To this day it still sounds like he is saying the naughty word to Eggman's robots when performing his punch attacks. It's definitely not ship he's saying I know that much as it sounded like that too rather than shift 😅
I've tried speedrunning Mario games many times and I can tell you it isn't easy. Off topic...sort of but when I was in Hospital for high blood pressure caused by COVID my heart rate peaked at 210 BPM and they had to give me strong medication to get it back to normal, it was horrible so I can just imagine how this guy was feeling going after a world record.
I'm no legal expert but I do think the current Lawsuit with Nintendo will have significant ramifications going forward. Developers could become too wary to pursue ideas that might be too similar but I guess only time will tell. I just know the more I keep hearing about these Lawsuits the more I dislike Nintendo as a Company.
It was just a fighting game to me back then and nothing else so I never thought of it like this and tbh I still don't really think of it like this today. Regardless I don't really care either way.
I store most of my old gaming stuff in plastic crates in the Attic. I recently took down my Spectrum ZX and Commodore 64 to test them out and they're still ticking along with the games. I feel so sorry for this guy 🥺
I still own this and the second game to this day. I remember the controls being rather sluggish though but one thing I really liked was the in game music. I remember the last boss in the extra 5th Island drove me nuts because I didn't know how to damage him and when I found out you just had to hit the 5 Beany Gongs at the same time I laughed so hard.
Sheesh I'm so glad I downloaded all classic Nintendo Emulators and games onto my Mobile devices when I did. I like to play all classic Pokèmon games along with the Sonic Advance and Rush games. I enjoy Sonic Battle as well.
@Stocksy Such nonsense. They just wanted to see if they could complete the challenge themselves and they did. Like the 13 year old they too have unbelievable skill.
I just found out the Boy lost his father a month before. I had no idea and hearing this made me burst out into tears as I too lost my own dad to Cancer in 2015 and I'm still grieving for him to this very day so I know what it's like. My sincere sympathies go out to the family.
People are really overreacting here. There's people right now being bullied and nobody cares at all. Meanwhile you get this and everyone loses their mind.
@BeefSanta I didn't say it was a "me" problem and well you know it but thank you for basically skewing everything I said to fit your own narrative. People can play how they like but if they're just too good it can be off putting.
@BeefSanta He has a point though. For the average Joe who just wants to play competitively to get better but not to the point of being God like Players like this, I'm not referring to this kid here btw I mean very good Players in general turn Players like me off completely.
Be interesting to know when he becomes an adult will he be able to pull this off again? I expect with work getting in the way and other adult responsibilities it will be considerably harder.
@LordPieFace You live in the U.K why do you care what I think? it doesn't matter what I think. I lose a lot of HP when somebody tells me what they think they know. The language as a whole is dead, nobody when I was in school was interested in learning it I wasn't interested in it.
I didn't respond because I'm talking about Irish on a global scale so yes it's true. I live in Ireland I was born here so don't tell me what I don't know.
Irish is a dead language though but I admire this person's dedication. Still though an unusual choice considering very few people speak it. Being Irish myself it makes me feel like an outsider sometimes in my own country.
An interesting read. I always remember being the envy of my friends at school because I would always buy or rather my parents would always buy them because I was just a kid back then, I was envied because they always bought me both a Nintendo and Sega Console. I miss my dad, he passed away in 2015 of Cancer 😥
I loved Souls games back in the day but as a 45 year old who works 6 days a week I no longer have time for them and tbh I play games to unwind and relax not to be stressed out like what these games used to cause. I'll go home alright and honestly it genuinely really gets under my skin when someone says "git gud"
Ahh yes The Revenge of Shinobi the game where Batman and Spider Man appeared in the same game along with a skeleton Dinosaur. It was such a weird game but despite that I went back to it time after time just so I could hear the brilliant OST that played during boss fights.
Was only playing that last night and while I do like the game the amount of bottomless pits and instant kill traps really puts me off going back to it compared to other Sonic games. Then you have the Special Stages and tbh I have no idea what the developers were smoking when they made the 6th and 7th one but it had the worst level design I have ever seen.
Man this brought me back. I used to watch this show on Channel 4 all the time. It wasn't quite the same in my opinion when Patrick Moore left but at least there was The Sky at Night with him in it.
I personally enjoyed Metal Gear Solid 3 the most but unlocking the Stealth Camouflage was a huge pain in the neck though. Trying to find those little frogs was just awful and put a damper on the whole experience, well at least I think it did.
Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future Metropolis Street Racer Fur Fighters to name a few are Dreamcast games I played a LOT when I was young.
Oh I just want to say I wish the Staff here the very best. I've been a long time user and lurker of Nintendo Life going as far back as 2007. I've always appreciated the work all of you do here, I just wanted all of you to know this. Ofc the same applies to the Staff of Push Square and Pure Xbox too.
