Comments 43

Re: A Year Later, And It Seems The Atari Gamestation Go Is Finally Coming Out


Definitely an interesting concept with the pad (for Breakout, Night Driver etc. and, yeah, Circus as well as I quite like that one) and the track ball (for Centipede, Millipede etc) plus the numeric input as well. Could be the ultimate handheld Atari games device. But it all depends on what games it will come with (have access to).

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud


I have a suggestion for a future firmware update: offer an option to speed up The Spectrum in Classic/Sinclair Basic mode (maybe 10 times if inputting commands doesn't become too finicky - input's very slow as it is, so maybe it won't be a problem, but do try to find the "sweet spot").

It would be really nice if Sinclair Basic would be a lot more useful for those of us who like to dabble a bit with programming action games, but find Sinclair Basic way too slow for that purpose (but find the thought of programming in machine code/assembler language too daunting).

Edit: just tried it in the Spectaculator emulator on Windows that can be sped up up to 20x; and the "sweet spot" seems to be around a 5x increase of speed (4x works really well input wise, while 6x starts to be a bit sketchy - that it even works says something about how slow input - and updating of the screen when you enter a new line of program, normally is).

Just a suggestion; Sinclair Basic is quite capable in many ways (although it seriously lacks the "ELSE" command, I admit).

Edit Edit: you can always increase the speed when you run your final (and hopefully bug free) program and vice versa when you do the actual coding.

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud


I'm more into handhelds (and use a PSP with the FUSE emulator for my ZX Spectrum gaming primarily)... But I did manage to buy a real ZX Spectrum 48k rubber key one this spring, because I had one back 83,84,85,86, and the rubber keyboard is actually a really, really good controller for certain games (Jetpac, Green Beret, Bombjack, Chase H.Q. and Commando springs to mind, but there's many others as well).

It's rubber obviously and therefore has a really good grip, and if you have games that uses more than one button (again Green Beret, Chase H.Q. and Commando with their power ups/grenade respectively), you can assign another button than the fire button for that function (if the game supports redefining the keys, that is).

I personally use the famous QAOPM (Q=up, A=down, O=left, P=right and M=fire) configuration, plus 0 (zero not O) for that second button, as it sits right on top of P on the keyboard and is easy to reach with your middle finger. It's much more precise than even using a really good joystick or a gamepad in my experience, in certain action/arcade games, the level of control is just astounding imo.

Yeah, kinda regret I bought that real 48k, as the image quality is not great (I did a composite mod and it did help a lot though, but it's still far from perfect). So yeah, I'm definitely tempted by this one, considering the keyboard is apparently very accurately recreated. Might have to get one, it's not like it's a whole lot of money anyway (and it's Xmas soon ).

Re: PSA: Check Your PSP Battery Right Now


PSPs have the the thing that they uncharge over time even when fully turned off (hold the power button for a few seconds or else it will only go into sleep mode).
You'll have to remember to charge them at least every second month. When then are left too long the battery will completely uncharge and they'll become swollen over time (speaking from own experience).

Re: A Rare VHS From Data East & Capcom's 'Fighter's History' Trial Has Been Found


I have the game on my HyperMegaTech Super Pocket via the Evercade Data East Collection 1. It's the SNES version it seems (it's has the same poor sample quality as the SNES version of Street Fighter II: The New Challengers).

It's a good fighter imo, but of course I did think at first, that it was VERY similar to the Street Fighter II games. But then after playing for a while I realized it DID have it's own identity; the music reflects the game's theme of going into different time periods in each stage and is well done for example.

I also really liked the boss stage; I thought it was really cool. But sure it leans heavily on Street Fighter II when it comes presentation, characters and gameplay. But as I said; really good game.

Re: Review: Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch) - The Worst Castlevania Gets Rehabilitated


I actually quite enjoyed it (and it is my most played game - not really into shmups) on the Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection.

Sure it was kind of unforgiving. But then I realized you could replenish your life by spending a credit mid-game and it became much more forgivable (and fun). I ended up putting around 5 hours into and actually finishing it. It was fun.

Re: ZX Spectrum Classic 'Scuba Dive' Gets Surprising New PC Fan Remake


Yeah, I remember it. It was one of the most impressive early ZX Spectrum 48k games. The 16k and 48k versions of ZX Spectrums released in april 1982, so it really was the early days before licensed arcade ports started to be released big time.

I did play Scuba Dive quite a lot, but in the end I found it a bit too finicky for my taste (it requires a lot of patience and concentration and I'm more into something a bit more fast and arcadey - but yeah great game nontheless).

Re: Interview: "We Need To Take Our Franchise Back" - The Story Of Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine


I played it back in 2005 on N64 and quite liked it (I had to import it from USA and buy a NTSC converter for my PAL N64 - yeah I really wanted to play it ).

As I said I quite enjoyed it; it was a bit buggy and clunky but it was nice enough and I almost finished it (but then a bit later I got back into the Core Design Tomb Raider games and realized how much better they really are).

Re: Poll: What's The Best King Of Fighters Game?


