i'm weird in that even when i do play with software emulation (mostly Wii U or 3DS virtual console being the absolute chad that i am), i treat it like it was a regular game and still use the in-game save systems.
my parents were always pretty cheap so i didnt have a snes until i bought one off ebay as well as a copy of ffvi in like 2003. i played pretty far into it but never beat it until i finally dedicated myself last year to getting through it on the snes classic. it’s been my favorite game pretty much since i first played it but i just couldnt get past some of the grinding for the longest time. at some point i’ll also play thru the gba port and the pixel remaster
man, if i didn't already have so many ways to play game boy (two sps, a micro, a pocket, a game boy player, a super game boy and an analogue pocket) and snes games (super nt) i'd be super interested in these especially for their cheap costs. i also don't have a reliable laptop right now and my only decent computer right now is an aging iMac but at some point i'd really like to get these mainly for their save backup capabilities
i would put it as gba > ds > switch = 3ds (hard to pick between those two). the ds and gba are also close with the ds hardware being a little better but the gba’s library is just incredible
gba sp ags-101 followed very closely by the ds lite. the gba library is just incredible and the system is so small while having a great screen so that it doesn’t feel compromised, whereas the ds lite has the advantages of a longer battery life, ability to hibernate and the touch screen is super handy especially for sorting pokemons in gen v
@Poodlestargenerica the wii u gamepad is fantastic i finally hooked my system back up a few weeks ago and have been playing stuff on it every day while my wife watches tv. great way to play gba games
i find that while the screen is amazing, the d-pad and buttons are not great on it.. i finally set my dock up recently and I think I'll be using it a lot more now that I'll have better control options. I still use my gba sp for handheld gaming and I've had the pocket over a year
it’s weird as i played my 3DS a ton during its life (i’m an ambassador i bought it probably a few days after its release) and i have 3 working systems currently and all my games but i almost never play it anymore. maybe in a few years i’ll get some kinda nostalgia surge and want to go back to playing it but for now i play my gba and ds way more
if this is available on mac i’m definitely interested in this, i love the series but haven’t played in forever as there’s no convenient way for me to play
@davidtobin100 idk the hardware is kinda hit or miss like yeah the screen is very impressive but the buttons aren’t the greatest it often just won’t register when i press the A button on mine (which i’ve barely used mostly for this reason) while my second hand gba sp that i’ve had for three years and hundreds of hours of use works flawlessly. i’ve seen many others complain about the dpads or buttons being finicky so it’s not just me. i do have a dock so i can just use whatever other controller but that kinda defeats the purpose of a portable plus it renders the screen moot.
@smoreon i remember reading somewhere that ms didn’t want people to see a ps3 vs xbox2 so they went with 360 to sneak a 3 in there without having made three consoles
XBox has always been an awful name (playstation is only slightly better) so it’s kind of amazing it’s stuck around so long. But man I guess with these names they came up with it coulda been much worse. Kinda funny it coulda been MARZ seeing as they basically replaced/screwed over SEGA in the console space and before the dreamcast they had been using planet names
no dragon quest titles? especially monsters (actually the others were gbc iirc) gold and silver should also be here. IMO Donkey Kong ‘94 is the best 2D Mario platformer
the thing with nintendo is that they're big in both hardware and software which no other company can really say, and certainly not for as long as they've been doing it. if sega were still making systems instead of being muscled out by microsoft, i think you'd see them treated with close to the same reverence but after the dreamcast failed they've been software only. if sony had first party games that anyone cared about maybe they'd also be given the same kind of respect. there are plenty of franchises that do garner a ton of respect, the resident evils, castlevanias, street fighters, final fantasys etc.
@Hydra_Spectre i’m only familiar with the discourse around the star wars “updates” and in those cases it basically became impossible to watch the movies as they originally released. this romhack (like any other romhack) doesn’t change anything for the vast majority of people wanting to play the games as they probably won’t even know about it and is there for those that do and likely these ppl already played the original. heck i just played a couple levels of this very game on NSO last night. video games have their own preservation issues but this really isn’t it
if i ever get my n3DS fixed i plan on moving my main 3DS stuff (it’s on my n2DS XL right now and is an ambassador system with some other games downloaded that i bought over the years) back onto it and then hacking either the n2DS XL or an old 3DS XL that i’m using when i really want that 3D effect
would potentially be interested but i already have an analogue pocket. wonder how they'll compete, i imagine it'll have to be much cheaper or offer something entirely different
I like to use original hardware whenever it's not crazy expensive otherwise I like to emulate via official means. I'm too lazy/not enough time to mod things so if I can't play something one of these ways, then that's that.
having played Barbie on NES I can’t imagine this would have been any good. still could have been interesting. play thimbleweed park for a twin peaksesque experience
Comments 30
Re: One Of The Most Underrated SNES JRPGs Just Got A Fan-Made Upgrade
@KingMike a modern remake or sequel to Air Fortress (NES) would be amazing
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket
i'm weird in that even when i do play with software emulation (mostly Wii U or 3DS virtual console being the absolute chad that i am), i treat it like it was a regular game and still use the in-game save systems.
Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VI Is 30 Years Old
my parents were always pretty cheap
so i didnt have a snes until i bought one off ebay as well as a copy of ffvi in like 2003. i played pretty far into it but never beat it until i finally dedicated myself last year to getting through it on the snes classic. it’s been my favorite game pretty much since i first played it but i just couldnt get past some of the grinding for the longest time. at some point i’ll also play thru the gba port and the pixel remaster
Re: The Company Behind An Essential Game Boy Accessory Is Making A SNES Version Next
man, if i didn't already have so many ways to play game boy (two sps, a micro, a pocket, a game boy player, a super game boy and an analogue pocket) and snes games (super nt) i'd be super interested in these especially for their cheap costs. i also don't have a reliable laptop right now and my only decent computer right now is an aging iMac but at some point i'd really like to get these mainly for their save backup capabilities
Re: 22 Years Later, GBA Action RPG 'Kien' Is Finally Coming Out
why does it look like it runs at 10fps?
