The only one of these types of devices that I've bought so far is the Funkey S from 2021, which also plays PS1 games perfectly and is the size of a tamagotchi. I haven't seen small devices much better than that, but I'm keeping my eye out.
@-wc- Yeah it's a weird market for these devices, isn't it. Although if you consider that it's been like this for roughly 4 years or so, yet the value proposition has remained at "plays up to PS1 games fine; maybe a little N64 and Dreamcast if you can tolerate jank" (unless you step up into the higher price bracket where the jank bar has moved to PS2 / Gamecube) thie constant stream of improved versions doesn't seem to be making much of a material difference...
Ha ha video streaming in 1999, maybe if you wanted it at a resolution of 50x50 pixels. This sounds like a very clever way to work around the technical restrictions of the time while still preventing players from just fiddling around with the system clock to unlock the content. Plus, connecting to the internet and doing funky stuff with the VMU was an end unto itself back then. Still I bet that a fair few people went a little crazy holding this pack of 6 GD ROMs in their hands and knowing that the majority of their contents were being held hostage.
I do often wonder what has happened to all the money that the "web3" first movers made out of thin air over the past few years. If crypto bros are taking their unearned fortunes and investing it into real, useful projects such as reviving a beloved development company then that is absolutely fine with me.
In my opinion it's absurd to place this emphasis on the position of the 2. That's some "L is real 2401" meta madness for something which comes right near the beginning of the game and which physically blocks your progress. Surely it's either a) the heart thing b) brute force (this is Master Quest we're talking about, and there are only 6 possible solutions anyway) C c) something else in the game that we've missed.
I honestly believe that roguelikes are everywhere not because players love them but because indie developers love them. Randomisation and run-based mechanics means that you can actually play that game yourself, that you spent those years making. Otherwise if you know every bit of the game inside and out there's no joy in ever playing it.
@HoyeBoye for sure. I even keep one of those little SIM-card ejector pin dealies inside my cartridge case because I can't open the thing at all without it (on the OLED model at least). I'll put something like Zelda or Xenoblade in the Switch, and then that's where it stays until I've finished the game or officially moved on from it. Which could be months!
That's a super cool idea. I often buy physical Switch games but then regrettably play them very seldomly because the act of getting up and exchanging cartridges is just so much less convenient than selecting them from the menu. But with an emulation box, everything is already there on the menu so you're not losing any functionality with these NFC cards, only gaining an additional way to launch your favourites if you're in a fun mood. Definitely will look into one of these when I finally get a Mister (or equivalent).
@Sketcz I loved Mystical Ninja back in the day. But for me part of its charm was its low profile. Here was the "Japanesest" game on the system, which was also an incredibly solid and funny 3D adventure; and nobody knew about it. Back in the 90s that made me feel like part of something really special. I like to contrast it with Okami on the PS2 - another spectacular game but it received a load of hype, so whenever I was showing that off to my friends it was like "look what games can do now" as opposed to "look at this slice of pure gold which has been under your noses on the N64 the whole time!"
@PZT Do you mean that Taki Udon thing?
What's your feeling there - is that expected to be "like Mister but not quite as good" or "literally exactly as capable as the Mister but for one third of the price"?
@PZT thanks for the reminder! I've been following the news articles on this thing but still haven't taken the plunge. With PS1, Saturn, and of course N64 now the Mister is just too good to ignore anymore. Time to set things right and make a purchase.
That doesn't answer anything! Why was there any English "localisation" at all if the original game was in English? If they were having trouble translating 1-1 to French or German, why would that mean they change the English version? There's no way this could have been anything less than "tone it down for the Europeans lads", let's be honest here.
That just looked like a regular soccer game with a reskin? Not sure how it's survival horror at all. If he's looking for a name he can take a page out of the eShop spammers' playbook and call it Resident Football Kick: Evil Soccer Vampires International Sports Ghoulish Call Of Honor Haunted Hill Silent Simulator.
