Comments 155

Re: Anniversary: Panzer Dragoon Turns 30 Today


@Ristar24 I never had a Saturn but the hauntingly beautiful screenshots and evocative name of Panzer Dragoon lived strongly in my consciousness for a long time. I picked up the Switch remake and ugh those graphics - it was like a shiny plastic toy version; a default-Unity-materials version.
I tend to write lots of comments like this, but the wobbly, low-poly-count aesthetic with crisp unfiltered textures and no antialiasing was what gave PS1 and Saturn games their charm and nostalgia value. When the console is working its hardest just to slap 200 polygons on the screen, that's when stunning art direction and clever texture tricks make you go "whoa". Taking something like that and rebuilding it with bland modern 3D models of bugs and dragons that we've all seen 1000 times before, only serves to rob it of its visual identity.

Re: Review: Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog (Switch) - A Mech-Based Adventure That Plays As Good As It Looks


Looks fantastic, and going by this review it sounds fantastic. Personally I'm relieved that the branching paths are mostly insubstantial. I don't have time to finish the same game over and over again (it's a happy day when I find myself actually finishing a game at all) and it's a bitter pill to have to decide what content I'm going to turn my back on forever. Give me one good story, with maybe a couple of opportunities for minor self expression along the way, and I'm a happy gamer.

Re: The PS3 Version Of 'Like A Dragon: Ishin!' Is Now Playable In English


@Sketcz ha ha, what I meant was: I've not played this game so I wouldn't know what specific content is in either version. But someone out there had to be incredibly attached to something about the PS3 Japanese version which isn't in the PS4 English version, in order to put so much time and effort into this project. And usually when people are complaining about this kind of thing it's usually because the newer localised version covered up some skin somewhere or cut some risqué or problematic scenes.

Re: 'Bubble Dreams 3D' Is A Vaporwave, Monkey Ball-Style Game Made In Just 48 Hours


Looks great, I'll be all over this. Hypnagogia was a fantastic experience: a longer, more interesting, and more creative game than the half-hour vibefest I was expecting (and would have been happy enough with already to be honest). Surely can't expect as much meat on the bones of a 48-hour game jam thing such as this one, but I'm confident that it will be a good time.

Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?


@Daggot I think in general we have a long way to go before games made mostlly by AI are the standard. Between indie passion projects and AAA tentpole fare, human authorship and creativity are still undeniably important.

But for stuff like this though, retro remaster #278? I would not be at all surprised if the people in charge truly are working their hardest to find a way to funnel the whole workflow through AI. Even Rockstar Games did it with the GTA trilogy: it was one thing for the character models to look weird and the modernised tech to ruin the carefully-crafted atmosphere, but when the new shop sign textures became gibberish it was clear that we were playing the result of of a clumsy machine job as opposed to the content-filled work of art that was the originals.

Re: Unreleased Atari Jaguar Title 'Livewire' Getting Physical Release Decades Later


Dear god, it's hideous! Fast floaty movement in a confined space, with a camera so close that it needs to bob up and down with every vertical movement and enemies that you'd crash into well before ever seeing. I mean, I'm glad that these guys' work is getting surfaced after all these years, but it really does scream "artless and misguided use of tech" in a quintessentially Jaguar way.

Re: Best Of 2024: The GTA Games, Ports And Expansions We Never Got To Play


I played a VR mod of GTA V once. It was a very impressive undertaking for an unofficial hack of the regular, non-optimised-for-VR game. I think my framerate hovered around 45ish on an RTX 2070 super (essentially 90fps divided by 2 for each eye).
GTA in VR was my dream. It was what I'd spent over €1000 on an Index in the hope of one day experiencing. And, well... It was an "experience". Not too dissimilar to the other "experiences" on VR. I walked around a bit until I felt sick; then spent another evening driving around which lasted a bit longer. In no way was I going to engage in any high-octane shootouts or police chases. Of course it would have been better if it were running at a higher Hz. But honestly it played a big part in that headset getting packed away into storage before long. The dream of VR just isn't real. It's not worth it. We can have simplified experiences, or weird Myst-like workarounds where you warp from spot to spot, but full immersive open-world freedom just doesn't have legs. It's pretty cool for car racing (and probably other cockpit style games) but even then if you can stomach to stay in there for more than 45 minutes at a time then my hat goes off to you.

Re: AYANEO's Next Handheld Fixes What Nintendo Couldn't With Switch


@RetroGames I think the sensible dream is an either-or situation. If I could (temporarily!) swap out my right joycon for one which has an N64 6-button layout (also useful for fighting games) then that would be really cool for emulation; there's no need for both the controller to be detachable and the modules within it to be detachable. It would also mean that they have more real estate on the thing to shuffle the bits around. And let's be honest, if we're really talking about Nintendo then they would never make a console whose core controller experience is an admission that big N doesn't always know best. A buyable, specific option for specific enthusiasts would work though, similarly to the full-sized retro controllers that they released for the Switch.

