Big fan of limited run games, as i have bought a few of their the scott pilgrim collector's edition...even tho it took forever to get it ... same with cult of the lamb...but I hope they can get back on the good graces of people .. usually when a company f's up this badly they usually course correct to be even better than here's to you LRGs
Ugh they release so many similarly powered devices that it makes it difficult to want to get one knowing they will release 3 more versions of it, I was impressed with the 351v especially on the firmware side of things and build quality...vs my miyoo mini while a great system to quickly hop into games , I can emulate on my galaxy tab , I have a switch and laptop... Just making it harder to justify one of these... If they can make one thats not stupid looking and can play up to the ps2 generation of games and keep it less than 120 id be down but not so much when they are like 150-200 and I can get a switch lite for thet much
Looks fun, love the ninja turtle's game and Scott Pilgrim and a few other's like this buttt the combat is kinda the same from game to game hope this one can shake it up a bit
Switch games are the only games i now pick up physically.. i like limited run games... I remember getting the Scott Pilgrim collectors edition and I don't remember a dely... however cult of the lamb took like a year before i could actually play it
Nobody wanted to keep playing fighting games ..sega games only appealed to a small minority of fans while Nintendo and Sony were creating new experiences...sega was porting arcade games and making the 80th iteration of sonic where you just run left to right... There's alot sega did wrong and alot of it is not understanding the changing culture in gaming thru the 90s and early 2000s... Even to this day only sega diehards play those old sega games outside of sonic and a few handfuls that end up on every plug and play bundle system sega re-re-releases where as nintendo games are still being discovered by newer generations even if they are like 30 years or more old
Haha I like watching this guy work with reckless abandon but man the way he uses that big blade for such small parts next to his fingers... Its fascinating how you can cobble a bunch of electronics and make other electronics I wish I learned how to do that
@Heavyarms55 nope but it has a terrible effect on console gaming and gaming in general when they can sell micro transactions and build it on these dumb things they get away with mobile and not even try making games that are good since people will pay for garbage...and speaking of garbage is what this Panasonic device is...if it turned on that would be one thing but that thing is not working so its garbage nor would there be anything that would work on it
Love the older Nintendo systems but the switch is perfection only after creating so many classics in the previous generations the switch is the best all around system... Steam deck seems great too but is quite large, the switch has a mini variant on top of being smaller. Can't wait for what's next
@Poodlestargenerica same i never have issues where i need fpga.. i have a miyoo mini plus and goodness like will i need anything else ever to play anything ps1 and older? And my phone and tablet easily runs GameCube, psp, 3ds and ps2 emulators plus everything else older.... And my laptop can play ps3 and wiiu games.... My modded 2ds xl can play every ds and 3ds i just don't see the point in spending hundreds on an anologue pocket that does less than my $60 miyoo mini plus
@Poodlestargenerica yea same i went other systems until the switch... I really wanna play Skyward Sword..and the controls on switch are serviceable but it really doesn't work and I should play my wii version on wiiu but you said I hate wiimotes so much... The only game it felt great with was resident evil 4
I personally hated the wii mote it sucked as a "sideways" controller.. and motion controls still feel gimmicky and inaccurate...It literally caused me to skip Nintendo for almost a decade after growing up on SNES, N64 and GameCube
If we're talking about one offs... like the many rhythm controllers on the list .. i really like the Super Scope as a kid... While I only had two games... Literally no one i know has ever played Yoshi Safari which has some of the best mario music and looked great too
@MSaturn it helped me to decide on what i would pay for one as I also have a switch so im willing to pay upto 100 as thats half of a switch lite... I picked up the rg351v on a black Friday sale for like 70 and totally worth it after you put custom firmware on it
I just finally got one of these for my stepson for Christmas...the Abernic rg351v so he can play upto n64 and so for the last couple weeks i changed the firmware added themes background music (old classic chiptune videogame songs) and meta data with video previews its such a freaking cool little device I can't wait till he plays it and its solidly buit im sold on these little systems its cooler than a gameboy could ever be... I'm getting a miyoo mini plus for Christmas so I'm excited to modify that one as well
@Gamemoose I'm sure it was called 360 to make it sound hightech as PlayStation 3 instead of calling it xbox 2, a sneaky way of making it sound futuristic
Microsoft Xbox CPG got it ...much better than the Microsoft Xbox series one X .. the names were truly terrible... coulda called it the Okama Gamesphere instead or Ol Willy's Living Room Green Box
Hmm reading these other comments I wasn't aware of any controversy but even still I absolutely love my 8bitdo sn30 pro... extra shoulder buttons and thumbsticks, my favorite 3rd party controller ever
