@LukeDodge748 from one 90's teen to another, radical changes. Also on a spending spree lately. Castlevania Symphony of The Night, Vagrant Story, FF IX, Metal Gear Solid, WWF Attitude and just picked up NFL Blitz.
Max Payne 3 was great! Back when Rockstar Games had integrity and innovative. 10 years of GTA:V, 3 different gen systems and now they began to censor their content.. ridiculous!
Meh, I lost interest in Final Fantasy after FF IX. Tried FF 15 multiple times & didn't get into it. 12 was the last good one. But I'm old and irrelevant opinion.
Can say that I've played 85% of these. And tomorrow afternoon it will be my first playthrough of the great PSX game "Vagrant Story".( It just arrived this morning 😁)
So far this year I've currently acquired: . Castlevania: Symphony of The Night. . Final Fantasy IX. . Tekken 2. . Tekken 3. . WWF Attitude. . Tetris Plus. . MGS: VR Missions. . Alundra 2. . Vagrant Story. . MDK.
I remember being a child and watching CBC and Pengu came on, the one where he was toilet training and kept pissing on the floor. I want one of these controllers for my newly purchased Castlevania SoTN.
SOTN, just dropped 211.00$ on the PS1 greatest hits version. Worth it so far. Also have my old CRT 13inch hooked up with a Bluetooth speaker via the aux cord.
Just purchased the BioShock collection with all the dlc and making of for the PS4. So that and Mafi the definitive edition are my two weeks off of fun.
Ahhh, bygone youth. My mum rented it for me at "Tai-Pan" Video Rentals. Was super excited 'cause I played the arcade version. The SNES replaced fatalities with lame super kicks, upper cuts and so on. The blood was coded white to represent sweat.
Then....my babysitter had a Sega Genesis and I happened have purchased Game Players magazine and it had the blood code. Simpler times, ay!?
I remember when my bestie went to get a PlayStation at the Walmart. She chose Final Fantasy VII and I chose GTA 2. She was pissed at the graphics, but after a night of drinking and a lil baggy of Peruvian marching powder she played it more often. Good time, that youth years.
Grand Theft Auto III for the original Xbox with the "Duke" controller and then some sips whilst watching Metal Gear Solid on the PSX, +MGS: VR Missions disc.
@Sketcz It's rewriting historical society at its era, I don't condone that move. At best games from yesteryear should have a "Trigger" warning. Keep the original content.
My very first time with a PSX controller in hand was this on a demo disco, in the now decades gone "Sony Store" in a actual mall. I'm totally glad that "Push Square" had a 'Silent Hill' link to this website. Count me in.
Comments 47
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
Chhheeeeee whiz Mr! Wee U believe that? Golly gosh.
Re: Hideo Kojima Claims Konami Wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 To Be More "Normal"
Kojima. Kojima? Kooooojiimaaaa!?!!
Re: Square Enix's New Boss Loves Tobal No. 1
@-wc- Bushido Blade was my jam and toast. I believe there's a spiritual successor coming out in the near future.
Re: Square Enix's New Boss Loves Tobal No. 1
Mhhhhhmm, check please! Hell yeah lil brother.
Re: How Namco Helped PlayStation Win Its First Console War
@LukeDodge748 from one 90's teen to another, radical changes. Also on a spending spree lately. Castlevania Symphony of The Night, Vagrant Story, FF IX, Metal Gear Solid, WWF Attitude and just picked up NFL Blitz.
Re: How Namco Helped PlayStation Win Its First Console War
What a time to be a young lad. Now I'm o ol' geezer, but the 90's-2005 are the most memorable moments for my videogame indulgence.
Re: Max Payne Producer Reveals How 'Bullet-Time' Mechanic Was Born
Max Payne 3 was great! Back when Rockstar Games had integrity and innovative. 10 years of GTA:V, 3 different gen systems and now they began to censor their content.. ridiculous!
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
Meh, I lost interest in Final Fantasy after FF IX. Tried FF 15 multiple times & didn't get into it. 12 was the last good one. But I'm old and irrelevant opinion.
Re: The PlayStation 3 Just Got A New System Software Update
It's too bad that there's very, very, very limited PS3 games available on the PS3 PSN store.
Re: Random: The Story Behind Ico's "Terrible" North American Box Art
So does this or the USA version of Mega Man for the N.E.S. take top "Honor"?
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
Can say that I've played 85% of these.
And tomorrow afternoon it will be my first playthrough of the great PSX game "Vagrant Story".( It just arrived this morning 😁)
Re: Best PS1 Games - PlayStation Titles You Shouldn't Miss
So far this year I've currently acquired:
. Castlevania: Symphony of The Night.
. Final Fantasy IX.
. Tekken 2.
. Tekken 3.
. WWF Attitude.
. Tetris Plus.
. MGS: VR Missions.
. Alundra 2.
. Vagrant Story.
. MDK.
Re: Random: We Need This Japan-Exclusive Pingu PlayStation Controller
I remember being a child and watching CBC and Pengu came on, the one where he was toilet training and kept pissing on the floor. I want one of these controllers for my newly purchased Castlevania SoTN.
Re: The PlayStation Logo Sound Creator Tohru Okada Has Passed Away
He will be heard for decades. I remember the first time the PSX was powered up.
Re: Hacker Restores Mysterious 'Dengeki Store' To US Version Of Breath Of Fire IV
Interesting, they where ahead with free DLC before mainstream internet. Good job boy'os.
