

Never grow old, always keep playing

Comments 82

Re: This Video Might Just Trigger The 'Sega vs Nintendo' Console War All Over Again


That's a long video! But damn interesting to see the comparison. I am and always will be a Nintendo fanboy, but I did own a Master System and love a lot of SEGA games. I never really understood the hate between SEGA and Nintendo as a kid and still don't as an adult. I enjoyed playing SEGA games at school mates and they enjoyed playing on my SNES, so there was never any animosity in that regard. I always thought it was more between the two actual competitors.

This will definitely be an interesting watch (in multiple sessions).

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


@Damo me and my friends always call them beat 'em ups, because that's what you do in those games as well, albeit they're 1vs1 unlike the games mentioned here. Even Wikipedia refers to them as beat 'em ups. To be fair, I think it's the main genre, with 1vs1 and side-scrolling street brawlers like these being subgenres.

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


It really depends on how old the games in question are, really. I am all down to buy compilations and collections. My Switch library is overrun by them. Having said, that sometimes there are games that are ancient and not nearly as easy to come by legally. Games that I have paid for in the past, or sometimes even multiple times, I just don't have those systems any more. In those rare cases I love firing them up on my Raspberry Pi and don't feel guilty about it at all.

Re: Wonder Boy Is Getting An Unofficial Sequel On The Atari ST


Miracle Boy, Wonder Boy, Monster Boy. Boy oh boy oh boy...

Personally I think the series pinacle was Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap. I played Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, and although it was a fun ride, I really missed some of the transformations from the ultimate classic that is Wonder Boy III. It was probably the best game in the entire series and you can't convince me otherwise.

This new game is going to need a lot of polish, judging from the footage. I wish the developer the best of luck with the project and I'll keep an eye on it for sure. The love for Wonder Boy is great to see

Re: CIBSunday: Killer Instinct (SNES)


The black cartridge was so damn sexy! I've got some really fond memories of Killer Instinct. It definitely was on par with Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat for me, back in the day

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