Conkers bad fur day had some fun cheats... But cheating my way thru Goldeneye and all the ps2 GTAs...classic.. cheats were super fun i wish games still had them today.... inputting random names in nfl blitz to accidentally toggle some cheats was always fun
@Banjo- right its their old school methods and ideology, there is no reason why they can't be on par with current gen or give us the abilty to to buy older games like you can on ps and xbox or hell make the subscription worth it and give us thousands of games not just a hundred... if i can throw on the entire nes and snes libraries on my phone in less than a mintute they can figure out how to make it work...but they seem to fear they won't sell modern games... like mario kart 8 needs it after 50 million sold
The main reason i emulate, to play the frickin games since game companies are too greedy to keep old games going. I love the fact i can play paper mario 1000 year door off my phone and tablet with a controller with better resolution than the original and until they offer the same way to enjoy older games I'll continue to emulate... Nintendo should just open a steam type shop let me buy and play my games wherever however, but since Nintendo is a toy company they want to sell consoles
Commenting super late... it's not a lost gem I got ahold of it before it was taken down and play it on my pc from time to time... Its pretty cool, the buttons are mapped smartly and being able to swap between original and updated graphics is pretty cool... Didn't realize at the time that I would have something so rare on my pc
Love my hacked 3ds and wiiu I burn my purchased games onto a sd card and play them on cemu on PC... My 3ds on the otherhand literally has an app that lets me browse and download any game that was ever released... finally got a chance to try out mgs3 Snake Eater since that game disappeared from the shop a long time ago, also since it plays gba games well i have all my favorites installed and ones I never got to as a kid, I'm totally for emulation when game companies just leave these games in the dust, it's never stopped me from buying games on all my modern platforms... Videogames should be about the games, if companies have no interest in making them accessible or available I'll gladly play Paper Mario 1000 year door on my tablet since its a portable gamecube in a sense
The wii was the era that I bailed and came back with thr switch...after growing up with the snes, n64 and GameCube.. with that being said I hated any motion control games with the exception of Resident Evil 4... Also this mario kart felt super casual and flashy for the non gaming friends that would play wii, along with Smash Brawl not a fan of this Mario Kart
I bought mine after the switch just for the Zelda remasters, modded it and put those on my PC to play on cemu... I really find it hard to sit and play the wiiu.. hate the control sticks and only have like 6 games that are on pc now too...but i remember to plug it in every few months and charge it for no reason... im pretty sure i downloaded the nand or whatever but ill have to double check that
Sure while there are many action rpgs being created in Japan, there still are many who follow the same old patterns laid down from years before, long convoluted stories, turn based battles, anime tropes, and for some reason with the exception of Persona 5 lot of them use the same old ugly UI and fonts, people follow a formula, like the same way why do many soulslikes need the same crappy saving system that's in dark souls? Is that what gives it a soulslike label? Same goes for jrpgs, which parts of a whole make something a jrpg? Usually its gonna be things people expect, if final fantasy wants to not be a jrpg good for them i suppose, but I don't think the term is harmful
awful looking...not sure what the hype is with the gamecube face button layout? Only designed for a handful of games, like mario sunshine, smash and resident evil 4, and everything else needs to be remapped in most modern games... I'll stick to my 8bitdo sn30 pro
@krzysztof81 oh yea i forgot about that... I remember in the little booklet for gta2 it had a screenshot for gta3 i couldn't wrap my mind around it but figured it would look something like Driver, and man oh man was that like the biggest game ever when it did drop...gta3 ate many hours of mine and my brothers life and again later with vice city and san Andreas...being a middle schooler I was able to log 14 hour days in the summer haha
Definitely gotta say Ocarina of Time, mario 64 is a close second... but when oot came out there was nothing like it ever before it felt like what elden ring feels like today... The possibilities felt endless and just filled with exploration and mystery and the feeling you can almost do anything, by the time Metroid Prime came out 3d games have been around for many years, I also remember being like 8 years old and seeing my cousin play Mario64 i was blown away with what i was watching...mario on a 3 dimensional plane ... The analog stick felt so futuristic to my little brain
Thats cool and impressive but what about the underlying mechanics? It seems being a mod of mario 64 that its just that with pretty graphics so not really creating a game on n64... Id definitely be impressed if that was done on the hardware including music and character models and physics, aren't textures just images? Using hi def images in place of low res long as the size of the files can be small? And fit all of that on a cartridge or else its not really an n64 game, really cool how he breaks them down but why not take all that knowledge and make a brand new game on the n64?
