Kevtris already released a patch so that the latest version of the game work on Mega Sg so even if Fonzie continues to block it, at least you will get a version of this working on the Mega Sg.
Nice repro reprint for those who never got into the game. If you want to support retro reprint then this is the way to do it. Still I'm sure if you look very hard you could still find a cheap copy of this game in the wild (don't get it online though as they will scam you). I had seen this game go for around $5--$15 at garage sales from out of town.
Well seems like the chip shortage and shipping issues had cause a number of delays for these would be vaporware: first the Analogue Pocket, then the EverCade VS, then the Intellivision Amico, then the Steam Deck, and now the PlayDate. It seems only the PS5, Switch OLED, Atari VCS, and Polymega made the launch this year.
Kinda odd that the only console that was announced this year and wasn't delay is the Switch OLED. Analogue Pocket, Intellivision Amico, Steam Deck, EverCade VS., PlayDate, Polymega, etc., all got the delay treatment. Some won't even be at store shelves or ever until 2022 or later.
While I do like the box and package as a whole, the physical set does missed an important key item such as a manual. The RFID thing is already what was expected as Tommy had been hinting at it via most various podcast since the idea came to mind. Not sure what was the purpose of the token though, while cool if it does nothing then that's a waste of metal. If we could use the token at an arcade machine that'll be good. Overall not the kind of physical release I want but it is expected to be just these. Now get the darn console out so people could actually play these.
@HammerGalladeBro For me, the only three fighting games I play on NES were Karate Champ, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, and that one versus mode in Double Dragon.
Looks like a colorized and improve port of the Game Boy version with the only difference being that Dhalsim replaced Zangief and Vega replaced Balrog instead. I figure they probably used the pressure sensitive attack feature of that port on here too as there are only two buttons on NES as well so you only get punch and kick. To heavy punch or heavy kick you must press either button very hard, to jab punch or light kick you just tap either litely, and to medium punch or medium kick you press either a bit longer.
@dorksoul Unless you actually own some of these devices you probably know jack nothing about these. These are cheap emulation devices using Androids, RetroArch, RetroPi, or Linux. Each of those OS had different ways of using emulations from older consoles. The problem was that not all emulators are properly optimize for their intended OS and devices. Some OS like RetroArch required external plug-ins in able to access it's full feature and some like Android required the latest firmware update for both the app and the OS otherwise it wouldn't be able to play some roms smoothly on the devices. Some of these even had screen tearing on MAME which weren't present in the original arcade games, some of these issues can't be fix cause the people who sell these devices are just hackers, they are not developers, they don't fix crap.
While these things does the job when emulating old games for on the go play, a majority of those Linux emulators tend to lack in features or used very outdated firmware which you can't update. It's good if you want something cheap to play while on the bus but not everything about it are rainbow and sunshine. In some of the emulators for these, one or two of the buttons will not work and a majority of the emulators wouldn't even allowed a remapping option such a those Sega Genesis emulators which assign the wrong button to a different button on the button layout. Some doesn't even had an option to distinguish between 3 buttons and 6 buttons thus when you play games like Street Fighter II SCE and Ultimate MK3, the emulator will still think you are playing with a 3-button control even though the thing had 6 buttons.
Also some of the Super NES emulators had sound issues, some games like Mortal Kombat II had the sound too high and some games like Mega Man X2 had a delay in some of its sounds for example you may shoot your blaster and your blaster sound wouldn't register until 4 seconds later. Some roms will also not work properly on these emulators, games like Pier Solar will just give you a blank screen and games like Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II will sent you as far as to the title screen but will give you an error code if you start the game.
@Kiyata Pretty sure most buy it digital cause the game is only available digital otherwise if it had a physical release some will prioritize that over digital and no playing this on mobile is not the same as playing this on Switch. Mobile is a multimedia and multifunctional device meaning there are ads, notifications, and constant interruptions which could cause latency and performance issue when you're gaming, it's not a smooth experience like on Switch and other dedicated gaming consoles.