I'm definitely someone who can appreciate "so bad it's good". I even trawl the Switch eShop for cheap indie/shovelware stuff which might have redeeming qualities - even when they don't, the sheer audaciousness of releasing something so broken or wrong or even illegal gives me a bit of a kick.
But older console games - PSX or SNES era games - those are something else. Back then, to release a game meant physical distribution, relationships with publishers and even Sony / Nintendo themselves, hell even the craft itself of making games was so much harder (no Unity or Unreal etc) that the games industry mostly gatekept itself to a certain level of quality and respectability. To see something so broken make it through a system like that is really intriguing, and when it's amateur-hour stuff like this, really charming. At least in short bursts! But I can see someone developing an obsession with it.
Worms 2 was my introduction to the series. It was so polished and perfect for the time, it felt like one of those games which couldn't possibly have been any better than it was. Eventually I realised that it was so good because it was building on such a strong foundation with worms 1, but man oh man the art style of Worms 1 is hideous if you're coming into it from Worms 2!
Analogue's stuff was always for people who want to pay more for their retrogaming, with its focus on original physical carts as opposed to roms. Add on the fact that you're getting a beautifully engineered consumer product and an "it just works" experience, it really is the Apple Mac of this hobby and I'm not surprised that they charge a premium and find plenty of happy buyers. And I say: good for them. Retrogaming is all about indulgence anyway; if I can get a literal box of boards and chips for $99 to flawlessly play my roms and someone else can pay three times as much to get an object of beauty which gives value to their $20k physical game collection then we're both happy.
You gotta be kidding; Nintendo is doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing: concentrating on new games and new hardware, while throwing us a bone with GB games on Switch. If you want a nice new machine to play game boy games there are 10 released each month from companies like Anerbic, Powkiddy, Analogue, et al. If you want a retro celebration of the original DMG then go buy one of those. If you want new game boy games there is a thriving indie scene and rom hacks galore. Not to mention GB-inspired options such as the Playdate. Retro enthusiasts are eating well.
Surely this isn't a "magazine" in the sense of a reoccurring publication e.g. monthly, right? Even in today's era of content farming there just isn't enough Dreamcast news to keep such a thing going.
@NinChocolate not that I would ever want to use RF anymore now, but here are pictures of the first 2 consoles I ever owned, the Sega Master System and then the Sega Mega Drive. Neither had composite, they were RF only. Later when I got an N64 and PS1 with composite I had to run them through the VCR!
@Pillowpants I remember playing Maniac Mansion in DOTT. Had a blast, but then I couldn't figure out any way to exit out of it. I was too scared to save my game, worried that I'd be stuck in MM forever and lose all my DOTT progress! So I did my best to finish it in one sitting (never going to happen for 15-year-old me) and then restarted my computer at the switch. Finished DOTT and gave that in-game computer a wide berth from then on!
I read that the reason (that LRG gave) for sending out CD-R 3DO games was that they legitimately thought that pressed discs wouldn't work on many models of 3DO, whereas burned discs would work on all of them. And then it turned out that the opposite was the case. Is it true that LRG said this? Is there any shred of truth to their claim? I don't know anything about 3DO but I'd think that yes or no it's an important thing to clarify in any discussion of the CD-R controversy.
I remember when I had my GBA and flash cart, I used to spend all day trawling the homebrew sites and trying out anything which put anything approaching "3D" in the palm of my hand. I would have eaten this up with a spoon! The amount of shonky wobbly racers and wolfenstein clones that I put up with, just trying to get my fix of that third dimension, I tell ya...
Ah Crash Bandicoot. Back in day he was the enemy! But later on I did enjoy reading about how the developers pioneered the process of streaming the level assets off the CD as you go, and as a result the CD was spinning non-stop and had Sony freaking out about potential mechanical damage. I wonder if that element would present unique challenges for a Saturn port?
Wow that Godzilla Dreamcast game might as well be Blast Corps on the N64! (replays Blast Corps on the N64) Ok fine, this has 1/4 the resolution, 1/10 the polygons, and you never even get to see the sky!