Re: Sounds Like Duke Nukem's Voice Actor Wants To Buy The Rights To The Character


@hste I have to agree - the guy would need a kickstarter just to buy the rights; he'd definitely need to go begging again somehow to actually make something with them. It reminds me of the peak/trough of personality-driven crowdfunders, before people in general started to wise up.
On the other hand, there is a high probability that the guy is simply tweeting out idle thoughts, without any intention of following up on them.

Re: Feature: MiSTer Pi Is Our Pick For The Best Retro Hardware Of 2024


I have to admit, after getting hyped up over the $100 USD price, I was a bit miffed that that doesn't include everything you need to actually use it (e.g. no RAM). $150 won't break the bank, but it just kind of felt like selling a car without any wheels.
In the end I talked myself out of it. I own a dozen devices which can do software emulation just fine, and I don't even use that anymore really. My backlog of non-retro games on Switch and PC is daunting enough, and most of the absolute classics are available natively now too. The day that FF7 was announced for the Switch was a game changer for me as I had long planned to hack that thing.
I'm really happy that FPGA products like this exist for the devoted fans, but in the end, though I love the classics, I'm just not connoisseur enough for it to matter to me.

Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console


"Furthermore, after learning that you actually owned that Lamborghini, it is now our official legal position that you're a super cool dude and probably a massive hit with the ladies. Please write us back if you want to be friends."

Yeah this is the final straw; I thought it was a bunch of clueless clowns, but it's clearly just been an attention seeking project from the start.

Re: This Is How You Sell A ZX Spectrum Game In 2024


I love those giant, stylish, imposing background characters made of triangles and squares. I admit I've never played a Spectrum game in my life but I've seen a lot of screenshots and videos, and I've never seen anyone do something like that with it. What a great way to work with the limitations instead of struggling against them.

Re: Atari Jaguar Emulation Has Arrived On iPhone


@Sketcz I'd recommend you try running Linux in a VM or on an old PC/laptop first, if you have one, rather than jump in with both feet for a big switch from Windows. I've been Linux-curious for about 15 years now; done the VM thing or the old laptop thing about 10 separate times for various reasons. Every time though, I come out of it wanting to write a ragepost like your one above about the emulators! Stuff just doesn't work with Linux and I can't for the life of me understand how it is so popular. Apps and libraries have cyclic dependencies so a lot of time you just can't install stuff at all. Crucial download repos seem to just not exist at the expected URL. I have never ever been able to get Wine working. Wine! Possibly the most popular app on Linux! What in the world am I doing wrong? Why can't I just download an app installer, run it, and then the app is installed and works?
But it must be working for someone though, right? Maybe everyone except for me! So what I mean to say is that you should probably try it out and see if it actually works for your use case. One thing that's great about Linux is that it's easy to spin it up and try it out at least.

Re: Anniversary: Sega Saturn, The Most Successful Console "Flop" Of All Time, Turns 30 Today


Not sure if it's just me not understanding the sentence properly, but in my view history has done the opposite of dirty to the Saturn. In its day it was a complete and utter disaster (from a western perspective at least) - not worth buying for most people and a constant source of angst and frustration for those who did invest in it. Only now, in the age of nostalgic gaming historians, is it so frequently brought up as a lost gem of a platform. Only now, after every man and his dog has spent a million hours playing and written a million words dissecting the PS1 and the N64, is the Saturn's unpopular library now "fresh" and "unique". It is indeed fresh! Because I never played it before! Because barely anyone did! Now that the Saturn is "history", it has become far more interesting and sought-after than it ever was when it was contemporary.

Re: The PC-88 RPG 'Xak II' Is Coming To Switch, But Without English Text Options


Even back in the PS3 days, my parents had one (came with their Sony TV) which was essentially just a Blu-Ray player; definitely never online. I came around to show off Final Fantasy 13 and it wouldn't even run at all without updating the OS. It's been a long time since just buying a game and a console and putting one inside of the other was much of a guarantee of anything...

Re: The PC-88 RPG 'Xak II' Is Coming To Switch, But Without English Text Options


@-wc- I definitely miss the days when games had to be finished properly before they were released, and patching couldn't be used as a default crutch by everyone.
I get the feeling that a lot of "physical forever" purists are going to get a rude awakening when they plug in their Switch cartridges in 20 years' time and most of them run like muck without any patches...