Looks like a remake or sequel of the first two games. I do had to say I still can't stand the flash style character sprites but the battle animation and cutscenes does look good. If only Hive bring this to consoles they may had a hit here, I know stupid Sega probably won't want that but to a dedicated Shining fan like myself this would be fantastic if it got a PC and Switch port.
Here's list of dead franchise killed by their own company and are now just a walking corpse:
Breath of Fire
Mega Man
Rival Schools
Star Gladiator
Power Stone
Zack and Wiki
Bionic Commando
Clock Tower
Demon's Crest/Gargoyle's Quest
Chrono series
Lufia series
Blazer series
Ogre series
Vandal Hearts
Silent Hill
Rocket Knight
Mystical Ninja
Metal Gear Solid
Wave Race
Golden Sun
Viva Pinata
Jet Force Gemini
Blast Corp
Legend of Dragoon
Shining Force
Burning Ranger
Virtua Fighter
Fighting Vipers
Eternal Champions
Last Bronx
Baku Baku
Gunstar Heroes
Phantasy Star
Golden Axe
Skies of Arcadia
It's a sad world we live in when company result to greed and bury their own beloved franchise like this. Putting these on mobile means it's just a walking corpse at this point.
@Turbo857 As with the hybrid feature of the Switch you could say it comes with a whole controller that could become 2 separate controllers and yes it counts as 2 as you could use it for playing multiplayer out of the box. It becomes one controller if both joycons are sync together as one signal or attach to the grip. Nintendo also sells 2 NES controllers in joycon forms.
@edannunziata You work on Dolphin Quest also means that you use to work on Ecco the Dolphin and Kolibri as well. Any plan to remastered Kolibri or make a new entry of that game for Switch or modern consoles? I am a fan of that game and the Sega 32X.
@InkIdols There are five games that kinda looks good on the Amico but those five aren't the games that will come bundle with the system. Those games are Breakout, Flying Tiger, Cloudy Mountain, Dolphin Quest, and Rigid Force Redux Enhance. I'm sure no one is gonna buy the Amico just for Cloudy Mountain. I'm not even sure if Earthworm Jim 4 would be any good, the way Tommy described it, it sounds like it would just be a collection of mini-games similar to Wario Ware or those Raving Rabbids games but with Jim and fiends instead.
It's hard to believe if this thing will ever come out. Some of the people I know that were originally interested in this system already cancelled their pre-order. With the Switch OLED and many great games hitting the holiday later this year it's really difficult to get excited about the Amico at this point.
@WhiteUmbrella Yeap that's the difference between Atari and Playmaji. At least with Atari they manage to send their backers the Atari VCS ahead of launch and then to retailers a few months after. Playmaji did the opposite, they sent early units to people who didn't even backed the system and then constantly delaying the backer's units time and time again. Heck I don't think the Polymega will ever be at store shelves, choosing a crappy country that doesn't love, respect, and take care of its people to manufactured a product and you got a recipe for disaster right there.
If you pre-ordered the system the normal way or backed the garbage then you had to play the waiting game but if you're a would-be famous Youtuber like the Modern Vintage Gamer and MadLittlePixel then you get sent one ahead of the pack. Tip for those who want to get a Kickstarter garbage ahead of the pack, become a would-be famous Youtuber and if you're lucky you may get one before all the regular people who pay to make that product happen.
They are still very secrecy about most of the stuff behind the Amico and its games like c'mon it almost close to launch, you think they would start showing how the system works or how each games would use each unique feature of the Amico's controller. If another delay happen then Intellivision will lose more trust and investors.
@joey302 Nolan Bushnell made the wrong choice even if he was more successful than Atari in the end. He knew the ship is sinking and he jump off of it before it does. A captain abandoning his ship is why Atari failed in the 80s and never float back up to surface.
At $250 it's hitting Switch Lite territory and offer nothing even remotely close to what the Switch Lite has to offer. The games looks too much like mobile garbage and it's charging money for common games like Pong, Sesame Street, Pool, Chess, Care Bears, etc., which you can play for free on your computer or phone.