I guess to be fair, perhaps when he was 9 years old his mother took him down to Heritage Auctions and bought him a $90000 copy sealed in plastic and it's me who is being distasteful.
Yes yes the only way to remember your mother buying you Castlevania is to spend 90,000 on a collector's item which by definition will never ever get played. It's surely the only copy of Castlevania available anywhere; without this you might as well forget she ever existed. Honestly I don't care too much about these speculators but dressing it up with such an obviously fake story for "scene cred" is just distasteful.
What a great, feel-good story for us N64 heads. Kudos to the Bitmap team for letting you reproduce it from the book. I'm definitely going to need to put that book on my wishlist.
@RetroGames what are you referring to? There's no mode 7 in the 32x game, no transparencies... Nothing at all in fact, except for those 3 sprites. The video at the bottom of the article is a homebrew game.
That does look pretty nice for an N64 title. But also pretty dry - I think I would have abandoned it for something from the San Francisco Rush series pretty quickly.
I'm a fan of this art style, looks similar to Toree and Lunistice. Crisp crunchy textures look more like an up-rezzed PS1 game or a down-rezzed Dreamcast game than an N64 game. I'll keep this on my radar and hope that it comes to the Switch.
The only one of those mentioned games that I've heard of from a commercial re-release perspective is Grandia on Switch, and I thought the consensus was that it was a disaster?
Wow that looks spectacular, especially for a "bootleg" NES game as opposed to a "labour of love indie project" NES game. That extreme parallax depth effect would have broken my brain in the early 90s.
Comments 155
Re: Review: MagicX XU Mini M - A Cute And Powerful Emulation Handheld
The only one of these types of devices that I've bought so far is the Funkey S from 2021, which also plays PS1 games perfectly and is the size of a tamagotchi. I haven't seen small devices much better than that, but I'm keeping my eye out.
Re: Review: MagicX XU Mini M - A Cute And Powerful Emulation Handheld
@-wc- Yeah it's a weird market for these devices, isn't it. Although if you consider that it's been like this for roughly 4 years or so, yet the value proposition has remained at "plays up to PS1 games fine; maybe a little N64 and Dreamcast if you can tolerate jank" (unless you step up into the higher price bracket where the jank bar has moved to PS2 / Gamecube) thie constant stream of improved versions doesn't seem to be making much of a material difference...
Re: Game Boy Color "Technical Showpiece" Zephyr's Pass Is Available Now
I'd love to see a review of this here or on Nintendo Life.
Re: Dreamcast Oddity 'Birdcage Of Horrors' Gets English Fan Translation
Ha ha video streaming in 1999, maybe if you wanted it at a resolution of 50x50 pixels. This sounds like a very clever way to work around the technical restrictions of the time while still preventing players from just fiddling around with the system clock to unlock the content. Plus, connecting to the internet and doing funky stuff with the VMU was an end unto itself back then. Still I bet that a fair few people went a little crazy holding this pack of 6 GD ROMs in their hands and knowing that the majority of their contents were being held hostage.
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
I do often wonder what has happened to all the money that the "web3" first movers made out of thin air over the past few years. If crypto bros are taking their unearned fortunes and investing it into real, useful projects such as reviving a beloved development company then that is absolutely fine with me.
Re: Sega Almost Created A Wii Remote-Style Controller For Dreamcast And VR Headset For Saturn
Ha ha, yeah I too "almost" invented the Wii and the Oculus Rift back in high school, until I realised that I was too far ahead of the curve.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
And the entertainment industry continues its push to one day never need to come up with new IP ever again.
Re: Random: No One Can Agree On The Solution To This Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Puzzle
In my opinion it's absurd to place this emphasis on the position of the 2. That's some "L is real 2401" meta madness for something which comes right near the beginning of the game and which physically blocks your progress.
Surely it's either
a) the heart thing
b) brute force (this is Master Quest we're talking about, and there are only 6 possible solutions anyway)
c) something else in the game that we've missed.
Re: Random: Crazy Modder Adds A CRT Screen To The Game Boy
This guy is my new hero.