If I can play my own copies... like ripping games off my homebrewed wiiu to play on Cemu I'll do it but I've already paid alot for some of these games multiple buying a used copy does nothing for the developers especially games that are decades old ar this point, I love emulation because at the end of the day its about the games...its not my fault Nintendo refuses to offer past games in a convienent way, they should set up a steam type shop so i can stop buying super Mario 3 on every system again and just let us play their games how it suits us... I'll gladly emulate paper mario the 1000 year door and have no ill feelings about it whatsoever, its awesome to have Rockstars the warriors on my tablet since rockstar doesn't care about its past games, no one is being hurt here its like getting mad about watching old movies or something on a burned VHS...who is that hurting? Nintendo hates emulation because they fear people won't buy new games which is foolish, emulation is just having my favorites accessible how i want them its not like I'm sitting here emulating brand new games still available on storefronts...also if PlayStation can't be bothered to work on their ps3 era games to bring them forward then I'll gladly play them on Rpcs3 since the people behind it actually care about game preservation, also at the same time I put alot of money into modern systems across PC, Switch and PlayStation, so emulation does not affect me purchasing new games
Hmm lot of strange responses..not sure why the gc controller gets so much love when its only designed for like a handful of games, mario kart, smash bros and resident evil 4 and maybe mario sunshine, I like the series x controller over the xbox one only for the grippyness but it feels very small with tiny sticks and it drops connection all the time on pc without the dongle which is stupid, right not my favorite controller is the duelsense which feels fantastic and heavy, i never really care for the offset stick conversation as in any shooter its the right stick that matters and its always in the same spot so duelsense for the win, the switch pro probably feels the most fantastic in my larger hands but the dpad is garbage also need to mention the best addition to controllers in a long time is the touchpad button on the ps4/ps5 controller very quick to go to the menu or map in games and its great to see it used for multiple things like in ghost of Tsushima... 3rd party mention the 8bitdo sn30 pro is waaaay better than expected and can't be topped for 2d action
Can emulate on multiple devices at this point ..but just curious about the article title why is it shamelessly inspired by Nintendo when it's some company you probably dont care for but when a company like say 8bitdo copies Nintendo its nostalgic warm fuzzies? Aren't like 75% of 3rd party stuff inspired by Nintendo anyways?
