

Aiming for knowledge and fun!

Comments 92

Re: Talking Point: Why Do So Many Japanese RPGs Take Place In European Fantasy Settings?


@Sketcz Oh, I do agree with some points made by Rica, just felt that some precisations were necessary like the history of guns in Japan and that for this specific topic it wasn't necessary to go back relatively that far into the past!
The thing is, the fascination for Western cultures started even earlier than Meiji even though it had a boom in that period, let's not forget Rangaku during the Edo era for example, and before that Japan adopted Chinese and Korean models... which brings me back to my point: while of course past events contributed to it, Japanese RPGs mostly take place in European Fantasy settings primarily because of the influences mentioned by you and others at that specific time, for example jidaigeki TV shows etc. not being cool for Japanese kids at the time as Matt Fitsko mentioned.
That said, the what if scenario you proposed is a quite interesting topic on its own!

Re: Talking Point: Why Do So Many Japanese RPGs Take Place In European Fantasy Settings?


@Sketcz There's a typo if you want to correct it, "did manga based in a huge variety of mythologies", "based in" instead of "based on".
Anyway, great article! I would argue against the first paragraph of Rica Matsumura's opinion since the aspects mentioned are about earlier periods of the history of Japan.
First, while of course Western culture had developed even better guns by the time Japan reopened, guns had long been known thanks to China since the 13th century and even Portuguese ones had been introduced in the 16th century.
Second, while the fascination with Western culture never died, what is specifically described is more typical of the Meiji era because starting from the Taishō era there has been the emergence of Japanese novels over imported ones and in more recent periods different products of Western culture became more prominent like movies and computer games.
In conclusion, I think that there are much more relevant reasons for the predominance of European fantasy settings in Japanese RPGs like the ones you and others stated, including Matsumura except for what I mentioned!

Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives


@Damo There's a typo if you want to correct it, "We've been releasing titles weekly week since March 3rd, 2017" instead of just "weekly", plus the one pointed out by @Mario500.
Anyway, great interview and reminder that I should check at least some of the Arcade Archives games when I have the chance to support Hamster as I really appreciate the wealth and variety in its catalogue!

Re: Anniversary: Zelda: Link's Awakening Is 30 Years Old Today


Happy anniversary Link's Awakening!
I didn't have it when I was a kid so I played it only on emulator back then, absolutely loved it and so bought the Deluxe version on 3DS and the remake on Switch (glad we got Deluxe on NSO as well) when they came out!
@carlos82 Hope we'll get at least remakes of the other Capcom Zeldas, but new games in this style would be absolutely welcome, too!
@JackGYarwood Didn't know the original had such a glitch, interesting!
@strenny Yep, there's already an article here on Time Extension about that and other things Moyse did:

Re: I Just Fixed This Obscure Unlicensed NES Game


The journey to solve this "glitch" was quite interesting, thanks for sharing the various possible solutions for those interested in playing this game without debug mode on (and also for making those who hadn't heard of it at all before like me discover it)!

Re: "Forgotten" Zelda Adventure Gets Ported To Game Boy


@Sketcz Unfortunate to hear you had such issues with the GB version, hope they'll eventually be fixed (even better if by the time I play it myself)!
Yeah, fingers crossed for a remaster to have a much better way to play the original just like Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon.

Re: "Forgotten" Zelda Adventure Gets Ported To Game Boy


Finally the Zelda CDi game that needed the most not just a remaster (like Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon did) but a recreation got it, kudos to John Lay for making it, I'll absolutely play it when I can (even more so since it's for the Game Boy as I'm a sucker for the GB/C Zeldas aesthetic)!

Re: Random: Fan Discovers Hidden Function For Ocarina Of Time's "Useless" Ice Arrows


Didn't know about this, pretty cool (pun intended) and while it's practically useless in vanilla I agree with your comment about it being potentially useful in randomizers at least!
@EarthboundBenjy That I have seen/heard before either from randomizers or someone playing the Shadow Temple after the Spirit temple even in vanilla as some people do.
@RupeeClock That use of the Ice Rod/Ether Medalion is also new to me so thanks for sharing it!

Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment


First Dream Land 2 was surprisingly added to NSO so early despite not being among the announced games allowing more people to play it for the first time or replay it officially and now a fan even made a DX version, love to see all the love for this game!

Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Legendary Plumber's Oddest Adventure


Even leaving the Mario aspect aside, from what I've played (I certainly didn't finish it) I feel that Mario Is Missing is a good example of what "edutainment" shouldn't be: you should strive to make learning easier by showing what you want to teach through visuals, sounds, fun and varied gameplay (like @gaga64 said each world feels just like a reskin) etc., not dumping it on kids as is!

