Interesting advertising. Besides the US mockery they want to make. Also as if visual novels didn't have good/bad endings. Lol.
Something to watch lol. Say that again western games. Sure many Japanese games do have many anime cutscenes alongside their 2D or 3D anime artstyle games or CGI cutscenes too but the west wants movie like experiences, playable or cutscenes, snore.
Also the realistic movesets or setting. Says a lot I still prefer old game design why because the more grounded their worlds the more I sometimes don't care unless it has something interesting to say. Not just 'recreate the city to get eyes on it'. I don't care about real life in a video game. I care about fictional cities, more possibilities to make it your own with events happening then oh we did or didn't destroy this bridge or building events or events happened here at this place or that place in that part of the world. I just don't care. Fiction on a broader scale offers more than fictional events to a real location or grounding the things that happen.
Fantasy worlds are worth it to me as much as the characters and gameplay. If I hate weight/physics of characters and whatever grounded characters mechanically we have these days to be BORING why wouldn't I realistic enough settings. being mechanically boring level design or platforming or any other moveset possibilities.
Heck Love Plus to me while easy to beat with the stats. Is a dating sim with stats, it surprised me and still does besides it's limitations I see through as well very easily. Many others I've seen since are just dating 'themes' not stats like it had. No idea if Konami has a patent on it at all and even then there is only two Love Plus games besides whatever manga/other versions of content differences but 2 major games I think.
It was on DS in 2009 before then so clearly the marketing team didn't go oh it's not like the Japanese don't want more stats and other details of gameplay in their JRPGs of 'story outcomes' then straightforward RPGs they want to mock them. Clearly they don't know Visual Novels clearly.
It's a fair marketing angle but still.
Like sure JRPGs have their differences but I sometimes prefer them. The D&D stuff is cool 'if' we see more do them but only few do them so it's still a niche even if it's still depth I like seeing in RPGs.
I mean sure Fable (if the new one doesn't have that gameplay depth to me it's dead, it can have the British humour and charm or a magical world but I mean gameplay matter Microsoft don't kill off old games with good ideas for a modern bore fest where the old ideas were better and still ahead of their time),
Fallout, Dragon Age and more have their D&D roots, their stats, their story choices as a factor and more going on with their RPGs core.
We don't see many games trying to be like Fallout/Elder Scrolls these days do we years later just still in their niche following which isn't a bad thing. Baulder's Gate 3 and it's past games, or Pillars of Eternity and more have their place.
They are still their own niche then the more open world or many other devs without any D&D experience offering RPG-like mechanics in them.
JRPGs had their WRPG or CRPG influence for sure besides their visual novels so I find it kind of interesting as they didn't take from stats that way they did more the story, the party system, the turn based and how WRPG/CRPGs wanted to get more real time action while still having worlds with their tactics I guess.
They offer stories or their own takes on mechanics and are still fun to me.
I prefer JTactics games then I do WTactics games. Like I know Heroes of Might and Magic by 3DO on PS2 is a fair game but from it to others yeah I just don't like the tactics combat mixed with a world to jump back and forth to.
Sure the boards should be the focus but to me I find them more satisfying to hop in and out to grind.
Not in and out of an overworld then the tactics arena/layout it's tedious and takes more time. Sure the scaling differs per game but to me Disgaea/Valkyria Chronicles are more fun. But hey throwing, the classes of Disgaea.
The mission objective obstacles, classes and characterisation Valkyria Chronicles is also fun.
Diofield to me was like lets try to be a JTactics/strategy game for the west, then Chapter 5+ not try because we want to push the story/drop any more interesting game mechanics for what repetition they have already.
So why have story reason (but gameplay restrictions to them which is why to my Chapter 4 was the highlight of the game gameplay wise to me) why Ch4 they have members that can't be in battle and not further gameplay reasons.
It was a fine game but also lacking in areas.
WRPGs of the tactics type are fine, the old school ones of WRPGs are fine but it depends on their worlds, their grinding their real time or tactics focus then the turn based, tactics or real time (arenas of Tales or none in other games) of JRPGs. If they aren't compelling enough why should I care.
I'm for gameplay not story in RPGs I know weird right but it really does throw me off the gameplay in them.
@JayJ I think GT64 Championship Edition tried to be that N64 equivalent of TOCA maybe. But more for All-Japan GT Championship cars instead then multiple other racing licenses/team/motorsport.
It wasn't any Gran Turismo of depth but it tried to fit that sim niche at the time I think. Kind of like TOCA trilogy on PS1. As far as I understand/vaguely remember when last I checked footage (a while ago) (it doesn't work good on an emulator either) maybe Moto Racer.
JP: December 23, 1997
EU: May 8, 1998
NA: May 12, 1998 was Gran Turismo 1.
GT64 was EU: April 14, 1998
NA: September 9, 1998
JP: October 30, 1998
But not in the way Sega GT on Dreamcast did as a Gran Turismo clone with a lot of good ideas and still some while sponsors are in games today, it's car builder I think took till WRC 2023, the Dreamcast game came out in 2000, Apex 2003 on Xbox OG exclusively I think maybe kind of had something but I forgot how it did or maybe the story was about a dealership not the mechanical aspect of building custom cars in that same way. I just love that feature and some other games of that era I've researched sorry. XD
Pretty cool. RR64, Beetle Adventure, GT64 (a more sim take on N64) and more the N64 had many great arcade and sim style racing games I don't see many talk about so something like RR64 cancelled huh.
Would have been cool but at least it's been archived.
@Nahhhtendo I say it's cool, I talk about a bunch of different systems differences because I have done my research on all consoles of that era.
Chat GPT wouldn't even combine aspects of Wii U Chat or the Blackberry with these consoles for one. Only a human knowledgeable about them would. That's how I know I'm not writing an AI comment.
I've made a Microsoft Co-pilot comment before about the Gizmondo and Zodiac. Aka Microsoft's Chat GPT. It is nothing like my comment. XD So nice try.
Maybe I just know my stuff and can talk about them I don't need an AI to write me a comment this way.
I don't write comments to say wow cool, wow bad. I write comments about my genuine oh this tech is cool, reminds me of this and that. Aka I love tech and consoles not just writing a simple comment small talk response because like I want to be that basic on the internet. XD I hate small talk.
Says a lot when gaming history fans/collectors are apparently like an AI just because they know things and dig deeper than whatever view of games/consoles of the successful everyone else focuses on says and sees.
I have heard bits and pieces about him. I've seen the news videos of the time as someone in a different region then those moments took place I can understand the context. Interesting to hear about this now though. When people understand a medium more and do or don't side with it fair knowing more, if they still think/feel that way and for their reasons. Whether through family, whether through whatever contributions it has or not.
Whatever values the medium has over time, trend to trend, social or cultural values a release needs nowadays compared to the past when laws were or aren't still in place.
Yeah it's not like we haven't had simulators (whether Operation Flashpoint on the PC in the 90s/early 00s (not the case with the later entries in the 10s I think even if it tries to keep to it) or even some US army games on the Xbox for a while) but when it's for entertainment it 'wasn't' just because it was a medium people didn't understand and was changing rapidly.
Nowadays it's more grounded then the more still seen for kids/nerds (even though I still seek out some that fit that then boring grounded games in eh locations, eh mechanics and eh characters in the games) and branching out into more possibilities.
More story telling, the arcadey or the more grounded and serious of things like disability, the dangers of war or much more depending on what perspectives to tell stories from and through gameplay actions.
But the amount of us gamers that know context and separate it. Or how games have changed over time, a lot has happened over the years. More realistic artstyles, more emotional stories, more movie/or not in some cases. Some of old still exist but just less so more and more.
To me seeing decapitation in Rise of the Ronin I was surprised. Not disappointed. I mean even playing or looking back at menus with blood/gore/swearing to turn off in Black Ops 2 or Gears games. Yet you rarely see them these days which is weird.
We have ratings I get that so they try to follow them more for sales. But if you can have Neptunia go eh change the wording in an update to appeal to kids as if 'oh this anime game needs to fit inline with parents rather than parents getting anime is for teens/adults as well' and not just have a turn the profanity off or on depending just blows my mind.
I'm all for more options, I myself found the blood effects (even if not realistic) or just the tone of Resistance 1 (when multiplayer was being played when other families came over) or COD MW2 on PS3 as a kid very scary, I've grown up so it doesn't bother me now since but at the time I'd have been fine with those effects able to be turned off. I remember this as when COD MW2 was being played I was having a hair cut. I was in the understand it age of course but from Star Wars Battlefront games to COD MW2 you could tell the difference for sure.
So with World At War offering the option to turn the more violent effects and dark scenes by moving the camera away from them (like you'd get with a God of War of old minigame for some red orbs in a way with the camera showing nothing but you still have an idea what's going on rather than a South Park we will tell you what the scene was about but can't show it even though it's rated for adults anyway, it's not like oh the South Park GBC game that was cancelled) was nice to see when I put the game in to old WW2 CODs were like from WW2 the modern one by Sledgehammer.
If it offends people but the fact we don't get the option because devs won't offer them just surprises me. We had the options 2 console gens ago with shooters or even something like blood in Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom a Korean RPG that's linear and not like other entries in the series but still.
While you'd have less of the decapitaion in Japanese releases sure when seeing Asian games I do get surprised if it's a Japanese, Korean or otherwise game released to the west. I'm fine with them being a thing just surprised that's all that some will still have cultural differences in their releases not a world wide release to have the least to alter per country because they want to save money not 'waste' in their minds time on each release. Then update it later if things come up or retrack the copies.
GTA was very much trying to push possibilities then the Body Harvest or Space Station Silicon Valley types DMA I mean Rockstar North they prior were for sure and the series kept going and going.
I don't think they play well as they are clunky (even more than other games level of weight/physics or character control) but the ideas, the cities recreations while not as fun as PGR of just fun layouts for race tracks and modes I get the appeal of the satire/crime thrillers (not that many people care about that stuff as others into the genre more). It all makes sense.
I appreciate GTA from a far rather than anything I want to play myself.
Even Midnight Club I get the world appeal but to me the event types just weren't compelling and I was like this is what people get excited over. At least other racing games open world or not like Burnout Paradise or circuit racers had more exciting ideas of mechanics not just a world I should be convinced by and whatever nostalgia people have.
We have racing games with eh business models and too much simulation focus then actual fun gameplay ideas and it kind of sucks so I only buy the ones with exciting ideas in them, they just so happen to be mostly 5-6th gen bit of 7th not so much a smile on my face with 8th+ gen due to more disappointment and handfuls that are good then mostly boring, dumbed down and milking dream cars and unexciting content/progression systems.
Whatever the case of censorship we still see per region or across regions because of just devs not wanting versions to be separated and having to put 'that' much effort in anymore and just wider quicker releases unless they have to change it later.
@Martijn87 With how they did the Wii VC release with Wiimote support I guess they felt that cheaper to do then pull a Punchout Wii and do that sort of release instead.
Maybe they didn't think a Duck Hunt remake or sequel would be worth it with more content or the same experience or worth it at all. That or other Duck Hunting games were on the Wii anyway even if shovelware and it might have blended even if it people can like tell the difference and the nostalgia.
Maybe Link's Crossbow Training filled that which like Metroid, Kid Icarus or Duck Hunt (any ranged gun (scifi or not) or crossbow based games) could have fit with the Zapper to sell alongside instead. It being plastic aside.
Would have been cool as many of Sega's were good on Wii.
The Gizmondo to me was pretty cool. Also the 'not working No Ads release' lol. But yeah that coating isn't great let alone the batteries. The GPS is ok not great and the camera is a camera with it's ok but not great with distance far away or close up I forget. The slow OS too hmm.
The store/kiosk style displays was an interesting idea for 2004/5 period to sell the console/games then wide spread but they had to do something to sell it and somewhere I guess in the UK/everything came out for the US apparently on it's launch due to it's death so what a good mix of launch titles/final titles if to be believed no idea but UK got the intend experience.
Camera/GPS built in then addons like PSP. The Gizmondo communication reminds me of Wii U Chat or I guess Blackberry IDs. A media player, PC aspects because of course it was built with Windows CE after all. I thought that was cool for the time.
It's a fair piece of hardware but bad marketing, bad company history, the people involved, lacking payments of sponsors. The Ferrari got a happy ending at least.
Also the future versions with the Casino focused one, geared towards other audiences ones and the 2nd model.
Even though the Tapwave Zodiac sold better and was well a PDA game console before the Gizmondo came out and also had great features making it better than the PSP as well. Games matter than the hardware besides the yes bad marketing of both. At least the Tapwave Zodiac bluetooth still works with modern bluetooth via backwards compatibility, so transfer some images over or something even if slowly.
The NGage with it's phone and gaming appeal and more notable games. Even if the Zodiac had I think as prototype Tomb Raider build that was a finished port just not released, while NGage had a complete version just no sound.
The trying to make handhelds more than they were period of gaming. With the Tiger Gamecom sort of filling that a fair bit with it's OS and probably a start to that.
I have respect for all 3 that gen's sales flop handhelds in terms of their hardware at least and what games they did offer even if some big hits and some not some interesting things going on still.
The Ngage or Tapwave Zodiac were far better not just because of sales, but games and hardware I think but still all 3 have their appeal in their own way.
I always wondered how an MMO handheld would do. I am not surprised it didn't take off and let alone any willing to support it.
Having seen the Hard 4 Games video on it yeah not much they could gather either.
Owning both a 3DS and Vita now it makes me appreciate what they were trying to do as last time it was 3DO for Panasonic, now a near computer sort of handheld I guess like the Jungle. Well as far as an online device would need with a keypad like PS3/360 controllers had but built as part of the device then an accessory of course. For chat or other functions.
Many GPD or others probably came after this for sure especially with the 3DS device or size.
Sure an online handheld for the time hmm and like Vita 3G. It may have done well but again wireless at the time, data at the time, online/cloud focus eh.
The second screen I forgot about. Ah Dreamcast VMU, GBA and GameCube or Wii U. Loved that direction so having the Jungle alongside 3DS would have been interesting 'what it would be used for'.
The Jungle to me the leftover advertising/website sources are there but yeah not a lot to go on. Looked cool though but use cases yeah a bit limited, competitors too close and would out beat it anyway and games it was supposed to be alongside didn't show. But for the prototype and the few out there or even working either hmm.
Seems a bit ridiculous of a price, sure it's obscure for a reason and incomplete but at the same time who wants it?
Unless people want to make it more than it is or archive things for it. Make an emulator of it too even if possible.
A taxi is kind of a fair idea. Never seen this or maybe heard the name/not seen images.
Captain Toad worked as a platformer with no jump button but mostly a diorama puzzle game.
Even The Last Tinker had ok jumping that was not really there, I guess kind of like Sly tight ropes but that shouldn't be the extent of your platforming and stealth and whatever but was kind of dull in some ways.
Unbox was a fair box 3D platformer but collectibles were annoying to get and some missions are not fun. But the idea of playing as a Box and a Box world/post logic was kind of cool. Also yes you do jump in that game and it's physics can be very picky.
This actually appeals to me for the Taxi part not a mission based 3D platformer so eh.
So this kind of seems more interesting for it's moveset and the world seems ok. The writing who knows till I see footage then just screenshots.
I'll consider it.
I'm sick and tired of Mario/Banjo/Crash/Sonic/Spyro inspirations. Give me Chameleon Twist, Space Station SIlicon Valley, Glover. The fact Glover has more interesting animations and just being a Glove is more compelling besides the ball/crystal mechanics for puzzles is why I find sure a Taxi may be good but just doing missions unless they are good enough not compelling.
Not just saying N64 either. I enjoyed Jumping Flash 1. Blasto is ok.
I'd take obstacle courses any day, sure less 'depth' but I have the same fun with Splatoon and it's moveset in obstacle courses I don't need missions doing some eh stuff in them or whatever dialogue from boring NPCs.