@carlos82 Quite a lot of them but regardless of what resolution they run at I just personally don't think it's worth spending money on this if you have a perfectly good Smartphone already. If this is for you sure no worries, it just isn't for me personally.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Doesn't bother me personally and tbh I've never had much of an issue with touch controls playing Mobile games if the screen size is big enough. I suppose those with a smaller screen I can understand their dislike of them.
Comments 52
Re: Yes, Knuckles Was Supposed To Sound Like He Was Swearing In Sonic Heroes
To this day it still sounds like he is saying the naughty word to Eggman's robots when performing his punch attacks. It's definitely not ship he's saying I know that much as it sounded like that too rather than shift 😅
Re: "We Are Now 0.3 Seconds Off Of Absolute Perfection" Says Super Mario Speedrunner As He Sets New World Record
I've tried speedrunning Mario games many times and I can tell you it isn't easy. Off topic...sort of but when I was in Hospital for high blood pressure caused by COVID my heart rate peaked at 210 BPM and they had to give me strong medication to get it back to normal, it was horrible so I can just imagine how this guy was feeling going after a world record.
Re: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?
I'm no legal expert but I do think the current Lawsuit with Nintendo will have significant ramifications going forward. Developers could become too wary to pursue ideas that might be too similar but I guess only time will tell. I just know the more I keep hearing about these Lawsuits the more I dislike Nintendo as a Company.
Re: Flashback: Remembering Sega's Dismal Mega CD Debut, Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band
I only got Ecco the Dolphin for the Mega CD and Sonic CD as they were the only games being sold where I live at the time.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection
I would absolutely like to play the classics again. I started playing Tekken 1 on the PS1 but it wasn't until Tekken 3 I really got into the series.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
If they're old games that are no longer available then absolutely they are going too far. If they're emulating games available now then no.
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
It was just a fighting game to me back then and nothing else so I never thought of it like this and tbh I still don't really think of it like this today. Regardless I don't really care either way.
Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed
I store most of my old gaming stuff in plastic crates in the Attic. I recently took down my Spectrum ZX and Commodore 64 to test them out and they're still ticking along with the games. I feel so sorry for this guy 🥺
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
I still own this and the second game to this day. I remember the controls being rather sluggish though but one thing I really liked was the in game music. I remember the last boss in the extra 5th Island drove me nuts because I didn't know how to damage him and when I found out you just had to hit the 5 Beany Gongs at the same time I laughed so hard.
Re: Events: Retro Computer Museum's Awesome World Famous Legendary Gathering, April 2024
Ahhh would love to go to something like this here in Ireland. I have the Pikachu N64 seen in the YouTube video Thumbnail.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
Sheesh I'm so glad I downloaded all classic Nintendo Emulators and games onto my Mobile devices when I did. I like to play all classic Pokèmon games along with the Sonic Advance and Rush games. I enjoy Sonic Battle as well.
I only download ROMS of old games I own.
Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari
I only got the 32X (which I still have) for Knuckles Chaotix. No regrets.
Re: The Making Of: Chandragupta: Warrior Prince - The Indian 'Prince Of Persia' Published By Sony
I've never heard of this but an interesting read all the same. I personally would love to see a Prince of Persia type game set in Ancient Japan.
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
@Guitar_bard Thank you for your kind words I appreciate it.
Re: Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris
@Stocksy Such nonsense. They just wanted to see if they could complete the challenge themselves and they did. Like the 13 year old they too have unbelievable skill.
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
I just found out the Boy lost his father a month before. I had no idea and hearing this made me burst out into tears as I too lost my own dad to Cancer in 2015 and I'm still grieving for him to this very day so I know what it's like. My sincere sympathies go out to the family.
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
People are really overreacting here. There's people right now being bullied and nobody cares at all. Meanwhile you get this and everyone loses their mind.
Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris
@BeefSanta I didn't say it was a "me" problem and well you know it but thank you for basically skewing everything I said to fit your own narrative. People can play how they like but if they're just too good it can be off putting.
Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris
@BeefSanta He has a point though. For the average Joe who just wants to play competitively to get better but not to the point of being God like Players like this, I'm not referring to this kid here btw I mean very good Players in general turn Players like me off completely.
Re: 34 Years After Release, A 13-Year-Old Has Just "Beaten" NES Tetris
Be interesting to know when he becomes an adult will he be able to pull this off again? I expect with work getting in the way and other adult responsibilities it will be considerably harder.
Re: You Can Now Play Pokémon Red & Blue In Irish
@LordPieFace You live in the U.K why do you care what I think? it doesn't matter what I think. I lose a lot of HP when somebody tells me what they think they know. The language as a whole is dead, nobody when I was in school was interested in learning it I wasn't interested in it.
Re: You Can Now Play Pokémon Red & Blue In Irish
I didn't respond because I'm talking about Irish on a global scale so yes it's true. I live in Ireland I was born here so don't tell me what I don't know.
Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery
I don't mind CEX but when I see them selling items like second hand 3DS games for €140 that's where I start to question their way of doing things.
Re: Fan Spends Six Months Translating Pokémon Red & Blue Into Irish
Irish is a dead language though but I admire this person's dedication. Still though an unusual choice considering very few people speak it. Being Irish myself it makes me feel like an outsider sometimes in my own country.
Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back
Looks really nice for sure but given how expensive it is I'll be sticking with my Steam Deck.
Re: The Making Of: Metropolis Street Racer, The Origin Of The Project Gotham Series
@Damo Those were good days.
Re: The Making Of: Metropolis Street Racer, The Origin Of The Project Gotham Series
I bought this game for Dreamcast on launch day. In fact I was only playing it last night and it holds up surprisingly well considering its age.
Re: Rare Cheekily Compares Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom To Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
I wouldn't play that dreadful game again even if I was offered 1 million euros.
Re: Former Sega Boss Reveals His True Feelings For His Nintendo Rival
@Guitar_bard Thank you for your kind words.
Re: Former Sega Boss Reveals His True Feelings For His Nintendo Rival
An interesting read. I always remember being the envy of my friends at school because I would always buy or rather my parents would always buy them because I was just a kid back then, I was envied because they always bought me both a Nintendo and Sega Console. I miss my dad, he passed away in 2015 of Cancer 😥
Re: We've Got One Of Sega's Most Average Racers To Thank For Panzer Dragoon
Speak of the devil I was only playing the original Saturn version on Saturday and it still holds up surprisingly well.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
I remember getting mine with Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage for Christmas the year they came out. Best Christmas ever.
Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series
I loved Souls games back in the day but as a 45 year old who works 6 days a week I no longer have time for them and tbh I play games to unwind and relax not to be stressed out like what these games used to cause. I'll go home alright and honestly it genuinely really gets under my skin when someone says "git gud"
Yeah sorry I've got something called a life.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games
Ahh yes The Revenge of Shinobi the game where Batman and Spider Man appeared in the same game along with a skeleton Dinosaur. It was such a weird game but despite that I went back to it time after time just so I could hear the brilliant OST that played during boss fights.
Re: Feature: Remembering Sonic Rush, The Coolest Sonic Game From His Barren Period
Was only playing that last night and while I do like the game the amount of bottomless pits and instant kill traps really puts me off going back to it compared to other Sonic games. Then you have the Special Stages and tbh I have no idea what the developers were smoking when they made the 6th and 7th one but it had the worst level design I have ever seen.
Re: This Obscure 1994 Sonic Game Is Back From The Dead
Still have this game for Game Gear today.
Re: Feature: My 15 Minutes Of GamesMaster Fame: How Did I Get It So Wrong?
Man this brought me back. I used to watch this show on Channel 4 all the time. It wasn't quite the same in my opinion when Patrick Moore left but at least there was The Sky at Night with him in it.
Re: CIBSunday: SEGA Rally Championship (PC)
I never played this but I did play Sega Rally 2 on Dreamcast though.
Re: The Making Of Split/Second
I bought this game on PS3 at launch. I still have it today and it holds up really well.
Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked
I personally enjoyed Metal Gear Solid 3 the most but unlocking the Stealth Camouflage was a huge pain in the neck though. Trying to find those little frogs was just awful and put a damper on the whole experience, well at least I think it did.
Re: Best Dreamcast Games
Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future Metropolis Street Racer Fur Fighters to name a few are Dreamcast games I played a LOT when I was young.
Oh I just want to say I wish the Staff here the very best. I've been a long time user and lurker of Nintendo Life going as far back as 2007. I've always appreciated the work all of you do here, I just wanted all of you to know this. Ofc the same applies to the Staff of Push Square and Pure Xbox too.
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
@PcTV Reading your statements I think you are being a little harsh.
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
Pretends to be shocked
Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo
@sanderev That's why I refuse to give these people a penny.
Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo
I'll stick to my PC Phone and Tablet thanks. I can play the games I legally own on those devices at 2 or 3K resolution.
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
Ahh yes my friend used to have the Amiga 500. This wouldn't be for me as I gamed on the Commodore 64 and Spectrum ZX but my friend would love this.
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@carlos82 Quite a lot of them but regardless of what resolution they run at I just personally don't think it's worth spending money on this if you have a perfectly good Smartphone already. If this is for you sure no worries, it just isn't for me personally.
Also yes I know.
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@PhhhCough What? nobody is getting triggered here people are just having a civil discussion. I certainly wasn't getting triggered by anything at all.
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@Clyde_Radcliffe Doesn't bother me personally and tbh I've never had much of an issue with touch controls playing Mobile games if the screen size is big enough. I suppose those with a smaller screen I can understand their dislike of them.
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
@ParadoxFawkes Couldn't agree more. I also game on my Tablet and the screen size is great. This thing looks dreadful if I was being totally honest.