Wait they're not part of a collection like what the Jaleco and Data East games were? Will that's lame. This is Retro-Bit screwing Sega Genesis/Mega Drive owners.
If you got this for free and couldn't be bother with testing roms (not the ones that are pre-loaded) on it then you just wasted our time. It's a useless review when the most important aspect of an emulation system couldn't test its most basic feature.
Have you test any roms on it yet such as a PC Engine, Super NES, or Sega Genesis/Mega Drive roms? I just want to know cause that would save me a lot of time and money instead of investing in buying those expensive modules. If it had USB and/or SD card support and built-in emulators then you should be able to run roms off of it out of the box.
Just so ya know you could now play as Sheeva in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for Super NES as well as all the 10 classic MK3 stages like the Subway and Soul Chamber stages via this hack. Though the hack is still early in development, this does make the game feel closer to the arcade version. The hacking community is getting interesting as time goes on, hopefully soon they restore Yokozuna and Bam Bam Bigelow for the Super NES version of WWF WrestleMania Arcade as well.
@Tim_Vreeland Me and everyone I knew own the Super NES version and none of the nonsense you spoke of were ever in the game. We even had both versions featured during a Street Fighter party from time to time (6-buttons and everything) and mostly everyone prefer the SNES version and all of us are die hard arcade and Sega players at the time.
All this just to fix a version that doesn't need fixing. If anything he could use that time to fix the Sega Master System version, that one need the most polish, probably with the control and framerate. Also there's a reason Capcom altered the arcade opening of the Sega Genesis port. They feared of racist remark, restoring that in a time when racist still exist ain't a good idea.
@commentlife They still haven't update us on anything about the handheld ever since the day they announced it which was last year. I sign up on their mailing list so the least they could had done was sent me updates on how the product is doing. The fact that there's still no updates on the Pocket let me to believe that at this time the hardware is heading towards vaporware territory. Hopefully they update soon.
Yay 2020 is officially the year when vaporware such as the Atari VCS, Intellivision Amico, Play Date, Smach Z, and Polymega will hopefully be release. Maybe Covid-19 did some good after all. Still waiting for Analogue to update on their vaporware, the Analogue Pocket.
All these talks and it still not out yet, they couldn't even tell us what cloud gaming scam they are supporting either. Why even announce anything when nothing is ready?
$400 for a bunch of emulators that aren't even as good as the free ones? Yeah I will only get this if it's under $200 and had GameCube, Sega Dreamcast, and N64 support.
I would had been all over this if it didn't required the need to open up the consoles. Either way all the games would still look ugly unless play on a modded consoles so yeah I'll just stick to playing my games on actual emulators for now.
Still you had to ask why bother getting this when you could play pretty much all these same games and more through emulators on cheap Chinese handhelds or a hack PSP/PS Vita which run these much better.
Tanglewood is nice entry and it's good to get Xeno Crisis in there as well but without multiplayer it's rather pointless to have fun with that game. This system looks like it's going for retro and after market games and while that's a good thing, I feel it's much better to play those on the original console that they were made for instead of the ReroCade.
The people who runs Atari are stupid and doesn't believe in risk and reward, I mean you could give them the world and they still wouldn't take it. I betcha if Sony was to partner with them for the PlayStation they still would rather go under then to give it a try.
If the PS1, Sega Saturn, Sega CD, and NeoGeo CD compatibility works well enough then perhaps I may pick one up in the future but I'm not pre-ordering it knowing it'll still had problems. Also it needs N64, Sega Dreamcast, and 3DO support.
@technotreegrass If you grew up throughout the 90s, talks of the Super NES vs. Genesis is everywhere. On tv, in magazines, at the playground, after school, in the arcade, at the shopping mall, etc. Me and my friends use to argue which arcade game would hit home console next, he bet on Genesis and I bet on Super NES: Final Fight got SNES port, them Strider got Genesis port, then Knights of the Round got SNES port then Merc got Genesis port then Sunset Riders got ported to both but I told him the SNES version is the better one. Things started to go beyond that when SNES got 3D style games like Donkey Kong Country while Genesis still releasing old 2D sprite based games like Comix Zone. It was a fun era to be a gamer at the time. To us Sega was like WCW and Nintendo was like the WWF.