I enjoyed ReCore for it's dungeons and mix of not the best combat depth but still ok and fair platforming areas. I still keep my Xbox One for it and Sunset Overdrive after all let alone a few other games or as a good blu-ray and CD player/back compat machine.
I don't enjoy RPGs, I play tactics ones with just the boards (the Japanese ones not the western ones with worlds and back in and out of gameplay), I've played Spyro/Banjo/Yooka/Clive n Wrench.
I already know what to expect of many mission based 3D platformers. I'm not interested in them. I don't mind open worlds (Sunset Overdrive, Gravity Rush, Infamous side missions, Darksiders 2 as a fair hub based Zelda/God of War experience) or minigames but if the quests are boring in RPGs they are in 3D platformers as well my mind won't change on that.
Obstacle course 3D platformers over mission based ones so boring and barely moveset exciting to play.
Looks fine enough but to me all these nostalgic racers by Indies, especially the Outrun and Virtua Racing clones, Micro Machines and such. even Indie platformers.
They barely have any compelling mechanics which is what annoys me. It wasn't just oh early 3D, it was oh early 3D but lets experiment to make a product stand out but to me mechanics make a game, to the rest of the world themes, graphics and that nostaglic feeling matter and I'm like sigh. With an Indie puzzle game I can get excited, with platformers and racing I go what's this based on a hit game garbage I keep seeing because if I wanted to experience them sure, but I don't have to go it on modern platforms.
I can play many 5th and 6th gen racers arcade or sim, rally or not and have more fun and playing something nostaglic/heavily inspired.
I won't deny yes I miss Sega Rally but I mean I do Sega GT more because other than WRC 2023, Sega GT and what Apex 2003 on Xbox OG or Supercar Street Challenge on PS2 had car builders or chassis design. 20+ years from 1999's Dreamcast Sega GT to WRC 2023. For a feature like that that isn't just tires, graphics and other physics touch ups I couldn't care less about for realism.
It's why I felt Midnight Club LA wasn't for me, what's so special about this game series? Street culture sure, LA, sure if you want city recreations I don't care and other than 2 modes, the rest are as basic as ever.
Also freeway races XD I'm sorry but why does that get it's own type of event it's not like the conditions are any different it's still point to point but on freeways only, big whoop. Nostalgia is why people miss it nothing more. Hit series being just that themes, particular cars and nostalgia.
It's no drifting, cone challenge, stunts, gate challenges, or hillclimbs or high and low class or other more varied conditions for events. Event types matter not just the physics, or the progression which also can be a factor cough GT7, Forza Motorsport 6, but variety. I had fun with WRC 3 on 360, why because the modes were good, sure it had dropped the management system from 2 but I mean I got that with MotoGP 9/10 as well even if arcadey, which more people would complain about I'd rather a more interest set of event types and it delivered. The ending was rough, 2nd last race, tough as nails, last one a cake walk because of the track layout not just the AI. I didn't feel as accomplished with it due to the weird balancing there but glad I finished it.
Interesting content. And Jon, ah the great videos from him are always a treat.
Like Labyrinth Plus Edition's cheese level some things are worth saving. But Japan and the use of idols in games is just strange but also kind of cool I guess.
I mean to me Pile of Bodies with many Youtubers in a Minecraft world was kind of cool and how it was a good strategy of survival game aspects on what to get from each Youtuber's body on that map, so a Monkey Ball stage based on a person is kind of cool even if different and creatively strange marketing I guess.
I assume the levels offer a fair bit or are pretty bland but eh for archiving sake I guess. Anything is worth archiving just to be of note either way I think.
If they remade 3D to save it from the awful state (it made sense they thought they had a good idea making a 3D platformer, and rushed it to market unfortunately and didn't have time to make it look or play great but things were new at the time and I can partly say it had some fair ideas/direction among the awkwardness it has in it) it turned out in or more playable 2D games (which the runner and 2D one it got were ok not great).
To me Bubsy 3D, Enter The Dragonfly and more have a lot they could be remade for. They had fair ideas just it wasn't executed well due to issues at the time/management and more. If enough of their core is good I don't think they are that bad just missing some polish. Even Dodge Charger vs Challenger. A shovelware car make advertising game, tweak a few things and it'd be fine. I beat it. I saw things in it. The only reason I do is Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano from 2006 by Milestone is so good, also the first rewind system in a racing game and Grid 2008 over simplified it and current Milestone staff/other devs have kept it simplified and bland of a mechanic ever since. Lame. Some good can come from licensed games or shovelware if done right it's just the budget, management and the actual care.
I think they can do things with Bubsy it's just the games aren't very good. The character is fine but annoying. Gex is fair too but at least the worlds made sense with the character saying references and particular things. Bubsy just sort of talked for the sake of it so it was less charming or meaningful. Even Scaler I can take what he says as some fine moments with the eggs cutscenes at the end of levels being all unique and some things he says. I don't take it all seriously.
Meme status exists and they will want to tap into that sadly I think because well it's not like a lot of people care for Bubsy in a good way more a meme way or at least vocally.
Like Knack some of us care for the games (old God of War for kids, average story but fun enough gameplay yes please), most care to meme because they are just that way. People mostly care about memes and whatever eh themes/story then gameplay anyways.
I'd be up for a fair Bubsy game I just haven't seen copies at all. If digital or limited then makes sense but I've legit never seen the games other than footage/reviews and gone yeah they are fine. Nothing that exciting gameplay wise to care to pick them up (the reason I seek out games is the gameplay ideas they have after all) just research them and take what most people say with a grain of salt and what I see in footage as the case to determine for myself besides other research.
A mix of old and new would be nice. I bought Atari 50 just for the Lynx and Jaguar games. I won't likely be able to get the classic systems but I think they have a place.
If they have a classic system that has the connectors for the old games (that'd be a challenge but cool if they could) but also digital form of them that'd be nice.
It depends if they want to do bundles or not though. Like a plug and play here is games bundled with it like the Coleco Sonic (the handheld with many Sega games on it) kind of thing or just a classic console or more Lynx/Jaguar/7800 or so type classic collection games besides Atari 50.
To me there is only so much that appeals to me with Atari really to experience what I missed out on and still caring for niche systems.
Then again we won't see Zodiac/Gizmondo revivals any time soon. Let alone a 3DO mini so eh. No idea.
@sdelfin Yep my mistake there. Never owned a PS1 or really knew enough about that as much.
I know of System Link and iLink for Xbox and PS2 but forgot about it for PS1, oops yeah the Serial would be used for that. I forgot about the Parallel Port, I should have looked at an image of the back of the systems to be sure.
Sounds most likely yes of bypassing things more than just the GB Player I mentioned (only know about them due to a Gaming Historian video on third party ones in different systems).
Then again I assume any port if it's capable people find a way Serial not sure but Parallel and of course SD/USB these days or just a particular cartridge like an R4.
Interesting it wasn't powerful enough hmm I guess that does answer that then. I don't know enough about the speeds or specs of the system and its' components let alone even though I watch old tech videos I only have somewhat a grasp on that era and how capable the ports/specs are for the time and what some of the names many used back then compared to more familiarity with these days.
I thought just oh it's streaming it to the 2600 (encode still to work with the limits of course it still has to process something) and trying to process it but if it's actually encoded and offline playable to work on the code then that's impressive.
@sdelfin With the PS1's serial port they should have just offered a cart option. Some PS1 games tried to put it part of the assets into the RAM like Crash but whether that did much for load times who knows. No idea how many tried to do that but a cart would have helped or a better memory card or something. But whether many would have bought it who knows.
Other than a third party GB player I have no idea what that port was actually officially intended for. Maybe dev repair checks for diagnosis (like people besides maybe a different purpose instead of the PS TV, the Vita 1000 top port for some HDMI out or diagnosis), maybe to connect to a PC for the PS1 being a CD player? Even though it can on it's own play CDs but different audio support (not that I understand how 90s PC parts work that well so just a guess).
That port got removed on later models of PS1 so it would have been possible to make something to connect it to there maybe but do people even collect serial port PS1 models for modding or other things?
Same as how some assuming the SD card slot on the DSi could have been used for further peripherals when the GBA slot was removed (I mean SD/IO was used on Pocket PCs back in the 2000s it's not like it wouldn't have been possible, those I think they require a bit more then regularly SD slots, even besides the cancelled 2 card slots which only the Tiger Gamecom offers and nothing has since).
For the current Indy game as the two modern reboot Wolfenstein games and 2 had Hitler in it and the altering of them in the German version, however many people worked on both who knows.
Fate of Atlantis not as familiar with. But whatever they thought/could do at the time. I mean are they known in the universe of the series yes, but it could be any one or any army/threat.
I think they have an idea what their talking about. I do think the Indy series can have many different treasure hunters or armies against him after the treasure. Same as Uncharted, Tomb Raider or Pitfall.
Whatever they think suits of a threat/antagonist is up to them. If they think they can make it work.
I don't mind either way what they go up against really. I care more for the puzzles and adventure then I do who the enemies are but if they fit they fit. It can be any humans stopping Indy and I couldn't care less.
Makes an average PC port, then Evercade, why is there no modern console version? Sigh. Gex will take it time from the other studio doing that or I just buy them on Vita store instead.
N64 version runs better. They can rework the controls but for performance, the level design/physics I think N64 probably is more suitable, the PS1 version has it's place but isn't a great port even if no analogue support or maybe it did even if intended for d-pads as most had d-pad controllers then Dual Analogue/Dualshocks.
Whatever possible of 8 way movement on a d-pad maybe? Or whatever the case. Or mimic a stick on a d-pad. I doubt it has any pressure determining of speed to walk/run or anything but still. I haven't played Glover but always have my eye on it as interested.
Skip/a filter. It wasn't the South Park game censoring and talking about the scene at least. Doki Doki Literature Club has a warning for horror. A warning is fair and not altering the content. Or altering it but offering an 'original' option. But we don't really have that these days because Devs don't want to add the option to do so.
We had COD/Gears gore or swear options 2 gens ago. Why does no one offer those. It's the same with Neptunia the latest game having ESRB and word changes for ratings because it had to be child friendly when the series is mostly bought by older people anyways. Just offer an option to hide it. But sales are sales I guess and that rating does matter sure but was Teen to E10 that much of a big deal sure it can be. But the words weren't that bad.
If I could hide the PS store button in GT Sport why can't we have content options to toggle anymore.
I don't mind either way honestly. It's from a different time. I don't mind. I'll play Pitfall The Lost Expedition, Ratchet and Clank and other games just keep go along with it. Those Pitfall Natives were from a different time in gaming.
I don't get offended. I just play them for the gameplay, if characters are a certain way it is what it is.
I mean I saw a video where someone wore clothes//hat and asked people, people said oh offensive. Those from the culture, weren't offended. People don't know anything.
No GT4 Prologue for 1, no 2002 Concept as well for 2 and GT7 high up WTF. GT2 sure but GT1 is dated and limited on content even if it was a important title.
GT7 is not for racing enthusiasts, the cars sure, maybe the physics (I hate them), tuning shop level gating, yeah that's great game design sigh, I always wanted GT5 to do that because it was missing something that annoying, what a load of garbage, the talking constantly, emptiness, a visual novel presentation from a AAA.
I enjoy Visual novels but like seriously. Who asked for dumbing it down for 'newcomers' when racing enthusiasts or car fans/GT players know all this stuff.
It's not a bad thing to offer it for newcomers but were they afraid of the GT5 Nascar cutscene character models alongside the pit crew. Like come on. Laziness. Make the conversations in a phone, make it contextual if that's what their going for and wanted to presented it better but they wanted to show the car and wanted to show the environments??? But no character models other than pit crew in races.... But won't show a phone or computer. If TOCA Pro Race Driver on PS2 let alone the Dirt series can have menus on a computer how lazy are Polyphony to make contextual sense to present emails, texts or video calls. Laziness and ugly design. If they want presentation offer it, not barely commit to it. I don't ask for cutscenes in my racing games but like come on. GT6 did it and it was fine enough, still just a text box, that works fine, many games do that and I don't mind it, it has it's tips/tutorial use cases and easy to skip too. But I mean it's still fair then open spaces with emptiness, cars and no one your talking to you being there. Whether we are 'using our phone' and looking over.... Maybe.
The dealership/brand central cutscene is hilarious. I could walk that in Project Gotham Racing 2, the same as the garages and see every single car in that game. No way even getting VR of that in GT7 which would be cool. Or a Car model viewer/Forza Vista type thing either.
No one is doing anything like that nowadays. Everything is menu based. Menus make sense but even still. Presentation. Ideas out of the box.
The fact Bizarre Creations did it alongside a menu, had Geometry Wars in it (3 & 4 expanded on it then separted to Live Arcade or GW3 by Lucid as some old BC devs besides those that went to Playground or wherever), just for people to explore it not use it as the only menu option is just awesome. Menus are good to be quick sure but to walk around it when Forza Vista was more limited and kind of nice of a car model viewer and voice over. Is just cool stuff.
Only MTX sullies GT6. Really? I mean even the game design changes made sense of stars and skipping events but S5 is a pain and some content is ok. I don't think much of 6 but MTX huh. I just don't find it as fun even besides it's more content then GT4 of side content offerings and variety being probably better yes just the handling model annoys me so much in GT5 & 6 besides the content.
GT3 has it's limits but still good, repetitive and bad AI, eh pro events dragged out that's just hours of repeating 10-20 lap races as many mini endurance races I get that, but it's limited content is fair enough. You can't beat it if you put your own challenges on it like GT4 but it's still fun enough.
GT4 is the best in the series even with it's limits it's quality of life mods and randomisers shows how infinitely replayable the base game is besides modding it. It has issues with rewards but they make sense for history purpose when you acquire them. It has some noticeable bugs but still.
GT Sport I get the lower level but still enjoyable enough and with it's offline patch is great now singleplayer wise even if 20mill nostalgia cup grind or the cheaper ones but even with no achievements it's possible to play and less online nonsense to deal with anymore. I jump on and off it. The AI in the later events aren't playable for me. From F1 to just certain others, endurance as well. I can tune all day many ways, and hold on and nothing.
GT7 is fine but to me is just GT5 & Sport + Forza Motorsport 6 levels of issues I have with the game. I respect GT Sport more than I do 7 by how it handles content, I don't care what cars/tracks even if GT Sport the lacking use of rally other than rally or the truck event was a joke I used those rally tracks for drifting achievement than anything else. The content drops are fine but the progression, to just little things suck in GT7, the quality of life is just so eh. Granted I haven't watched every update but even still. Gifts cars in Sport sucked as you can't sell them sadly but no idea GT7 even though selling was added in an update. The grind is a bit much.
People complain about Forza Motorsport 8's upgrade system, why is gating tuning shop upgrades a good idea? Like who asked for this GT5 level system but over expanded nonsense to other parts of the game as well and approves of it but doesn't give GT5 a pass in that area.
I think it's recency bias. It's got major issues.
If it's down to the cars then eh, oh their dream cars then no I can't agree with that, gameplay design over whatever dream cars and tracks people want any day. I don't mind the GT Sport tracks licensed or original but they still aren't great.
I feel the same with Forza Motorsport 1, so many tracks left behind and I find the licensed ones just so unfun to race on. But that's just me. Real tracks to race on digitally is cool but to me I just don't like the way they feel to drive on and the physics in most modern racing games I don't like. Grid Legends was the last one I tolerated enough without favouring older games racing feel even if not realistic still more fun or suitable for me to drive in the games.
GT Sport (I don't own 7 I may in the future but I have no interest in it right now or ever) didn't have as many GT5 & 6 Tyre physics/handling model (even with cars that are more flexible still) issues but it still has limits of it's own I find annoying.
I don't count the reuse of PS2/PSP car models of GT5/6 it didn't bother me. But at the same time. Old or new tracks 7 is limited, an eh cafe mode and music rally no one cares about other than the game installing. Nascar, Go Karts, Rally, the moon, Sierra Time Rally, are all better than music rally from GT5 & 6.
