Goldeneye is still the greatest Bond game with excellent level design and great gameplay, plus very fun multiplayer and is a true classic.
After that Agent Under Fire was ok, Nightfire was better, Everything or Nothing was really good and better than Pierce Brosnans last Bond film, then the quality came back down with the various Goldeneye cash-ins and rather poor Quantum of Solace
Great article and a strange little console, the power vs Saturn makes me laugh as that's a long way from being true. Though the sound chip theoretically doing other tasks I think is correct, I'm pretty sure Doom uses it for other tasks and that's why it has no music.
It's Doom port is one of the very best of the time and the foundations of Doom console ports for a while. Tempest 2000 is another great game with a stellar soundtrack but sadly it was never realistically going to succeed.
I am looking forward to the Atari 50th anniversary collection which includes some Jaguar games, later this year
@JJtheTexan I'd advise anyone who wants to play on real Saturn hardware to just get a Fenrir these days, collecting for it just isn't worth it outside a handful of games
Grandia? A fantastic JRPG and with the translation available the Saturn is the best way to play that game and looks much better than the Playstation and so called HD ports.
I'd also argue the original Daytona over the updated one mainly because it has much better controls but it's good to see Sonic R getting some love, a somewhat misunderstood racing game but great fun.
Overall the Saturn is my favourite console and it has a fantastic library of games
I loved X-Men vs Street Fighter on the Saturn, I played it back then as an import and with the 4MB RAM cartridge it looked stunning, plus you have the best controller to play these games with 😉
@Damo I will always maintain that the N64 games are somewhat underrated these days, for the time they were very good 3D action titles with pretty great performance compared to many others back then.
Still my top 3 will revolve around Super Castlevania IV, Rondo of Blood and Symphony of The Night and it's a shame Rebirth is locked to the Wii as an official release
I remember all the fuss about the PS2 around launch and games like this, as a Dreamcast owner I remember getting a PS2 with this game and being hugely disappointed. So much so my PS2 remained a DVD player for a while
@Tempestryke @Moroboshi876 Earthworm Jim 4 doesn't exist, it never did and all mention of the game has long since been removed from their YouTube channel.
@WhiteTrashGuy it's failure had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was meant to launch 2 years ago yet very few games have been finished, there is no manufacturing of the console in place and it has no cloud infrastructure to deliver its digital only games. None of this is the fault of the pandemic
@aaronsullivan it didn't start as a scam but the last couple of years it certainly has been. When you're asking for more money when you know full well many of the games aren't and won't be finished and keep lying about release dates when you don't even have a working cloud service to deliver games on a console that has no manufacturing contracts, then its a scam.
The sooner this lot go bankrupt the better but sadly I doubt they'll be the ones to lose their money, just those they managed to convince that this was going to be a success
@Ventilator I'm very familiar with how CRT's work and scanlines don't make games look blurry.
In any case if you're going to play a Gamecube game through emulation why would you even use the PAL versions? NTSC is just a better fit for modern screens and a 480p screen is perfect for Gamecube
It's a product that I would like to have seen come out but its clear no real work has been done for a couple of years and it's never likely to release. At this point it looks more like the board members were trying to fleece investors to get their own money (loans) paid back to them
I'll be honest and say I don't get it, these days the games are the really expensive part of retrogaming and of its still emulation then what's the point? Let's be honest anyone using retroarch has all the roms they could ever want.
A bit like the Polymega in that it's a bit late in a world of Everdrives and ODE's to have that authentic experience on real hardware
@chiimaero sadly not, I like to think that in an alternative timeline the Dreamcast survives much longer and the likes of Panzer Dragoon Orta come to it instead of Xbox
Pretty poor from Naka but that was sadly Sega all over as Sega of Japan and America seemed more interested in fighting each other then helping the company. I seem to remember similar stories around Sonic Extreme as they weren't allowed to use the Sonic Team game engine.
It's a shame about this game but Sega already had Panzer Dragoon for that style of gameplay anyway but it would still have been good to have
@BloodNinja yep, I have a ton more games and systems on my PC with much more customisation available and I don't have to pay any ebayers a lot of money to emulate a handful of games
@Damo I think this system has missed the boat if I'm honest, now we have all kinds of options for connecting original hardware to modern TV's, not least the retrotink and all manner of ODE's to expand their lifespan. Then on the emulation side there are a ton of options that are readily available for much less such as the Series S or the Mister for FPGA. For me this has taken too long and now is by far the most expensive solution as well as being the worst of both worlds in that it's emulation but you need an expensive library of games to take advantage of it but all without many of the systems you may want to emulate.
