Funny how I was just on eBay browsing for Jaguar games and saw a copy of Missle command for the Amico brand new factory Sealed. Real pics displayed too! Strange indeed.
Another great Genesis shooter! Blew my mind when it hit and I still have my mint complete copy. Would still love to see it hit the eshop and other consoles tho!
@Ghost_of_Hasashi well the fact is is that Bushnell sold Atari to Warner for immediate capital injection because he didn’t have the funds to mass produce the 2600. At that point Atari was still a very successful company. Everything went bad after those bozos at Warner took over which is also why even though he stayed on as a board member after the sale, he left due to disagreements with Warner executives plans of how to run the company. It is true and Bushnell even admitted himself that he did indeed make more money for selling his stock in Atari right before the crap hit the fan, than the actual sale of the company itself as he chuckled through his explanation of what happened. He also admitted some regret in selling Atari in the first place.
If only Nolan Bushnell NEVER sold his baby to Warner Brothers to get the funding he needed to mass produce the Atari 2600! I have to wonder what might have been! Man!
@SegaSonicFan Well i didn’t say I don’t like the games and I enjoy playing them as well. I purchased both of them. But My point was we didn’t need 2 Puyo entries in the Sega Ages line when there was so many other rare arcade games Sega could’ve chosen for the Ages line and plus we already had a Puyo game packaged with Tetris in 2017 and now more recently again with part 2.
@Moroboshi876 when Virtua Racing hit I had high hopes that we’d see newer games but nope! And IMO we didn’t need 2 Puyo puyo games as part of the line. 🙄
@Moroboshi876 good point but doesn’t reduce my disappointment any further about them stopping the ages line. We all know how many classics they left behind. 😞
I could possibly be interested but it just begs the question: WHY COULDN'T SEGA BRING SOME OF THESE TITLES TO THE SEGA AGES LINE THAT THEY CANCELED A SHORT TIME AGO???? I still don’t get the logic! 🤦♂️
Pretty cool!! If I didn’t already own All of them in mint & complete condition for my Genesis except for Zero Wing, I’d be all over this!! I remember Fire Shark and Truxton blew me away!!! Now how bout porting these all over to modern consoles starting with the Switch??? That would be even more awesome!! 😁👍
Own them all except Zero Wing which never came to the states. Great shooters but I’ll pass being I one them. Rather see what M2 is cooking up for Switch with this line of games from Toaplan and these games here would be a great start!!
Once a favorite mag of mine! I liked it even better than EGM & Gamepro! Loved the art style and the content! Looked forward to it every month! I miss those old days! 😕
Great stuff! STILL a huge outrun fan today! I remember how pumped I was with the announcement of the Xbox game! I just WISH we can play it on today’s consoles!! I thought that dream would come true when Microsoft was actively making 360 games BC with Xbox One...but they stopped and never got to this game! What a shame! Hope to see it resurface again soon!!
@cdog555 yes he was seeking revenge on commodore so to speak and also thought that based on what happened with Atari Inc, that video games were basically dead. When they saw Nintendo raking it in, they jumped back in but it was a bit too late. I love my 7800 but yea by 86 it was antiquated. But just gettin the 7800 games rolling took forever. There was months and months of a gap with no new games. That said even the Sega master system which was technically superior to the NES didn’t have a shot. Atari tried hard to rebound with Lynx and the Jag but just couldn’t get that needed 3rd party support. Jack was hard nosed still in all and that didn’t help his cause. Oh well...we’ll never know. I wish the “new” Atari well with this Ataribox.
@darthstuey Ive been a steady Atari Age customer and i just picked up 7800 froggie, Super Pac Man and the Circus Age balloon game! A bit Expensive but lovely! 7800 Froggie is a dead on Frogger arcade port!
Even if Kassar got that deal signed I think Nintendo would’ve had to step in and rescue the whole thing because Atari was just headed for so much financial troubles right afterwards. And the reason they didn’t sign with Sega for the Genesis in 1989 was because the Tramiel family were a bunch of idiots and Jack was just too hard nosed of a stubborn business man.
Sega is really dragging ass with the Sega Ages line so my feeling is that IF we ever see Revenge Of Death Adder, which would be awesome, it’ll be a long long time!! I’m wondering what the hell is even taking Fantasy Zone & G-Loc so long!! They should be cranking them out by now cmon Sega!!