7 is the latest but not good enough in modern game design compared to even other racing games on the market let alone creativity of ideas. I have issues with many modern games in some genres. Yet can go back and go that has design that makes sense why does this game have this design but lacks in character movesets (Biomutant, Foamstars).
I don't care about multiplayer only the singleplayer. I never did GT5 & 6 online races either so I missed out but not fussed there.
As much as I don't like the hard difficulty of Ride 4 it's Forza region mode is cool. WRC 2023 Sega GT style or it's own car builder. Give me that not Forza's position select/upgrade limitation systems that Ratchet games can pull of but not a car game due to the way the games are of using the car/upgrades.
Wake me up when someone makes a Chameleon Twist, Glover, Space Station Silicon Valley, Blinx, Scaler, Dr Muto, or others for 'inspiration' not whatever mainstream 3D platformer nostalgia/inspiration all the time of Sonic, Mario, Banjo, Spyro, Crash.
So many Indies are making me care less to buy any of them. With the amount of Banjo/Mario worlds, missions or movesets I just don't care. Got better things to play or research.
The name almost gives me Uniracers or Rocket Robot on Wheels vibes than Sonic.
To me it's not just oh Sega went third party as they did PC ports during the Saturn era. That's what's more important to take away from even besides oh Microsoft had PC games on the Gameboy Colour what!!!! And Rare made GBA games alongside the Xbox/360 as well.
Or Dreamcast games on Xbox was a consideration.
Aspects many people overlook or don't know about is Sega's PC stuff because they focus on console so much.
Even I didn't know about the Microsoft Gameboy Color games till going yeah that makes sense from research let alone the Windows CE for Dreamcast or MSX computers in Japan.
Other than Project Spark Xbox One was a really eh console (also the removal of cool features for boring socialising ones).
I cared for ReCore, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay and Forza Motorsport 5-7 even if 5-7 do suck. It's a good 'use apps not on the other platforms' and a CD (can't on PS4/5), Blu-ray/media device and back compat.
OG Xbox/360 so many third parties I want on it besides the first party I missed or coming back to Forza Motorsport 1, got PGR 1-4 for the first time and loved them in 2020 for OG Xbox on 360 back compat.
Xbox tries with 'variety' but in ways that don't appeal to me the way PS1-3/PSP/Vita did of many IPs, still fun and enjoyable of various genre and gameplay/themes/artstyle/quality or Nintendo does.
Xbox has tried but it just makes me go well they have variety but they don't really appeal to me. The same way Sony goes 'you'll love all these' and I go sorry but you drew me further away from your platform with changing your IPs to suit a different audience then having multiple audiences you made me want none of your games now then when you offered variety and I want all of them. What a weird reversal. XD
So only Asobi/Media Molecule releases really interest me of Sony's and those are way out now..... So I don't own a PS5 because I have no reason to. I don't use sub services because I don't need to when watching prices and timing of the release on those services for games I am interested in. The enhancements aren't a selling point to me. I like tech but I can care for games with more interesting game design because modern design dropped many of that magic years ago, and more retro consoles with more interesting hardware as well.
Unfortunate but lucky I got the PS4 collection of 1-3 and 4 Special Edition on 360 physical.
PC may be a fair platform but unless people want to look for abandonware sources (or GOG/Epic/other legit sources to still buy the games if they are available that is) just go console physical or whatever old PC support physical there is left. Or find someone who is willing to let you play the games on your Steam account.
Or yes DRM in their controlled PC offerings now which is sad.
1-3 are easy to find in collections for PS3/360/PS4/Xbox One at this point. 4 may be trickier as it's likely still PS3/360 I think unless they did port it I don't know I haven't checked.
Same way I did for apps for That's You and Hidden Agenda in archival Android APK sites (done for a few and is pretty easy to do sideload them ah the greatness that is Android in that way, sure security but hey if I'm sideloading safe apps it's fine) the Google Play store (I know it doesn't I checked) and Apple Store likely don't have them and who is going to jailbreak a phone to access them or somehow get the app on older iPhones/Android.
I did buy the Playlink titles physical from EB Games and just had to find the Android APKs for the apps to play was easy to do.
I don't see a need to downgrade my Android to do it, so on Android 10 I still got it to work no problem didn't have to alter anything, other apps sure I have them in an isolated space app to test some but otherwise they work fine had no issues playing the games with the apps to make choices in the games the apps worked like they did back in 2017 thanks to the power of Android sideloading and why I use Android is to do things like that.
PC as well if people can get them to work from certain legit stores like GOG or Epic or others that may have them that do sell the games or 'other methods' if that's all it takes, good luck if desperate to.
An interesting game, better than whatever trending things game do badly or well but aren't exciting, at least someone went you know what let's try this and make something from them clearly it's possible right or for a joke like Plumber's Don't Wear Ties return because reasons. Sigh. I can speculate but either way it's cool in it's own way.
I never understood the hate for it. Other than oh AVGN covered it and how people talk this and that about the CD-i. I mean every console media capable or not or failed of the time 'had a purpose'. From experimenting to being a media/projector used device in offices or schools or whatever. The PS1 had edutainment titles too. Gamers are weird and miss context but meme it up I guess.
Context is key and gamers don't think that far ahead. That's like blaming a light gun for not being able to play a platformer when it is intended for something else. Like come on. I can play a PS2 game with a DVD remote doesn't mean I should even if all the buttons are there.
It's a console/media system for encyclopedias and educational games not just the Zelda/Mario ones so yes a normal layout controller exists but it's a controller that like CD/DVD menu games or 'INTERACTIVE CDs' that the CD-i was for. There is many controllers and many games for the CD-i.
The more consoles failed, tech company projects and more I research the more I don't take gamers seriously and follow gaming historians/collectors (more trustworthy and not nostalgia blinded/narrow minded ones) or whatever tech projects companies made and crossed over to gaming at some point and back out because it made sense.
So many failed consoles tech wise were better than successful ones when you look at them peripheral wise (PSP addons like a GB Camera were optional, versus a built in GPS/Camera into a Gizmondo or Tapwave Zodiac, not all of what they did were good but it's not like they weren't the first to do that or have a media player in them, let alone maybe the Gamecom did that on it's main besides the MP3 player GBA addon).
The Crank is cool. Stylus. Um I don't even have experience with old PDAs but I mean.... they were common there even if business devices and the DS was more so many people's experience with a Stylus sure and less so PDAs, touchscreen monitors or obviously smartphones before touch screen ones with the iPhone (because like people know smartphones existed before the iPhone did).
To me the Switch 2 needs IR in a better spot but the IR is nice with the Wii.
The Paddle and Bongos make sense for their respective games and how they used it in the DK platformer for GameCube/Wii New Play Control.
The Track and Field or DDR mats I think are fine. Never used but probably good enough for those games and functionality over time.
EyeToy and Kinect showed tracking in different ways of the technology with cameras and software.
The balance board had use but mostly was a bit limited. In Silver Falls Umbra on Wii U (US eshop only and lead up to the end of the eshop) it would have been cool how they would use the balance board but had to be cancelled that use of the balance board. Sigh.
Interesting as some Larry games were on console still then around the time (or I assume after Ngage release and discontinuation so surprised they say it was too much for the platform) which always confused me due to ratings or other publishing factors maybe. But I never knew how Larry games got to PS2 yet other adult games stayed on PC. For ratings or publishing or other reasons I'd assume certain adult games wouldn't get on consoles back then and obviously don't now unless toned down enough which is understandable.
I know most are on PC for understandable reasons but still. Ngage huh. Would have been interesting.
Just like many using handhelds for many toned down ecchi games but not eroges as still on PC for fair reasons.
I think while the choices were at the end, and making the money to save them all or just the consequences. It being menu based then certain actions (I don't know how it was advertised at all/what promises as deep or vague or whichever it was and how the wording is compared to the final product) but still.
Some left field approaches can be messy, some great. I mean with a 2nd or 3rd it depends what they want to do next, what direction, how much same, how much different, is it story, is it world, is it characters, is it combat, is it quality of life in either of those, is it a rewriting of the same but different.
I hate that I love the left field approach of Ratchet Crack in Time with it's new additions, fans praise it's changes well story I assume then gameplay but I love it's gameplay changes it expands on the formula, a formula we have had for way too long and the refinemnts were fine but it was gettintg stale/needed more yet same skill tree, same this and that. I didn't ask for a Tools of Destruction 2 and the devs with RIft Apart go ok we need it to be on track again let's make a Tools of Destruction 2? I get Tools of Destruction is a mix of Ratchet 2 & 3, totally but it's new stuff was fine, Rift Apart is just Tools of Destruction 2 then borrowing from Crack in Time and well it's new is eh scripted and boring, or just ok little differences in some cases of atmosphere/characters/things to do that work but aren't exciting or we have seen before anyway just recontextualised. I mean we see many oh this gadget, oh these weapon types. I get it and their fine but I mean it's not 'that different'. I know they can run out of ideas, but they have ideas and they dropped them. Why? Too much time/tech effort so just barely bother with it. They had the ambitious ideas and left them on the floor for 'safeness', 'less dev time'. What a waste of tech/time they built up.
Lets just go next gen Tools of Destruction and barely tackle the Crack in Time side as 'even though we have more years time to do it' we don't want to push that tech. That's the impression I get, they haven't said it but it's pretty clear they don't care. It is too much story, too much cinematic Sony flavour and not enough console power and gameplay pushes.
1 level gets close. 1. What a waste of time and tech in a left field game 'PEOPLE PRAISE' and they just go 'we have so many audiences lets make it safe' I get why but I mean we have waited since 2007 for this story to end, let alone the next one may not even go further and be safe too. Better balance it. It's just so safe and bland. I don't know. I'm sick of waiting to find out with Spiderman/Wolverine as a higher priority and the other I have to wait and know their western animation focus is just so eh. I don't expect parody anymore but following trends can sometimes loose people and wanting them to stand out is asking a lot but if they set themselves up to why not follow it. Resistance 3 is more their DNA then Resistance 2, 2 is the most bland game ever, 3 has so much of them in it. Childhood series, don't care, so what the changes and waiting has been hit and miss and their trend following does waste their time sometimes.
I get why Mass Effect's choices didn't end because that's a major project to tie up everything even though they setup the world in the 1st, changed directions of the RPG format to a third person shooter with choices and differences along the way for the audience. 2 & 3 are easier to play too 1 has it's moments but I find that intro hard to play.
Some have ideas and don't know how to best present them. Whether audience intended expectations (and from however much depth to break down then just brief words of their goal and whether they can live up to it or people still thinking the first words of the goal are still accurate when later in development they are or things change with management or whatever the case in the background we do or don't see in behind the scenes interviews or dev diaries/articles) or that devs just had to cut short some outcomes in development due to timing, due to publisher demands due to how they wanted to write it/animation/design the situations or not.
It is very ambitious and hard to achieve that's for sure. I know he has a vision/presents big ideas and they don't always happen or it's too early for tech/techniques and ability to do it or needing the right know how to achieve it but yeah hard to know what to really say.
Appease EA even though there was many other sports games and variations at the time hmm. I mean sure Sega did sports games on the Dreamcast so EA didn't I can see why but I mean they could have tried their own sports games themselves but the appeal of 2K or EA or others of the time hmm not sure and not surprised Microsoft didn't as the competition was very different then nowadays. But if EA marketing with Xbox or just in general to appease them then hmm.
Also VMU sports game use cases, Wii U Madden hmm I see some appeal there.
As R Racing is MotoGP3 challenges and menu assets taken straight from the game, Ace Combat voices and a Ridge Racer spinoff with real cars, sizeable amount of tracks for a first attempt at this it's sure like GT1 in terms of tracks listings but for a career mode and story mode it's still good.
Type 4 is good for PS1 titles.
6 & 7 have their place of course.
PSP 2 was my first and I loved it. The content and while the feel is what it is it works. Hard endgame but still good fun for remixing content like Burnout PSP titles did. Was a fair call for fans and as a newcomer I think it was a fair way to jump in and appreciate old titles.
Theta looks fun. Marionette could have been a Warioware or Rhythm Heaven microgame. Even the drum kit one in Rhythm Heaven DS you had to keep playing and an audience would react but a puppet show and more to it with the Wiimotes/Nunchuk and moving it around, or whatever angles to put it would have been cool.
I had just heard of Chuhai labs a few days ago so timing.
I always appreciate developers with games that have out of the box thinking so this was a fun read.
The Xbox does have a cool factor to it's name. It's short, it's simple, but effective.
The others sound like PC peripherals or phone sort of names or too businessy than a console to get people excited especially for the type of energy, audience and whatever they wanted to hit for I can see why they weren't impressed with the names.
Some are good but some also are too professional sounding or give off a different vibe then something you'd recognise and say casually and go yeah that lands. While the One/Series don't as much either we still remember them at least even if 360/One is just a repeat and really not great especially to type/write. Is it Xbone, is it Xbox One, is it One captialised, just saying 720 anyways.
The 'meaning' is there like 360 of entertainment but the name effectiveness was not. Even Surface I find to be better than One.
I love the OG/360 logos designs so strikingly iconic but effective at getting point across also when the 360 logo appears on boot up I like the animation which as an entrance to the console is a fair touch (among other reasons it may be like that).
The OG Xbox OS is amazing still to this day the details, the atmosphere, the voice clip.
Even if some Sega hardware could be considered bad steps, too much hardware, too much cartridge, CD, 32X and more I always found them interesting.
It's why I think the JVC X Eye is also really cool or the Panasonic Q among others combining elements. Same with any failed Gamecom, NGage, Zodiac, Gizmondo they did things, people don't care but I do their ideas were interesting.
The Pluto would have been great but it is what it is.
What a great article. I discovered the game from a youtuber covering PS1 UK demo disks and instantly loved the gameplay/concept. XI always confused me how different it was whether more content, just the Japanese title or otherwise but after research still a bit confused what it did.
An interview would be nice, more direct information and just hearing what they have to say in general for such a great game. Would like a remaster though. Still so unique. Love the PS1/2 era the experimentation/games left behind.
Bombastic in itself is interesting too for a sequel. I always get it and Ballistic names mixed up just like War Thunder/Warframe too much similar letters in there. I swear know English well enough and just a memorisation thing. XD
Did my research of the series and yeah one of the best besides Kula World of PS1 puzzle games out there for sure. Does it outbeat my favourite PSP puzzle games hmm tough to say because they are so different of games/puzzle design.
I had heard of the Net Yaroze side of things but never saw branding anywhere for Devil Dice so not surprised 'it never was under that branding/label'. It makes sense why they were only on demo disks not retail games unless Sony was happy to push steps a bit further for their team's game which as they were an established studio not unknown makes sense why it never got Net Yaroze treatment which likely none of them did and why Game Yaroze/Net Yaroze naming or characters can get confusing when translating or 'seeing Yaroze' and what details are documented or left out.
Never heard of the Game Yaroze side I think as most expected of westerners and what Japanese info can be found at the time even with early internet even if fairly spread for late 90s you never know what info is still discoverable now (why the Wayback machine is so important and why grr licensing can ruin it).
Missing the Japanese corridor horror game tsk tsk.
Ah a system with red, interesting use of 32bit and wireframe in some games. I'd say it's more 3D than VR.
The rest are about right. It being a small library does help though noticing the good and bad on offer and many were pretty good.
They could have waited for black and white or more colour but they had to release it. Red wasn't the worst and sure it had to be cheap and wasn't whatever the case for blue LEDs and so on. It has charm. A fair idea but sometimes some things need a bit more time. I love the idea of it, the 2 d-pads too that N64 got as C buttons I guess. Not all are winners but it had great ideas besides it's particular state of working.
No Geist? Cubivore? It's like Disaster Day of Crisis for best wii games what a game but nope, Xenoblade gets noticed? What about Monolith's other Wii titles like come on. Doubt even Project Hammer would have been forgotten if it released regardless of yes I know it was cancelled with the way people go about some games priorities/nostalgia.