Konami's stupid Pachinko mind was not putting this and Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth as part of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Those would had been nice bonuses for fans of the early games.
Looks and feels unique not like they are taking existing games and porting those over and it doesn't seem like they are just cheap ripoff of mobile games either. These feel like original and unique titles with unique experience especially using the crank and I'm definitely will be looking to get mine someday but for now that price point is just not for me. Glad the crank is not just for show or gimmicky and actually had some usage with these games in mind unlike the Amico which had too many features and hardly use any of them.
The four old AA batteries already could last you 40 hours worth of gameplay, why would you want a battery that would reduce that lifespan to half? It's not like AA batteries are going anywhere any time soon.
Looks like it was going to be a lame 3D platformer just like the N64 games, was hoping it to be a 2D game like Bloodline or Rondo of Blood. That'll be fantastic if it was a beautiful 2D non-Metroidvania Castlevania game.
Can they just bring this over without making it a limited release or did they pissed off AtGames so much now that AtGames refuse to partner with them anymore? C'mon Sega you can do better than this, don't go the Nintendo route with this thing.
@Jawessome The thing is that Paprium game did finally arrive but it arrive in such a bad shape that I wouldn't guaranteed it to anyone. The cartridge had a microSD card slot that the dev use to sent updates to the game but most of those updates are just the Watermelon dev sending firmware to block the game from working on other platforms such as the Mega Sg, clone consoles like the Retron 3 and Super Retro Trio, and even the Sega Genesis Model 3 and Nomad. Kevtris had to released a new firmware for the Mega Sg to make the game work on the system while Terra Onion released their firmware to make the game work on their Mega SD flash cartridge. It seems one of dev team of Paprium did not want his game working on Analogue's product such as the Mega Sg or anything clone related or flash cartridge.
@Zenszulu Still the beta testers got one with no issue, MadLittlePixel just got his 3 months ago and he never even ask for one. Ironically the time when MLP got his unit was the same month the console was suppose to originally launch.
@Sherrick1980 @CrimsonLaceStudio Okay but still their customer service was terrible. They could have at least sent updates if they won't be able to meet demands.
What a joke of a system, it keeps on coming and coming and coming but never got here. Odd how the beta testers got theirs for free but the actual customers and backers who pay for this still had to wait.
@Toliveistobe I don't own the system but I knew someone who did and the answer is yes, once you plug in a game to the system you could create a dump of the rom or ISO within the console. Then you will never had to reinsert that game onto the system ever again and could just play em through the dump install instead similarly to a PC or the Retro Freak. The only thing is if you got a bunch of back-up games on a flash cartridge (such as EverDrive, Mega SD, SD2SNES, or PowerPak) or a homebrew title to try like New Super Mario Land and Sydney Hunter you probably won't be able to run those on this thing as it doesn't support flash cartridges, repros, or roms. I'm not even sure if you could patch games of never before release title so to play translated version of those games.
As much as I like hardware emu devices like this, the fact that it's a do it yourself kind of product means it's bound to featured issues with game performance, sound, and control. Even if you bought an already built unit for massive price, that doesn't guaranteed that what you get will run games accurately.
I feel devices like these are for people who just want to preserve their games and play them on this thing so they don't have to bother hooking up their original consoles. With multiple options for playing retro games out there going this route may be risky and if you had no computer knowledge or knowledge of hardware engineering in general these kind of product won't benefit you in the long term as making one tinkering mistake could end up costing you hundreds just for trying to make old games work on off the market products.
As for should you get this no name product, if you already own an Analogue system like the superior Super Nt and/or Mega Sg console you probably could already tinker with cores for old systems on those devices which are better options anyways as those are more optimized for those system without you having to worrying about making them work yourself. I would only recommend this product if you're a tech savy otherwise best to just go the cheaper route with Analogue or the many software emulation for now.