@Clyde_Radcliffe its the razer kaiju mobile controller that has a holder if i want to use my phone, which is cool too if i wanna stream my ps4 or stadia, whats nice about it is that can swap to another device with a switch or plug into my pc and the 6 extra programmable buttons that let me throw on some custom set ups that help out in cod its not a big deal for me to toss in that controller with my laptop
@silverthornne im glad the options are there but honestly the tech is available they need to put some more power into these devices and throw on a better screen
@Clyde_Radcliffe seperate extra controller that i can use with my pc or tablet, you'd still have to carry this and your phone.. kind of a pointless device, even older android phones have more power than what is offered here...2 gigs of ram ha, I can easily play ps2 and GameCube games on my phone, i wish they can make a premium one of these, not just a gimmicky toy, better off making your own with raspberry
This has been a hilarious story to follow, my heart hurts for all who are forced to work on this dumpster fire of a project, they should just abandon it and bring that philosophy elsewhere not in outdated gaming hardware and boring games that are even surpassed by free mobile games
Comments 49
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
Big fan of limited run games, as i have bought a few of their the scott pilgrim collector's edition...even tho it took forever to get it ... same with cult of the lamb...but I hope they can get back on the good graces of people .. usually when a company f's up this badly they usually course correct to be even better than here's to you LRGs
Re: Original Super Mario Bros. Gets Upgraded Game Boy Color Port, Complete With Yoshi And Wario
Hmm can you even sprint? Looks and plays okay
Re: Anbernic Has Officially Revealed The RG40XX H
Ugh they release so many similarly powered devices that it makes it difficult to want to get one knowing they will release 3 more versions of it, I was impressed with the 351v especially on the firmware side of things and build quality...vs my miyoo mini while a great system to quickly hop into games , I can emulate on my galaxy tab , I have a switch and laptop... Just making it harder to justify one of these... If they can make one thats not stupid looking and can play up to the ps2 generation of games and keep it less than 120 id be down but not so much when they are like 150-200 and I can get a switch lite for thet much
Re: Interview: "We've Been Collecting Reaction Videos" - Digital Eclipse On Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita's Rewind
Looks fun, love the ninja turtle's game and Scott Pilgrim and a few other's like this buttt the combat is kinda the same from game to game hope this one can shake it up a bit
Re: New Tool Allows N64 Games To Be Played With Ray Tracing, Uncapped Frame Rates And Ultrawide Support
Dang that's awesome will it be a program on its own? Like just download run rom and play?
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
Switch games are the only games i now pick up physically.. i like limited run games... I remember getting the Scott Pilgrim collectors edition and I don't remember a dely... however cult of the lamb took like a year before i could actually play it
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
@Ruler-Of-All-Evil those were versions made for gba and different than the console versions
Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?
Nobody wanted to keep playing fighting games ..sega games only appealed to a small minority of fans while Nintendo and Sony were creating new experiences...sega was porting arcade games and making the 80th iteration of sonic where you just run left to right... There's alot sega did wrong and alot of it is not understanding the changing culture in gaming thru the 90s and early 2000s... Even to this day only sega diehards play those old sega games outside of sonic and a few handfuls that end up on every plug and play bundle system sega re-re-releases where as nintendo games are still being discovered by newer generations even if they are like 30 years or more old
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
Goodness that's awful looking why not try putting it on ps1 first
Re: AYANEO's High-end Pocket S Android Handheld Now Available To Pre-Order
Eww why pay all that to emulate on Android.. i thought this was a steam deck and switch competitor but again they are very niche devices
Re: Random: Modder Turns NES Cartridge Into NES Console That Can Play Itself
Haha I like watching this guy work with reckless abandon but man the way he uses that big blade for such small parts next to his fingers... Its fascinating how you can cobble a bunch of electronics and make other electronics I wish I learned how to do that
Re: Somebody Wants $45,000 For Panasonic's Unreleased Nintendo 3DS Rival
@Heavyarms55 nope but it has a terrible effect on console gaming and gaming in general when they can sell micro transactions and build it on these dumb things they get away with mobile and not even try making games that are good since people will pay for garbage...and speaking of garbage is what this Panasonic device is...if it turned on that would be one thing but that thing is not working so its garbage nor would there be anything that would work on it
Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You
Love the older Nintendo systems but the switch is perfection only after creating so many classics in the previous generations the switch is the best all around system... Steam deck seems great too but is quite large, the switch has a mini variant on top of being smaller. Can't wait for what's next
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting An MSX FPGA Core
@Hordak i think the best bet is to play them sure theres a couple websites up for like the whole dos library
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting An MSX FPGA Core
@Poodlestargenerica same i never have issues where i need fpga.. i have a miyoo mini plus and goodness like will i need anything else ever to play anything ps1 and older? And my phone and tablet easily runs GameCube, psp, 3ds and ps2 emulators plus everything else older.... And my laptop can play ps3 and wiiu games.... My modded 2ds xl can play every ds and 3ds i just don't see the point in spending hundreds on an anologue pocket that does less than my $60 miyoo mini plus
Re: 3DS Virtual Boy Emulation Gives You 3D Without The Headaches
Dang that's awesome... Unfortunately i only have a new nintendo 2ds xl.. whiles its homebrewed....i really wanna find a regular ol 3ds and try this
Re: "Why Am I Still Doing This?" Says Modder As He Shows Off 16th Handheld N64
That is one hideous machine
Re: Best Tekken Games Of All Time, Ranked By You
I remember playing the crap outta Tekken 2 and 3 ..glad to see them stand the test of time
Re: Please, We Need To Play This PS1 Game With Pop Song-Singing Cats
Wtf! Why did I not know of this?!