Bantan Kaitos even? (never played but wouldn't be surprised by the quality of it). Surprised other hits aren't on here it's mostly first party here. Always the problem with these lists.
Xbox always has third parties that are on such lists and only the big games get on there most don't care or forget the rest. But Sega/Sony/Nintendo it's first party and forgot the rest (PS1 special case who puts Blasto, Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (people would put GT games instead) on it most people don't it wasn't for first party though among many others it's mostly a third parties console people played PS1 for with only odd ones mentioned of first party or any under surface that are good ever mentioned).
Surprised even Viewful Joe made it, deserves to be listed but still just odd others weren't there. Also Killer 7 why isn't it either?
The games I look to on GameCube, N64 and more are always different then most people though so not surprised the 'quality' selected titles.
The ones I've looked into are all forgotten unless you know the genres deep enough or like one offs by publishers (racing) or one off AA/B grade titles (platformers) anyways so they'd never make it to such lists.
Very cool, but Jaguar, NGage, Zodiac & Gizmondo would be interesting to think about unlikely homebrew for them or good enough tools. 3DO cool to see though.
I enjoy a mix of console, handhelds, handhelds with TV support like a PSP with a cable (don't own a Nomad but still closest I'll get) or Vita remote play.
Wii U for dual screen/off tv with some virtual console.
I don't own any of the modern retro consoles or emu handhelds. Good enough with emu other ways.
He does have a open mind to ideas in games. The humour seems on point there for. Fair games picked for it all varied, some hits some differently known but Wizardry an interesting choice.
I mean Ico isn't about much other than a focus on saving the NPC. It has events, enemies but I mean I don't know enough/haven't play it properly yet but as far as I know it's got a different goal then other games while being similar enough to other games by the look of it. The devs changed course with it when making it to make it's goal different.
Sounds believable it is a very different game. You'd go 'why is it so empty, who is the villain/disaster your going to prevent or goals in it, what is there to do, what is the appeal' once you play it you go oh this is different it's not your average Action Adventure/RPG style game. It isn't the first survival game I think but did popularise them.
It was going to have a tutorial though (and console versions have one since the 360 version of course, the PC Gamer demo existed), I mean also wikis/guides people made all the time, how many people did the same for other games regardless of tutorials. I mean does Slender even have a tutorial?
I mean the fact I can look at resources in the base/mods recipes and go 'yeah I use iron/copper to do this and this because of what I have' I don't need a tutorial. Some point do need a let's play to help them but once you find resources/memorise what they do or see the recipes you have your next goal pinned to the wall basically. To the book and quill if you will.
Other games have just events/goals but no tutorial. Not every racing game has a license test. Or a story? Some do, others have a focus on 'win races, do a bunch on the side if you want then the main ones to reach the end movie montage/credits' which you can do whenever. No different to side quests in an RPG and ignoring the main quest.
Puzzle games don't either. Tetris doesn't. Most don't just do levels and test your skills/understanding of the rules/controls. They don't have to but if you want a Puyo Puyo story mode or something you can do it.
That and while Indies were usually going for certain conventions on XBLA/Flash games or as old as Cave Story/Alien Hominid you'd have some like Minecraft come from Dwarf Fortress and InfiniMiner (I never forget Infiniminer) a combo of elements.
Whatever procedural generation algorithm you could come up with then just dungeons usually in past games like Daggerfall or other examples like I guess space games way earlier than No Man's Sky but not to it's scale of course.
What theming you can come up with to make the world what it is.
That and with games focusing so much on writing these days or similar game mechanics it was interesting to see a game go oh voxels that's different (sure vector/voxel games existed before of course). Oh old graphics huh but it helps with the building/theme. You can do this and that with the world huh.
Honestly it's why I enjoy survival games some RPG elements just annoy me so much and I don't care about many of them.
Survival games are flexible and fair settings/gameplay that I can do quests sure but I mostly do whatever. Not deal with so many strict goals in RPGs I hate. There is a reason I play tactics games because they are like board games but with good video game elements on them not RPGs with eh writing/NPCs, quests I find boring, skill trees/skills/gear I don't like.
The big one 'I can interact with the world' I love when games offered 'items/gadgets' to interact with the level design' so why wouldn't I like to do the same in a survival game to mold it how I want.
No Blinx, Voodoo Vince or others this list is dead to me. XD Surprised no Brute Force or others on here hmm. Exclusives or other third parties on all platforms but play best on Xbox.
Also Sega GT 2002 so underrated, why do some games get skipped (PGR2 and FM1 are great but yeah some get left behind). Granted I never played PGR 1&2 when I owned an OG Xbox I had to buy all 4 games later. What a blast but still. 2 & 3 though, not into 4 that much the career structure annoyed me. I can't wait to buy Sega GT 2002 and Apex, Group S Challenge maybe. I mean like Driving Emotion Type S might as well play the underrated/bad exclusives on PS2/Xbox right to see how bad they really are? Even if tried DETS via emu and yeah it's awkward in that state and when it does work it's structure is limited.
Even Sega GT Dreamcast has a car builder an innovative feature. (I want the car builder to come back more than ever in a racing game not the current state of modern racing game trash) besides Apex an also Xbox exclusive racer with similar (Milestone is always underrated for innovative racing game mechanics cough rewind before Grid/FM3, cough RPG elements in a racing game besides racing lagoon's RPG/story mode, then again Killswitch (besides that from rail shooters and modern shooters as a combo in a way the duck and shoot versus not in modern shooters of the time) came out in 2003 and Gears/Uncharted 2007 and they popularised the cover based system Killswitch started compared to Milestone's 2006 one make games and other efforts on 6th gen hardware over 7th gen hardware racing games people look at for such features. Sigh marketing and whether people even care for mechanics at all over style/theme/setting/graphics sigh).
Still the Xbox has so many underrated games. Which for collecting makes me happy but also laugh that the games are cheap and unwanted when they are so good. Says a lot about nostaglia/marketing right? People are too brand focused. I'm not and go wow Xbox had some great games people completely overlooked. The Japanese support might not have helped but the power of both Xbox/360 helped some devs make some great games.
Also I love 6th gen gaming had not as many gimmicks and had innovative games. Nowadays I have to play games with controller features to actually care to play them many are so boring or not worth a purchase, besides the games with new/spins on existing ideas that I can take or leave controller features with them in the modern gaming space.
I can say yeah sure many Dreamcast/PS2/GameCube have some great third parties overlooked for mechanics and actual fun factor/fresh ideas no doubt I agree and look to all consoles of the part at such games. Sure it's my favourite gen but the gems are what I care about not the nostalgia.
Atari 50 is out and their history. But whatever 2600/7800 that aren't all Atari makes this worth it but also some games aren't that compelling on either system or collectors got the 2600/Intelli/Coleco years ago didn't they (if that's even true).
A classic console with 7800 games on it is cool but I still don't know what to think about this. Besides the emulation and benefits of using actual carts ok that does give it some more worth for sure.
Pitfall on Xbox BC I'd love to see (Lost Expedition Xbox OG version and besides it has Pitfall 1 & 2 for 2600 in it via codes/a Shaman shop purchase of 0 idols so, but if we saw the PS1 entries or the SNES one on modern platforms I think that'd be nice or a PS4/Xbox One/Switch Activision compilation).
Good on them. Never experienced Pacman Versus, Crystal Chronicles or Zelda Four Swords but the Wii U was prime for it. I get smartphone use people have smartphones and they can be a suitable device for other player support but I mean the platforms that allowed for multiple screens yet they ignore it.
I mean Vita got how much use on the PS4, what remote play, what with the drawing in the Playroom, then the smartphone/tablet having the animation DLC. Not everyone had a Vita but still and well smartphones have different features even if Vita was close at the time of features just not availability.
There was Playlink (I thought about it when Everybody 1-2 Switch said it had smartphone support) oh the smartphone games aka Hidden Agenda could literally just be the PS camera for it's gameplay to answer what tasks presented to the play. Quiz games or the singstar like mic experiences sure but otherwise some don't need it. Then again they didn't do many either and moved on. I think maybe it ended 2015 or so. Was a 2013-2014 I think.
Dragon Quest 10 while fine why not put money into Crystal Chronicles on Wii U. The Wii U besides the sales was literally the Dreamcast VMU/GameCube and GBA continuation besides the Wii/DS aspects. But no on platforms that don't and other means and it's not authentic/good conversion of the idea at all. Phones let people down which not surprised.
Good on fans that understand local play let alone a 'better' authentic experience. Sales is one thing but I mean come on smart design too. The World Ends With You even, sure it's possible on one screen but I mean why not Wii U, why not Tate/vertical on Switch. Why not a split-screen approach to single screen games. But nope. Some devs think oh players will find it weird. Well why not offer smart design, players can stuff it if they are newcomers a good solution shouldn't be cut out because of 'thinking' versus what is and new customers like with smartphones are the reason we can't have good new ideas and we get bland ones because they don't care. Some ideas are silly yes, but some are worth including. Besides you can like Super Mario Kart offer two screens for 'hey the map', 'hey second player here'. I mean controlling on two screens is awkward and it fit the DS better but still.
Some people are too stupid/don't want to get out of their own comfort zone that's on those customers and maybe allowing for that but not 'only' making that the 'only option' because devs don't care enough to put the effort in and barely bother to be safe and unoriginal. Even besides 'good' marketing or not.
Chameleon Twist, Space Station Silicon Valley. Probably some racing games of the arcade/sim variety in there.
Most first party/Rare games are fine not all appeal to me at all.
I care more for the third parties. I have no N64 nostalgia at all and I find the more interesting games not made the obvious studios for this console. GameCube it's a different story as they are different enough in areas to intrigue me.
Understandable. Even if missteps/but also kind of a way to gauge with Sega CD/32X as prep for new directions as well. Saturn they did some particular things for sure well and some not.
Dreamcast while good and right with VMUs yay GameCube + 4 GBAs/Wii U, or PS2/PSP crossave with Outrun 2006 before PS3 cross save was a thing I think.
Dreamcast was great for so many things at the time, console itself and games it's sad people do ignore it from sixth gen sometimes even if it was the weakest, it was a 4 horse race not a 3 but still the most amazing for ideas in games and features as the others that gen.
I don't care for all it offered (some of the first party but the ones most don't talk about of course but that can be said for many Sega games most of the niche ones are niche and most fans care about particular ones even though I do the ones with more interesting ideas/not the same appeal). Even then while many of the hit 90s arcade and others were there I'm not interested in them, I appreciate them and yes best versions then the PS1/Saturn/N64 likely but eh. Even if best ports for past consoles first and third party, the games on the system that were made for it (the ones I don't think were ported, can't or maybe were later) are also good as well and the ones I think about the most. So not Sonic Adventure or Skies of Arcadia. It's things like Cosmic Smash, Rez, Sega Rally/GT and others. The more out there games.
Besides online getting talked about with Xbox more even if Dreamcast did it well first, even besides the satelliview/sega channel and others in the past of streaming games to carts or whatever the case.
If we didn't get Sega GT I'd have been sad. Maybe Apex/Supercar Street Challenge would have existed with their features but man those custom cars/events is a reason I love that game after discovering it. Best feature no one wants to touch in racing games WHY!
Or well Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano and well eh RPG mechanics of today look at this for a points system for car RPGs then what other games are doing generically and already hit ends because even if possible to go further they don't balance them well and also sick and tired of them for 'new' RPG methods instead. Oh the past has those great at least some people tried.
Hate Steam Deck style handhelds as a headline. As if GPD or others hadn't been doing these before Valve let alone Pocket PCs or PDAs by Samsung or Sony or many others on the 2000s to 2006/7 these are a continuation of.
But oh the popular one people think of the Steam Deck. Like it's just hilarious to read that's all.
Is the Steam Deck good yes. But I mean it's just funny when knowing more exist out there or a bit of past product attempts by companies in the PC/console space and never owned them just research but admire them from a far at how cool they are just the way to convey them to people is just so funny to me.
As if the Gizmondo/Tapwave Zodiac weren't Pocket PCs/PDAs in OS or people behind it when it came to the Zodiac. Let alone the Gamecom or Ngage with phone or work applications on a gaming handheld. Or the Gameboy Workboy addon. But I admire these old ideas, not everyone has researched them or cares so we get hilarious headlines the same way the Atari 2600 is popular but the first no.
For parts sure. For emulation understandable but I mean Cotton on modern platforms is emulating the Saturn.
I mean Digital Eclipse did Jaguar and Lynx with Atari 50 and it's excellent. Whichever studios (Digital Eclipse, M2, whichever others out there) are available to do the work on emulating the games if we don't see a Mini I'm fine with.
Saturn/Dreamcast people want but if it's not 'sales' and more so a partner to make the Minis with/parts to work around then fair enough but I mean Dreamcast collection on OG Xbox probably didn't do much either sales wise.
I assume but I'd rather them just port/emulate them on modern platforms or make a collection with some major Dreamcast/Saturn games if they can't do a mini console.
Cosmic Smash VR is something but so many others to experience. I know no Sega GT/Sega Rally due to car licenses though grrr. That custom car builder feature though in Sega GT on Dreamcaast.....
A great game. Cruis'n Blast exists which is great, Mario Kart 8 does. Nintendo won't revive F Zero or Wave Race but will Cruis'n series through and outsource/arcade version as well the companies that worked on it, own it whatever the case of IP license? What gives? Even elements I'd be happy with but I'm not buying Mario Kart.
X and GP Legend are all I've played and I enjoy them for their differences, their speeds, their strategies.
Wave Race 64 on Wii U (even if not the best visually was still fun) and Blue Storm physical (my only GameCube game so far) are a great time.
Comments 130
Re: Flashback: The Fallout Ad Which Mocked JRPGs Like Final Fantasy And Dragon Quest
Interesting advertising. Besides the US mockery they want to make. Also as if visual novels didn't have good/bad endings. Lol.
Something to watch lol. Say that again western games. Sure many Japanese games do have many anime cutscenes alongside their 2D or 3D anime artstyle games or CGI cutscenes too but the west wants movie like experiences, playable or cutscenes, snore.
Also the realistic movesets or setting. Says a lot I still prefer old game design why because the more grounded their worlds the more I sometimes don't care unless it has something interesting to say. Not just 'recreate the city to get eyes on it'. I don't care about real life in a video game. I care about fictional cities, more possibilities to make it your own with events happening then oh we did or didn't destroy this bridge or building events or events happened here at this place or that place in that part of the world. I just don't care. Fiction on a broader scale offers more than fictional events to a real location or grounding the things that happen.
Fantasy worlds are worth it to me as much as the characters and gameplay. If I hate weight/physics of characters and whatever grounded characters mechanically we have these days to be BORING why wouldn't I realistic enough settings. being mechanically boring level design or platforming or any other moveset possibilities.
Heck Love Plus to me while easy to beat with the stats. Is a dating sim with stats, it surprised me and still does besides it's limitations I see through as well very easily. Many others I've seen since are just dating 'themes' not stats like it had. No idea if Konami has a patent on it at all and even then there is only two Love Plus games besides whatever manga/other versions of content differences but 2 major games I think.
It was on DS in 2009 before then so clearly the marketing team didn't go oh it's not like the Japanese don't want more stats and other details of gameplay in their JRPGs of 'story outcomes' then straightforward RPGs they want to mock them. Clearly they don't know Visual Novels clearly.
It's a fair marketing angle but still.
Like sure JRPGs have their differences but I sometimes prefer them. The D&D stuff is cool 'if' we see more do them but only few do them so it's still a niche even if it's still depth I like seeing in RPGs.
I mean sure Fable (if the new one doesn't have that gameplay depth to me it's dead, it can have the British humour and charm or a magical world but I mean gameplay matter Microsoft don't kill off old games with good ideas for a modern bore fest where the old ideas were better and still ahead of their time),
Fallout, Dragon Age and more have their D&D roots, their stats, their story choices as a factor and more going on with their RPGs core.
