Comments 14

Re: Leaked Handheld Could Be The Perfect Way To Play Nintendo DS Games In 2024


A horizontal 3DS- style dual screen handheld would actually be nice for emulating 8 and 16-bit computers, if the bottom screen was a touchscreen with a virtual keyboard.

I tried a C64 emulator on a DS with a virtual keyboard on the bottom touchscreen a couple of years ago, and it wasn't the worst experience. There was a lot of frameskip needed, but it wasn't as noticeable as I thought it would be.

Re: PowKiddy Is Actually Doing Something Slightly Different With Its RGB20 Pro


I quite like the appearance. It has a kinda retro futurist feel. However, I dread the ergonomics! As someone suggested, using those inset thumbpads and the triggers simultaneously could be an issue. Looks cramp inducing. But then I bought a Miyoo Mini, so don't listen to me about buying something the gives you RSI just cos it looks pretty!
The one thing I would say is that because so many of these things share the same processor, buyers will have a very good idea of what these are capable of. So no real bad surprises.
How Powkiddy and Anbernic keep churning these out profitably, I will never understand.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?


@RetroGames This is a perfect example of the US-centric bias. I had a Snes myself, but in the UK, the Megadrive (Genesis to you) was more popular. It had little to do with the actual machine, and more about release dates, marketing etc. Nintendo might have whooped Sega"s ass in the US at that time, but over here, no one noticed. Or cared. In the same way, I doubt many US gamers of that era gave a toss about the C64 vs Spectrum rivalry here, or Amiga vs Atari ST.