If people haven't figure this out when it first came out saying they could make it should've high tailed it like Sonic out of the SCAM. They took time to clean house and clean out supporters. This is nothing new and NL should've stopped pompomming them as something different when in the end they CLEANED HOUSE.
Amiga considering how advance the graphics for it's time is amazing. Bad that the people in management missed the ball and ruined a good system that if still alive today would make other system bow down before them. But that's history now.
That's good to have but then again some of those games are coming to the Switch as well. So one has to weigh does having Switch better then a Evercade. It might sound good but your limiting if you just have a Evercade that can't play Switch games.
@orangeoctober I am in my early 30s, and I don't think many under the age of maybe 40 have any type of nostalgia for the "Intellivision" brand. Actually I am one of them under 50 that remember Intellvision and it was far better then Atari when it came out in terms of gaming graphics update.
@Big_Fudge *I don't think it's a coincidence that Nintendo decided to hijack Amicos launch date with a Switch upgrade and a Metroid game. * What coincidence??? Switch has been out since 2017 so not sure where the bus left you but you obviously missed the bus route here.
That's a Finally they saw the light at the end of the tunnel. A multiplayer should've been there from the start. Switch had that one one console so why couldn't everarcade do that. It was to make money off poor saps whom bought in early.
Biggest downside is there is no TWO Player option even though some games on there were from Arcade with two player option. This is the biggest reason I passed on buying it. If they could implement this with Two connect console that would be great but as of now that is a decider for me even if I don't use it having that option helps.
I gave up on Evercade for the time being when I found out they don't allow multiple players on formerly 2 player games. That should be fixed before any more selling.
Remember if it wasn't the craze of Japan coming of age to the Electronics revolution after WWII - we wouldn't have NES or the likes in American and the World. So those playing Nintendo, PS consoles should really thanks Japan for their endeavor in this beginning. Something alot of Gamers of both consoles are taking for granted without realizing where it all started from.
As Others and I mentioned before with the Success of the Switch. Now others are trying to claim the mantel of Innovation by try to feed off Switch success. This is so laughable and so sad along with being pathetic-trying to leak off the Switch success. This is why I talked about Nintendo Innovations knowing full well there would be Lechers trying to feed off Switch Success and Design. But it brings into another focus. 1. Buyers want Portable and Docking gaming experiences 2. They want affordable gaming on the go-not Smart Phone gaming 3. Price always come down to price.
Didn't all Trolls on here say the Switch couldn't do it but here it is 2019 and it's selling better then ps4. Now tell me again whom says they know better? Evercade is niche product and will do better then expected for Collectors and Retro Gamers and new Gamers to see where games came from. But also to bring more options to the "Portable Gaming" aka Switch. This is the biggest reason it will sell beyond expectations.
It does look interesting but I have yet to see a Reviewer test the hardware and test the HDMI output to see it work in person.
This is a niche product and as long as it doesn't go past retro I think it will have a place. And the price will help with sales. I know another of naysayers but I think there are more that would welcome it then put it down. We got alot of couch quarterback whom have yet to test the hardware and should stop doing so.
Comments 24
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
If people haven't figure this out when it first came out saying they could make it should've high tailed it like Sonic out of the SCAM. They took time to clean house and clean out supporters. This is nothing new and NL should've stopped pompomming them as something different when in the end they CLEANED HOUSE.
Re: Intellivision Amico Trademark Is Live Once Again
This is becoming the Walking DEAD....let it die is behind and no actual product has even made it out.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
SCAM as again....no wonder they couldn't get a product out. Why do this to gamers.....
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Other words this is DEAD in the water...
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Amiga considering how advance the graphics for it's time is amazing. Bad that the people in management missed the ball and ruined a good system that if still alive today would make other system bow down before them. But that's history now.
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
DOA What would you expect from a crowd funding that tells you the device was too little too late...
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
@Damo I'm not sure Blaze has an Amiga emulator at present?