We don't see many games trying to be like Fallout/Elder Scrolls these days do we years later just still in their niche following which isn't a bad thing. Baulder's Gate 3 and it's past games, or Pillars of Eternity and more have their place.
They are still their own niche then the more open world or many other devs without any D&D experience offering RPG-like mechanics in them.
JRPGs had their WRPG or CRPG influence for sure besides their visual novels so I find it kind of interesting as they didn't take from stats that way they did more the story, the party system, the turn based and how WRPG/CRPGs wanted to get more real time action while still having worlds with their tactics I guess.
They offer stories or their own takes on mechanics and are still fun to me.
I prefer JTactics games then I do WTactics games. Like I know Heroes of Might and Magic by 3DO on PS2 is a fair game but from it to others yeah I just don't like the tactics combat mixed with a world to jump back and forth to.
Sure the boards should be the focus but to me I find them more satisfying to hop in and out to grind.
Not in and out of an overworld then the tactics arena/layout it's tedious and takes more time. Sure the scaling differs per game but to me Disgaea/Valkyria Chronicles are more fun. But hey throwing, the classes of Disgaea.
The mission objective obstacles, classes and characterisation Valkyria Chronicles is also fun.
Diofield to me was like lets try to be a JTactics/strategy game for the west, then Chapter 5+ not try because we want to push the story/drop any more interesting game mechanics for what repetition they have already.
So why have story reason (but gameplay restrictions to them which is why to my Chapter 4 was the highlight of the game gameplay wise to me) why Ch4 they have members that can't be in battle and not further gameplay reasons.
It was a fine game but also lacking in areas.
WRPGs of the tactics type are fine, the old school ones of WRPGs are fine but it depends on their worlds, their grinding their real time or tactics focus then the turn based, tactics or real time (arenas of Tales or none in other games) of JRPGs. If they aren't compelling enough why should I care.
I'm for gameplay not story in RPGs I know weird right but it really does throw me off the gameplay in them.
Re: Game Preservationists Unearth New Footage Of Cancelled N64 Racer
@JayJ I think GT64 Championship Edition tried to be that N64 equivalent of TOCA maybe. But more for All-Japan GT Championship cars instead then multiple other racing licenses/team/motorsport.
It wasn't any Gran Turismo of depth but it tried to fit that sim niche at the time I think. Kind of like TOCA trilogy on PS1. As far as I understand/vaguely remember when last I checked footage (a while ago) (it doesn't work good on an emulator either) maybe Moto Racer.
JP: December 23, 1997
EU: May 8, 1998
NA: May 12, 1998 was Gran Turismo 1.
GT64 was EU: April 14, 1998
NA: September 9, 1998
JP: October 30, 1998
according to wikipedia at least.
But not in the way Sega GT on Dreamcast did as a Gran Turismo clone with a lot of good ideas and still some while sponsors are in games today, it's car builder I think took till WRC 2023, the Dreamcast game came out in 2000, Apex 2003 on Xbox OG exclusively I think maybe kind of had something but I forgot how it did or maybe the story was about a dealership not the mechanical aspect of building custom cars in that same way. I just love that feature and some other games of that era I've researched sorry. XD
Re: Game Preservationists Unearth New Footage Of Cancelled N64 Racer
Pretty cool. RR64, Beetle Adventure, GT64 (a more sim take on N64) and more the N64 had many great arcade and sim style racing games I don't see many talk about so something like RR64 cancelled huh.
Would have been cool but at least it's been archived.
Re: Flashback: Gizmondo's Lavish Launch Party Had Everything, Except A Successful System
@Nahhhtendo I say it's cool, I talk about a bunch of different systems differences because I have done my research on all consoles of that era.
Chat GPT wouldn't even combine aspects of Wii U Chat or the Blackberry with these consoles for one. Only a human knowledgeable about them would. That's how I know I'm not writing an AI comment.
I've made a Microsoft Co-pilot comment before about the Gizmondo and Zodiac. Aka Microsoft's Chat GPT. It is nothing like my comment. XD So nice try.
Maybe I just know my stuff and can talk about them I don't need an AI to write me a comment this way.
I don't write comments to say wow cool, wow bad. I write comments about my genuine oh this tech is cool, reminds me of this and that. Aka I love tech and consoles not just writing a simple comment small talk response because like I want to be that basic on the internet. XD I hate small talk.
Says a lot when gaming history fans/collectors are apparently like an AI just because they know things and dig deeper than whatever view of games/consoles of the successful everyone else focuses on says and sees.
Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actually
I have heard bits and pieces about him. I've seen the news videos of the time as someone in a different region then those moments took place I can understand the context. Interesting to hear about this now though. When people understand a medium more and do or don't side with it fair knowing more, if they still think/feel that way and for their reasons. Whether through family, whether through whatever contributions it has or not.
Whatever values the medium has over time, trend to trend, social or cultural values a release needs nowadays compared to the past when laws were or aren't still in place.
Yeah it's not like we haven't had simulators (whether Operation Flashpoint on the PC in the 90s/early 00s (not the case with the later entries in the 10s I think even if it tries to keep to it) or even some US army games on the Xbox for a while) but when it's for entertainment it 'wasn't' just because it was a medium people didn't understand and was changing rapidly.
Nowadays it's more grounded then the more still seen for kids/nerds (even though I still seek out some that fit that then boring grounded games in eh locations, eh mechanics and eh characters in the games) and branching out into more possibilities.
More story telling, the arcadey or the more grounded and serious of things like disability, the dangers of war or much more depending on what perspectives to tell stories from and through gameplay actions.
But the amount of us gamers that know context and separate it. Or how games have changed over time, a lot has happened over the years. More realistic artstyles, more emotional stories, more movie/or not in some cases. Some of old still exist but just less so more and more.
To me seeing decapitation in Rise of the Ronin I was surprised. Not disappointed. I mean even playing or looking back at menus with blood/gore/swearing to turn off in Black Ops 2 or Gears games. Yet you rarely see them these days which is weird.
We have ratings I get that so they try to follow them more for sales. But if you can have Neptunia go eh change the wording in an update to appeal to kids as if 'oh this anime game needs to fit inline with parents rather than parents getting anime is for teens/adults as well' and not just have a turn the profanity off or on depending just blows my mind.
I'm all for more options, I myself found the blood effects (even if not realistic) or just the tone of Resistance 1 (when multiplayer was being played when other families came over) or COD MW2 on PS3 as a kid very scary, I've grown up so it doesn't bother me now since but at the time I'd have been fine with those effects able to be turned off. I remember this as when COD MW2 was being played I was having a hair cut. I was in the understand it age of course but from Star Wars Battlefront games to COD MW2 you could tell the difference for sure.
So with World At War offering the option to turn the more violent effects and dark scenes by moving the camera away from them (like you'd get with a God of War of old minigame for some red orbs in a way with the camera showing nothing but you still have an idea what's going on rather than a South Park we will tell you what the scene was about but can't show it even though it's rated for adults anyway, it's not like oh the South Park GBC game that was cancelled) was nice to see when I put the game in to old WW2 CODs were like from WW2 the modern one by Sledgehammer.
If it offends people but the fact we don't get the option because devs won't offer them just surprises me. We had the options 2 console gens ago with shooters or even something like blood in Kingdom Under Fire Circle of Doom a Korean RPG that's linear and not like other entries in the series but still.
While you'd have less of the decapitaion in Japanese releases sure when seeing Asian games I do get surprised if it's a Japanese, Korean or otherwise game released to the west. I'm fine with them being a thing just surprised that's all that some will still have cultural differences in their releases not a world wide release to have the least to alter per country because they want to save money not 'waste' in their minds time on each release. Then update it later if things come up or retrack the copies.
GTA was very much trying to push possibilities then the Body Harvest or Space Station Silicon Valley types DMA I mean Rockstar North they prior were for sure and the series kept going and going.
I don't think they play well as they are clunky (even more than other games level of weight/physics or character control) but the ideas, the cities recreations while not as fun as PGR of just fun layouts for race tracks and modes I get the appeal of the satire/crime thrillers (not that many people care about that stuff as others into the genre more). It all makes sense.
I appreciate GTA from a far rather than anything I want to play myself.
Even Midnight Club I get the world appeal but to me the event types just weren't compelling and I was like this is what people get excited over. At least other racing games open world or not like Burnout Paradise or circuit racers had more exciting ideas of mechanics not just a world I should be convinced by and whatever nostalgia people have.
We have racing games with eh business models and too much simulation focus then actual fun gameplay ideas and it kind of sucks so I only buy the ones with exciting ideas in them, they just so happen to be mostly 5-6th gen bit of 7th not so much a smile on my face with 8th+ gen due to more disappointment and handfuls that are good then mostly boring, dumbed down and milking dream cars and unexciting content/progression systems.
Whatever the case of censorship we still see per region or across regions because of just devs not wanting versions to be separated and having to put 'that' much effort in anymore and just wider quicker releases unless they have to change it later.
Re: Duck Hunt Gets Pocket-Sized Demake For The Game Boy
@Martijn87 With how they did the Wii VC release with Wiimote support I guess they felt that cheaper to do then pull a Punchout Wii and do that sort of release instead.
Maybe they didn't think a Duck Hunt remake or sequel would be worth it with more content or the same experience or worth it at all. That or other Duck Hunting games were on the Wii anyway even if shovelware and it might have blended even if it people can like tell the difference and the nostalgia.
Maybe Link's Crossbow Training filled that which like Metroid, Kid Icarus or Duck Hunt (any ranged gun (scifi or not) or crossbow based games) could have fit with the Zapper to sell alongside instead. It being plastic aside.
Would have been cool as many of Sega's were good on Wii.
Re: Flashback: Gizmondo's Lavish Launch Party Had Everything, Except A Successful System
The Gizmondo to me was pretty cool. Also the 'not working No Ads release' lol. But yeah that coating isn't great let alone the batteries. The GPS is ok not great and the camera is a camera with it's ok but not great with distance far away or close up I forget. The slow OS too hmm.
The store/kiosk style displays was an interesting idea for 2004/5 period to sell the console/games then wide spread but they had to do something to sell it and somewhere I guess in the UK/everything came out for the US apparently on it's launch due to it's death so what a good mix of launch titles/final titles if to be believed no idea but UK got the intend experience.
Camera/GPS built in then addons like PSP. The Gizmondo communication reminds me of Wii U Chat or I guess Blackberry IDs. A media player, PC aspects because of course it was built with Windows CE after all. I thought that was cool for the time.
It's a fair piece of hardware but bad marketing, bad company history, the people involved, lacking payments of sponsors. The Ferrari got a happy ending at least.
Also the future versions with the Casino focused one, geared towards other audiences ones and the 2nd model.
Even though the Tapwave Zodiac sold better and was well a PDA game console before the Gizmondo came out and also had great features making it better than the PSP as well. Games matter than the hardware besides the yes bad marketing of both. At least the Tapwave Zodiac bluetooth still works with modern bluetooth via backwards compatibility, so transfer some images over or something even if slowly.
The NGage with it's phone and gaming appeal and more notable games. Even if the Zodiac had I think as prototype Tomb Raider build that was a finished port just not released, while NGage had a complete version just no sound.
The trying to make handhelds more than they were period of gaming. With the Tiger Gamecom sort of filling that a fair bit with it's OS and probably a start to that.
I have respect for all 3 that gen's sales flop handhelds in terms of their hardware at least and what games they did offer even if some big hits and some not some interesting things going on still.
The Ngage or Tapwave Zodiac were far better not just because of sales, but games and hardware I think but still all 3 have their appeal in their own way.
Re: Unreleased GBA Port Of Argonaut's I-Ninja Dumped Online
Cool. Ah like Malice, I-Ninja is something I have yet to look into. GBA versions are always interesting so pretty cool it's been discovered.
Re: Somebody Wants $45,000 For Panasonic's Unreleased Nintendo 3DS Rival
I always wondered how an MMO handheld would do. I am not surprised it didn't take off and let alone any willing to support it.
Having seen the Hard 4 Games video on it yeah not much they could gather either.
Owning both a 3DS and Vita now it makes me appreciate what they were trying to do as last time it was 3DO for Panasonic, now a near computer sort of handheld I guess like the Jungle. Well as far as an online device would need with a keypad like PS3/360 controllers had but built as part of the device then an accessory of course. For chat or other functions.
Many GPD or others probably came after this for sure especially with the 3DS device or size.
Sure an online handheld for the time hmm and like Vita 3G. It may have done well but again wireless at the time, data at the time, online/cloud focus eh.
The second screen I forgot about. Ah Dreamcast VMU, GBA and GameCube or Wii U. Loved that direction so having the Jungle alongside 3DS would have been interesting 'what it would be used for'.
The Jungle to me the leftover advertising/website sources are there but yeah not a lot to go on. Looked cool though but use cases yeah a bit limited, competitors too close and would out beat it anyway and games it was supposed to be alongside didn't show. But for the prototype and the few out there or even working either hmm.
Seems a bit ridiculous of a price, sure it's obscure for a reason and incomplete but at the same time who wants it?
Unless people want to make it more than it is or archive things for it. Make an emulator of it too even if possible.
Otherwise Vita or 3DS prototypes are out there.
Re: Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom Is An N64-Inspired Collectathon With A Twist
A taxi is kind of a fair idea. Never seen this or maybe heard the name/not seen images.
Captain Toad worked as a platformer with no jump button but mostly a diorama puzzle game.
Even The Last Tinker had ok jumping that was not really there, I guess kind of like Sly tight ropes but that shouldn't be the extent of your platforming and stealth and whatever but was kind of dull in some ways.
Unbox was a fair box 3D platformer but collectibles were annoying to get and some missions are not fun. But the idea of playing as a Box and a Box world/post logic was kind of cool. Also yes you do jump in that game and it's physics can be very picky.
This actually appeals to me for the Taxi part not a mission based 3D platformer so eh.
So this kind of seems more interesting for it's moveset and the world seems ok. The writing who knows till I see footage then just screenshots.
I'll consider it.
I'm sick and tired of Mario/Banjo/Crash/Sonic/Spyro inspirations. Give me Chameleon Twist, Space Station SIlicon Valley, Glover. The fact Glover has more interesting animations and just being a Glove is more compelling besides the ball/crystal mechanics for puzzles is why I find sure a Taxi may be good but just doing missions unless they are good enough not compelling.
Not just saying N64 either. I enjoyed Jumping Flash 1. Blasto is ok.
I'd take obstacle courses any day, sure less 'depth' but I have the same fun with Splatoon and it's moveset in obstacle courses I don't need missions doing some eh stuff in them or whatever dialogue from boring NPCs.
I enjoyed ReCore for it's dungeons and mix of not the best combat depth but still ok and fair platforming areas. I still keep my Xbox One for it and Sunset Overdrive after all let alone a few other games or as a good blu-ray and CD player/back compat machine.
I don't enjoy RPGs, I play tactics ones with just the boards (the Japanese ones not the western ones with worlds and back in and out of gameplay), I've played Spyro/Banjo/Yooka/Clive n Wrench.
I already know what to expect of many mission based 3D platformers. I'm not interested in them. I don't mind open worlds (Sunset Overdrive, Gravity Rush, Infamous side missions, Darksiders 2 as a fair hub based Zelda/God of War experience) or minigames but if the quests are boring in RPGs they are in 3D platformers as well my mind won't change on that.
Obstacle course 3D platformers over mission based ones so boring and barely moveset exciting to play.
Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing
Looks fine enough but to me all these nostalgic racers by Indies, especially the Outrun and Virtua Racing clones, Micro Machines and such. even Indie platformers.
They barely have any compelling mechanics which is what annoys me. It wasn't just oh early 3D, it was oh early 3D but lets experiment to make a product stand out but to me mechanics make a game, to the rest of the world themes, graphics and that nostaglic feeling matter and I'm like sigh. With an Indie puzzle game I can get excited, with platformers and racing I go what's this based on a hit game garbage I keep seeing because if I wanted to experience them sure, but I don't have to go it on modern platforms.