Looks freaking ugly and those controllers are awfully design. Considering it's a clone on a chip handheld, a number of games will probably not work on it likely Virtua Racing, Super Mario RPG, and Star Ocean. Also it using a 16:9 over a 4:3 aspect ratio kill it for me if Sega Genesis and Super NES games are all it supported. Why do clone maker tend to use 16:9 as default when they're not even supporting HDMI output nor had the option to turn it to 4:3? This is just another Chinese garbage that is trying to cater to those die hard retro gamers that still can't let go of those CRT display.
I would had bought this if it was a collection on Switch and not an arcade stick. Would had love to have an official version of AVP but not going to be paying $200 for it.
I love the original first two Killer Instinct games both in the arcade and on the Super NES and N64. Also Killer Instinct, unlike most of the other popular fighting games at the times, is just one of few fighting games that never cheap out in making characters for their game by way of palette swap. A trend which Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat heavily rely on just to have new characters. This makes all the cast in Killer Instinct feel unique as they don't share the same physique, move, or sprite with one another.
Just recently got one and I had to say trying Sega CD games on it is awesome. Works just like the real deal, my only problem is that although the Sega CD games work on a Sega Genesis Model 3, the Nomad, and clone systems there are no CD audios playing on those so unless you can hack those for the audio part it's just a bummer. It works great on a Sega Genesis Model 1 & 2, and the Mega Sg.
At least it'll be more affordable than the Play Date. I'll see if I could find one if I could find one. A lot of retailers are disappearing from my city one by one so I hope to find it before they all dissolve.
@construx 15 years ago the Nintendo DS was launch, it doesn't have HDMI out and only a handful of games but it does had GBA backwards compatibility and is region free plus it launch at $150 just like this.
Nice trailer but everything are still just CGI render, it didn't actually show a real person holding the thing yet which proclaim that there's still not a working prototype yet. Hopefully this doesn't end up like the Coleco Chameleon.
The handheld looks good but I'm not comfortable with the menu button locating just below the d-pad there. For one it could accidentally interrupt gameplay for example if I'm playing a fighting game, my thumb could easily hit the menu button by accident when performing a move thus interrupting my game session. Hopefully they fix that with the final design.
Yes I hope indie hits like Shovel Knight, Freedom Planet, The Messenger, Hollow Knight, Undertale, and Terraria make it to the handheld especially since those are everywhere nowadays.
Why does it cost more than the Mega Sg though? With $20 more I could just buy the Polymega instead which support Sega CD as well four other disc based systems library of games.
@rxchrisg Yes you do own the games you download but will the games be tie to the system or through a network account? Also if and when the service is discontinue, will there be options to preserve these games so they won't be in denial like the Ouya? See the reason why I'm not interested in the digital download route is because of this one reason, that you likely won't be able to keep those games you already purchase. Now don't get me wrong, owning physical games had their downs as well but physical makes owning the product seem more legit than digital download to me anyways. What I don't get is why there no options for both (physical and digital) cause having only one just doesn't seem right.
The device looks generic and ugly, I don't think this is for me. The fact that it had no real games for you to play and own is just the icing on the not-gonna-buy cake for me. The crank does seem interesting though, would make for a nice virtual crane game.
So I was right all along. Those other devs they were referring too are Interplay, Data East and such. Would be nice to get Taito, Konami, Namco, Sega, SNK, and Capcom on board as well. That would be some good all-stars of retro support for this thing plus we'll finally get some arcade on the go. I also think Piko Interactive would be jumping on this soon too. Also nice that they got ClayFighter in there, now if only they get the vastly superior ClayFighter 2 in there someday then this would be a instant buy for me.
@Painkiller_Mike The Mega Sg came with a free SMS adapter for playing Sega Master System games so technically you're getting 2 systems instead of one as you can play both Genesis/Mega Drive or SMS games out of the box with the Mega Sg.
@jobvd It's just 1 button in the wrong place, it's no big deal. Kinda stupid of Sega not to have a remap option settings as the M2 Sega Ages games all had that option.
This would be my ultimate Genesis solution, really tired of all AtGames craps and the upcoming Sega Genesis Mini is pointless at this point in time as we already got the Sega Genesis Classic Collection on Switch and other platforms as well as classic controllers like the M30 to play them with. Can't wait for Wednesday.
Just get this for the Sega CD, NeoGeo CD, and Sega Saturn game support. Everything else are done better with PS3, the Analogue Mega Sg, Analogue Super Nt, and AVS as those use no emulation and is completely compatible with PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis, and SMS games in HD. I still won't believe them that Sega Saturn compatibility for this is 99% compatible. They still had not shown more Sega Saturn games running on this actual hardware to prove that. This along with the Atari VCS and Smach Z seem like they kept making excuses just to delay the product so to keep backers waiting to the point where most will be pissed.
