Comments 52

Re: "We Are Now 0.3 Seconds Off Of Absolute Perfection" Says Super Mario Speedrunner As He Sets New World Record


I've tried speedrunning Mario games many times and I can tell you it isn't easy. Off topic...sort of but when I was in Hospital for high blood pressure caused by COVID my heart rate peaked at 210 BPM and they had to give me strong medication to get it back to normal, it was horrible so I can just imagine how this guy was feeling going after a world record.

Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc


I still own this and the second game to this day. I remember the controls being rather sluggish though but one thing I really liked was the in game music. I remember the last boss in the extra 5th Island drove me nuts because I didn't know how to damage him and when I found out you just had to hit the 5 Beany Gongs at the same time I laughed so hard.

Re: You Can Now Play Pokémon Red & Blue In Irish


@LordPieFace You live in the U.K why do you care what I think? it doesn't matter what I think. I lose a lot of HP when somebody tells me what they think they know. The language as a whole is dead, nobody when I was in school was interested in learning it I wasn't interested in it.

Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series


I loved Souls games back in the day but as a 45 year old who works 6 days a week I no longer have time for them and tbh I play games to unwind and relax not to be stressed out like what these games used to cause. I'll go home alright and honestly it genuinely really gets under my skin when someone says "git gud"

Yeah sorry I've got something called a life.

Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games


Ahh yes The Revenge of Shinobi the game where Batman and Spider Man appeared in the same game along with a skeleton Dinosaur. It was such a weird game but despite that I went back to it time after time just so I could hear the brilliant OST that played during boss fights.

Re: Best Dreamcast Games


Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future Metropolis Street Racer Fur Fighters to name a few are Dreamcast games I played a LOT when I was young.

Oh I just want to say I wish the Staff here the very best. I've been a long time user and lurker of Nintendo Life going as far back as 2007. I've always appreciated the work all of you do here, I just wanted all of you to know this. Ofc the same applies to the Staff of Push Square and Pure Xbox too.

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