I can play many 5th and 6th gen racers arcade or sim, rally or not and have more fun and playing something nostaglic/heavily inspired.
I won't deny yes I miss Sega Rally but I mean I do Sega GT more because other than WRC 2023, Sega GT and what Apex 2003 on Xbox OG or Supercar Street Challenge on PS2 had car builders or chassis design. 20+ years from 1999's Dreamcast Sega GT to WRC 2023. For a feature like that that isn't just tires, graphics and other physics touch ups I couldn't care less about for realism.
It's why I felt Midnight Club LA wasn't for me, what's so special about this game series? Street culture sure, LA, sure if you want city recreations I don't care and other than 2 modes, the rest are as basic as ever.
Also freeway races XD I'm sorry but why does that get it's own type of event it's not like the conditions are any different it's still point to point but on freeways only, big whoop. Nostalgia is why people miss it nothing more. Hit series being just that themes, particular cars and nostalgia.
It's no drifting, cone challenge, stunts, gate challenges, or hillclimbs or high and low class or other more varied conditions for events. Event types matter not just the physics, or the progression which also can be a factor cough GT7, Forza Motorsport 6, but variety. I had fun with WRC 3 on 360, why because the modes were good, sure it had dropped the management system from 2 but I mean I got that with MotoGP 9/10 as well even if arcadey, which more people would complain about I'd rather a more interest set of event types and it delivered. The ending was rough, 2nd last race, tough as nails, last one a cake walk because of the track layout not just the AI. I didn't feel as accomplished with it due to the weird balancing there but glad I finished it.
Re: The Dubious Quest To Find Monkey Ball's Lost "Adult" Levels
Interesting content. And Jon, ah the great videos from him are always a treat.
Like Labyrinth Plus Edition's cheese level some things are worth saving. But Japan and the use of idols in games is just strange but also kind of cool I guess.
I mean to me Pile of Bodies with many Youtubers in a Minecraft world was kind of cool and how it was a good strategy of survival game aspects on what to get from each Youtuber's body on that map, so a Monkey Ball stage based on a person is kind of cool even if different and creatively strange marketing I guess.
I assume the levels offer a fair bit or are pretty bland but eh for archiving sake I guess. Anything is worth archiving just to be of note either way I think.
Re: Atari CEO Claims Bubsy Response Was "Greater Than Anticipated"
If they remade 3D to save it from the awful state (it made sense they thought they had a good idea making a 3D platformer, and rushed it to market unfortunately and didn't have time to make it look or play great but things were new at the time and I can partly say it had some fair ideas/direction among the awkwardness it has in it) it turned out in or more playable 2D games (which the runner and 2D one it got were ok not great).
To me Bubsy 3D, Enter The Dragonfly and more have a lot they could be remade for. They had fair ideas just it wasn't executed well due to issues at the time/management and more. If enough of their core is good I don't think they are that bad just missing some polish. Even Dodge Charger vs Challenger. A shovelware car make advertising game, tweak a few things and it'd be fine. I beat it. I saw things in it. The only reason I do is Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano from 2006 by Milestone is so good, also the first rewind system in a racing game and Grid 2008 over simplified it and current Milestone staff/other devs have kept it simplified and bland of a mechanic ever since. Lame. Some good can come from licensed games or shovelware if done right it's just the budget, management and the actual care.
I think they can do things with Bubsy it's just the games aren't very good. The character is fine but annoying. Gex is fair too but at least the worlds made sense with the character saying references and particular things. Bubsy just sort of talked for the sake of it so it was less charming or meaningful. Even Scaler I can take what he says as some fine moments with the eggs cutscenes at the end of levels being all unique and some things he says. I don't take it all seriously.
Meme status exists and they will want to tap into that sadly I think because well it's not like a lot of people care for Bubsy in a good way more a meme way or at least vocally.
Like Knack some of us care for the games (old God of War for kids, average story but fun enough gameplay yes please), most care to meme because they are just that way. People mostly care about memes and whatever eh themes/story then gameplay anyways.
I'd be up for a fair Bubsy game I just haven't seen copies at all. If digital or limited then makes sense but I've legit never seen the games other than footage/reviews and gone yeah they are fine. Nothing that exciting gameplay wise to care to pick them up (the reason I seek out games is the gameplay ideas they have after all) just research them and take what most people say with a grain of salt and what I see in footage as the case to determine for myself besides other research.
Re: Atari Wants To Revive More Of Its Classic Systems
A mix of old and new would be nice. I bought Atari 50 just for the Lynx and Jaguar games. I won't likely be able to get the classic systems but I think they have a place.
If they have a classic system that has the connectors for the old games (that'd be a challenge but cool if they could) but also digital form of them that'd be nice.
It depends if they want to do bundles or not though. Like a plug and play here is games bundled with it like the Coleco Sonic (the handheld with many Sega games on it) kind of thing or just a classic console or more Lynx/Jaguar/7800 or so type classic collection games besides Atari 50.
To me there is only so much that appeals to me with Atari really to experience what I missed out on and still caring for niche systems.
Then again we won't see Zodiac/Gizmondo revivals any time soon. Let alone a 3DO mini so eh. No idea.
Re: Flashback: How Saturn's Memory Expansion Carts Made It The King Of 2D Fighters
@sdelfin Yep my mistake there. Never owned a PS1 or really knew enough about that as much.
I know of System Link and iLink for Xbox and PS2 but forgot about it for PS1, oops yeah the Serial would be used for that. I forgot about the Parallel Port, I should have looked at an image of the back of the systems to be sure.
Sounds most likely yes of bypassing things more than just the GB Player I mentioned (only know about them due to a Gaming Historian video on third party ones in different systems).
Then again I assume any port if it's capable people find a way Serial not sure but Parallel and of course SD/USB these days or just a particular cartridge like an R4.
Interesting it wasn't powerful enough hmm I guess that does answer that then. I don't know enough about the speeds or specs of the system and its' components let alone even though I watch old tech videos I only have somewhat a grasp on that era and how capable the ports/specs are for the time and what some of the names many used back then compared to more familiarity with these days.
Thanks for clarifying things.
Re: MovieCart Lets You Watch Movies With Your Atari 2600
This and Science Elf's toxic music video on a floppy disk are impressive works for sure.
I thought just oh it's streaming it to the 2600 (encode still to work with the limits of course it still has to process something) and trying to process it but if it's actually encoded and offline playable to work on the code then that's impressive.
Re: Indiana Jones Using Nazi Enemies Is A "Creative Lapse" Says Fate Of Atlantis Director
@JJtheTexan Very true. Completely forgot about that context when writing my comment. XD
I already messed it up when typing it anyway between then and now what games and of course they couldn't back then so they had to work around that.
Re: Flashback: How Saturn's Memory Expansion Carts Made It The King Of 2D Fighters
@sdelfin With the PS1's serial port they should have just offered a cart option. Some PS1 games tried to put it part of the assets into the RAM like Crash but whether that did much for load times who knows. No idea how many tried to do that but a cart would have helped or a better memory card or something. But whether many would have bought it who knows.
Other than a third party GB player I have no idea what that port was actually officially intended for. Maybe dev repair checks for diagnosis (like people besides maybe a different purpose instead of the PS TV, the Vita 1000 top port for some HDMI out or diagnosis), maybe to connect to a PC for the PS1 being a CD player? Even though it can on it's own play CDs but different audio support (not that I understand how 90s PC parts work that well so just a guess).
That port got removed on later models of PS1 so it would have been possible to make something to connect it to there maybe but do people even collect serial port PS1 models for modding or other things?
Same as how some assuming the SD card slot on the DSi could have been used for further peripherals when the GBA slot was removed (I mean SD/IO was used on Pocket PCs back in the 2000s it's not like it wouldn't have been possible, those I think they require a bit more then regularly SD slots, even besides the cancelled 2 card slots which only the Tiger Gamecom offers and nothing has since).
Re: Indiana Jones Using Nazi Enemies Is A "Creative Lapse" Says Fate Of Atlantis Director
For the current Indy game as the two modern reboot Wolfenstein games and 2 had Hitler in it and the altering of them in the German version, however many people worked on both who knows.
Fate of Atlantis not as familiar with. But whatever they thought/could do at the time. I mean are they known in the universe of the series yes, but it could be any one or any army/threat.
I think they have an idea what their talking about. I do think the Indy series can have many different treasure hunters or armies against him after the treasure. Same as Uncharted, Tomb Raider or Pitfall.
Whatever they think suits of a threat/antagonist is up to them. If they think they can make it work.
I don't mind either way what they go up against really. I care more for the puzzles and adventure then I do who the enemies are but if they fit they fit. It can be any humans stopping Indy and I couldn't care less.
Re: N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade Via Piko Interactive Collection 4
Makes an average PC port, then Evercade, why is there no modern console version? Sigh. Gex will take it time from the other studio doing that or I just buy them on Vita store instead.
N64 version runs better. They can rework the controls but for performance, the level design/physics I think N64 probably is more suitable, the PS1 version has it's place but isn't a great port even if no analogue support or maybe it did even if intended for d-pads as most had d-pad controllers then Dual Analogue/Dualshocks.
Whatever possible of 8 way movement on a d-pad maybe? Or whatever the case. Or mimic a stick on a d-pad. I doubt it has any pressure determining of speed to walk/run or anything but still. I haven't played Glover but always have my eye on it as interested.
Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?
Skip/a filter. It wasn't the South Park game censoring and talking about the scene at least. Doki Doki Literature Club has a warning for horror. A warning is fair and not altering the content. Or altering it but offering an 'original' option. But we don't really have that these days because Devs don't want to add the option to do so.
We had COD/Gears gore or swear options 2 gens ago. Why does no one offer those. It's the same with Neptunia the latest game having ESRB and word changes for ratings because it had to be child friendly when the series is mostly bought by older people anyways. Just offer an option to hide it. But sales are sales I guess and that rating does matter sure but was Teen to E10 that much of a big deal sure it can be. But the words weren't that bad.
If I could hide the PS store button in GT Sport why can't we have content options to toggle anymore.
I don't mind either way honestly. It's from a different time. I don't mind. I'll play Pitfall The Lost Expedition, Ratchet and Clank and other games just keep go along with it. Those Pitfall Natives were from a different time in gaming.
I don't get offended. I just play them for the gameplay, if characters are a certain way it is what it is.
I mean I saw a video where someone wore clothes//hat and asked people, people said oh offensive. Those from the culture, weren't offended. People don't know anything.
Re: Best Gran Turismo Games, Ranked By You
No GT4 Prologue for 1, no 2002 Concept as well for 2 and GT7 high up WTF. GT2 sure but GT1 is dated and limited on content even if it was a important title.
GT7 is not for racing enthusiasts, the cars sure, maybe the physics (I hate them), tuning shop level gating, yeah that's great game design sigh, I always wanted GT5 to do that because it was missing something that annoying, what a load of garbage, the talking constantly, emptiness, a visual novel presentation from a AAA.
I enjoy Visual novels but like seriously. Who asked for dumbing it down for 'newcomers' when racing enthusiasts or car fans/GT players know all this stuff.
It's not a bad thing to offer it for newcomers but were they afraid of the GT5 Nascar cutscene character models alongside the pit crew. Like come on. Laziness. Make the conversations in a phone, make it contextual if that's what their going for and wanted to presented it better but they wanted to show the car and wanted to show the environments??? But no character models other than pit crew in races.... But won't show a phone or computer. If TOCA Pro Race Driver on PS2 let alone the Dirt series can have menus on a computer how lazy are Polyphony to make contextual sense to present emails, texts or video calls. Laziness and ugly design. If they want presentation offer it, not barely commit to it. I don't ask for cutscenes in my racing games but like come on. GT6 did it and it was fine enough, still just a text box, that works fine, many games do that and I don't mind it, it has it's tips/tutorial use cases and easy to skip too. But I mean it's still fair then open spaces with emptiness, cars and no one your talking to you being there. Whether we are 'using our phone' and looking over.... Maybe.
The dealership/brand central cutscene is hilarious. I could walk that in Project Gotham Racing 2, the same as the garages and see every single car in that game. No way even getting VR of that in GT7 which would be cool. Or a Car model viewer/Forza Vista type thing either.
No one is doing anything like that nowadays. Everything is menu based. Menus make sense but even still. Presentation. Ideas out of the box.
The fact Bizarre Creations did it alongside a menu, had Geometry Wars in it (3 & 4 expanded on it then separted to Live Arcade or GW3 by Lucid as some old BC devs besides those that went to Playground or wherever), just for people to explore it not use it as the only menu option is just awesome. Menus are good to be quick sure but to walk around it when Forza Vista was more limited and kind of nice of a car model viewer and voice over. Is just cool stuff.
Only MTX sullies GT6. Really? I mean even the game design changes made sense of stars and skipping events but S5 is a pain and some content is ok. I don't think much of 6 but MTX huh. I just don't find it as fun even besides it's more content then GT4 of side content offerings and variety being probably better yes just the handling model annoys me so much in GT5 & 6 besides the content.
GT3 has it's limits but still good, repetitive and bad AI, eh pro events dragged out that's just hours of repeating 10-20 lap races as many mini endurance races I get that, but it's limited content is fair enough. You can't beat it if you put your own challenges on it like GT4 but it's still fun enough.
GT4 is the best in the series even with it's limits it's quality of life mods and randomisers shows how infinitely replayable the base game is besides modding it. It has issues with rewards but they make sense for history purpose when you acquire them. It has some noticeable bugs but still.
GT Sport I get the lower level but still enjoyable enough and with it's offline patch is great now singleplayer wise even if 20mill nostalgia cup grind or the cheaper ones but even with no achievements it's possible to play and less online nonsense to deal with anymore. I jump on and off it. The AI in the later events aren't playable for me. From F1 to just certain others, endurance as well. I can tune all day many ways, and hold on and nothing.
GT7 is fine but to me is just GT5 & Sport + Forza Motorsport 6 levels of issues I have with the game. I respect GT Sport more than I do 7 by how it handles content, I don't care what cars/tracks even if GT Sport the lacking use of rally other than rally or the truck event was a joke I used those rally tracks for drifting achievement than anything else. The content drops are fine but the progression, to just little things suck in GT7, the quality of life is just so eh. Granted I haven't watched every update but even still. Gifts cars in Sport sucked as you can't sell them sadly but no idea GT7 even though selling was added in an update. The grind is a bit much.
People complain about Forza Motorsport 8's upgrade system, why is gating tuning shop upgrades a good idea? Like who asked for this GT5 level system but over expanded nonsense to other parts of the game as well and approves of it but doesn't give GT5 a pass in that area.
I think it's recency bias. It's got major issues.
If it's down to the cars then eh, oh their dream cars then no I can't agree with that, gameplay design over whatever dream cars and tracks people want any day. I don't mind the GT Sport tracks licensed or original but they still aren't great.
I feel the same with Forza Motorsport 1, so many tracks left behind and I find the licensed ones just so unfun to race on. But that's just me. Real tracks to race on digitally is cool but to me I just don't like the way they feel to drive on and the physics in most modern racing games I don't like. Grid Legends was the last one I tolerated enough without favouring older games racing feel even if not realistic still more fun or suitable for me to drive in the games.
GT Sport (I don't own 7 I may in the future but I have no interest in it right now or ever) didn't have as many GT5 & 6 Tyre physics/handling model (even with cars that are more flexible still) issues but it still has limits of it's own I find annoying.
I don't count the reuse of PS2/PSP car models of GT5/6 it didn't bother me. But at the same time. Old or new tracks 7 is limited, an eh cafe mode and music rally no one cares about other than the game installing. Nascar, Go Karts, Rally, the moon, Sierra Time Rally, are all better than music rally from GT5 & 6.
7 is the latest but not good enough in modern game design compared to even other racing games on the market let alone creativity of ideas. I have issues with many modern games in some genres. Yet can go back and go that has design that makes sense why does this game have this design but lacks in character movesets (Biomutant, Foamstars).