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
@Poodlestargenerica yea same i went other systems until the switch... I really wanna play Skyward Sword..and the controls on switch are serviceable but it really doesn't work and I should play my wii version on wiiu but you said I hate wiimotes so much... The only game it felt great with was resident evil 4
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
I personally hated the wii mote it sucked as a "sideways" controller.. and motion controls still feel gimmicky and inaccurate...It literally caused me to skip Nintendo for almost a decade after growing up on SNES, N64 and GameCube
Re: Gaming's Best 'Leftfield' Control Interfaces, Ranked
If we're talking about one offs... like the many rhythm controllers on the list .. i really like the Super Scope as a kid... While I only had two games... Literally no one i know has ever played Yoshi Safari which has some of the best mario music and looked great too
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX Plus - A Welcome Upgrade
@MSaturn it helped me to decide on what i would pay for one as I also have a switch so im willing to pay upto 100 as thats half of a switch lite... I picked up the rg351v on a black Friday sale for like 70 and totally worth it after you put custom firmware on it
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX Plus - A Welcome Upgrade
I just finally got one of these for my stepson for Christmas...the Abernic rg351v so he can play upto n64 and so for the last couple weeks i changed the firmware added themes background music (old classic chiptune videogame songs) and meta data with video previews its such a freaking cool little device I can't wait till he plays it and its solidly buit im sold on these little systems its cooler than a gameboy could ever be... I'm getting a miyoo mini plus for Christmas so I'm excited to modify that one as well
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
@Gamemoose I'm sure it was called 360 to make it sound hightech as PlayStation 3 instead of calling it xbox 2, a sneaky way of making it sound futuristic
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
Microsoft Xbox CPG got it ...much better than the
Microsoft Xbox series one X .. the names were truly terrible... coulda called it the Okama Gamesphere instead or Ol Willy's Living Room Green Box
Re: Review: RetroSix Super GamePad - The Perfect Replacement For Your Old SNES Controller
Hmm reading these other comments I wasn't aware of any controversy but even still I absolutely love my 8bitdo sn30 pro... extra shoulder buttons and thumbsticks, my favorite 3rd party controller ever
Re: 'Lightweight Personal Server' ZimaBlade Is A Retro Gaming Powerhouse
How does the personal server thing work? How does it get you off from ads and tracking thats any different?
Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time
Conkers bad fur day had some fun cheats... But cheating my way thru Goldeneye and all the ps2 GTAs...classic.. cheats were super fun i wish games still had them today.... inputting random names in nfl blitz to accidentally toggle some cheats was always fun
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
@Banjo- right its their old school methods and ideology, there is no reason why they can't be on par with current gen or give us the abilty to to buy older games like you can on ps and xbox or hell make the subscription worth it and give us thousands of games not just a hundred... if i can throw on the entire nes and snes libraries on my phone in less than a mintute they can figure out how to make it work...but they seem to fear they won't sell modern games... like mario kart 8 needs it after 50 million sold
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
The main reason i emulate, to play the frickin games since game companies are too greedy to keep old games going. I love the fact i can play paper mario 1000 year door off my phone and tablet with a controller with better resolution than the original and until they offer the same way to enjoy older games I'll continue to emulate... Nintendo should just open a steam type shop let me buy and play my games wherever however, but since Nintendo is a toy company they want to sell consoles
Re: Flashback: The Real Story Behind Rare's Cancelled GoldenEye 007 Xbox 360 Remaster
Commenting super late... it's not a lost gem I got ahold of it before it was taken down and play it on my pc from time to time... Its pretty cool, the buttons are mapped smartly and being able to swap between original and updated graphics is pretty cool... Didn't realize at the time that I would have something so rare on my pc
Re: Now's The Time To Hack Your 3DS
Love my hacked 3ds and wiiu I burn my purchased games onto a sd card and play them on cemu on PC... My 3ds on the otherhand literally has an app that lets me browse and download any game that was ever released... finally got a chance to try out mgs3 Snake Eater since that game disappeared from the shop a long time ago, also since it plays gba games well i have all my favorites installed and ones I never got to as a kid, I'm totally for emulation when game companies just leave these games in the dust, it's never stopped me from buying games on all my modern platforms... Videogames should be about the games, if companies have no interest in making them accessible or available I'll gladly play Paper Mario 1000 year door on my tablet since its a portable gamecube in a sense
Re: Anniversary: Mario Kart Wii is 15
The wii was the era that I bailed and came back with thr switch...after growing up with the snes, n64 and GameCube.. with that being said I hated any motion control games with the exception of Resident Evil 4... Also this mario kart felt super casual and flashy for the non gaming friends that would play wii, along with Smash Brawl not a fan of this Mario Kart
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
I bought mine after the switch just for the Zelda remasters, modded it and put those on my PC to play on cemu... I really find it hard to sit and play the wiiu.. hate the control sticks and only have like 6 games that are on pc now too...but i remember to plug it in every few months and charge it for no reason... im pretty sure i downloaded the nand or whatever but ill have to double check that
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
Sure while there are many action rpgs being created in Japan, there still are many who follow the same old patterns laid down from years before, long convoluted stories, turn based battles, anime tropes, and for some reason with the exception of Persona 5 lot of them use the same old ugly UI and fonts, people follow a formula, like the same way why do many soulslikes need the same crappy saving system that's in dark souls? Is that what gives it a soulslike label? Same goes for jrpgs, which parts of a whole make something a jrpg? Usually its gonna be things people expect, if final fantasy wants to not be a jrpg good for them i suppose, but I don't think the term is harmful
Re: Random: This Bizarre Handheld Was All About Giving Things A Poke
Damn a toy to practice your fingering .. what the hell were they thinking? Haha
Re: Review: Retro-Bit LegacyGC - Perfect For Game Boy-Loving GameCube Fans
awful looking...not sure what the hype is with the gamecube face button layout? Only designed for a handful of games, like mario sunshine, smash and resident evil 4, and everything else needs to be remapped in most modern games... I'll stick to my 8bitdo sn30 pro
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
@krzysztof81 oh yea i forgot about that... I remember in the little booklet for gta2 it had a screenshot for gta3 i couldn't wrap my mind around it but figured it would look something like Driver, and man oh man was that like the biggest game ever when it did drop...gta3 ate many hours of mine and my brothers life and again later with vice city and san Andreas...being a middle schooler I was able to log 14 hour days in the summer haha
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Definitely gotta say Ocarina of Time, mario 64 is a close second... but when oot came out there was nothing like it ever before it felt like what elden ring feels like today... The possibilities felt endless and just filled with exploration and mystery and the feeling you can almost do anything, by the time Metroid Prime came out 3d games have been around for many years, I also remember being like 8 years old and seeing my cousin play Mario64 i was blown away with what i was watching...mario on a 3 dimensional plane ... The analog stick felt so futuristic to my little brain
Re: New Mario 64 Project Pushes N64 Hardware With Stunning Results
Thats cool and impressive but what about the underlying mechanics? It seems being a mod of mario 64 that its just that with pretty graphics so not really creating a game on n64... Id definitely be impressed if that was done on the hardware including music and character models and physics, aren't textures just images? Using hi def images in place of low res long as the size of the files can be small? And fit all of that on a cartridge or else its not really an n64 game, really cool how he breaks them down but why not take all that knowledge and make a brand new game on the n64?