As a young boy growing up with Atari it was quite an exciting time for us “very old gamers” so this is disappointing but realistically, they just don’t have the money to get it out the door if they couldn’t even pay Wyatt. The guy has bills like everyone else. If i was the current owner of Atari, payment to Wyatt would’ve been a TOP priority even if it means i couldn’t pay myself for a month or two!! I mean He’s your main guy right?? Man I wish Bushnell never sold to Warner!!
As BIG as an Atari fan I was/still am, I need to see way more! The Switch has become such a retro and classic gaming Powerhouse despite Nintendo’s dumb NES online only/no Virtual Console move, that I’m satisfied on a Retro/classic level with the Switch. Besides, I just picked up the Atari Flashback Switch Collection anyway!!
@Captain_Gonru yea it’s pretty close I remember the Colecovision very well as my brothers and I played the hell out of it! Lol. It’s 98% On I’d say with sound & music! Seems the only other way to enjoy the Colecovision library is through emulation which I have on an original Xbox! Otherwise the Flashback is the only legal option.
@Captain_Gonru Plimton did the intellivision commercials. If you’re looking for a Colecovision fix, check out the Colecovision Flashback with 60 built in games! Not the Nintendo licensed games like Donkey Kong of course but still plenty of classic gems in the mix!! Should be plenty of them available On eBay!
@Windy well thanks I appreciate that! I’ll check it out and see if I’ve seen it as I’ve watched countless videos and docs on Atari! Popcorn will be ready. And don’t feel bad ...I can’t post pictures, videos or hell even my picture/avatar next to my name. Just don’t know how lol
I don’t know why anyone here is so surprised that so much money has been raised! We’re talking about Atari...once a Titan of the arcades..a beast in the home console and pc market...a game and hardware dev lab loaded with geniuses...once the fastest growing company in American history...a company that had millions & millions of loyal fans like Nintendo does today....guess what? That loyalty still prevails just on the power of the name Atari alone!! Cmon guys read up on Atari. The worst thing that happened to Atari was NOT E.T. Like everyone thinks but was Bushnell selling his Atari company to Warner Bros who had no clue what the hell to do with Atari!! Nolan still regrets selling it today!!
A Good read. The whole thing that led to Sega exiting the console market is all Sega of Japan’s fault. Too thick and pig headed to work with SOA and gave them nothing but resistance at every turn!
Sega makes no sense when it comes to this. They really should consider doing what Nintendo is doing with the minis! Or at the very least get the back catalogue out on the current gen consoles!! Many Sega fans from back in the day will have their wallets ready!! Cmon Sega what the hell?? Tom Kalinske is sorely missed!!
@Lone_Beagle the Atari of the 70s and 80s with over 10,000 employees is NOT this Atari of today who with locations in NYC & France barely have perhaps 50 employees. Just an FYI
@Yas as good as the home port for space invaders was, incan rattle off a good 20 or so 2600 games that were just as good of not better. My 2600 collection stands at 175 and there's quite a few gems in there. No not all made by Atari but still....
@Highlar nicely put! Couldn't have said it better myself! I was 10 when I got a 2600 and 51 now! Married 2 kids and running a family business. Not enough time in the day. But on the weekends I always try to squeeze in a few hours of gaming along with buying games on a weekly basis. I very proudly own almost everything from the 2600 to the Switch! I will also take my last breath probably with a controller in hand!! Beats a good movie any day of the week!! Hopefully Atari will get this done the right way!! I'm rooting for them!!
As a big ex Atari fan I hope it turns out to be something really cool!! 2600 5200 7800 Lynx Jaguar Atari 400/800 Atari ST Arcade games They have quite a bit of hardware in their history to pull from!
I'll believe that when I see it. And also if GameCube comes I'm sure it will primarily be Nintendo games not 3rd party titles. We will see! First they need to announce the service for Switch before anything else. Hopefully at E3??
My issues:
Can't flip the display on Varth to vertical...really?
Black n white GBoy games on an HD display?
Missing games previously listed on their website!
Yes there is a lot of slowdown with certain titles!
Many classics missing from these license holders and with odd choices chosen instead!
But Overall though it's still ok to mess around with here and there and doesn't take up any space to keep hooked up!
Now I'm hoping it Sells well enough for them to do a revised unit next year(or sooner) and improve in all these areas I mentioned above, increase the game list with more popular titles and get rid of the black and white GB games! Yes This review will not help their cause for any retro gamer that was leaning towards a purchase but here's hoping!! Meanwhile I continue to have fun with Atari flashback 7 and the colecovision flashback from 2015! 😊
What a shame - I would love a viable piece of hardware to run my colecovision and Atari carts! Meanwhile though, how about an update to the colecovision flashback console?!?