I don't care about multiplayer only the singleplayer. I never did GT5 & 6 online races either so I missed out but not fussed there.
As much as I don't like the hard difficulty of Ride 4 it's Forza region mode is cool. WRC 2023 Sega GT style or it's own car builder. Give me that not Forza's position select/upgrade limitation systems that Ratchet games can pull of but not a car game due to the way the games are of using the car/upgrades.
I never use upgrades in Forza games anyways.
GT7 is just not a good game.
Re: 3D Platformer 'Rollin' Rascal' Is A Colourful Love Letter To Sonic
While it's probably going to be a fine game.
Wake me up when someone makes a Chameleon Twist, Glover, Space Station Silicon Valley, Blinx, Scaler, Dr Muto, or others for 'inspiration' not whatever mainstream 3D platformer nostalgia/inspiration all the time of Sonic, Mario, Banjo, Spyro, Crash.
So many Indies are making me care less to buy any of them. With the amount of Banjo/Mario worlds, missions or movesets I just don't care. Got better things to play or research.
The name almost gives me Uniracers or Rocket Robot on Wheels vibes than Sonic.
Re: To Make Sense Of Xbox Multiplatform Rumours, We Need Only Look To The Past
To me it's not just oh Sega went third party as they did PC ports during the Saturn era. That's what's more important to take away from even besides oh Microsoft had PC games on the Gameboy Colour what!!!! And Rare made GBA games alongside the Xbox/360 as well.
Or Dreamcast games on Xbox was a consideration.
Aspects many people overlook or don't know about is Sega's PC stuff because they focus on console so much.
Even I didn't know about the Microsoft Gameboy Color games till going yeah that makes sense from research let alone the Windows CE for Dreamcast or MSX computers in Japan.
Other than Project Spark Xbox One was a really eh console (also the removal of cool features for boring socialising ones).
I cared for ReCore, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay and Forza Motorsport 5-7 even if 5-7 do suck. It's a good 'use apps not on the other platforms' and a CD (can't on PS4/5), Blu-ray/media device and back compat.
OG Xbox/360 so many third parties I want on it besides the first party I missed or coming back to Forza Motorsport 1, got PGR 1-4 for the first time and loved them in 2020 for OG Xbox on 360 back compat.
Xbox tries with 'variety' but in ways that don't appeal to me the way PS1-3/PSP/Vita did of many IPs, still fun and enjoyable of various genre and gameplay/themes/artstyle/quality or Nintendo does.
Xbox has tried but it just makes me go well they have variety but they don't really appeal to me. The same way Sony goes 'you'll love all these' and I go sorry but you drew me further away from your platform with changing your IPs to suit a different audience then having multiple audiences you made me want none of your games now then when you offered variety and I want all of them. What a weird reversal. XD
So only Asobi/Media Molecule releases really interest me of Sony's and those are way out now..... So I don't own a PS5 because I have no reason to. I don't use sub services because I don't need to when watching prices and timing of the release on those services for games I am interested in. The enhancements aren't a selling point to me. I like tech but I can care for games with more interesting game design because modern design dropped many of that magic years ago, and more retro consoles with more interesting hardware as well.
Re: Devil May Cry 4 & Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition Have Just Been Delisted From Steam
Unfortunate but lucky I got the PS4 collection of 1-3 and 4 Special Edition on 360 physical.
PC may be a fair platform but unless people want to look for abandonware sources (or GOG/Epic/other legit sources to still buy the games if they are available that is) just go console physical or whatever old PC support physical there is left. Or find someone who is willing to let you play the games on your Steam account.
Or yes DRM in their controlled PC offerings now which is sad.
1-3 are easy to find in collections for PS3/360/PS4/Xbox One at this point. 4 may be trickier as it's likely still PS3/360 I think unless they did port it I don't know I haven't checked.
Same way I did for apps for That's You and Hidden Agenda in archival Android APK sites (done for a few and is pretty easy to do sideload them ah the greatness that is Android in that way, sure security but hey if I'm sideloading safe apps it's fine) the Google Play store (I know it doesn't I checked) and Apple Store likely don't have them and who is going to jailbreak a phone to access them or somehow get the app on older iPhones/Android.
I did buy the Playlink titles physical from EB Games and just had to find the Android APKs for the apps to play was easy to do.
I don't see a need to downgrade my Android to do it, so on Android 10 I still got it to work no problem didn't have to alter anything, other apps sure I have them in an isolated space app to test some but otherwise they work fine had no issues playing the games with the apps to make choices in the games the apps worked like they did back in 2017 thanks to the power of Android sideloading and why I use Android is to do things like that.
PC as well if people can get them to work from certain legit stores like GOG or Epic or others that may have them that do sell the games or 'other methods' if that's all it takes, good luck if desperate to.
Re: One Of Gaming's Worst Controllers Is Back Thanks To Zelda "Spiritual Successor"
An interesting game, better than whatever trending things game do badly or well but aren't exciting, at least someone went you know what let's try this and make something from them clearly it's possible right or for a joke like Plumber's Don't Wear Ties return because reasons. Sigh. I can speculate but either way it's cool in it's own way.
I never understood the hate for it. Other than oh AVGN covered it and how people talk this and that about the CD-i. I mean every console media capable or not or failed of the time 'had a purpose'. From experimenting to being a media/projector used device in offices or schools or whatever. The PS1 had edutainment titles too. Gamers are weird and miss context but meme it up I guess.
Context is key and gamers don't think that far ahead. That's like blaming a light gun for not being able to play a platformer when it is intended for something else. Like come on. I can play a PS2 game with a DVD remote doesn't mean I should even if all the buttons are there.
It's a console/media system for encyclopedias and educational games not just the Zelda/Mario ones so yes a normal layout controller exists but it's a controller that like CD/DVD menu games or 'INTERACTIVE CDs' that the CD-i was for. There is many controllers and many games for the CD-i.
The more consoles failed, tech company projects and more I research the more I don't take gamers seriously and follow gaming historians/collectors (more trustworthy and not nostalgia blinded/narrow minded ones) or whatever tech projects companies made and crossed over to gaming at some point and back out because it made sense.
So many failed consoles tech wise were better than successful ones when you look at them peripheral wise (PSP addons like a GB Camera were optional, versus a built in GPS/Camera into a Gizmondo or Tapwave Zodiac, not all of what they did were good but it's not like they weren't the first to do that or have a media player in them, let alone maybe the Gamecom did that on it's main besides the MP3 player GBA addon).
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
The Crank is cool. Stylus. Um I don't even have experience with old PDAs but I mean.... they were common there even if business devices and the DS was more so many people's experience with a Stylus sure and less so PDAs, touchscreen monitors or obviously smartphones before touch screen ones with the iPhone (because like people know smartphones existed before the iPhone did).
To me the Switch 2 needs IR in a better spot but the IR is nice with the Wii.
The Paddle and Bongos make sense for their respective games and how they used it in the DK platformer for GameCube/Wii New Play Control.
The Track and Field or DDR mats I think are fine. Never used but probably good enough for those games and functionality over time.
EyeToy and Kinect showed tracking in different ways of the technology with cameras and software.
The balance board had use but mostly was a bit limited. In Silver Falls Umbra on Wii U (US eshop only and lead up to the end of the eshop) it would have been cool how they would use the balance board but had to be cancelled that use of the balance board. Sigh.
Re: Flashback: N-Gage 'Leisure Suit Larry' That Cost Nokia $1.4 Million Was Canned For Being Too Raunchy
Interesting as some Larry games were on console still then around the time (or I assume after Ngage release and discontinuation so surprised they say it was too much for the platform) which always confused me due to ratings or other publishing factors maybe. But I never knew how Larry games got to PS2 yet other adult games stayed on PC. For ratings or publishing or other reasons I'd assume certain adult games wouldn't get on consoles back then and obviously don't now unless toned down enough which is understandable.
I know most are on PC for understandable reasons but still. Ngage huh. Would have been interesting.
Just like many using handhelds for many toned down ecchi games but not eroges as still on PC for fair reasons.
Re: Molyneux On Fable 3's Shortcomings: "It May Have Been My Fault"
I think while the choices were at the end, and making the money to save them all or just the consequences. It being menu based then certain actions (I don't know how it was advertised at all/what promises as deep or vague or whichever it was and how the wording is compared to the final product) but still.
Some left field approaches can be messy, some great. I mean with a 2nd or 3rd it depends what they want to do next, what direction, how much same, how much different, is it story, is it world, is it characters, is it combat, is it quality of life in either of those, is it a rewriting of the same but different.
I hate that I love the left field approach of Ratchet Crack in Time with it's new additions, fans praise it's changes well story I assume then gameplay but I love it's gameplay changes it expands on the formula, a formula we have had for way too long and the refinemnts were fine but it was gettintg stale/needed more yet same skill tree, same this and that. I didn't ask for a Tools of Destruction 2 and the devs with RIft Apart go ok we need it to be on track again let's make a Tools of Destruction 2? I get Tools of Destruction is a mix of Ratchet 2 & 3, totally but it's new stuff was fine, Rift Apart is just Tools of Destruction 2 then borrowing from Crack in Time and well it's new is eh scripted and boring, or just ok little differences in some cases of atmosphere/characters/things to do that work but aren't exciting or we have seen before anyway just recontextualised. I mean we see many oh this gadget, oh these weapon types. I get it and their fine but I mean it's not 'that different'. I know they can run out of ideas, but they have ideas and they dropped them. Why? Too much time/tech effort so just barely bother with it. They had the ambitious ideas and left them on the floor for 'safeness', 'less dev time'. What a waste of tech/time they built up.
Lets just go next gen Tools of Destruction and barely tackle the Crack in Time side as 'even though we have more years time to do it' we don't want to push that tech. That's the impression I get, they haven't said it but it's pretty clear they don't care. It is too much story, too much cinematic Sony flavour and not enough console power and gameplay pushes.
1 level gets close. 1. What a waste of time and tech in a left field game 'PEOPLE PRAISE' and they just go 'we have so many audiences lets make it safe' I get why but I mean we have waited since 2007 for this story to end, let alone the next one may not even go further and be safe too. Better balance it. It's just so safe and bland. I don't know. I'm sick of waiting to find out with Spiderman/Wolverine as a higher priority and the other I have to wait and know their western animation focus is just so eh. I don't expect parody anymore but following trends can sometimes loose people and wanting them to stand out is asking a lot but if they set themselves up to why not follow it. Resistance 3 is more their DNA then Resistance 2, 2 is the most bland game ever, 3 has so much of them in it. Childhood series, don't care, so what the changes and waiting has been hit and miss and their trend following does waste their time sometimes.
I get why Mass Effect's choices didn't end because that's a major project to tie up everything even though they setup the world in the 1st, changed directions of the RPG format to a third person shooter with choices and differences along the way for the audience. 2 & 3 are easier to play too 1 has it's moments but I find that intro hard to play.
Some have ideas and don't know how to best present them. Whether audience intended expectations (and from however much depth to break down then just brief words of their goal and whether they can live up to it or people still thinking the first words of the goal are still accurate when later in development they are or things change with management or whatever the case in the background we do or don't see in behind the scenes interviews or dev diaries/articles) or that devs just had to cut short some outcomes in development due to timing, due to publisher demands due to how they wanted to write it/animation/design the situations or not.
It is very ambitious and hard to achieve that's for sure. I know he has a vision/presents big ideas and they don't always happen or it's too early for tech/techniques and ability to do it or needing the right know how to achieve it but yeah hard to know what to really say.
Re: Ex-Xbox Producer Claims Microsoft Cancelled Soccer Game To Appease EA
Appease EA even though there was many other sports games and variations at the time hmm. I mean sure Sega did sports games on the Dreamcast so EA didn't I can see why but I mean they could have tried their own sports games themselves but the appeal of 2K or EA or others of the time hmm not sure and not surprised Microsoft didn't as the competition was very different then nowadays. But if EA marketing with Xbox or just in general to appease them then hmm.
Also VMU sports game use cases, Wii U Madden hmm I see some appeal there.
Re: Best Ridge Racer Games - Every Ridge Racer, Ranked
As R Racing is MotoGP3 challenges and menu assets taken straight from the game, Ace Combat voices and a Ridge Racer spinoff with real cars, sizeable amount of tracks for a first attempt at this it's sure like GT1 in terms of tracks listings but for a career mode and story mode it's still good.
Type 4 is good for PS1 titles.
6 & 7 have their place of course.
PSP 2 was my first and I loved it. The content and while the feel is what it is it works. Hard endgame but still good fun for remixing content like Burnout PSP titles did. Was a fair call for fans and as a newcomer I think it was a fair way to jump in and appreciate old titles.
Re: Giles Goddard On How Nintendo Influenced The Way He Makes Games
Theta looks fun. Marionette could have been a Warioware or Rhythm Heaven microgame. Even the drum kit one in Rhythm Heaven DS you had to keep playing and an audience would react but a puppet show and more to it with the Wiimotes/Nunchuk and moving it around, or whatever angles to put it would have been cool.
I had just heard of Chuhai labs a few days ago so timing.
I always appreciate developers with games that have out of the box thinking so this was a fun read.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
The Xbox does have a cool factor to it's name. It's short, it's simple, but effective.
The others sound like PC peripherals or phone sort of names or too businessy than a console to get people excited especially for the type of energy, audience and whatever they wanted to hit for I can see why they weren't impressed with the names.
Some are good but some also are too professional sounding or give off a different vibe then something you'd recognise and say casually and go yeah that lands. While the One/Series don't as much either we still remember them at least even if 360/One is just a repeat and really not great especially to type/write. Is it Xbone, is it Xbox One, is it One captialised, just saying 720 anyways.
The 'meaning' is there like 360 of entertainment but the name effectiveness was not. Even Surface I find to be better than One.
I love the OG/360 logos designs so strikingly iconic but effective at getting point across also when the 360 logo appears on boot up I like the animation which as an entrance to the console is a fair touch (among other reasons it may be like that).
The OG Xbox OS is amazing still to this day the details, the atmosphere, the voice clip.
Re: 'Crash vs. Spyro Racing' Prototype Discovered
The agent 9 game, the prototypes of the PS1 games and this wow.
Not that big into kart racers but I think it could have been good. At least CTR Nitro Fueled kind of revived it in a way.
RIP Argonaut and others. Enjoyed what I have looked into of Malice.
Re: Random: Extremely Rare Sega Pluto Console Finally Returns Home (Well, Sort Of)
Even if some Sega hardware could be considered bad steps, too much hardware, too much cartridge, CD, 32X and more I always found them interesting.
It's why I think the JVC X Eye is also really cool or the Panasonic Q among others combining elements. Same with any failed Gamecom, NGage, Zodiac, Gizmondo they did things, people don't care but I do their ideas were interesting.
The Pluto would have been great but it is what it is.
Re: PS1 Puzzler Devil Dice Was Never A 'Net Yaroze' Title, So Why Does The Internet Think It Was?
What a great article. I discovered the game from a youtuber covering PS1 UK demo disks and instantly loved the gameplay/concept. XI always confused me how different it was whether more content, just the Japanese title or otherwise but after research still a bit confused what it did.
An interview would be nice, more direct information and just hearing what they have to say in general for such a great game. Would like a remaster though. Still so unique. Love the PS1/2 era the experimentation/games left behind.
Bombastic in itself is interesting too for a sequel. I always get it and Ballistic names mixed up just like War Thunder/Warframe too much similar letters in there. I swear know English well enough and just a memorisation thing. XD
Did my research of the series and yeah one of the best besides Kula World of PS1 puzzle games out there for sure. Does it outbeat my favourite PSP puzzle games hmm tough to say because they are so different of games/puzzle design.
I had heard of the Net Yaroze side of things but never saw branding anywhere for Devil Dice so not surprised 'it never was under that branding/label'. It makes sense why they were only on demo disks not retail games unless Sony was happy to push steps a bit further for their team's game which as they were an established studio not unknown makes sense why it never got Net Yaroze treatment which likely none of them did and why Game Yaroze/Net Yaroze naming or characters can get confusing when translating or 'seeing Yaroze' and what details are documented or left out.