To think the Atari VCS came out before this thing is a sign that this device is now just worthless trash. Soon someone would be able to get the Sega Saturn emulator working on other OS and there wouldn't be a reason to get this thing as almost all the emulations on this could be done and done better on other OS and devices including the Atari VCS as evidence by ETA Prime who tested emulations on these kind of things.
You could already play close to perfect emulations from Arcade like MAME, Final Burn Alpha, Atomiswave, Naomi, NeoGeo MVS, consoles like Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Colecovision, Intellivision, NES/Famicom, Super NES/SFC, SG-1000, Mark III/Sega Master System, Turbo Grafx-16/PC Engine, MS-DOS, MSX, Commodore 64, Amiga, Amiga 32, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Game Gear, Tiger, Tiger LCD, Game and Watch, Apple Pippin, Philips CD-i, 3DO, NeoGeo AES, NeoGeo CD, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Virtual Boy, Wonder Swan Color, Turbo Grafx-CD, Super Grafx, PS1, PS2, PS3, Sega Dreamcast, N64, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, GameCube, Nintendo DS, 3DS, PSP, PS Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, and even the Nintendo Switch.
The fact that it doesn't let you rip and dump games for external back-up digitally is also another reason not to get this. Heck for the $400 price tag, they could had at least let us Steam link so we could stream play our PC games on there for added convenience, a lot of those RetroPi setup already had that feature, the fact that this doesn't is just lame.
@StevenG What you talking about Nintendo is swimming in money right now with the New 2DS, 3DS, Switch, and Switch Lite, why would they care about what a Chinese emulation company does? This PocketGo S30 had no effect on the sale of the 3DS and Switch or any retro games Nintendo had on their service, mobile, or eShop.
Looks nice but why they didn't make the Y & X buttons concave is a miss opportunity. If you're going to make this after the NA SNES controller design at least get the buttons right. The fact that it had no menu button and is missing stuff like SorR, FreeDoom, Cave Story, multimedia apps, and DOSBox which the previous models had makes this an inferior update compare to the previous PocketGo v2.1.
I don't have any games for the Turbo/PC Engine systems so I may had to pass on this clone. I'll wait for the Analogue 64Nt (N64 FPGA clone) or the DreamSg (Dreamcast FPGA clone) though.
@Slowdive That's the problem with Sega this year, they are throwing money away when they should be making money. The Astro City Mini would had sell like hot cakes here. Sega had more fans oversea than they had in Japan so I don't get why they couldn't take advantage of that situation.
Sega could had give this another chance and make a bigger one for us internationally and with more games. For every one good idea Sega makes, they seem to go two steps backwards and make this.
Comments 451
Re: Feature: More Than Four Years Of Painful Waiting Later, We've Finally Got Paprium - But Is It Any Good?
Kevtris already released a patch so that the latest version of the game work on Mega Sg so even if Fonzie continues to block it, at least you will get a version of this working on the Mega Sg.
Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago
Nice repro reprint for those who never got into the game. If you want to support retro reprint then this is the way to do it. Still I'm sure if you look very hard you could still find a cheap copy of this game in the wild (don't get it online though as they will scam you). I had seen this game go for around $5--$15 at garage sales from out of town.
Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties
@Ralizah A majority of those cost probably went to creating the crank. If it came without that it'll probably be a $40 handheld at most.
Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties
@Anguspuss The EverCade VS got delay to January 2022 over here so it still counts. If it came out before 2022 it wouldn't be on the list.
Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties
Well seems like the chip shortage and shipping issues had cause a number of delays for these would be vaporware: first the Analogue Pocket, then the EverCade VS, then the Intellivision Amico, then the Steam Deck, and now the PlayDate. It seems only the PS5, Switch OLED, Atari VCS, and Polymega made the launch this year.
Re: Blaze's Evercade VS Console Has Been Delayed Until December
Kinda odd that the only console that was announced this year and wasn't delay is the Switch OLED. Analogue Pocket, Intellivision Amico, Steam Deck, EverCade VS., PlayDate, Polymega, etc., all got the delay treatment. Some won't even be at store shelves or ever until 2022 or later.