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
i would put it as gba > ds > switch = 3ds (hard to pick between those two). the ds and gba are also close with the ds hardware being a little better but the gba’s library is just incredible
Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?
gba sp ags-101 followed very closely by the ds lite. the gba library is just incredible and the system is so small while having a great screen so that it doesn’t feel compromised, whereas the ds lite has the advantages of a longer battery life, ability to hibernate and the touch screen is super handy especially for sorting pokemons in gen v
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
@Poodlestargenerica the wii u gamepad is fantastic i finally hooked my system
back up a few weeks ago and have been playing stuff on it every day while my wife watches tv. great way to play gba games
Re: Guide: How To Use Game Boy APGB Palettes On Analogue Pocket
i find that while the screen is amazing, the d-pad and buttons are not great on it.. i finally set my dock up recently and I think I'll be using it a lot more now that I'll have better control options. I still use my gba sp for handheld gaming and I've had the pocket over a year
Re: Best Nintendo 3DS Games Of All Time
it’s weird as i played my 3DS a ton during its life (i’m an ambassador i bought it probably a few days after its release) and i have 3 working systems currently and all my games but i almost never play it anymore. maybe in a few years i’ll get some kinda nostalgia surge and want to go back to playing it but for now i play my gba and ds way more
Re: How Fans Are Resurrecting Heroes Of Might And Magic II
if this is available on mac i’m definitely interested in this, i love the series but haven’t played in forever as there’s no convenient way for me to play
Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature
@davidtobin100 idk the hardware is kinda hit or miss like yeah the screen is very impressive but the buttons aren’t the greatest it often just won’t register when i press the A button on mine (which i’ve barely used mostly for this reason) while my second hand gba sp that i’ve had for three years and hundreds of hours of use works flawlessly. i’ve seen many others complain about the dpads or buttons being finicky so it’s not just me. i do have a dock so i can just use whatever other controller but that kinda defeats the purpose of a portable plus it renders the screen moot.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
@smoreon i remember reading somewhere that ms didn’t want people to see a ps3 vs xbox2 so they went with 360 to sneak a 3 in there without having made three consoles
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
XBox has always been an awful name (playstation is only slightly better) so it’s kind of amazing it’s stuck around so long. But man I guess with these names they came up with it coulda been much worse. Kinda funny it coulda been MARZ seeing as they basically replaced/screwed over SEGA in the console space and before the dreamcast they had been using planet names
Re: Best Game Boy Games Of All Time
no dragon quest titles? especially monsters (actually the others were gbc iirc) gold and silver should also be here. IMO Donkey Kong ‘94 is the best 2D Mario platformer
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?
the thing with nintendo is that they're big in both hardware and software which no other company can really say, and certainly not for as long as they've been doing it. if sega were still making systems instead of being muscled out by microsoft, i think you'd see them treated with close to the same reverence but after the dreamcast failed they've been software only. if sony had first party games that anyone cared about maybe they'd also be given the same kind of respect. there are plenty of franchises that do garner a ton of respect, the resident evils, castlevanias, street fighters, final fantasys etc.
Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment
@Hydra_Spectre i’m only familiar with the discourse around the star wars “updates” and in those cases it basically became impossible to watch the movies as they originally released. this romhack (like any other romhack) doesn’t change anything for the vast majority of people wanting to play the games as they probably won’t even know about it and is there for those that do and likely these ppl already played the original. heck i just played a couple levels of this very game on NSO last night. video games have their own preservation issues but this really isn’t it
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
if i ever get my n3DS fixed i plan on moving my main 3DS stuff (it’s on my n2DS XL right now and is an ambassador system with some other games downloaded that i bought over the years) back onto it and then hacking either the n2DS XL or an old 3DS XL that i’m using when i really want that 3D effect
Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?
for nostalgia, the snes, but i have three answers and i’ll list them chronologically
1. GBA SP AGS-101
2. DS Lite
3. Wii U
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
small error under secret of mana, final fantasy iv, v & vi can all be played in mulitplayer
Re: Random: We Still Don't Know How Kid Icarus' "X-Rated" Manual Got Past Nintendo
not my proudest fap
Re: Forget Game Boy Mods, Funnyplaying Is Making An Entirely New Game Boy Console
would potentially be interested but i already have an analogue pocket. wonder how they'll compete, i imagine it'll have to be much cheaper or offer something entirely different
Re: Flashback: Before Twitter And Tesla, Elon Musk Made Video Games
at least he didnt stick around video games long enough to ruin those too
Re: Best Final Fantasy Games - Every Mainline Game Ranked
vi is the best, and also my overall favorite game
Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?
I like to use original hardware whenever it's not crazy expensive otherwise I like to emulate via official means. I'm too lazy/not enough time to mod things so if I can't play something one of these ways, then that's that.
Re: The Mystery Of NES 'Twin Peaks' Solved, Almost Thirty Years Later
having played Barbie on NES I can’t imagine this would have been any good. still could have been interesting. play thimbleweed park for a twin peaksesque experience
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
man imagine if this came out in like 1990, people would’ve lost their minds
Re: Random: What Happens When You Remove Charles Barkley From His Own Video Game?
@victordamazio this for sure. i’d love to get modern ports of wwf no mercy and goldeneye and it’ll likely never happen
Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity
with all profits going to the National VideoGame Museum charity
Re: Coleco Chameleon's Future In Doubt Following Claims That SNES Hardware Was Used In Prototype
Video game mess shows are some of the best mess shows