Never heard of the Game Yaroze side I think as most expected of westerners and what Japanese info can be found at the time even with early internet even if fairly spread for late 90s you never know what info is still discoverable now (why the Wayback machine is so important and why grr licensing can ruin it).
Very cool though.
Re: Best Virtual Boy Games Of All Time
Missing the Japanese corridor horror game tsk tsk.
Ah a system with red, interesting use of 32bit and wireframe in some games. I'd say it's more 3D than VR.
The rest are about right. It being a small library does help though noticing the good and bad on offer and many were pretty good.
They could have waited for black and white or more colour but they had to release it. Red wasn't the worst and sure it had to be cheap and wasn't whatever the case for blue LEDs and so on. It has charm. A fair idea but sometimes some things need a bit more time. I love the idea of it, the 2 d-pads too that N64 got as C buttons I guess. Not all are winners but it had great ideas besides it's particular state of working.
Re: Best GameCube Games Of All Time
No Geist? Cubivore? It's like Disaster Day of Crisis for best wii games what a game but nope, Xenoblade gets noticed? What about Monolith's other Wii titles like come on. Doubt even Project Hammer would have been forgotten if it released regardless of yes I know it was cancelled with the way people go about some games priorities/nostalgia.
Bantan Kaitos even? (never played but wouldn't be surprised by the quality of it). Surprised other hits aren't on here it's mostly first party here. Always the problem with these lists.
Xbox always has third parties that are on such lists and only the big games get on there most don't care or forget the rest. But Sega/Sony/Nintendo it's first party and forgot the rest (PS1 special case who puts Blasto, Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (people would put GT games instead) on it most people don't it wasn't for first party though among many others it's mostly a third parties console people played PS1 for with only odd ones mentioned of first party or any under surface that are good ever mentioned).
Surprised even Viewful Joe made it, deserves to be listed but still just odd others weren't there. Also Killer 7 why isn't it either?
The games I look to on GameCube, N64 and more are always different then most people though so not surprised the 'quality' selected titles.
The ones I've looked into are all forgotten unless you know the genres deep enough or like one offs by publishers (racing) or one off AA/B grade titles (platformers) anyways so they'd never make it to such lists.
Re: Fans Are Porting Mortal Kombat II To 3DO
Very cool, but Jaguar, NGage, Zodiac & Gizmondo would be interesting to think about unlikely homebrew for them or good enough tools. 3DO cool to see though.
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
I enjoy a mix of console, handhelds, handhelds with TV support like a PSP with a cable (don't own a Nomad but still closest I'll get) or Vita remote play.
Wii U for dual screen/off tv with some virtual console.
I don't own any of the modern retro consoles or emu handhelds. Good enough with emu other ways.
Re: People Within Microsoft Thought Minecraft Was "Rubbish", Says Peter Molyneux
He does have a open mind to ideas in games. The humour seems on point there for. Fair games picked for it all varied, some hits some differently known but Wizardry an interesting choice.
I mean Ico isn't about much other than a focus on saving the NPC. It has events, enemies but I mean I don't know enough/haven't play it properly yet but as far as I know it's got a different goal then other games while being similar enough to other games by the look of it. The devs changed course with it when making it to make it's goal different.
Sounds believable it is a very different game. You'd go 'why is it so empty, who is the villain/disaster your going to prevent or goals in it, what is there to do, what is the appeal' once you play it you go oh this is different it's not your average Action Adventure/RPG style game. It isn't the first survival game I think but did popularise them.
It was going to have a tutorial though (and console versions have one since the 360 version of course, the PC Gamer demo existed), I mean also wikis/guides people made all the time, how many people did the same for other games regardless of tutorials. I mean does Slender even have a tutorial?
I mean the fact I can look at resources in the base/mods recipes and go 'yeah I use iron/copper to do this and this because of what I have' I don't need a tutorial. Some point do need a let's play to help them but once you find resources/memorise what they do or see the recipes you have your next goal pinned to the wall basically. To the book and quill if you will.
Other games have just events/goals but no tutorial. Not every racing game has a license test. Or a story? Some do, others have a focus on 'win races, do a bunch on the side if you want then the main ones to reach the end movie montage/credits' which you can do whenever. No different to side quests in an RPG and ignoring the main quest.
Puzzle games don't either. Tetris doesn't. Most don't just do levels and test your skills/understanding of the rules/controls. They don't have to but if you want a Puyo Puyo story mode or something you can do it.
That and while Indies were usually going for certain conventions on XBLA/Flash games or as old as Cave Story/Alien Hominid you'd have some like Minecraft come from Dwarf Fortress and InfiniMiner (I never forget Infiniminer) a combo of elements.
Whatever procedural generation algorithm you could come up with then just dungeons usually in past games like Daggerfall or other examples like I guess space games way earlier than No Man's Sky but not to it's scale of course.
What theming you can come up with to make the world what it is.
That and with games focusing so much on writing these days or similar game mechanics it was interesting to see a game go oh voxels that's different (sure vector/voxel games existed before of course). Oh old graphics huh but it helps with the building/theme. You can do this and that with the world huh.
Honestly it's why I enjoy survival games some RPG elements just annoy me so much and I don't care about many of them.
Survival games are flexible and fair settings/gameplay that I can do quests sure but I mostly do whatever. Not deal with so many strict goals in RPGs I hate. There is a reason I play tactics games because they are like board games but with good video game elements on them not RPGs with eh writing/NPCs, quests I find boring, skill trees/skills/gear I don't like.
The big one 'I can interact with the world' I love when games offered 'items/gadgets' to interact with the level design' so why wouldn't I like to do the same in a survival game to mold it how I want.
Re: Best Original Xbox Games Of All Time
No Blinx, Voodoo Vince or others this list is dead to me. XD Surprised no Brute Force or others on here hmm. Exclusives or other third parties on all platforms but play best on Xbox.
Also Sega GT 2002 so underrated, why do some games get skipped (PGR2 and FM1 are great but yeah some get left behind). Granted I never played PGR 1&2 when I owned an OG Xbox I had to buy all 4 games later. What a blast but still. 2 & 3 though, not into 4 that much the career structure annoyed me. I can't wait to buy Sega GT 2002 and Apex, Group S Challenge maybe. I mean like Driving Emotion Type S might as well play the underrated/bad exclusives on PS2/Xbox right to see how bad they really are? Even if tried DETS via emu and yeah it's awkward in that state and when it does work it's structure is limited.
Even Sega GT Dreamcast has a car builder an innovative feature. (I want the car builder to come back more than ever in a racing game not the current state of modern racing game trash) besides Apex an also Xbox exclusive racer with similar (Milestone is always underrated for innovative racing game mechanics cough rewind before Grid/FM3, cough RPG elements in a racing game besides racing lagoon's RPG/story mode, then again Killswitch (besides that from rail shooters and modern shooters as a combo in a way the duck and shoot versus not in modern shooters of the time) came out in 2003 and Gears/Uncharted 2007 and they popularised the cover based system Killswitch started compared to Milestone's 2006 one make games and other efforts on 6th gen hardware over 7th gen hardware racing games people look at for such features. Sigh marketing and whether people even care for mechanics at all over style/theme/setting/graphics sigh).
Still the Xbox has so many underrated games. Which for collecting makes me happy but also laugh that the games are cheap and unwanted when they are so good. Says a lot about nostaglia/marketing right? People are too brand focused. I'm not and go wow Xbox had some great games people completely overlooked. The Japanese support might not have helped but the power of both Xbox/360 helped some devs make some great games.
Also I love 6th gen gaming had not as many gimmicks and had innovative games. Nowadays I have to play games with controller features to actually care to play them many are so boring or not worth a purchase, besides the games with new/spins on existing ideas that I can take or leave controller features with them in the modern gaming space.
I can say yeah sure many Dreamcast/PS2/GameCube have some great third parties overlooked for mechanics and actual fun factor/fresh ideas no doubt I agree and look to all consoles of the part at such games. Sure it's my favourite gen but the gems are what I care about not the nostalgia.
Re: Where To Pre-Order The Atari 2600+
Atari 50 is out and their history. But whatever 2600/7800 that aren't all Atari makes this worth it but also some games aren't that compelling on either system or collectors got the 2600/Intelli/Coleco years ago didn't they (if that's even true).
A classic console with 7800 games on it is cool but I still don't know what to think about this. Besides the emulation and benefits of using actual carts ok that does give it some more worth for sure.
Pitfall on Xbox BC I'd love to see (Lost Expedition Xbox OG version and besides it has Pitfall 1 & 2 for 2600 in it via codes/a Shaman shop purchase of 0 idols so, but if we saw the PS1 entries or the SNES one on modern platforms I think that'd be nice or a PS4/Xbox One/Switch Activision compilation).
Re: Fans Have Made The Original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Playable Remotely
Good on them. Never experienced Pacman Versus, Crystal Chronicles or Zelda Four Swords but the Wii U was prime for it. I get smartphone use people have smartphones and they can be a suitable device for other player support but I mean the platforms that allowed for multiple screens yet they ignore it.
I mean Vita got how much use on the PS4, what remote play, what with the drawing in the Playroom, then the smartphone/tablet having the animation DLC. Not everyone had a Vita but still and well smartphones have different features even if Vita was close at the time of features just not availability.
There was Playlink (I thought about it when Everybody 1-2 Switch said it had smartphone support) oh the smartphone games aka Hidden Agenda could literally just be the PS camera for it's gameplay to answer what tasks presented to the play. Quiz games or the singstar like mic experiences sure but otherwise some don't need it. Then again they didn't do many either and moved on. I think maybe it ended 2015 or so. Was a 2013-2014 I think.
Dragon Quest 10 while fine why not put money into Crystal Chronicles on Wii U. The Wii U besides the sales was literally the Dreamcast VMU/GameCube and GBA continuation besides the Wii/DS aspects. But no on platforms that don't and other means and it's not authentic/good conversion of the idea at all. Phones let people down which not surprised.
Good on fans that understand local play let alone a 'better' authentic experience. Sales is one thing but I mean come on smart design too. The World Ends With You even, sure it's possible on one screen but I mean why not Wii U, why not Tate/vertical on Switch. Why not a split-screen approach to single screen games. But nope. Some devs think oh players will find it weird. Well why not offer smart design, players can stuff it if they are newcomers a good solution shouldn't be cut out because of 'thinking' versus what is and new customers like with smartphones are the reason we can't have good new ideas and we get bland ones because they don't care. Some ideas are silly yes, but some are worth including. Besides you can like Super Mario Kart offer two screens for 'hey the map', 'hey second player here'. I mean controlling on two screens is awkward and it fit the DS better but still.
Some people are too stupid/don't want to get out of their own comfort zone that's on those customers and maybe allowing for that but not 'only' making that the 'only option' because devs don't care enough to put the effort in and barely bother to be safe and unoriginal. Even besides 'good' marketing or not.
Re: Best Nintendo 64 Games Of All Time
Chameleon Twist, Space Station Silicon Valley. Probably some racing games of the arcade/sim variety in there.
Most first party/Rare games are fine not all appeal to me at all.
I care more for the third parties. I have no N64 nostalgia at all and I find the more interesting games not made the obvious studios for this console. GameCube it's a different story as they are different enough in areas to intrigue me.
Re: Saturn Was Why Sega Abandoned Consoles, Not Dreamcast, Says Former President Peter Moore
Understandable. Even if missteps/but also kind of a way to gauge with Sega CD/32X as prep for new directions as well. Saturn they did some particular things for sure well and some not.
Dreamcast while good and right with VMUs yay GameCube + 4 GBAs/Wii U, or PS2/PSP crossave with Outrun 2006 before PS3 cross save was a thing I think.
Dreamcast was great for so many things at the time, console itself and games it's sad people do ignore it from sixth gen sometimes even if it was the weakest, it was a 4 horse race not a 3 but still the most amazing for ideas in games and features as the others that gen.
I don't care for all it offered (some of the first party but the ones most don't talk about of course but that can be said for many Sega games most of the niche ones are niche and most fans care about particular ones even though I do the ones with more interesting ideas/not the same appeal). Even then while many of the hit 90s arcade and others were there I'm not interested in them, I appreciate them and yes best versions then the PS1/Saturn/N64 likely but eh. Even if best ports for past consoles first and third party, the games on the system that were made for it (the ones I don't think were ported, can't or maybe were later) are also good as well and the ones I think about the most. So not Sonic Adventure or Skies of Arcadia. It's things like Cosmic Smash, Rez, Sega Rally/GT and others. The more out there games.
Besides online getting talked about with Xbox more even if Dreamcast did it well first, even besides the satelliview/sega channel and others in the past of streaming games to carts or whatever the case.
If we didn't get Sega GT I'd have been sad. Maybe Apex/Supercar Street Challenge would have existed with their features but man those custom cars/events is a reason I love that game after discovering it. Best feature no one wants to touch in racing games WHY!
Or well Alfa Romeo Racing Italiano and well eh RPG mechanics of today look at this for a points system for car RPGs then what other games are doing generically and already hit ends because even if possible to go further they don't balance them well and also sick and tired of them for 'new' RPG methods instead. Oh the past has those great at least some people tried.
Re: Aya Neo's Kun Might Solve The Biggest Issue With Steam Deck-Style Handhelds
Fair things to it.
Hate Steam Deck style handhelds as a headline. As if GPD or others hadn't been doing these before Valve let alone Pocket PCs or PDAs by Samsung or Sony or many others on the 2000s to 2006/7 these are a continuation of.
But oh the popular one people think of the Steam Deck. Like it's just hilarious to read that's all.
Is the Steam Deck good yes. But I mean it's just funny when knowing more exist out there or a bit of past product attempts by companies in the PC/console space and never owned them just research but admire them from a far at how cool they are just the way to convey them to people is just so funny to me.
As if the Gizmondo/Tapwave Zodiac weren't Pocket PCs/PDAs in OS or people behind it when it came to the Zodiac. Let alone the Gamecom or Ngage with phone or work applications on a gaming handheld. Or the Gameboy Workboy addon. But I admire these old ideas, not everyone has researched them or cares so we get hilarious headlines the same way the Atari 2600 is popular but the first no.
Re: Sega President Explains Why A Sega Saturn Mini May Not Be On The Cards Just Yet
For parts sure. For emulation understandable but I mean Cotton on modern platforms is emulating the Saturn.
I mean Digital Eclipse did Jaguar and Lynx with Atari 50 and it's excellent. Whichever studios (Digital Eclipse, M2, whichever others out there) are available to do the work on emulating the games if we don't see a Mini I'm fine with.
Saturn/Dreamcast people want but if it's not 'sales' and more so a partner to make the Minis with/parts to work around then fair enough but I mean Dreamcast collection on OG Xbox probably didn't do much either sales wise.
I assume but I'd rather them just port/emulate them on modern platforms or make a collection with some major Dreamcast/Saturn games if they can't do a mini console.
Cosmic Smash VR is something but so many others to experience. I know no Sega GT/Sega Rally due to car licenses though grrr. That custom car builder feature though in Sega GT on Dreamcaast.....
Re: ZUIKI Announces Partnership With Opera House K.K. To Bring Mad Stalker To X68000 Z
Not a line of systems I know much about compared to failed consoles my Japanese old PC/PC game research isn't deep enough but still cool to see.
Re: Anniversary: F-Zero X Is 25 Today
A great game. Cruis'n Blast exists which is great, Mario Kart 8 does. Nintendo won't revive F Zero or Wave Race but will Cruis'n series through and outsource/arcade version as well the companies that worked on it, own it whatever the case of IP license? What gives? Even elements I'd be happy with but I'm not buying Mario Kart.
X and GP Legend are all I've played and I enjoy them for their differences, their speeds, their strategies.
Wave Race 64 on Wii U (even if not the best visually was still fun) and Blue Storm physical (my only GameCube game so far) are a great time.