I love this though I would had chosen a much better game but oh well it's Analogue so it's good either way. The fact that we're getting a free Sega Master System adapter with the console is a real treat as well.
Comments 451
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
Wait they're not part of a collection like what the Jaleco and Data East games were? Will that's lame. This is Retro-Bit screwing Sega Genesis/Mega Drive owners.
Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion MODE - The Ultimate Upgrade For Your Saturn And Dreamcast?
So is this better than the Polymega in terms of Sega Saturn compatibility in HD?
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
If you got this for free and couldn't be bother with testing roms (not the ones that are pre-loaded) on it then you just wasted our time. It's a useless review when the most important aspect of an emulation system couldn't test its most basic feature.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
@stevep Yeap also Xeno Crisis. The dev even let you download the Mega Drive rom for a reduce price on their website.
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
Have you test any roms on it yet such as a PC Engine, Super NES, or Sega Genesis/Mega Drive roms? I just want to know cause that would save me a lot of time and money instead of investing in buying those expensive modules. If it had USB and/or SD card support and built-in emulators then you should be able to run roms off of it out of the box.
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
Just so ya know you could now play as Sheeva in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for Super NES as well as all the 10 classic MK3 stages like the Subway and Soul Chamber stages via this hack. Though the hack is still early in development, this does make the game feel closer to the arcade version. The hacking community is getting interesting as time goes on, hopefully soon they restore Yokozuna and Bam Bam Bigelow for the Super NES version of WWF WrestleMania Arcade as well.
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
@Tim_Vreeland Me and everyone I knew own the Super NES version and none of the nonsense you spoke of were ever in the game. We even had both versions featured during a Street Fighter party from time to time (6-buttons and everything) and mostly everyone prefer the SNES version and all of us are die hard arcade and Sega players at the time.
Re: Finally, Sega Genesis Fans Can Feel Good About Their Version Of Street Fighter II
All this just to fix a version that doesn't need fixing. If anything he could use that time to fix the Sega Master System version, that one need the most polish, probably with the control and framerate. Also there's a reason Capcom altered the arcade opening of the Sega Genesis port. They feared of racist remark, restoring that in a time when racist still exist ain't a good idea.
Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky
@commentlife They still haven't update us on anything about the handheld ever since the day they announced it which was last year. I sign up on their mailing list so the least they could had done was sent me updates on how the product is doing. The fact that there's still no updates on the Pocket let me to believe that at this time the hardware is heading towards vaporware territory. Hopefully they update soon.
Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky
Yay 2020 is officially the year when vaporware such as the Atari VCS, Intellivision Amico, Play Date, Smach Z, and Polymega will hopefully be release. Maybe Covid-19 did some good after all. Still waiting for Analogue to update on their vaporware, the Analogue Pocket.
Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS
Looks like a predecessor to the GPD Win for some reason.
Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity
Wait so this is the mascot of the Aladdin Deck Enhancer? I remember that thing could toast any NES that is not the original front loader.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
All these talks and it still not out yet, they couldn't even tell us what cloud gaming scam they are supporting either. Why even announce anything when nothing is ready?
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
$400 for a bunch of emulators that aren't even as good as the free ones? Yeah I will only get this if it's under $200 and had GameCube, Sega Dreamcast, and N64 support.
Re: Terraonion Is Releasing An Optical Disc Emulator For The Sega Saturn And Dreamcast
I would had been all over this if it didn't required the need to open up the consoles. Either way all the games would still look ugly unless play on a modded consoles so yeah I'll just stick to playing my games on actual emulators for now.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade - Can A 100% Physical Media Console Really Work In 2020?
Still you had to ask why bother getting this when you could play pretty much all these same games and more through emulators on cheap Chinese handhelds or a hack PSP/PS Vita which run these much better.
Re: New Game Footage Suggests The Intellivision Amico Will Struggle To Pull Families Away From Switch
Still disappointing that they hadn't show us the new Earthworm Jim or Toejam and Earl. At least some early footage of those would be nice.
Re: Evercade Lineup Grows Thanks To "Modern Retro" Titles Xeno Crisis And Tanglewood
Tanglewood is nice entry and it's good to get Xeno Crisis in there as well but without multiplayer it's rather pointless to have fun with that game. This system looks like it's going for retro and after market games and while that's a good thing, I feel it's much better to play those on the original console that they were made for instead of the ReroCade.