Re: The Intellivision Amico Has A Unique Approach To Physical Media And Digital Ownership
While I do like the box and package as a whole, the physical set does missed an important key item such as a manual. The RFID thing is already what was expected as Tommy had been hinting at it via most various podcast since the idea came to mind. Not sure what was the purpose of the token though, while cool if it does nothing then that's a waste of metal. If we could use the token at an arcade machine that'll be good. Overall not the kind of physical release I want but it is expected to be just these. Now get the darn console out so people could actually play these.
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
@HammerGalladeBro For me, the only three fighting games I play on NES were Karate Champ, TMNT: Tournament Fighters, and that one versus mode in Double Dragon.
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
Looks like a colorized and improve port of the Game Boy version with the only difference being that Dhalsim replaced Zangief and Vega replaced Balrog instead. I figure they probably used the pressure sensitive attack feature of that port on here too as there are only two buttons on NES as well so you only get punch and kick. To heavy punch or heavy kick you must press either button very hard, to jab punch or light kick you just tap either litely, and to medium punch or medium kick you press either a bit longer.
Re: Hands On: The Anbernic R351V Offers A Real 'Game Boy' Vibe
@dorksoul Unless you actually own some of these devices you probably know jack nothing about these. These are cheap emulation devices using Androids, RetroArch, RetroPi, or Linux. Each of those OS had different ways of using emulations from older consoles. The problem was that not all emulators are properly optimize for their intended OS and devices. Some OS like RetroArch required external plug-ins in able to access it's full feature and some like Android required the latest firmware update for both the app and the OS otherwise it wouldn't be able to play some roms smoothly on the devices. Some of these even had screen tearing on MAME which weren't present in the original arcade games, some of these issues can't be fix cause the people who sell these devices are just hackers, they are not developers, they don't fix crap.
Re: Hands On: The Anbernic R351V Offers A Real 'Game Boy' Vibe
While these things does the job when emulating old games for on the go play, a majority of those Linux emulators tend to lack in features or used very outdated firmware which you can't update. It's good if you want something cheap to play while on the bus but not everything about it are rainbow and sunshine. In some of the emulators for these, one or two of the buttons will not work and a majority of the emulators wouldn't even allowed a remapping option such a those Sega Genesis emulators which assign the wrong button to a different button on the button layout. Some doesn't even had an option to distinguish between 3 buttons and 6 buttons thus when you play games like Street Fighter II SCE and Ultimate MK3, the emulator will still think you are playing with a 3-button control even though the thing had 6 buttons.
Also some of the Super NES emulators had sound issues, some games like Mortal Kombat II had the sound too high and some games like Mega Man X2 had a delay in some of its sounds for example you may shoot your blaster and your blaster sound wouldn't register until 4 seconds later. Some roms will also not work properly on these emulators, games like Pier Solar will just give you a blank screen and games like Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II will sent you as far as to the title screen but will give you an error code if you start the game.
Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch
@neogyo A console game better than the arcade, no wonder arcade is dead. It's like Sega is killing its own market.
Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch
@Kiyata Pretty sure most buy it digital cause the game is only available digital otherwise if it had a physical release some will prioritize that over digital and no playing this on mobile is not the same as playing this on Switch. Mobile is a multimedia and multifunctional device meaning there are ads, notifications, and constant interruptions which could cause latency and performance issue when you're gaming, it's not a smooth experience like on Switch and other dedicated gaming consoles.
Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch
Looks like a remake or sequel of the first two games. I do had to say I still can't stand the flash style character sprites but the battle animation and cutscenes does look good. If only Hive bring this to consoles they may had a hit here, I know stupid Sega probably won't want that but to a dedicated Shining fan like myself this would be fantastic if it got a PC and Switch port.
Re: A Near-Legendary Castlevania Beta Has Just Been Shared Online
Well that's okay at least the final version we got on the Super NES was fantastic.
Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch
Here's list of dead franchise killed by their own company and are now just a walking corpse:
Breath of Fire
Mega Man
Rival Schools
Star Gladiator
Power Stone
Zack and Wiki
Bionic Commando
Clock Tower
Demon's Crest/Gargoyle's Quest
Chrono series
Lufia series
Blazer series
Ogre series
Vandal Hearts
Silent Hill
Rocket Knight
Mystical Ninja
Metal Gear Solid
Wave Race
Golden Sun
Viva Pinata
Jet Force Gemini
Blast Corp
Legend of Dragoon
Shining Force
Burning Ranger
Virtua Fighter
Fighting Vipers
Eternal Champions
Last Bronx
Baku Baku
Gunstar Heroes
Phantasy Star
Golden Axe
Skies of Arcadia
It's a sad world we live in when company result to greed and bury their own beloved franchise like this. Putting these on mobile means it's just a walking corpse at this point.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
@Turbo857 As with the hybrid feature of the Switch you could say it comes with a whole controller that could become 2 separate controllers and yes it counts as 2 as you could use it for playing multiplayer out of the box. It becomes one controller if both joycons are sync together as one signal or attach to the grip. Nintendo also sells 2 NES controllers in joycon forms.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
@edannunziata You work on Dolphin Quest also means that you use to work on Ecco the Dolphin and Kolibri as well. Any plan to remastered Kolibri or make a new entry of that game for Switch or modern consoles? I am a fan of that game and the Sega 32X.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
@InkIdols There are five games that kinda looks good on the Amico but those five aren't the games that will come bundle with the system. Those games are Breakout, Flying Tiger, Cloudy Mountain, Dolphin Quest, and Rigid Force Redux Enhance. I'm sure no one is gonna buy the Amico just for Cloudy Mountain. I'm not even sure if Earthworm Jim 4 would be any good, the way Tommy described it, it sounds like it would just be a collection of mini-games similar to Wario Ware or those Raving Rabbids games but with Jim and fiends instead.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
@Balta666 20% of that E3 video was about Tommy and his Guinness record while the rest are just recap stuffs we already seen from last year.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
@JasmineDragon Yeap that's why it sounds scummy, could be the end of this year or the end of the fiscal year which is March 2022.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
It's hard to believe if this thing will ever come out. Some of the people I know that were originally interested in this system already cancelled their pre-order. With the Switch OLED and many great games hitting the holiday later this year it's really difficult to get excited about the Amico at this point.
Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon
@WhiteUmbrella Yeap that's the difference between Atari and Playmaji. At least with Atari they manage to send their backers the Atari VCS ahead of launch and then to retailers a few months after. Playmaji did the opposite, they sent early units to people who didn't even backed the system and then constantly delaying the backer's units time and time again. Heck I don't think the Polymega will ever be at store shelves, choosing a crappy country that doesn't love, respect, and take care of its people to manufactured a product and you got a recipe for disaster right there.
Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon
If you pre-ordered the system the normal way or backed the garbage then you had to play the waiting game but if you're a would-be famous Youtuber like the Modern Vintage Gamer and MadLittlePixel then you get sent one ahead of the pack. Tip for those who want to get a Kickstarter garbage ahead of the pack, become a would-be famous Youtuber and if you're lucky you may get one before all the regular people who pay to make that product happen.
Re: Playdate Pre-Order Date Is Confirmed, Shipping Late This Year
As cool as this thing is and as far as pre-order goes I'm excited but may passed on this for now.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
@Gwynbleidd According to this video, yes it does had Pong (at 1:25).
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
They are still very secrecy about most of the stuff behind the Amico and its games like c'mon it almost close to launch, you think they would start showing how the system works or how each games would use each unique feature of the Amico's controller. If another delay happen then Intellivision will lose more trust and investors.
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
@joey302 Nolan Bushnell made the wrong choice even if he was more successful than Atari in the end. He knew the ship is sinking and he jump off of it before it does. A captain abandoning his ship is why Atari failed in the 80s and never float back up to surface.