I never played a KoF game until around 8 months ago where I bought '97 for my Switch Lite in an Arcade Archives sale. Then I bought '98, '99 and 2002 soon after, having done a lot research on YouTube etc.

I feel like they're the four button "cousins" to the Street Fighter games. '97 was okay, '98 was good, but 2002 is actually great imo. '99 is the odd one having a bit of tag team flavor to it and is quite strategic to play and is great too.

Among my 3 favorite fighting game series.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?


I would definitely say 3DS. I have had 4 over the years and still have 2 of them.

It took some time before the system really grabbed me though. The OG one - although really good hardware (metal casing I think) - just had a way to small screen to really enjoy. The XL was a big step up and was where I really started enjoy the system.

But the New 3DS XL with its stable 3D effect is one of the most important reasons why I still play the system a lot (another being it having some of my favorite games of all time).

Re: Review: Duke Nukem Collection 2 - A Trio Of Duke's Less Essential Adventures


I have pre-ordered this as I've just got a Super Pocket Taito Edition a week ago.

It's a bit of an experiment I admit as Time to kill (and probably also Land of the Babes) utilizes the L and R, 1 and 2 buttons quite heavily (for strafing, walking etc.).

It will be interesting if I (quite literally) can wrap my fingers/hands around playing the two PlayStation games. If not I at least have the Advance game to play (don't know if that even has strafing).

Really looking forward to get a hands-on experience with these games tuesday (I also have the Atari Lynx Collection 2 coming a long it). Really can't wait.

Re: Best Electronic Table-Top Games Of All Time


I only ever had one of these LED based video gaming devices.

It was Computer Games Limited's (CGL) 1978 'Galaxy Invader'.

I bought it late 1981(iirc), and it was my first ever video gaming device. It was a very simple mix of Space Invaders and Galaxian gameplay wise.

Yeah, it seems it actually preceded Galaxian in the way the alien ships moved down the screen in a less predictable way than in Space Invaders.

I remember I got tired of it very quickly (in a couple of hours, I think) - but I only paid like 26-27 € for it back then, so it wasn't too bad.

Later in 1982 I got a Philips G7000 home console and then Nintendo's Donkey Kong Jr. and Grandstand's licensed game 'Crazy Kong' (also sold by Epoch themselves as 'Monster Panic' ) LCD powered games.

Later again in august 1983 I bought a 16K ZX Spectrum - which I upgraded to 48k at the end of the year (and the rest is history as they say ).

Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift


Quite a bit of a bummer that you can't remap the buttons, as I prefer the 'X' button (in this case - and on Xbox/Steam Deck), 'Y' on Nintendo systems, 'Square' on PlayStations) as the main action button (and 'A' for jumping and 'Y' - and 'B' - for special actions/weapons etc.).

But I might get the Taito one as:

1. I already played the Capcom ones and I'm not an especially big fan of Capcom's arcade games anyway (except for Street Fighter II - but this is one of the weakest versions of Street Fighter II imo).
2. The Taito games I don't already have - plus they are from my experience not as action heavy/technical as the Capcom ones (some of them only uses one button as well, I think).

Yeah this is actually something I will buy (the Taito one that is); The price is right and it's a really cool looking device too (the screens a bit small - but these are simple games, so I think it will be alright - cool you can use the Evercade cartridges as well).

Re: Best GBA Games Of All Time


Not really big on GB(A) games, but I did do some research and bought Justice League Heroes: The Flash and I think it's really cool (although I haven't played that much).

It's a WayForward game btw.

Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?


Gun Fight by Taito/Midway in the spring or summer of 1976. I remember playing it in a amusement park that is only open during spring and summertime, and the game released in late 1975 so that must be it.

It didn't blow me away (played it mostly because it featured cowboys - I was 8), I was more interested in one armed bandits and pinball at the time (wasn't until 1980/81 and Donkey Kong I got really hooked on video games).

Re: HyperMega Tech's 'Super Pocket' Is A Game Boy-Style Handheld Which Plays Evercade Carts


A 2.8 inch screen is too small for me personally (I think - the OG 3DS' screen felt too small - but maybe it's different with lower resolution and old 2D games mainly).

Now what I would really want was Blaze going digital also with the EXP (and the VS - does that have wi-fi too?) and start to offer the games they already have in their library on an individual basis at 2-3 $/£/€ each.

The EXP does have 4GB internal storage (and wifi) from the get go, so it should be doable (these old roms don't take up a lot of room - and the emulators are already in there).

I actually think we might hear something about it at the Evercade 2nd showcase Blaze planning for later this month (it of course depends on whether they can get the digital rights for these games - but when then can release several consoles with excellent digital content for cheap, then why not?).

Really good collection of Taito and Capcom games on these 'Super Pockets' btw (which also gives me hope that they'll set up a digital shop for the EXP - and maybe VS too).

Re: Interview: Konami Legends Reveal The Secrets Of The Arcade Hit Factory


Wonder if he was involved in the sound design of 1982's Tutankham. From what I understand it uses two AY-3-8910 sound generators, but it doesn't sound like it uses more than 3 sound channels at the same time (and two AYs has a total of 6 channels)

What it does sound like is that the sound is sort of "beefed up"!
Did they do a sort of "flanging" effect by slightly altering the voltage level of one of the AYs (or something?), while they were playing the same sound?

