Comments 119

Re: Revisit Sega's Groundbreaking Sega Channel Service With These Newly-Preserved Videos


Something very much worth noting is that the second VHS rip by GhostCorpsGen and BillytimeG features new Sega Channel exclusives that we never knew they were made avilable on the service before:

  • 11:32 Super League (Tommy Lasorda Baseball without the endorsement of Tommy Lasorda)
  • 13:43 The Chessmaster (Never released in cartridge format for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive)
  • 13:59 Klondike (Currently under possesion of the National Videogame Museum:
  • 16:59 BreakThru! (Never released in cartridge format for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive)

Re: Talking Point: Is Nintendo Erasing Its Own History In Its War On ROM Sites?


Hold on... LuigiBlood debunked that theory about Nintendo downloading ROMs online and selling them back to consumers ( If they have the NES ROMs in their archíves, why would they rely on a random online site to get the NES ROMs back?

(P.S. - Nintendo probably has some and i say SOME stuff lost, especially from their early days such as the arcade game EVR Race, but when the gigaleak occured in 2020-2021 they had various unreleased localizations and full games that were never published. I would like to think that, as a Virtual Boy fan, have a collection of unreleased ROMs stored but who knows, considering how Nintendo sees the platform).

Re: Devil Blade And Aleste Devs Share Fan Art Of Each Other's Games


@Diogmites Actually it is the opposite. Yuichi Toyama worked at Technosoft, Compile and Raizing/Eighting. Takehiro "Shigatake" Shiga made one of the transformations of Seven Force in Alien Soldier as part of a competition advertised in Beep Mega Drive magazine, making it his first credited gaming role under the name "T. Shiga", before making his mark at Vanillaware

Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console


@Zeebor15 to put it in simple terms more or less: After the original Atari collapsed in 1984, the console/computer division went to Jack Tramiel, becoming Atari Corporation (7800, ST, XEGS, Lynx, and Jaguar) before dissapearing in 1996 during a reverse merger with JTS. Hasbro Interactive acquired the Atari brand in 1998 and declared the Jaguar (as well as the Lynx according to Carl Forhan of Songbird Productions and former Hasbro spokeperson Jayson Hill) open platforms in 1999. Hasbro Interactive was later sold to Infogrames in the 2000s, becoming Atari Interactive.

Meanwhile, the arcade division fell into Warner Communications and became Atari Games. Between 1996-1997, Atari Games was acquired by Williams Entertainment, becoming a division of Midway Games to get them out of the competition and was eventually closed in 2003 IIRC. After Midway fell into bankruptcy, Warner Bros acquired the full IP library of Midway and Atari Games, but they have done nothing with the Atari Games IP outside of Gauntlet.

Re: Virtuality Gave Us '90s VR - Now Its Legacy Is Being Celebrated In Its Home City Of Leicester


Very cool article about Virtuality. They were really ahead of the curve with their VR units. It sucks though that none of the games made vy Virtuality have been remade or re-released on modern platforms.

I think the Jaguar VR, as cool as it might have been, ate up resources Atari desperately needed for the Jaguar. The games Virtuality were slated to make for the Jaguar VR (Zone Hunter, Buggy Ball, Dactyl Nightmare, Exorex, Space Invaders VR, and Classic Trax) could have been reworked to function without the units. Heck, they did it with Missile Command 3D.

I believe Atari should have tasked them with adapting their arcade games to the Jaguar using the ProController and perhaps we might have still seen the games Virtuality had planned for the Jaguar. That's just My two cents on the matter...

(P.S. Simon Marston should really make about a book about the history of Virtuality and their games, featuirng interviews with former Virtuality devs )

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


@RetroGames Sorry but if you're copying, say Rich Whitehouse's work with his Atari Jaguar emulator BigPEmu down to the last minutes detail without crediting him within the ported version of said emulator, then you are disrespecting his labor.

That's why i don't feel bad this GBA emulator was taken down from the iOS. You're a scumbag if you don't credit the original authors, IMO.

Re: Upcoming ADV 'Detective Instinct' May Be Getting A SNES Port


@RetroGames your 8bpp theory is simply not feasible, mainly because detailed visuals at that kind of bitrate fidelity would eat the SNES RAM like crazy. I would say to Eric that he better take his time in learning the SNES hardware slowly but surely to harness its features properly. If it does become a legit SNES game, i'll gladly look foward to it

Re: Arcade Archives Officially Hits 400 Titles Released


I hope Hamster can re-release arcades games like Metamorphic Force, Violent Storm, Gaiapolis, the original arcade version of Cotton, Air Gallet, Sailor Moon, Raiden II, Over Heat (akak Konami Avenue), Cisco Heat, P-47 Aces, the two Irem Bomberman arcade games, as well as the other remaining Neo Geo games that's haven't been re-released via ACA such as Neo Bomberman, Andro Dunos, Goal Goal Goal, Tecno World Cup 96, Bang Bead, Ganryu, Neo Drift Out, Ironclad, etc.

It's insane that Hamster has kept a weekly schedule after these years!

Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?


@Serpenterror Now that you bring it up, last year i decided to play Virtual Boy Wario Land on real hardware that i still have since 6th grade. At first, the left part of the system began displaying graphical errors so i thought i needed to replace pieces of that part.

Over the course of 2-3 dyas or so, i noticed that the left graphical errors stopped appearing. It might have been because it was years since I played on the console. I know that the VB is a delicate piece of hardware but your comment reminded me of what occurred to me so, i dediced to share that story of mine