Oh and I have one of those Sinden lightguns on order and will have it long before this and will have many many more options and games to use it with
@KITG_GROUP yeah its flawless, I have a Dreamcast with a GDemu as well and that works great and I got the battery and PSU mod at the same time. When you're playing a game it's basically the same as if it had a disc in
Great news and I can't wait for my signed copy, Dominik has been putting up a few snippets of information from the book and I think this will be a fascinating read from arguably the most exciting time in gaming
Gamesmaster was easily one of my favourite TV shows back then and the best video game show I've seen. Really looking forward to having a read of this and its crazy to think of all the celebrities they managed to get on the show. I wish I could afford to see Dominik and Dave Perry be reunited though
I picked up the Japanese version and it's a great little system, I've seen conflicting reports about whether the games are in English on this version but it doesn't really matter from my experience. Games such as Cotton and Revenge of Death Adder are very good
@jobvd which is why I started with this being for the arcade scene in particular. For the overwhelming majority of console games and gamers this won't be an issue
Something like this is definitely for enthusiasts and the arcade scene in particular. These though I don't think there's a great deal between software and hardware emulation, outside of those games with compatibility issues at least but by and large they are from the 32 bit era and beyond. Its something I am curious about but doubt it'll really give me better results then what I already have available. I mean you can get a Series S for £250 plus another 20 for developer mode and you can run anything up to the PS2 and Gamecube on it.
Ultimately for the vast majority the accuracy won't make any difference, I mean is anyone playing those Arcade Archives games on Switch or the many compilations or indeed the NES/SNES games and having a worse experience then playing on real hardware?
@PixelTavern I've been playing this XBLA version and its great, the controls have been tweaked to feel a bit more like the twin stick controls we use today and visually its really nice and clean. It could be a great release even today, perhaps on Switch as well if they'd all get their heads together
This was easily one of my favourite shows of the 90's but it also coincided with the most exciting age in gaming and more relaxed television rules than today. Domink Diamond was a great presenter and Patrick Moore perfect in his role, I'll definitely watch the reboot but doubt they'll recapture the magic
@KITG_GROUP not exactly, I have the Terraonion Mode installed in my Saturn and can play any Saturn game through it including English translations of the likes of all the Shining Force 3 scenarios. I do have a half decent Saturn game collection though
@GrailUK I'm still getting one though and I can play Outrun and Power Drift on my Saturn anyway but I've never played Revenge of Death Adder. That and it just looks really cool
I'm going to try get one of these in the new year, I love the look of it and many of the games appeal, in particular The Revenge of Death Adder and Cotton. That said I'm baffled by Sega's Puyo puyo and Columns fascination and this could have done with the likes of Outrun and Power Drift as its driving games, but overall it looks to be a great little machine.
I've been watching a Youtuber for a few months playing a vast variety of games on this thing and its been pretty much flawless. I'm looking forward to getting one and patching some Japanese Saturn games to make them playable, whilst also having a convenient way of playing classic systems on a modern display
Comments 174
Re: Poll: What's The Best James Bond Video Game?
Goldeneye is still the greatest Bond game with excellent level design and great gameplay, plus very fun multiplayer and is a true classic.
After that Agent Under Fire was ok, Nightfire was better, Everything or Nothing was really good and better than Pierce Brosnans last Bond film, then the quality came back down with the various Goldeneye cash-ins and rather poor Quantum of Solace
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ridge Racer?
Ridge Racer Type 4 was very impressive for a PS1 game but Ridge Racer V is just a better game
Re: Ultimate Guide: Atari Jaguar - The Death Rattle Of A Pioneer
Great article and a strange little console, the power vs Saturn makes me laugh as that's a long way from being true. Though the sound chip theoretically doing other tasks I think is correct, I'm pretty sure Doom uses it for other tasks and that's why it has no music.
It's Doom port is one of the very best of the time and the foundations of Doom console ports for a while. Tempest 2000 is another great game with a stellar soundtrack but sadly it was never realistically going to succeed.
I am looking forward to the Atari 50th anniversary collection which includes some Jaguar games, later this year
Re: Best Sega Saturn Games
@JJtheTexan I'd advise anyone who wants to play on real Saturn hardware to just get a Fenrir these days, collecting for it just isn't worth it outside a handful of games
Re: Best Sega Saturn Games
Grandia? A fantastic JRPG and with the translation available the Saturn is the best way to play that game and looks much better than the Playstation and so called HD ports.
I'd also argue the original Daytona over the updated one mainly because it has much better controls but it's good to see Sonic R getting some love, a somewhat misunderstood racing game but great fun.