Re: Panic Pushes "Pause" On The Playdate Stereo Dock


Very disappointed in this, the stereo dock was always poised to be the secret sauce that would transform the Playdate from a fun-for-a-month novelty destined to spend most of its life out of charge in a drawer, into a proud display piece which simultaneously exuded indie cred and invited actual play.
But the way that it's languished in vapourware territory for so long, this news is not too surprising.

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


@KingMike the book industry wishes it could shut down book libraries. In fact that's exactly what they've done with the Internet Archive's ebook library, which is the perfect analogy to this one. Most digital goods are easily copied with essentially zero effort, so that's what people do.
To be clear though, when I said before that the publishers are right, I didn't mean that they are morally right or that I'm on their side in this battle. I meant that they are factually right in their fear that freely lending these things around will result in people making copies of it. Hell I'd be one of those people myself. But luckily there are always other ways and means.

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


Good on them for fighting the good fight. But truth be told: I do not care about this one little bit. A lending library has no advantages over piracy. Download and store a copy that you can keep, that way nobody can ever take it away from you. The publishers are right in this case: people will make copies if you let them get their hands on these things, and a lending library will only make that easier. Luckily for us though, it's still pretty easy even without the library.

Re: Unreleased SNES Remake Of Game Freak's Debut Quinty Leaks Online


Yep I read this and am reminded of an article that I got into a comment war on a while back, where the author essentially blamed us the gaming public for the fact that hacks like these are getting done. Man nobody asked for or needs this information, it's truly just hackers showing off. Just because I clicked this headline doesn't make me complicit.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


We can put the two words together and interpret them in different ways.
Bad Nostalgia as in, it would be objectively bad if anyone had nostalgia for these SW prequel games? Of course not. If any fans are benefiting from this release then objectively it's a good thing.
Bad Nostalgia as in, you know the games are bad but you still are nostalgically drawn to them because, you know, it's as much about a time in your life as it is the game itself? Or your nostalgia goggles make you buy something you actually think is great but turns out to be bad in the cold light of the present, potentially ruining your great memories? Or you see something like this or Superman 64 or Bubsy 3D and are nostalgically drawn to it because it's bad - legendarily, generation-definingly bad - and you want to see it again or perhaps even for the first time. All of those are fair uses of the phrase I'd think.
And then there's "cynical" bad: companies or politicians twisting your nostalgia to trick or trap you, like the idealised 1950s were for conservatives. Or in our case we have stuff like that Intellivision Amico scam. Or one might even say, Star Wars in general at the moment.
Which leads me to the biggest culprit, in my opinion: over-saturation of nostalgic content, each instance of which is harmless or often good, but taken together can get pretty damn depressing. How much of the media landscape is taken up by sequels, remakes, spin offs, callbacks, etc? Sometimes it feels like 80% at least is just milking old IP as opposed to coming up with new things. And things that I love such as Stranger Things (i.e. 80s revival) and the current renaissance of PS1-aesthetic and even N64-aesthetic in the indie scene, or the YouTube echo chamber with its gaming retrospectives and "old Minecraft" retrospectives etc, all of which I have really enjoyed but now it's EVERYWHERE and just gives off the feeling that a lot of people (perhaps myself included) are trapped in the past... Either that or just riding the content train as far as it will go...
Anyway, good talking point, I enjoyed it.

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


Utterly disgusting. What a crazy love-hate relationship so many of us have to have with Nintendo. When they're conducting the business of, you know, conducting business, they are a shining beacon for the whole world. But then on the other hand they are litigious trollish bullies, the worst in the industry and long overdue for a comeuppance, be it from public opinion or legal penalties.

Re: Super Game Boy Just Got The Ultimate Upgrade


@Deuteros sorry it was meant to be in good fun. The idea of princely nerds vs nerds of the soil had already been jokingly brought up earlier in the thread by someone else. I just thought that your tale of owning the best of the best of everything back in the day, months or years before it was available to the common man, was a funny juxtaposition to that. I didn't mean anything bad; was impressed and envious to be honest. I was slumming it with PAL Street Fighter on Mega Drive back then, a battered cartridge-only find that I got for relatively cheap at Cash Converters a couple of years after it was new. I hope this clarification makes your day better. I don't like to feel attacked online either.

Re: Argonaut "Hadn't Completely Understood" How Much You All Love Croc


I gotta be honest, as an N64 head Croc was one of those games that I'd play a bit of at a friend's house and laugh at its clunky attempt at 3D platforming. It felt like the polygons were held together with string and tape. Perhaps there may have been a good game in there after all, and not just Stockholm syndrome for PS1 owners...