

Astrophysics. Perfume. Taiko. =Life

Comments 163

Re: Gallery: Let's Look At Your Gaming Photos From The Past


As annoying as having a camera on your person at all times (and as beneficial) can be I sometimes wish I grew up when cameras were more common as I have very few pictures of my childhood. Which is sorta saddening to me as I a had a pretty good one. Would love to have a pic of me opening my buzz lightyear or my N64 captured for all time. Because I remember losing my mind.

Re: The Worst SNES Games Of All Time


I clicked looking for rise of the robots...was not disappointed. Thank you!

I didn't know there was an SNES version of Home Alone...only played the genesis version which still holds up today. Will have to watch a let's play of the SNES version.

Wait there was a Bebe's kids game? I wonder how much that costs CIB...

Re: Flashback: Remembering The Glory Days Of Wii-Exclusive Ports


I miss Nintendo Exclusive versions personally and have said so numerous times. I grew up in the 90s and remember when popular games were on everything. You knew that meant that you might not have the best game graphically but you had the option of being able to play. Don't get me wrong if a game can be ported...port it and port it well. However if not, don't just snub the system, retool the game, pick up those cut ideas and make a side game...something. For me if you ignore my primary system I (usually, obviously baring exclusives) ignore you even if I have the systems that can otherwise play your game. To me those system version games function just as much as advertising as ads do. Wanna get my mind on your franchise? Give me something to play. EA brought me back (before I left again) to the fold with their wii exclusive games.

Re: The Making Of: Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft's Original Open-World Epic


@Damo it is unfortunate that Ubisoft likes to pretend this game doesn’t exist when they have ported most of the rest of the series (barring some spinoffs). Revelations was the closest we have gotten to an updated AC1 so far.

(I disagree on the “fun” part as I found both 2 and 4- to be the least fun entries for me. In particular due to game mechanics changes (I loathe the ships in 4, so, soooooo much- odyssey is the first time I didn’t hate sailing) and in part due to me finding the protags insufferable (ezio at least improved somewhat). But I am well aware that my opinion isn’t the norm. )

Re: The Making Of: Assassin's Creed, Ubisoft's Original Open-World Epic


AC 1 is still my favorite AC game so far. It had a firm identity and a really cool meta story (“making the game they wanted to make” indeed) that unfortunately was strangled in later games for popular appeal. Used to love the cut scene glitches and the implications that neither side was truly good or bad, just committed to their convictions. All the various histories (the Isu, the present day, the past-even the impact of the bleeding effect was so cool ) and realizing that no part gave you the truth and that you had to knit it together and sift out the lies made this game so great. Plus planning the assassinations by learning guard routes was fun. They respawned too quickly in later games for my taste. Surprisingly making the later games feel more like a “game” and less like probable strategy/simulation. That was a step back for me.

The current psuedo rpg format is a miss for me except it allows for playing female assassins (and not be a side game or shared with a male protag- so that excludes liberation and syndicate even though I enjoyed them for what they are). As I have said before they are fun open world games but not good AC games.

Re: Random: Is Arnold Schwarzenegger The Centre of The Gaming Universe?


It’s more the games were influenced by movies and arnie was the big name at the time. Box art was the sink or swim moment for many games so copying popular movies ensures that potential buyers would subconsciously connect the two. Plus they were less likely to get sued then. Try that now and it could destroy the game instead of help.

Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk


@RushDawg what is ironic about my user name? If you would like to have a conversation about marketing and product demographics you can do so with civility. My paying respect to my favorite seiyuu or admiring the qualities of the seiryu have nothing to do with my statement. Not only
that my nationality is on my profile.

Would you like to try again to open a dialogue without the attempt at snark?