Re: Anniversary: Mario Kart Wii is 15


Happy anniversary Mario Kart Wii, had a lot of fun playing you back in the day (except for the ridiculous conditions to get even just 1 star which is required for certain unlockables)!
Plus, let's not forget there are still so many people playing it nowadays even online thanks to the modding community!

Re: Anniversary: WarioWare Is Now 20 Years Old


Happy Birthday WarioWare, such a funny and fun series (glad that the Switch got a completely new game and now the first one on NSO)!
@Ryu_Niiyama The original is still great, was so happy to see it as part of the NSO GBA launch lineup!
@goldbricks23 Since we're getting Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually added also GBA motion games, including Twisted, to NSO.
@TheBigBlue Happy you finally gave WarioWare a try and especially that you like it!
@Grackler Got introduced to the series thanks to the GameCube entry and yep, its multiplayer was (and still would be if I had someone to play it with) really good!
@HammerGalladeBro Honestly, most games in this series are fantastic (yes, even Game & Wario in its own way). Really recommend getting Gold if you have the chance and I quite enjoyed Get It Together, too!

Re: Random: Tim Stamper Has To Lick 25-Year-Old Chocolate BAFTA Because Banjo-Kazooie Won A Twitter Tournament


There's no contest since Banjo & Kazooie help each other throughout the whole adventure unlike Zelda & Link who more often than not only do so during the final fight if at all and even in Spirit Tracks it's only in the Tower of Spirits (at first I only saw Link so I thought it was Link & Navi which would've made more sense even though still not comparable).
There would've been much better competitors, for example Mario & Luigi like @Maulbert said!

Re: Interview: Konami Legends Reveal The Secrets Of The Arcade Hit Factory


Great interview!
What interested me the most was the part about Asterix since I used to play that game as a kid whenever we went on vacation to a certain seaside location as there was an arcade that had it there at the time and it was so much fun, especially because it really felt like an Asterix comic book/animated movie (fingers crossed Konami will eventually rerelease it)!

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?


The memories that came to mind are all about the shops where I bought, almost didn't or straight up couldn't buy certain games.
The first one is a toy shop which is quite nostalgic to me since it's close to home and that's where my parents bought me most toys and videogames when I was a kid. Unfortunately it shut down some time ago.
The second one is another shop in my city which I remember quite vividly because I didn't expect to find videogames there. I got a couple of GameCube games there, including Mario Party 5, so when I was slightly older.
The third one is a GameStop in my city where I remember getting mostly DS and Wii games so even later in my life, but the relatively interesting part is that it was in the same building as a movie theater so I often hanged out there before and/or after watching films.
The fourth one is a Gamepeople in my city where I got some 3DS, Wii U and maybe even Switch (not sure about the latter) so not that long ago, but also not that recently which I remember also because they held a Smash tournament there. I lost the first match, but because of that I ended up in the loser bracket where I won every match and so took part in the final where I unfortunately lost again.
The fifth one is yet another shop in my city that had a copy of Mario Tennis 64 (we're going back in time for this and the next one) so my parents asked for it on my behalf, but they told us they couldn't sell it for some reason that I don't remember so unfortunately I ended up missing that game back in the day.
The last one is a shop in Firenze (Florence) where we found a copy of Paper Mario. My sister and/or I weren't sure about getting it because we didn't know what "paper" meant in English so we thought it meant duck instead because that's what "papero" means in Italian and the unusual artwork certainly didn't help. Still, somehow we ended up getting it and good thing we did since I fell in love with it as soon as I started playing!

Re: Anniversary: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Is 15 Today


Happy anniversary Brawl, probably the Smash game I played the most since I have a friend who absolutely loves the Boss Battles Mode!
One of my favorite Smash games thanks to that and so much else (the Subspace Emissary, the first Challenges in the series, Stickers, the first Stage Builder, Coin Launcher, Masterpieces, even the Chronicle etc.)!

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


When I was younger I used to emulate not only older games, but even current-gen ones from time to time simply because I couldn't get those games myself.
Now that I can I practically always buy the games I'm interested in to support the developers, but if it weren't for me doing that at the time I wouldn't be as much of a Nintendo and videogame fan as I am now (and would even be less experienced in my field of study, Japanese).
Therefore, I don't care if people emulate any game, but I strongly encourage them to support the developers whenever possible.

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