Re: Flashback: 20 Years Ago Today, Shigeru Miyamoto Came To London
That Sahz from Final Fantasy 13 bowing while shaking hands?
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Castlevania?
SOTN, just dropped 211.00$ on the PS1 greatest hits version. Worth it so far. Also have my old CRT 13inch hooked up with a Bluetooth speaker via the aux cord.
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
No "Mother Russia Bleeds"?
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
Canadian 40 year old. I can attest to those prices, especially when the hourly wage was just under 5.00$! A hour. Hot dam.
Re: Anniversary: PlayStation JRPG Classic Xenogears Is 25 Years Old Today
Was going to purchase this at a retro game store but got Alundra 2! What wasn't I thinking!?!
Re: Random: Did You Play Steven Spielberg's Star-Studded Game About Asthma?
Wow! That cast is...breath taking..
Re: Today Is Officially "Final Fantasy VII Day" In Japan
Been many decades since I played that. More of a dragon quest 7 fan.
Re: Random: US Marines Used Metal Gear Solid's Most Famous Trick To Fool A Robot
Kojima - San, Kojima! Kooooojiimaaaa!!
Re: Random: Controversial AI Art Program Creates A Visual Backstory For Haggar From Final Fight
That's absolutely insane! I'd pre order that game if the graphics reached that level of detail during gameplay! Good job A.I.!
Re: Random: Kenny Omega Makes A Theatrical Final Fantasy-Themed Entrance At Wrestle Kingdom 17
Ooooooo. He so reeeal
Re: Best Xbox 360 Games
Just purchased the BioShock collection with all the dlc and making of for the PS4. So that and Mafi the definitive edition are my two weeks off of fun.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?
Ten years ago 😂 how time floes
Re: Flashback: How The Witcher's Collectible Sex Cards Turned Romance Into "Gotta Catch 'Em All"
Guess I'll finally start the Witcher 3 goty edition now...
Re: Soapbox: There's No Excuse For Street Fighter Having Bad Box Art, Capcom
They managed to capture the equivalent of a wet fart in artwork!
Re: New ABC Show 'Impact X Nightline' Dives Into The World Of Retro Gaming
What a nerd! Seems like a cool bird.
Re: Flashback: Back In 1993, This Acclaimed Author Wasn't Impressed With Mortal Kombat
Ahhh, bygone youth. My mum rented it for me at "Tai-Pan" Video Rentals. Was super excited 'cause I played the arcade version. The SNES replaced fatalities with lame super kicks, upper cuts and so on. The blood was coded white to represent sweat.
Then....my babysitter had a Sega Genesis and I happened have purchased Game Players magazine and it had the blood code. Simpler times, ay!?
Re: As GTA Turns 25, We Speak To The People Who Made It Happen
I remember when my bestie went to get a PlayStation at the Walmart. She chose Final Fantasy VII and I chose GTA 2. She was pissed at the graphics, but after a night of drinking and a lil baggy of Peruvian marching powder she played it more often. Good time, that youth years.
Re: Random: A Saucy Urban Legend About Tecmo's 'Tee'd Off' Is Actually True
@Damo agreement with you.
Re: Random: A Saucy Urban Legend About Tecmo's 'Tee'd Off' Is Actually True
Should have posted the image, now you got another site to sway traffic to...
Re: Flashback: Here's Why Japanese Video Game Companies Often Didn't Credit Their Developers
Good job, very much.
Re: CIBSunday: Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PlayStation / Saturn)
Pawnshops back in the early 2000's were packed with copies and copies of this game.
Re: Flashback: The Story Behind Metal Gear Solid's "The Best Is Yet To Come"
Thanks for the memories.
Re: New Video Examines The Many Lofty Claims Of Tommy Tallarico
Bizarre! I was just wondering what happened to him yesterday afternoon.
Re: Batman Voice Actor Kevin Conroy Has Passed Away
Sad situation.
Re: Metal Gear Solid's Historical Footage Was A Big Struggle For Kojima
One of the best PSX games!
#5 Tekken 2.
#4 Bushido Blade.
#3 Resident Evil 2.
#2 Final Fantasy VII.
#1 Metal Gear Solid.
Re: Fan Demake Brings Capcom's Cadillacs And Dinosaurs To Mega Drive/Genesis
I remember my stepson giving me his modded Xbox and this had it on one of the many, many, many emulated systems. Funny how life is a circle.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
Phantasy Star 🌠 The one that has the option to breed and your children's children take on the big bad. What a amazing game
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 5th)
@JDCII That's the only way to go retro, CRT TV 14" + a giant portable Bluetooth BoomBox hooked up via auxiliary cord.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 5th)
Grand Theft Auto III for the original Xbox with the "Duke" controller and then some sips whilst watching Metal Gear Solid on the PSX, +MGS: VR Missions disc.
Re: Elevator Action Returns Is Coming To Modern Consoles
@Sketcz It's rewriting historical society at its era, I don't condone that move. At best games from yesteryear should have a "Trigger" warning. Keep the original content.
Re: The Making Of: Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft's Original Open-World Epic
I own 1-Rouge + the two on the PSP. One day, I will finish them in chronological order.
Re: Sony's Shuhei Yoshida Recalls The Collaboration That Brought Tekken To The PS1
My very first time with a PSX controller in hand was this on a demo disco, in the now decades gone "Sony Store" in a actual mall. I'm totally glad that "Push Square" had a 'Silent Hill' link to this website. Count me in.