Now that something I remember seeing and playing the actual system.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
That's good to have but then again some of those games are coming to the Switch as well. So one has to weigh does having Switch better then a Evercade. It might sound good but your limiting if you just have a Evercade that can't play Switch games.
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
Go figure right......
Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System
@SpringDivorce The name says it all. No more comments needed here.
Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System
So in other words all those that bought those cartridges before are now screwed after buying all other previous cart release. That's just wonderful.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
@orangeoctober I am in my early 30s, and I don't think many under the age of maybe 40 have any type of nostalgia for the "Intellivision" brand.
Actually I am one of them under 50 that remember Intellvision and it was far better then Atari when it came out in terms of gaming graphics update.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
@Big_Fudge *I don't think it's a coincidence that Nintendo decided to hijack Amicos launch date with a Switch upgrade and a Metroid game. *
What coincidence??? Switch has been out since 2017 so not sure where the bus left you but you obviously missed the bus route here.
Re: There's Another Evercade Console In The Works
That's a Finally they saw the light at the end of the tunnel. A multiplayer should've been there from the start. Switch had that one one console so why couldn't everarcade do that. It was to make money off poor saps whom bought in early.
Re: The RK2020 Is Another Chinese Handheld Which Aims To Play Absolutely Everything
Won't pass mustard. The Courts will kill it from getting outside of China. Theft of IP isn't looking good for China.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
Biggest downside is there is no TWO Player option even though some games on there were from Arcade with two player option. This is the biggest reason I passed on buying it. If they could implement this with Two connect console that would be great but as of now that is a decider for me even if I don't use it having that option helps.
Re: Evercade Lineup Grows Thanks To "Modern Retro" Titles Xeno Crisis And Tanglewood
I gave up on Evercade for the time being when I found out they don't allow multiple players on formerly 2 player games. That should be fixed before any more selling.
Re: Book Review: Japansoft: An Oral History - A True Treasure You Need To Read
Remember if it wasn't the craze of Japan coming of age to the Electronics revolution after WWII - we wouldn't have NES or the likes in American and the World. So those playing Nintendo, PS consoles should really thanks Japan for their endeavor in this beginning. Something alot of Gamers of both consoles are taking for granted without realizing where it all started from.
Re: This New Handheld Wants To Heal The Scars Of Gaming's Most Infamous Console War
As Others and I mentioned before with the Success of the Switch. Now others are trying to claim the mantel of Innovation by try to feed off Switch success. This is so laughable and so sad along with being pathetic-trying to leak off the Switch success. This is why I talked about Nintendo Innovations knowing full well there would be Lechers trying to feed off Switch Success and Design. But it brings into another focus.
1. Buyers want Portable and Docking gaming experiences
2. They want affordable gaming on the go-not Smart Phone gaming
3. Price always come down to price.
Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes
ugh, a lose that hurts both Family and Gaming community.
Re: This Exclusive Evercade Console Is Looking Pretty In Black
Didn't all Trolls on here say the Switch couldn't do it but here it is 2019 and it's selling better then ps4. Now tell me again whom says they know better? Evercade is niche product and will do better then expected for Collectors and Retro Gamers and new Gamers to see where games came from. But also to bring more options to the "Portable Gaming" aka Switch. This is the biggest reason it will sell beyond expectations.
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
It does look interesting but I have yet to see a Reviewer test the hardware and test the HDMI output to see it work in person.
This is a niche product and as long as it doesn't go past retro I think it will have a place. And the price will help with sales. I know another of naysayers but I think there are more that would welcome it then put it down. We got alot of couch quarterback whom have yet to test the hardware and should stop doing so.
Re: Exclusive: The Evercade Handheld Is Getting Earthworm Jim, Clayfigher And Midnight Resistance
"a new handheld games system aimed at retro players"
This is why I think gamers will support it and without competing with Switch will keep it alive.
Re: Feature: One Company Is Retrofitting Classic Systems With HDMI Output Without Costing The Earth
If retro works then more power to them....