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
At $250 it's hitting Switch Lite territory and offer nothing even remotely close to what the Switch Lite has to offer. The games looks too much like mobile garbage and it's charging money for common games like Pong, Sesame Street, Pool, Chess, Care Bears, etc., which you can play for free on your computer or phone.
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
A very late Steam machine with the Atari logo slapped on it. No thanks my PC does the job just fine.
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood For The Turbo Duo Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
Konami's stupid Pachinko mind was not putting this and Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth as part of the Castlevania Anniversary Collection. Those would had been nice bonuses for fans of the early games.
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
Looks and feels unique not like they are taking existing games and porting those over and it doesn't seem like they are just cheap ripoff of mobile games either. These feel like original and unique titles with unique experience especially using the crank and I'm definitely will be looking to get mine someday but for now that price point is just not for me. Glad the crank is not just for show or gimmicky and actually had some usage with these games in mind unlike the Amico which had too many features and hardly use any of them.
Re: Ready To Ditch Those AA Batteries? Check Out The Amazing 'CleanJuice' Game Boy Mod
The four old AA batteries already could last you 40 hours worth of gameplay, why would you want a battery that would reduce that lifespan to half? It's not like AA batteries are going anywhere any time soon.
Re: Konami's Cancelled Castlevania Game For Dreamcast Has Been Resurrected
Looks like it was going to be a lame 3D platformer just like the N64 games, was hoping it to be a 2D game like Bloodline or Rondo of Blood. That'll be fantastic if it was a beautiful 2D non-Metroidvania Castlevania game.
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Limited Run Games Release In The US
Can they just bring this over without making it a limited release or did they pissed off AtGames so much now that AtGames refuse to partner with them anymore? C'mon Sega you can do better than this, don't go the Nintendo route with this thing.
Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems
@Jawessome The thing is that Paprium game did finally arrive but it arrive in such a bad shape that I wouldn't guaranteed it to anyone. The cartridge had a microSD card slot that the dev use to sent updates to the game but most of those updates are just the Watermelon dev sending firmware to block the game from working on other platforms such as the Mega Sg, clone consoles like the Retron 3 and Super Retro Trio, and even the Sega Genesis Model 3 and Nomad. Kevtris had to released a new firmware for the Mega Sg to make the game work on the system while Terra Onion released their firmware to make the game work on their Mega SD flash cartridge. It seems one of dev team of Paprium did not want his game working on Analogue's product such as the Mega Sg or anything clone related or flash cartridge.
Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems
@Zenszulu Still the beta testers got one with no issue, MadLittlePixel just got his 3 months ago and he never even ask for one. Ironically the time when MLP got his unit was the same month the console was suppose to originally launch.
Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems
@Sherrick1980 @CrimsonLaceStudio Okay but still their customer service was terrible. They could have at least sent updates if they won't be able to meet demands.
Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems
What a joke of a system, it keeps on coming and coming and coming but never got here. Odd how the beta testers got theirs for free but the actual customers and backers who pay for this still had to wait.
Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@Toliveistobe I don't own the system but I knew someone who did and the answer is yes, once you plug in a game to the system you could create a dump of the rom or ISO within the console. Then you will never had to reinsert that game onto the system ever again and could just play em through the dump install instead similarly to a PC or the Retro Freak. The only thing is if you got a bunch of back-up games on a flash cartridge (such as EverDrive, Mega SD, SD2SNES, or PowerPak) or a homebrew title to try like New Super Mario Land and Sydney Hunter you probably won't be able to run those on this thing as it doesn't support flash cartridges, repros, or roms. I'm not even sure if you could patch games of never before release title so to play translated version of those games.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
As much as I like hardware emu devices like this, the fact that it's a do it yourself kind of product means it's bound to featured issues with game performance, sound, and control. Even if you bought an already built unit for massive price, that doesn't guaranteed that what you get will run games accurately.