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
The people who runs Atari are stupid and doesn't believe in risk and reward, I mean you could give them the world and they still wouldn't take it. I betcha if Sony was to partner with them for the PlayStation they still would rather go under then to give it a try.
Re: You Could Get Your Hands On A Polymega Early Thanks To Its Upcoming Beta Test
If the PS1, Sega Saturn, Sega CD, and NeoGeo CD compatibility works well enough then perhaps I may pick one up in the future but I'm not pre-ordering it knowing it'll still had problems. Also it needs N64, Sega Dreamcast, and 3DO support.
Re: This New Handheld Wants To Heal The Scars Of Gaming's Most Infamous Console War
@technotreegrass If you grew up throughout the 90s, talks of the Super NES vs. Genesis is everywhere. On tv, in magazines, at the playground, after school, in the arcade, at the shopping mall, etc. Me and my friends use to argue which arcade game would hit home console next, he bet on Genesis and I bet on Super NES: Final Fight got SNES port, them Strider got Genesis port, then Knights of the Round got SNES port then Merc got Genesis port then Sunset Riders got ported to both but I told him the SNES version is the better one. Things started to go beyond that when SNES got 3D style games like Donkey Kong Country while Genesis still releasing old 2D sprite based games like Comix Zone. It was a fun era to be a gamer at the time. To us Sega was like WCW and Nintendo was like the WWF.
Re: This New Handheld Wants To Heal The Scars Of Gaming's Most Infamous Console War
Looks freaking ugly and those controllers are awfully design. Considering it's a clone on a chip handheld, a number of games will probably not work on it likely Virtua Racing, Super Mario RPG, and Star Ocean. Also it using a 16:9 over a 4:3 aspect ratio kill it for me if Sega Genesis and Super NES games are all it supported. Why do clone maker tend to use 16:9 as default when they're not even supporting HDMI output nor had the option to turn it to 4:3? This is just another Chinese garbage that is trying to cater to those die hard retro gamers that still can't let go of those CRT display.
Re: Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It
When they can't even give us an exact launch date, then there's bound to be more problems or delays.
Re: Hardware Review: Capcom Home Arcade Is The Most Ludicrous Micro-Console Yet, And We're In Love
I would had bought this if it was a collection on Switch and not an arcade stick. Would had love to have an official version of AVP but not going to be paying $200 for it.
Re: Feature: 25 Years Ago, Nintendo Took On The Might Of Street Fighter With Killer Instinct
I love the original first two Killer Instinct games both in the arcade and on the Super NES and N64. Also Killer Instinct, unlike most of the other popular fighting games at the times, is just one of few fighting games that never cheap out in making characters for their game by way of palette swap. A trend which Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat heavily rely on just to have new characters. This makes all the cast in Killer Instinct feel unique as they don't share the same physique, move, or sprite with one another.
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
At this point this is just the Coleco Chameleon 2.0 except under a different name. We still hadn't seen an actual working prototype with actual games.
Re: Hardware Review: The Terraonion Mega SD Is A Truly Next-Gen Flash Cartridge
Just recently got one and I had to say trying Sega CD games on it is awesome. Works just like the real deal, my only problem is that although the Sega CD games work on a Sega Genesis Model 3, the Nomad, and clone systems there are no CD audios playing on those so unless you can hack those for the audio part it's just a bummer. It works great on a Sega Genesis Model 1 & 2, and the Mega Sg.
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
At least it'll be more affordable than the Play Date. I'll see if I could find one if I could find one. A lot of retailers are disappearing from my city one by one so I hope to find it before they all dissolve.
Re: This Exclusive Evercade Console Is Looking Pretty In Black
@construx 15 years ago the Nintendo DS was launch, it doesn't have HDMI out and only a handful of games but it does had GBA backwards compatibility and is region free plus it launch at $150 just like this.
Re: This Exclusive Evercade Console Is Looking Pretty In Black
I might get one just for ClayFighter 2, Top Gear, and Earthworm Jim.
Re: Hardware Review: You Don't Need The SNK Neo Geo Samurai Shodown Mini, But You'll Want It Anyway
This like the 4th or 5th re-releases of these things and still no clicky sticks. Sorry SNK no clicky sticks no buy.
