could put a stop to it?

And frankly, MS doesn't deserve Nintendo, even if they could force a buyout.

Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year


The reviews of the unit I have seen have been quite positive but the logistics issues they have had suggest the might need to hire some business types to help actually get the product on the market.

I love the idea of this machine but it doesn't feature the consoles I would most want, N64, Game Boy, GBA and GameCube.

Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS


It still baffles me how mobile gaming has developed. How there has never been a successful gaming phone.

I love Nintendo, but if Samsung and Apple had released a line of gaming phones, starting back around 2009ish, the entire market would likely be radically different today.

Now I think mobile gaming it too entrenched in gatcha and touch screen mechanics. But if iPhones and Galaxies had traditional gaming controls, maybe built in, or as an attachable device fully integrated with the firmware (rather than 3rd party things) then mobile gaming would likely have evolved very differently.

Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive


@StevenG It's not a scam. It's a company putting it all together in one neat and tidy package, with custom done software and updates supported. All a person needs to do is buy it and plug it in and they can shelve their old consoles. No messing with ripping games to your PC or buying sketch USB adapters. No special software, no emulator downloads from suspicious host sites, none of that.

This isn't the product for the all in hard core emulator fan, this is for the casual gamer with a closet full of old games they'd love to revisit on a modern TV.

It ain't the best thing ever, but it's not a scam either. At least no as far as I can tell. I've watching NL and MVG for years now, and though they can make mistakes, I don't think either would knowingly push a scam.

Re: Hardware Review: Should You Import The Japanese Mega Drive Mini?


I don't like these mini consoles as a general rule of thumb because I would prefer these collections of games on modern consoles instead - and in fact we have gotten many of these games on Switch already from Sega.

But I have to say the choice of a better controller in Asia is really weird. Even I had the 6 button controller with my Genesis in the US, so it's not like it was some obscure thing in the west.

Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics


@JayJ Yeah I am just not that interested in the retro classics they have on here. 80s arcade games are well before my time. I grew up with Game Boy, GBA, N64 and Gamecube. That's the nostalgia I have and hope to see more support for. Game Boy and GBA have about 17,000 emulators but like, no decent clone hardware. I'd love a GBA clone that dumps GBA roms from cartridges, but also supports save states and speed up functions, all with a nice 2019 quality mobile screen.

Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box


This thing paradoxically makes me think both that it's making really big promises, and yet not quite delivering what I would want.

The website proudly boasts supporting over 30 systems! Wow! What a deal! But in reality that is not really the case. It supports about 7 systems and their various add-ons and peripherals and the international versions of the same system. I don't really think it is right to consider Playstation NA, Playstation Pal and Playstation Japan as 3 different systems, for example.

And what it doesn't support kills it for me personally. No N64, Game Boy/GBA which are the systems I would most want to see on a device like this along with the Mega Drive, Playstation, SNES, NES and the Sega machines.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


@Nico07 It's as unique to Nintendo as bottle water is a Coca-Cola company product...

It's most clearly visible in the smartphone industry, with companies outright refusing to support older models. Even when their apps and services could still run on a device with those performance specifications. But car companies, appliance companies, game and PC companies do it too. Countless are the stories of people reporting problems beginning after factory warranties expire and that is no coincidence.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


"planned obsolescence" Is indeed a very real and very serious problem I don't see enough people talking about. Companies don't want you to use their products past a few years. It is not a coincidence how many products begin to fail right after the factory warranty expires.

Long gone are the days of lifetime guarantees and products designed to last decades. From game systems to refrigerators to automobiles to smartphones, products are designed to fail after a certain point to push consumers to buy new ones.

Re: Hardware Review: To Enjoy The New BittBoy, You'll Need To Get Your Hands Dirty


Wait, in-game saves don't work? This thing is absolutely worthless! Take Pokemon Gold for example. You know what happens when you beat the Elite 4? You watch the credits and go back to the title screen. If you have no in-game save, you just lost your entire adventure. Or you reload your save state and cannot progress through the second half of the game.

The lack of GBA and SNES support would also kill any hope for this device for me, but even before that, the lack of support for SAVING GAMES normally, is a complete deal breaker!

Re: Feature: How One Magazine Told The World About Pokémon


There is absolutely nothing wrong with expressing your hobbies as an adult. My father continued building model cars, collecting Hot Wheels and watching the 1960's "Lost in Space" (for which he had all sorts of collectibles, even dolls of the characters) right up until his health finally stripped those hobbies from him. He was nearly 60 years old.

I despise this idea that once you become an adult you must cast aside your hobbies, or hide them from "normal people". While it's true that society demands a certain level of tact, that doesn't mean you must or should hide what you enjoy. So long as you aren't hurting anyone or yourself then you should be fully able to be yourself at any age.

And SHAME on anyone who tells you otherwise!

Re: Feature: One Company Is Retrofitting Classic Systems With HDMI Output Without Costing The Earth


I am glad companies are doing this. Now if someone could make an HDMI split box that doesn't suck, I'd be in business.

When using something like an HDMI split box the security feature "handshake" often fails, leading to a picture flickering in and out. It's quite inconsistent and annoying. Sometimes it will be fine for days, even weeks. Other times it will look like a sugar-high kid playing with a light switch... I have encountered this on 2 different TV and with several different boxes.

Still, getting everything to HDMI is great and I hope companies stick with HDMI for a good long time.

Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism


This system is both offering too much to take it at face value, and yet missing things I would want from a device like this. I want N64, Game Boy and Game Boy Advance support.

But the biggest issue I see happening here is licensing. Do they have permission to support all these platforms? I feel like they could get stuck in legal limbo if any of these companies, Sony, Nintendo, Sega and the rest decide to sue.

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