Overall the Saturn is my favourite console and it has a fantastic library of games
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
I loved X-Men vs Street Fighter on the Saturn, I played it back then as an import and with the 4MB RAM cartridge it looked stunning, plus you have the best controller to play these games with 😉
Re: This Obscure 1994 Sonic Game Is Back From The Dead
I've been playing this on PC and it's a fantastic version, it could easily pass for an authentic Sega release from back then
Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked
@Damo I will always maintain that the N64 games are somewhat underrated these days, for the time they were very good 3D action titles with pretty great performance compared to many others back then.
Still my top 3 will revolve around Super Castlevania IV, Rondo of Blood and Symphony of The Night and it's a shame Rebirth is locked to the Wii as an official release
Re: The Bouncer: Misunderstood Classic, Or Off-Brand Final Fantasy Fan-Fiction?
I remember all the fuss about the PS2 around launch and games like this, as a Dreamcast owner I remember getting a PS2 with this game and being hugely disappointed. So much so my PS2 remained a DVD player for a while
Re: Final Fight Ultimate Brings Arcade Classic To Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, 30 Years Later
Such a great time when we are getting updates to games like this and Mortal Kombat before, I can't wait to play this version
Re: Sega Reveals Genesis / Mega Drive Mini 2 Will Be In Short Supply
No UK/Europe release then? I got the Japanese one preordered early so at least I'll get that
Re: Cyber Lancer Is A Colourful Tribute To Sega's Virtual On
@Ziondood cost me £90 boxed and included all the Gundam games, so it wasn't too bad
Re: Cyber Lancer Is A Colourful Tribute To Sega's Virtual On
I bought the Twin Sticks earlier this year to play some Virtual On amd the fan made Bulkslash patch so I'm definitely up for this
Re: Best Dreamcast Games
@get2sammyb hello there
I love the look of this site and that's a great list, such a shame Sega Rally 2 was burdened with Windows CE back then but its still a very good game
Re: Intellivision Amico Trademark Is Live Once Again
@Tempestryke @Moroboshi876 Earthworm Jim 4 doesn't exist, it never did and all mention of the game has long since been removed from their YouTube channel.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@WhiteTrashGuy it's failure had nothing to do with the pandemic. It was meant to launch 2 years ago yet very few games have been finished, there is no manufacturing of the console in place and it has no cloud infrastructure to deliver its digital only games. None of this is the fault of the pandemic
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@KillerTan98 I don't even think they have the rights to Earthworm Jim anymore and they never did any work on it
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@aaronsullivan it didn't start as a scam but the last couple of years it certainly has been. When you're asking for more money when you know full well many of the games aren't and won't be finished and keep lying about release dates when you don't even have a working cloud service to deliver games on a console that has no manufacturing contracts, then its a scam.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
The sooner this lot go bankrupt the better but sadly I doubt they'll be the ones to lose their money, just those they managed to convince that this was going to be a success
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@Ventilator I'm very familiar with how CRT's work and scanlines don't make games look blurry.
In any case if you're going to play a Gamecube game through emulation why would you even use the PAL versions? NTSC is just a better fit for modern screens and a 480p screen is perfect for Gamecube
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@RubyCarbuncle I certainly wouldn't get one for running mobile games, I'd imagine it's main draw is emulation and having physical controls
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@Ventilator you know that 480p is a higher resolution than 576i? And on an LCD screen interlaced images don't look great
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@RubyCarbuncle how many of those games actually run at that resolution 🤔
I'd take playing games on this over any smartphone
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
It's a product that I would like to have seen come out but its clear no real work has been done for a couple of years and it's never likely to release. At this point it looks more like the board members were trying to fleece investors to get their own money (loans) paid back to them
Re: RetroArch Is Working On Hardware That Allows You To Run N64 Carts On Your PC
I'll be honest and say I don't get it, these days the games are the really expensive part of retrogaming and of its still emulation then what's the point? Let's be honest anyone using retroarch has all the roms they could ever want.
A bit like the Polymega in that it's a bit late in a world of Everdrives and ODE's to have that authentic experience on real hardware
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@Kayvoo @GrailUK I was gonna say Yu Suzuki is a big part of what made Sega great
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@chiimaero sadly not, I like to think that in an alternative timeline the Dreamcast survives much longer and the likes of Panzer Dragoon Orta come to it instead of Xbox
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
Pretty poor from Naka but that was sadly Sega all over as Sega of Japan and America seemed more interested in fighting each other then helping the company. I seem to remember similar stories around Sonic Extreme as they weren't allowed to use the Sonic Team game engine.