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?


Lords of Shadow 2 has its issues (stealth sections not being very good; sometimes it was hard figure out where to go next etc.).
But you can't take away that the game has some really good boss fights and is quite a bit of a "looker" too.

Lords of Shadow Mirror of Fate is way underrated too imo. It wasn't what the Igavania fans wanted (but they're really a vocal minority if you ask me - there's a reason Konami didn't continue making those games), but was really good in its own right.

The first Lords of Shadow game is not my cup of tea though; I don't like not to be able to control the camera in a 3D game (plus it was a bit too much of a God of War (1-3 etc.) clone.

Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead


Thanks for the head up! Mine still works, but I noticed another "issue" with the Gamepad; it seems to have the same problem with its battery as the PSPs: It runs out of power fairly quickly (through natural depletion) if noy used.

I had a PSP battery go swollen because I hadn't used it for a long time and had to replace it. It seems the Wii U Gamepad has the same issue and you have remember to charge it fairly often (I charge my PSP every 1 or 2 month)

Strangely enough it's not really an issue with my DS, 3DSs, Vita or Switch Lite (my Steam Deck did run dry though at one point), but just so you're warned; it's not good for a rechargeable battery to run completely dry.

Re: Best Castlevania Games - Every Castlevania Game Ranked, By You


Lords of Shadow 2 and Mirror of Fate is two of my favorite Castlevanias. Are they perfect? No especially the former has its issues, but it still have some of the best boss fights ever imo to counter that.

The Igavanias are not my cup of tea, but of the 2D action Castlevania I do like the two Gameboy titles; The Adventure and II Belmont's Revenge plus Bloodlines and Rondo of Blood.

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


"Unethical emulation" is basically a no go for me (although I HAVE got a few Sinclair ZX Spectrum illegal roms myself - Jetpac, Commando 128k and Enduro Racer springs to mind - so I'm not completely innocent).

Having these roms downloaded from chinese internet sites is not something I'm particular proud of. And I did contemplate buying the cassette originals from Ebay at some point, but I don't really play them that much so.. (definitely a moral dilemma).

"Ethical emulation" poses some basic problems too though:

1. Does it entitle you to play a game on any platform (through emulation) just because you happen to own the rom for one system?
I would probably say no, because you could argue that your rom is tied to the system it was intended for (example: Street Fighter Alpha 2 has got both a SNES and a PS1 version, but does that make it legal/right to play the SNES version on a PS1 through emulation? If it's possible that is)

2. The change of a publisher re-releasing old games on newer systems dwindles the more people chooses to play said games illegally (people get to try out a lot of games that way for free and are only willing to pay for a select few they really like - I've been there myself with Mame many years ago)

Generally I would say emulation is a no go, because too many people don't even own the roms. I do emulate the ZX Spectrum on my PSP though as more than 99% of the games are available to download for free.

Mame is not for me personally anymore as I can't defend it morally anymore (I still have a few arcade games like Zaxxon, Pengo, Tutankham, Amidar and Up 'n Down I would like to have on my Switch Lite and would pay the 7.5 € Hamster charges for an arcade game).

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


The original PlayStation (one) controller (not the dual shock version), because it simply was miles a head of its time ergonomically and functionally and worked really well with the best PlayStation (one) games, like Tomb Raider, Resident Evil etc.

Other really good ones are the SNES controller (I own the 8bitdo clone of it and it's excellent) and the Xbox 360 one (it was much better than Playstation 3's Dual Shock 3 for the action games of the time imo).

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@Derpie1 As a 95% handheld gamer these days that would be awful. As much as I don't really like the Switch I guess I could be converted if Nintendo made a Switch Mini AND had it backed up with some good 3rd party software. But I would 100% prefer a successor to the 3DS (and the Vita - but that is just not going to happen).

In fact I would prefer if they made a 480p "4DS" for the sole reason that the games would be less expensive to make, leaving room for more "experimentation" in the gameplay department and thus making the games more interesting to play.

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@Damo That's true, but it's the Vita that is "dragging" the numbers down. The 3DS, with a bit of luck, will probably end up selling 80 million units when all is said and done, and in broader perspective that is actually not bad at all.

I understand that many wants the Switch to succeed, but I can't help myself feeling that Nintendo kind of took the 3DS crowd hostage with the Switch, probably thinking that the 3DS owners would migrate to the Switch (I'm not so sure they will as it seems as a lot of 3DS - and Vita - owners just doesn't seem to find the Switch that attractive).

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb I don't know, Nintendolife had an article a couple of days ago saying that Nintendo's new president was considering a successor to the 3DS, as it "Still has advantages over the Switch".
Also didn't the 3DS have one of its best "christmas" quarters last year?
The Vita on the other hand probably never will get a direct successor, that's pretty much a given, but the "4DS" as budget line handheld at maximum 200$, maybe.