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
Nice trailer but everything are still just CGI render, it didn't actually show a real person holding the thing yet which proclaim that there's still not a working prototype yet. Hopefully this doesn't end up like the Coleco Chameleon.
Re: The Evercade Handheld's First Collection Of Retro-Style Indie Games Has Been Revealed
The handheld looks good but I'm not comfortable with the menu button locating just below the d-pad there. For one it could accidentally interrupt gameplay for example if I'm playing a fighting game, my thumb could easily hit the menu button by accident when performing a move thus interrupting my game session. Hopefully they fix that with the final design.
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
@BeefSanta It's like an Ouya but you're buying the retro or indie games on cartridges instead of downloading them.
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
Yes I hope indie hits like Shovel Knight, Freedom Planet, The Messenger, Hollow Knight, Undertale, and Terraria make it to the handheld especially since those are everywhere nowadays.
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
Why does it cost more than the Mega Sg though? With $20 more I could just buy the Polymega instead which support Sega CD as well four other disc based systems library of games.
Re: Polymega's "Next Gen" Light Gun Controller Will Let You Play Duck Hunt On Your HDTV
I still can't believe this thing ain't out yet and now they're already announcing peripherals for it.
Re: A Second Namco Collection Has Been Revealed For The Evercade Handheld System
The game selection are starting to look nice, WeaponLord is good fighting game despite having no arcade equivalent.
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
@rxchrisg Yes you do own the games you download but will the games be tie to the system or through a network account? Also if and when the service is discontinue, will there be options to preserve these games so they won't be in denial like the Ouya? See the reason why I'm not interested in the digital download route is because of this one reason, that you likely won't be able to keep those games you already purchase. Now don't get me wrong, owning physical games had their downs as well but physical makes owning the product seem more legit than digital download to me anyways. What I don't get is why there no options for both (physical and digital) cause having only one just doesn't seem right.
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
The device looks generic and ugly, I don't think this is for me. The fact that it had no real games for you to play and own is just the icing on the not-gonna-buy cake for me. The crank does seem interesting though, would make for a nice virtual crane game.
Re: Exclusive: The Evercade Handheld Is Getting Earthworm Jim, Clayfigher And Midnight Resistance
So I was right all along. Those other devs they were referring too are Interplay, Data East and such. Would be nice to get Taito, Konami, Namco, Sega, SNK, and Capcom on board as well. That would be some good all-stars of retro support for this thing plus we'll finally get some arcade on the go. I also think Piko Interactive would be jumping on this soon too. Also nice that they got ClayFighter in there, now if only they get the vastly superior ClayFighter 2 in there someday then this would be a instant buy for me.
Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
So this is the Atari Lynx 3 then?
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
@Painkiller_Mike The Mega Sg came with a free SMS adapter for playing Sega Master System games so technically you're getting 2 systems instead of one as you can play both Genesis/Mega Drive or SMS games out of the box with the Mega Sg.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
@jobvd It's just 1 button in the wrong place, it's no big deal. Kinda stupid of Sega not to have a remap option settings as the M2 Sega Ages games all had that option.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
@jobvd Even if it is, 8Bitdo already released a firmware update for both in the case that it does.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
This would be my ultimate Genesis solution, really tired of all AtGames craps and the upcoming Sega Genesis Mini is pointless at this point in time as we already got the Sega Genesis Classic Collection on Switch and other platforms as well as classic controllers like the M30 to play them with. Can't wait for Wednesday.
Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019
Just get this for the Sega CD, NeoGeo CD, and Sega Saturn game support. Everything else are done better with PS3, the Analogue Mega Sg, Analogue Super Nt, and AVS as those use no emulation and is completely compatible with PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis, and SMS games in HD. I still won't believe them that Sega Saturn compatibility for this is 99% compatible. They still had not shown more Sega Saturn games running on this actual hardware to prove that. This along with the Atari VCS and Smach Z seem like they kept making excuses just to delay the product so to keep backers waiting to the point where most will be pissed.
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit's Sega Genesis And Saturn Pads (Mostly) Hit The Right Spot
I will wait for the bluetooth version instead but these are good for those who still got them old system and want a good controller to game.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
I love this though I would had chosen a much better game but oh well it's Analogue so it's good either way. The fact that we're getting a free Sega Master System adapter with the console is a real treat as well.
Re: Hardware Review: 16Bit Pocket MD - An Unexpectedly Decent Portable Mega Drive
@Gravitron So you hate it for being a good game or do you hate it because the dev who work on it are better off making a better game?