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
If I can play my own copies... like ripping games off my homebrewed wiiu to play on Cemu I'll do it but I've already paid alot for some of these games multiple buying a used copy does nothing for the developers especially games that are decades old ar this point, I love emulation because at the end of the day its about the games...its not my fault Nintendo refuses to offer past games in a convienent way, they should set up a steam type shop so i can stop buying super Mario 3 on every system again and just let us play their games how it suits us... I'll gladly emulate paper mario the 1000 year door and have no ill feelings about it whatsoever, its awesome to have Rockstars the warriors on my tablet since rockstar doesn't care about its past games, no one is being hurt here its like getting mad about watching old movies or something on a burned VHS...who is that hurting? Nintendo hates emulation because they fear people won't buy new games which is foolish, emulation is just having my favorites accessible how i want them its not like I'm sitting here emulating brand new games still available on storefronts...also if PlayStation can't be bothered to work on their ps3 era games to bring them forward then I'll gladly play them on Rpcs3 since the people behind it actually care about game preservation, also at the same time I put alot of money into modern systems across PC, Switch and PlayStation, so emulation does not affect me purchasing new games
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Hmm lot of strange responses..not sure why the gc controller gets so much love when its only designed for like a handful of games, mario kart, smash bros and resident evil 4 and maybe mario sunshine, I like the series x controller over the xbox one only for the grippyness but it feels very small with tiny sticks and it drops connection all the time on pc without the dongle which is stupid, right not my favorite controller is the duelsense which feels fantastic and heavy, i never really care for the offset stick conversation as in any shooter its the right stick that matters and its always in the same spot so duelsense for the win, the switch pro probably feels the most fantastic in my larger hands but the dpad is garbage also need to mention the best addition to controllers in a long time is the touchpad button on the ps4/ps5 controller very quick to go to the menu or map in games and its great to see it used for multiple things like in ghost of Tsushima... 3rd party mention the 8bitdo sn30 pro is waaaay better than expected and can't be topped for 2d action
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
It never looked good, like at all
Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo
Can emulate on multiple devices at this point ..but just curious about the article title why is it shamelessly inspired by Nintendo when it's some company you probably dont care for but when a company like say 8bitdo copies Nintendo its nostalgic warm fuzzies? Aren't like 75% of 3rd party stuff inspired by Nintendo anyways?
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@Clyde_Radcliffe its the razer kaiju mobile controller that has a holder if i want to use my phone, which is cool too if i wanna stream my ps4 or stadia, whats nice about it is that can swap to another device with a switch or plug into my pc and the 6 extra programmable buttons that let me throw on some custom set ups that help out in cod its not a big deal for me to toss in that controller with my laptop
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@silverthornne im glad the options are there but honestly the tech is available they need to put some more power into these devices and throw on a better screen
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@Clyde_Radcliffe seperate extra controller that i can use with my pc or tablet, you'd still have to carry this and your phone.. kind of a pointless device, even older android phones have more power than what is offered here...2 gigs of ram ha, I can easily play ps2 and GameCube games on my phone, i wish they can make a premium one of these, not just a gimmicky toy, better off making your own with raspberry
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
This has been a hilarious story to follow, my heart hurts for all who are forced to work on this dumpster fire of a project, they should just abandon it and bring that philosophy elsewhere not in outdated gaming hardware and boring games that are even surpassed by free mobile games