Comments 268

Re: Review: MSX0 Stack โ€“ Handheld MSX Revival Is A Bitter Disappointment


These new MSX devices are all the idea of Maxim Vlasov, and all generally using off-the-shelf parts. He's known as maxis at

I have more expectation from any FPGA devices, but these rebadged M5 units are very underwhelming and nothing you couldn't build yourself. Maxim is not responsible for the MSX0 Software emulator

Re: Sunsoft Announces Remake Of The SNES Racer 'Hashire Hebereke'


@RetroGames they're only hidden if you're not looking for them! These days there are enough resources online and in print for everything from NES right up to DC and even Wii, that every game is known about you just need to jump in and explore. I stumbled across this game as recently as February this year.

Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More


The brazen "can do" attitude here is commendable, but I think ultimately misguided. I wonder if it's a difference in culture type of thing?

It would help to know what other projects of a similar size the team has completed in the past. If there are none (seems to be the case) this is akin to wanting to learn game development and setting your sights on something the size of BotW as your first game.

Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series


I created my own artillery game on the Atari ST at this time, after playing Gorillas in QBASIC on a PC. My game was called Balance of Power and it was my first game. It was OK, nowhere near as creative as Worms. My maths teacher couldn't figure out why I wanted to know such advanced formulas.

I think the version of Worms I played most was on either the PlayStation or Dreamcast. Brilliant.

Re: Anniversary: Is Tetris Really 40 This Year?


It's really curious why they would change this date, and specifically to a date that coincided with the Saturday after E3 in 2009. I suspect we'll never know the real reasons, or the real history of a game whose origins are still shrouded by the iron curtain. Hank and Alexey's story has changed frequently over the years, this 1985/4 date change is just the most perplexing.

The 1993 interview cited also says it was created in "three weeks", which means if it was first playable in June 1985 it certainly seems that it must have been created not long before then.

Given that this happened 15 years ago now, the "new" date is pretty embedded in the public record. The "old" date had existed for 20 years from 1989 to 2009. Thankfully we have printed material, scans on Internet Archive, Wayback Machine, and Wikipedia's own edit history function we have more than enough information to call upon to see through historical revisions like this.