@Retroking1981 it's true but Nintendo's own fault for letting it happen!! They have to reach out to these companies and secure content....but they don't!!
@faint owned by Disney now so you never know. Wouldn't label it as impossible and this is where Nintendo needs to step it up and reach out to those holding the license for these and many other vc games!
I wish Nintendo would pursue the Atari classics so they may live again thru wii U and/or 3ds. Or they should spend some of their billions and buy Atari altogether. Thank god I have my ps3 that runs ps2 games cause I like to pop in Atari Anthology here n there! Also have vol 1&2 classics on DS which of course can run on 3DS along with the 2600/7800 and my collection of 300+ originals!! Atari games like Asteroids, Centipede,Millipede, Tempest and many others still hold up very well today and every time I play one brings back childhood memories!!
Comments 46
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
Funny how I was just on eBay browsing for Jaguar games and saw a copy of Missle command for the Amico brand new factory Sealed. Real pics displayed too! Strange indeed.
Re: Dreamcast Support Could Come To Polymega In The Future
Because God forbid Sega ports any Dreamcast games to any current gen consoles 🙄🙄🤨
Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago
Another great Genesis shooter! Blew my mind when it hit and I still have my mint complete copy. Would still love to see it hit the eshop and other consoles tho!
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
@Ghost_of_Hasashi well the fact is is that Bushnell sold Atari to Warner for immediate capital injection because he didn’t have the funds to mass produce the 2600. At that point Atari was still a very successful company. Everything went bad after those bozos at Warner took over which is also why even though he stayed on as a board member after the sale, he left due to disagreements with Warner executives plans of how to run the company.
It is true and Bushnell even admitted himself that he did indeed make more money for selling his stock in Atari right before the crap hit the fan, than the actual sale of the company itself as he chuckled through his explanation of what happened. He also admitted some regret in selling Atari in the first place.
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
If only Nolan Bushnell NEVER sold his baby to Warner Brothers to get the funding he needed to mass produce the Atari 2600! I have to wonder what might have been! Man!
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Release In The West
@SegaSonicFan Well i didn’t say I don’t like the games and I enjoy playing them as well. I purchased both of them. But My point was we didn’t need 2 Puyo entries in the Sega Ages line when there was so many other rare arcade games Sega could’ve chosen for the Ages line and plus we already had a Puyo game packaged with Tetris in 2017 and now more recently again with part 2.
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Release In The West
@Moroboshi876 when Virtua Racing hit I had high hopes that we’d see newer games but nope! And IMO we didn’t need 2 Puyo puyo games as part of the line. 🙄
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Release In The West
@Moroboshi876 good point but doesn’t reduce my disappointment any further about them stopping the ages line. We all know how many classics they left behind. 😞
Re: Sega's Astro City Mini Is Getting A Release In The West
I could possibly be interested but it just begs the question: WHY COULDN'T SEGA BRING SOME OF THESE TITLES TO THE SEGA AGES LINE THAT THEY CANCELED A SHORT TIME AGO???? I still don’t get the logic! 🤦♂️
Re: Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters Are Back In Physical Form, And They Look Amazing
@WiltonRoots hopefully they all find their way to modern consoles and they can toss MUSHA in there for us while they’re at it lol 😝
Re: Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters Are Back In Physical Form, And They Look Amazing
Pretty cool!! If I didn’t already own All of them in mint & complete condition for my Genesis except for Zero Wing, I’d be all over this!! I remember Fire Shark and Truxton blew me away!!!
Now how bout porting these all over to modern consoles starting with the Switch??? That would be even more awesome!! 😁👍
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
How the hell did some of these games NOT make the Sega Ages lineup?!? I just don’t get it Sega!
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
Own them all except Zero Wing which never came to the states. Great shooters but I’ll pass being I one them. Rather see what M2 is cooking up for Switch with this line of games from Toaplan and these games here would be a great start!!
Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine
Once a favorite mag of mine! I liked it even better than EGM & Gamepro! Loved the art style and the content! Looked forward to it every month! I miss those old days! 😕
Re: Feature: OutRun 2 On Xbox - How Sumo Digital Helped Bring Sega's Classic Home
Great stuff! STILL a huge outrun fan today! I remember how pumped I was with the announcement of the Xbox game! I just WISH we can play it on today’s consoles!! I thought that dream would come true when Microsoft was actively making 360 games BC with Xbox One...but they stopped and never got to this game! What a shame! Hope to see it resurface again soon!!
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
@cdog555 yes he was seeking revenge on commodore so to speak and also thought that based on what happened with Atari Inc, that video games were basically dead. When they saw Nintendo raking it in, they jumped back in but it was a bit too late. I love my 7800 but yea by 86 it was antiquated. But just gettin the 7800 games rolling took forever. There was months and months of a gap with no new games. That said even the Sega master system which was technically superior to the NES didn’t have a shot. Atari tried hard to rebound with Lynx and the Jag but just couldn’t get that needed 3rd party support. Jack was hard nosed still in all and that didn’t help his cause. Oh well...we’ll never know. I wish the “new” Atari well with this Ataribox.
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
@technotreegrass Christmas 78 or 79 it was sitting under my xmas tree! Changed everything I knew about entertainment at only 12 years old!
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
@darthstuey Ive been a steady Atari Age customer and i just picked up 7800 froggie, Super Pac Man and the Circus Age balloon game! A bit Expensive but lovely! 7800 Froggie is a dead on Frogger arcade port!
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
Even if Kassar got that deal signed I think Nintendo would’ve had to step in and rescue the whole thing because Atari was just headed for so much financial troubles right afterwards. And the reason they didn’t sign with Sega for the Genesis in 1989 was because the Tramiel family were a bunch of idiots and Jack was just too hard nosed of a stubborn business man.
Re: Arcade1Up Is Reviving A Sega Classic That Has Never Been Seen Outside Of Arcades
Sega is really dragging ass with the Sega Ages line so my feeling is that IF we ever see Revenge Of Death Adder, which would be awesome, it’ll be a long long time!! I’m wondering what the hell is even taking Fantasy Zone & G-Loc so long!! They should be cranking them out by now cmon Sega!!
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
As a young boy growing up with Atari it was quite an exciting time for us “very old gamers” so this is disappointing but realistically, they just don’t have the money to get it out the door if they couldn’t even pay Wyatt. The guy has bills like everyone else. If i was the current owner of Atari, payment to Wyatt would’ve been a TOP priority even if it means i couldn’t pay myself for a month or two!! I mean He’s your main guy right?? Man I wish Bushnell never sold to Warner!!
Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
As BIG as an Atari fan I was/still am, I need to see way more! The Switch has become such a retro and classic gaming Powerhouse despite Nintendo’s dumb NES online only/no Virtual Console move, that I’m satisfied on a Retro/classic level with the Switch. Besides, I just picked up the Atari Flashback Switch Collection anyway!!
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
I have to say, knock on wood, all my systems work fine going all the way back to my 2600 all the way up to the current gen systems! ☺️
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
As a proud owner of 400+ Genesis carts, I may have to invest! 😊
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
@dcstud wow looks cool!! Looks like they have a ways to go to be funded though...
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
@Hemibear I’m with you! Would love to see a retro Colecovision launch with better controllers!!
Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support
Wow! Impressive trailer! Color me interested!!
Re: Hardware Classics: Uncovering The Tragic Tale Of The Philips CD-i
One gaming system I never had. Don’t even recall seeing it in any stores!! 3DO however, I did take the expensive plunge...
Re: Feature: A Look Back At the SG-1000, Sega's First Ever Home Console
@Captain_Gonru yea it’s pretty close I remember the Colecovision very well as my brothers and I played the hell out of it! Lol. It’s 98% On I’d say with sound & music! Seems the only other way to enjoy the Colecovision library is through emulation which I have on an original Xbox! Otherwise the Flashback is the only legal option.
Re: Feature: A Look Back At the SG-1000, Sega's First Ever Home Console
@Captain_Gonru Plimton did the intellivision commercials. If you’re looking for a Colecovision fix, check out the Colecovision Flashback with 60 built in games! Not the Nintendo licensed games like Donkey Kong of course but still plenty of classic gems in the mix!! Should be plenty of them available On eBay!