It's a shame about this game but Sega already had Panzer Dragoon for that style of gameplay anyway but it would still have been good to have
Re: Here's The First Trailer For E4's GamesMaster Reboot
This looks fun and might actually capture the spirit of the original show. I'm looking forward to Dominik Diamonds book as well
Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon
@Onion it'd be cheaper to just buy a Saturn and an upscaler then this
Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon
@BloodNinja yep, I have a ton more games and systems on my PC with much more customisation available and I don't have to pay any ebayers a lot of money to emulate a handful of games
Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon
@Damo I think this system has missed the boat if I'm honest, now we have all kinds of options for connecting original hardware to modern TV's, not least the retrotink and all manner of ODE's to expand their lifespan. Then on the emulation side there are a ton of options that are readily available for much less such as the Series S or the Mister for FPGA. For me this has taken too long and now is by far the most expensive solution as well as being the worst of both worlds in that it's emulation but you need an expensive library of games to take advantage of it but all without many of the systems you may want to emulate.
Oh and I have one of those Sinden lightguns on order and will have it long before this and will have many many more options and games to use it with
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
@KITG_GROUP yeah its flawless, I have a Dreamcast with a GDemu as well and that works great and I got the battery and PSU mod at the same time. When you're playing a game it's basically the same as if it had a disc in
Re: New Book Charts The Anarchic Life Of GamesMaster, The UK's Biggest Video Game TV Show
Great news and I can't wait for my signed copy, Dominik has been putting up a few snippets of information from the book and I think this will be a fascinating read from arguably the most exciting time in gaming
Re: New Book Charts The Anarchic Life Of GamesMaster, The UK's Biggest Video Game TV Show
Gamesmaster was easily one of my favourite TV shows back then and the best video game show I've seen. Really looking forward to having a read of this and its crazy to think of all the celebrities they managed to get on the show. I wish I could afford to see Dominik and Dave Perry be reunited though
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Release In The West
I picked up the Japanese version and it's a great little system, I've seen conflicting reports about whether the games are in English on this version but it doesn't really matter from my experience. Games such as Cotton and Revenge of Death Adder are very good
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
@jobvd which is why I started with this being for the arcade scene in particular. For the overwhelming majority of console games and gamers this won't be an issue
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
Something like this is definitely for enthusiasts and the arcade scene in particular. These though I don't think there's a great deal between software and hardware emulation, outside of those games with compatibility issues at least but by and large they are from the 32 bit era and beyond. Its something I am curious about but doubt it'll really give me better results then what I already have available. I mean you can get a Series S for £250 plus another 20 for developer mode and you can run anything up to the PS2 and Gamecube on it.
Ultimately for the vast majority the accuracy won't make any difference, I mean is anyone playing those Arcade Archives games on Switch or the many compilations or indeed the NES/SNES games and having a worse experience then playing on real hardware?
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@PixelTavern yes, look for 007 XBLA
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@PixelTavern I've been playing this XBLA version and its great, the controls have been tweaked to feel a bit more like the twin stick controls we use today and visually its really nice and clean. It could be a great release even today, perhaps on Switch as well if they'd all get their heads together
Re: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Remaster
@T0biasCZe kind of, its basically Call of Duty loosely dressed up as Goldeneye with Daniel Craig as Bond. It was ok
Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show
@Gs69 that was amazing, I can't believe he was so bad at it even for a first try
Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show
This was easily one of my favourite shows of the 90's but it also coincided with the most exciting age in gaming and more relaxed television rules than today. Domink Diamond was a great presenter and Patrick Moore perfect in his role, I'll definitely watch the reboot but doubt they'll recapture the magic
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
@KITG_GROUP not exactly, I have the Terraonion Mode installed in my Saturn and can play any Saturn game through it including English translations of the likes of all the Shining Force 3 scenarios. I do have a half decent Saturn game collection though
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
@GrailUK I'm still getting one though and I can play Outrun and Power Drift on my Saturn anyway but I've never played Revenge of Death Adder. That and it just looks really cool
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
@GrailUK a full size one for sure but a console like this I'd take it, especially as you can use a controller to play it on the TV
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
I'm going to try get one of these in the new year, I love the look of it and many of the games appeal, in particular The Revenge of Death Adder and Cotton. That said I'm baffled by Sega's Puyo puyo and Columns fascination and this could have done with the likes of Outrun and Power Drift as its driving games, but overall it looks to be a great little machine.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@SuperRetro64 they should be fine as beta units have been in the wild for sometime and updates have been applied based on their feedback
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
I've been watching a Youtuber for a few months playing a vast variety of games on this thing and its been pretty much flawless. I'm looking forward to getting one and patching some Japanese Saturn games to make them playable, whilst also having a convenient way of playing classic systems on a modern display
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
I preferred the Megadrive version purely because it had a better controller (the 6 button pad) for fighting games