Comments 140

Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry


@EvilLives Yeah, if emulation works for you, then you absolutely should! If the end goal is acquiring a space for yourself and your family, seems totally worthwhile to me. Definitely hold onto the games you have the most sentimental value for, I'm sure you know the ones. I'm not opposed to selling off my collection one day either, but there's certain games I don't think I could part with haha.

Re: Double Dragon Studio Wanted To Make A New 2D Golden Axe


Oh wow, those screenshots are gorgeous! Honestly, besides Revenge of Death Adder, I never found the visuals in Golden Axe particularly appealing. A fantasy themed beat 'em up inspired by the works of Frank Frazetta sounds absolutely perfect. I hope this gets made in one form or another.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Shinobi Game?


Personally I think Shinobi 3 is the pinnacle of the series.

The PS2 Shinobi is also excellent, definitely one of the most stylish ninja games around. It's so satisfying when you take out like 5 guys at once and they all just fall to bits. It is damn hard tho, I've never completed it.

Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You


I remember back in art school playing third strike with a bunch of classmates. someone had brought in a dreamcast, and we were playing on one of the classroom tvs. I have decent SF skills, but my opponent was this Japanese guy Yuta, who was next level. He's one of those people who can an easily parry a frikin Shinku Hadouken. Needless to say I was humbled.

Re: Sweet Home, The Movie That Inspired Resident Evil, Just Got Remastered


@Sketcz I'm sorry you didn't like the movie, I really enjoy it personally, but then again, weird 80s horror movies are kinda my jam. The haunting atmosphere, and eerie set designs really elevate it for me. I love the concept of the shadows themselves being a malevolent force. And the backstory surrounding the mansion is genuinely creepy campfire ghost story stuff. Also, holy s**t that ghost at then end. Some truly impressive practical effects work. Yeah, the ending is a bit hokey, and the movie can be slow at points, but I still dig it overall. I'm more curious than ever to play the game after your comment.

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


My personal top ten,
1. Resident Evil REmake (GCN)
2. RE4 (GCN)
3. RE2 (PS1)
4. RE3 (PS1)
5. RE7 (PS4)
6. RE0 (GCN)
7. RE4 remake (PS4)
8. RE2 remake (PS4)
9. RE Revelations 2 (XB360)
10. RE Village (PS4)

I know code veronica is rather popular, and I do like the story and some of the set pieces, but man that game is a slog to play. I hope it's the next Capcom remake treatment, it needs it more than RE4 ever did.

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?


I've got a good one. I went to an art high school, my major being the visual arts. When we reached grade 13, the program was entirely self directed. We got our own empty classroom with which to produce our thesis projects for the year. I remember entering our workspace on the first day of school, and tucked away in a corner was an old tv, and better yet, an SNES. Needless to say I spent that year playing way too much street fighter 2 turbo haha. The profs eventually got wind of the fact that no one was doing any work, so they barred access to the room. Anyway, I associate SF2T and a bunch of other snes games with that special space we had for a brief time.