Re: Cyber Mission's Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Port Is In Trouble
If the developer isn't in the wrong here, they are certainly not very good at working with publishers... Or perhaps at choosing good publishers...
Re: The Game That Inspired The Term 'Roguelike' Is Now Available On Switch
I honestly believe that roguelikes are everywhere not because players love them but because indie developers love them. Randomisation and run-based mechanics means that you can actually play that game yourself, that you spent those years making. Otherwise if you know every bit of the game inside and out there's no joy in ever playing it.
Re: Review: TapTo NFC Loading System - Gives MiSTer FPGA A Vital Physical Connection
@HoyeBoye for sure. I even keep one of those little SIM-card ejector pin dealies inside my cartridge case because I can't open the thing at all without it (on the OLED model at least). I'll put something like Zelda or Xenoblade in the Switch, and then that's where it stays until I've finished the game or officially moved on from it. Which could be months!
Re: Review: TapTo NFC Loading System - Gives MiSTer FPGA A Vital Physical Connection
That's a super cool idea. I often buy physical Switch games but then regrettably play them very seldomly because the act of getting up and exchanging cartridges is just so much less convenient than selecting them from the menu.
But with an emulation box, everything is already there on the menu so you're not losing any functionality with these NFC cards, only gaining an additional way to launch your favourites if you're in a fun mood.
Definitely will look into one of these when I finally get a Mister (or equivalent).
Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?
@PZT Thanks for the info. Looks like I'll be putting off that purchase for a little longer after all!
Re: N64 Classic Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Gets Fanmade PC Recompilation Project
@Sketcz I loved Mystical Ninja back in the day. But for me part of its charm was its low profile. Here was the "Japanesest" game on the system, which was also an incredibly solid and funny 3D adventure; and nobody knew about it. Back in the 90s that made me feel like part of something really special. I like to contrast it with Okami on the PS2 - another spectacular game but it received a load of hype, so whenever I was showing that off to my friends it was like "look what games can do now" as opposed to "look at this slice of pure gold which has been under your noses on the N64 the whole time!"
Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?
@PZT Do you mean that Taki Udon thing?
What's your feeling there - is that expected to be "like Mister but not quite as good" or "literally exactly as capable as the Mister but for one third of the price"?
Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?
@PZT thanks for the reminder! I've been following the news articles on this thing but still haven't taken the plunge. With PS1, Saturn, and of course N64 now the Mister is just too good to ignore anymore. Time to set things right and make a purchase.
Re: Feature: Cracking The Mystery Of Duke Nukem Advance's Two English Localizations
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Us Europeans love our Opera, don't you dare besmirch it.
Re: Feature: Cracking The Mystery Of Duke Nukem Advance's Two English Localizations
That doesn't answer anything! Why was there any English "localisation" at all if the original game was in English? If they were having trouble translating 1-1 to French or German, why would that mean they change the English version? There's no way this could have been anything less than "tone it down for the Europeans lads", let's be honest here.
Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It
This was a very fun article, I'd definitely like to see more like this.
Re: This FIFA 98 And Silent Hill Mash-Up Could Be The First "Survival Horror Football Game"
That just looked like a regular soccer game with a reskin? Not sure how it's survival horror at all.
If he's looking for a name he can take a page out of the eShop spammers' playbook and call it Resident Football Kick: Evil Soccer Vampires International Sports Ghoulish Call Of Honor Haunted Hill Silent Simulator.
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
I'm definitely someone who can appreciate "so bad it's good". I even trawl the Switch eShop for cheap indie/shovelware stuff which might have redeeming qualities - even when they don't, the sheer audaciousness of releasing something so broken or wrong or even illegal gives me a bit of a kick.
But older console games - PSX or SNES era games - those are something else. Back then, to release a game meant physical distribution, relationships with publishers and even Sony / Nintendo themselves, hell even the craft itself of making games was so much harder (no Unity or Unreal etc) that the games industry mostly gatekept itself to a certain level of quality and respectability. To see something so broken make it through a system like that is really intriguing, and when it's amateur-hour stuff like this, really charming. At least in short bursts! But I can see someone developing an obsession with it.
Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series
Worms 2 was my introduction to the series. It was so polished and perfect for the time, it felt like one of those games which couldn't possibly have been any better than it was. Eventually I realised that it was so good because it was building on such a strong foundation with worms 1, but man oh man the art style of Worms 1 is hideous if you're coming into it from Worms 2!
Re: Taki Udon's $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Won't Be $99 - It Will Be Even Cheaper
Analogue's stuff was always for people who want to pay more for their retrogaming, with its focus on original physical carts as opposed to roms. Add on the fact that you're getting a beautifully engineered consumer product and an "it just works" experience, it really is the Apple Mac of this hobby and I'm not surprised that they charge a premium and find plenty of happy buyers. And I say: good for them. Retrogaming is all about indulgence anyway; if I can get a literal box of boards and chips for $99 to flawlessly play my roms and someone else can pay three times as much to get an object of beauty which gives value to their $20k physical game collection then we're both happy.
Re: Nihon Falcom's Legendary Action-RPG Sorcerian Is Coming To Switch
Did... did I just watch someone finish the entire game in that trailer, in hyper-speed?
Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego
I always knew this day would come. And people called me a hoarder for meticulously backing up every ROM and MP3 that I downloaded!
Re: Nintendo's Game Boy Is A Hot Item In Japan Again
You gotta be kidding; Nintendo is doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing: concentrating on new games and new hardware, while throwing us a bone with GB games on Switch. If you want a nice new machine to play game boy games there are 10 released each month from companies like Anerbic, Powkiddy, Analogue, et al. If you want a retro celebration of the original DMG then go buy one of those. If you want new game boy games there is a thriving indie scene and rom hacks galore. Not to mention GB-inspired options such as the Playdate. Retro enthusiasts are eating well.
Re: A Powerful New FPGA Rival To MiSTer And MARS Is In Development
@GravyThief yeah I'm ready for some PHAT SNACC
Re: Poland's 'Dreamcast Extreme' Magazine Looks So Good, You'd Think It Was Official
Surely this isn't a "magazine" in the sense of a reoccurring publication e.g. monthly, right? Even in today's era of content farming there just isn't enough Dreamcast news to keep such a thing going.
Re: MARS FPGA Will Let You Use Your Original Carts And Support Legacy AV Connections
@NinChocolate not that I would ever want to use RF anymore now, but here are pictures of the first 2 consoles I ever owned, the Sega Master System and then the Sega Mega Drive. Neither had composite, they were RF only. Later when I got an N64 and PS1 with composite I had to run them through the VCR!

Re: You Can Now Play Doom On The Retro Console In Persona 5
@Pillowpants I remember playing Maniac Mansion in DOTT. Had a blast, but then I couldn't figure out any way to exit out of it. I was too scared to save my game, worried that I'd be stuck in MM forever and lose all my DOTT progress! So I did my best to finish it in one sitting (never going to happen for 15-year-old me) and then restarted my computer at the switch. Finished DOTT and gave that in-game computer a wide berth from then on!
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
I read that the reason (that LRG gave) for sending out CD-R 3DO games was that they legitimately thought that pressed discs wouldn't work on many models of 3DO, whereas burned discs would work on all of them. And then it turned out that the opposite was the case.
Is it true that LRG said this? Is there any shred of truth to their claim? I don't know anything about 3DO but I'd think that yes or no it's an important thing to clarify in any discussion of the CD-R controversy.
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
I remember when I had my GBA and flash cart, I used to spend all day trawling the homebrew sites and trying out anything which put anything approaching "3D" in the palm of my hand. I would have eaten this up with a spoon! The amount of shonky wobbly racers and wolfenstein clones that I put up with, just trying to get my fix of that third dimension, I tell ya...
Re: Random: This Bulk Slash FAQ Has Been Puzzling Fans For Almost 20 Years
There's definitely a gameplay difference between the MISSes, and it's as follows:
Re: The Inside Story Of Rare's Wrestlerage, The Lost SNES WWF Game That Evolved Into Killer Instinct
These articles always make it sound like everyone at Rare in the 90s was just having the time of their life.