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@Windy well thanks I appreciate that! I’ll check it out and see if I’ve seen it as I’ve watched countless videos and docs on Atari! Popcorn will be ready. And don’t feel bad ...I can’t post pictures, videos or hell even my picture/avatar next to my name. Just don’t know how lol
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
I don’t know why anyone here is so surprised that so much money has been raised! We’re talking about Atari...once a Titan of the arcades..a beast in the home console and pc market...a game and hardware dev lab loaded with geniuses...once the fastest growing company in American history...a company that had millions & millions of loyal fans like Nintendo does today....guess what? That loyalty still prevails just on the power of the name Atari alone!! Cmon guys read up on Atari. The worst thing that happened to Atari was NOT E.T. Like everyone thinks but was Bushnell selling his Atari company to Warner Bros who had no clue what the hell to do with Atari!! Nolan still regrets selling it today!!
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
@Nintendzoey yea right?? 😂
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
A Good read. The whole thing that led to Sega exiting the console market is all Sega of Japan’s fault. Too thick and pig headed to work with SOA and gave them nothing but resistance at every turn!
Re: Hardware Review: Sega's Heritage Deserves Better Than The Mega Drive Ultimate Portable
Sega makes no sense when it comes to this. They really should consider doing what Nintendo is doing with the minis! Or at the very least get the back catalogue out on the current gen consoles!! Many Sega fans from back in the day will have their wallets ready!! Cmon Sega what the hell?? Tom Kalinske is sorely missed!!
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@Lone_Beagle the Atari of the 70s and 80s with over 10,000 employees is NOT this Atari of today who with locations in NYC & France barely have perhaps 50 employees. Just an FYI
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@Yas as good as the home port for space invaders was, incan rattle off a good 20 or so 2600 games that were just as good of not better. My 2600 collection stands at 175 and there's quite a few gems in there. No not all made by Atari but still....
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@Highlar nicely put! Couldn't have said it better myself! I was 10 when I got a 2600 and 51 now! Married 2 kids and running a family business. Not enough time in the day. But on the weekends I always try to squeeze in a few hours of gaming along with buying games on a weekly basis. I very proudly own almost everything from the 2600 to the Switch! I will also take my last breath probably with a controller in hand!! Beats a good movie any day of the week!! Hopefully Atari will get this done the right way!! I'm rooting for them!!
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
As a big ex Atari fan I hope it turns out to be something really cool!!
Atari 400/800
Atari ST
Arcade games
They have quite a bit of hardware in their history to pull from!
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
I'll believe that when I see it. And also if GameCube comes I'm sure it will primarily be Nintendo games not 3rd party titles. We will see! First they need to announce the service for Switch before anything else. Hopefully at E3??
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Generations
My issues:
Can't flip the display on Varth to vertical...really?
Black n white GBoy games on an HD display?
Missing games previously listed on their website!
Yes there is a lot of slowdown with certain titles!
Many classics missing from these license holders and with odd choices chosen instead!
But Overall though it's still ok to mess around with here and there and doesn't take up any space to keep hooked up!
Now I'm hoping it Sells well enough for them to do a revised unit next year(or sooner) and improve in all these areas I mentioned above, increase the game list with more popular titles and get rid of the black and white GB games! Yes This review will not help their cause for any retro gamer that was leaning towards a purchase but here's hoping!! Meanwhile I continue to have fun with Atari flashback 7 and the colecovision flashback from 2015! 😊
Re: Coleco Removes Its Name From The Chameleon Console, But Aims To Produce "New Products" In The Future
What a shame - I would love a viable piece of hardware to run my colecovision and Atari carts! Meanwhile though, how about an update to the colecovision flashback console?!?
Re: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
@Retroking1981 it's true but Nintendo's own fault for letting it happen!! They have to reach out to these companies and secure content....but they don't!!
Re: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
@faint owned by Disney now so you never know. Wouldn't label it as impossible and this is where Nintendo needs to step it up and reach out to those holding the license for these and many other vc games!
Re: The Making Of Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Now if only we had GameCube games in the eshop....but that's too difficult!!
Re: Myth Becomes Reality As Atari's E.T. Cartridges Are Unearthed In New Mexico Landfill
I wish Nintendo would pursue the Atari classics so they may live again thru wii U and/or 3ds. Or they should spend some of their billions and buy Atari altogether. Thank god I have my ps3 that runs ps2 games cause I like to pop in Atari Anthology here n there! Also have vol 1&2 classics on DS which of course can run on 3DS along with the 2600/7800 and my collection of 300+ originals!! Atari games like Asteroids, Centipede,Millipede, Tempest and many others still hold up very well today and every time I play one brings back childhood memories!!