I feel devices like these are for people who just want to preserve their games and play them on this thing so they don't have to bother hooking up their original consoles. With multiple options for playing retro games out there going this route may be risky and if you had no computer knowledge or knowledge of hardware engineering in general these kind of product won't benefit you in the long term as making one tinkering mistake could end up costing you hundreds just for trying to make old games work on off the market products.
As for should you get this no name product, if you already own an Analogue system like the superior Super Nt and/or Mega Sg console you probably could already tinker with cores for old systems on those devices which are better options anyways as those are more optimized for those system without you having to worrying about making them work yourself. I would only recommend this product if you're a tech savy otherwise best to just go the cheaper route with Analogue or the many software emulation for now.
Re: Pre-Ordered A Polymega With Walmart? We've Got Bad News For You
To think the Atari VCS came out before this thing is a sign that this device is now just worthless trash. Soon someone would be able to get the Sega Saturn emulator working on other OS and there wouldn't be a reason to get this thing as almost all the emulations on this could be done and done better on other OS and devices including the Atari VCS as evidence by ETA Prime who tested emulations on these kind of things.
You could already play close to perfect emulations from Arcade like MAME, Final Burn Alpha, Atomiswave, Naomi, NeoGeo MVS, consoles like Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Colecovision, Intellivision, NES/Famicom, Super NES/SFC, SG-1000, Mark III/Sega Master System, Turbo Grafx-16/PC Engine, MS-DOS, MSX, Commodore 64, Amiga, Amiga 32, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Sega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Game Gear, Tiger, Tiger LCD, Game and Watch, Apple Pippin, Philips CD-i, 3DO, NeoGeo AES, NeoGeo CD, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Virtual Boy, Wonder Swan Color, Turbo Grafx-CD, Super Grafx, PS1, PS2, PS3, Sega Dreamcast, N64, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, GameCube, Nintendo DS, 3DS, PSP, PS Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, Wii U, and even the Nintendo Switch.
The fact that it doesn't let you rip and dump games for external back-up digitally is also another reason not to get this. Heck for the $400 price tag, they could had at least let us Steam link so we could stream play our PC games on there for added convenience, a lot of those RetroPi setup already had that feature, the fact that this doesn't is just lame.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@StevenG What you talking about Nintendo is swimming in money right now with the New 2DS, 3DS, Switch, and Switch Lite, why would they care about what a Chinese emulation company does? This PocketGo S30 had no effect on the sale of the 3DS and Switch or any retro games Nintendo had on their service, mobile, or eShop.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
Looks nice but why they didn't make the Y & X buttons concave is a miss opportunity. If you're going to make this after the NA SNES controller design at least get the buttons right. The fact that it had no menu button and is missing stuff like SorR, FreeDoom, Cave Story, multimedia apps, and DOSBox which the previous models had makes this an inferior update compare to the previous PocketGo v2.1.
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
I'm surprise this is the first Sega hardware in years since the Sega Saturn where Sega didn't rely on their blue hedgehog mascot for marketing.
Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year
Remember when they say that this thing is launching for real this November or earlier? Yeah me neither.
Re: Analogue's Next FPGA Console Tackles Kanye West's Favourite System: The PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16
I don't have any games for the Turbo/PC Engine systems so I may had to pass on this clone. I'll wait for the Analogue 64Nt (N64 FPGA clone) or the DreamSg (Dreamcast FPGA clone) though.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
@Slowdive That's the problem with Sega this year, they are throwing money away when they should be making money. The Astro City Mini would had sell like hot cakes here. Sega had more fans oversea than they had in Japan so I don't get why they couldn't take advantage of that situation.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
Sega could had give this another chance and make a bigger one for us internationally and with more games. For every one good idea Sega makes, they seem to go two steps backwards and make this.
Re: Sega's Next Micro-Console Could Be The Dreamcast Mini, But Don't Expect It Soon
Just give us a Dreamcast collection or Dreamcast archive classics for Switch please.