Re: PS1 Exclusive Crash Bandicoot Gets Ported To Sega Saturn
Ah Crash Bandicoot. Back in day he was the enemy! But later on I did enjoy reading about how the developers pioneered the process of streaming the level assets off the CD as you go, and as a result the CD was spinning non-stop and had Sony freaking out about potential mechanical damage. I wonder if that element would present unique challenges for a Saturn port?
Re: Did You Butcher Your Mega Drive / Genesis Carts To Overcome Sega's Physical Region Lock?
Were people modifying these cartridges with their teeth?!
Re: Grand Theft Auto III Likely Wouldn't Exist Without The Sega Dreamcast
Wow that Godzilla Dreamcast game might as well be Blast Corps on the N64!
(replays Blast Corps on the N64)
Ok fine, this has 1/4 the resolution, 1/10 the polygons, and you never even get to see the sky!
Re: 'The Epyx Collection: Handheld' Brings 6 Atari Lynx Games To Switch
Looks pretty cool actually. I've been interested in Electrocop ever since reading about it on Super Adventures In Gaming; old school experiments in pseudo-3D are always fascinating.
Re: The 2006 "PlayStation Experience" Trailer Can Be Yours For $70,000
The seller is Art Vandelay? Something seems suspicious here...
Re: Sealed NES Castlevania Sold For $90,000 Because It Was "The First Game My Mom Ever Bought Me"
I guess to be fair, perhaps when he was 9 years old his mother took him down to Heritage Auctions and bought him a $90000 copy sealed in plastic and it's me who is being distasteful.
Re: Sealed NES Castlevania Sold For $90,000 Because It Was "The First Game My Mom Ever Bought Me"
Yes yes the only way to remember your mother buying you Castlevania is to spend 90,000 on a collector's item which by definition will never ever get played. It's surely the only copy of Castlevania available anywhere; without this you might as well forget she ever existed.
Honestly I don't care too much about these speculators but dressing it up with such an obviously fake story for "scene cred" is just distasteful.
Re: Interview: Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht On Star Wars, Indiana Jones And Choosing N64 Over PS1
What a great, feel-good story for us N64 heads. Kudos to the Bitmap team for letting you reproduce it from the book. I'm definitely going to need to put that book on my wishlist.
Re: Flashback: The Lost 32X Castlevania That Led To Symphony Of The Night
@RetroGames what are you referring to? There's no mode 7 in the 32x game, no transparencies... Nothing at all in fact, except for those 3 sprites. The video at the bottom of the article is a homebrew game.
Re: Random: This Frankenstein Wii / N64 / GameCube Console Gives Us Nightmares
It's so beautiful!
Re: Game Preservationists Unearth New Footage Of Cancelled N64 Racer
That does look pretty nice for an N64 title. But also pretty dry - I think I would have abandoned it for something from the San Francisco Rush series pretty quickly.
Re: Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom Is An N64-Inspired Collectathon With A Twist
I'm a fan of this art style, looks similar to Toree and Lunistice. Crisp crunchy textures look more like an up-rezzed PS1 game or a down-rezzed Dreamcast game than an N64 game. I'll keep this on my radar and hope that it comes to the Switch.
Re: Meet The Company Bringing Classic Games To Switch, PS5 And Xbox "By Mistake"
The only one of those mentioned games that I've heard of from a commercial re-release perspective is Grandia on Switch, and I thought the consensus was that it was a disaster?
Re: An Unofficial Sega Bass Fishing NES Port Has Been Dumped Online
Wow that looks spectacular, especially for a "bootleg" NES game as opposed to a "labour of love indie project" NES game. That extreme parallax depth effect would have broken my brain in the early 90s.
Re: 'Infinite Mario 64' Lets You Play Super Mario 64 Until The End Of Time
I'm not sure I understand the thesis here. I already play Super Mario 64 every day forever. I thought everyone did?!