Comments 35

Re: Intellivision Releases An Amico Unboxing, Showcases A Functioning System



Except its no longer any more 'affordable' than the myriad of superior options available, it's no longer particularly 'simple', the Switch has already done a sterling job of introducing kids to gaming (my 7 YO daughter is awaiting Kirby eagerly after living the demo), the front end isn't finished, the back end isn't finished, the games aren't finished, the machine isn't finished, interest levels are dismal, they're hemorrhaging money, and the only thing they've delivered so far are cardboard boxes with tat inside them. Apart from that, all good.

Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2



I had to sell off a collection some 18 years ago (thousands of original games over MD/SNES/Saturn/PS1/Neo Geo) and I've not really been in a position to start again up until this point. Since then, retro prices have absolutely exploded, so I decided to just pick up Switch carts and the Evercade as it's a relatively inexpensive way of building up a nice cart collection.

Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever


They aren't you cheeky sod, I'm 44!

The Inty was my first console, so yes, I'll be getting this. I don't think it'll ever be more than a niche machine, but what can I say, the nostalgia goggles are firmly strapped in place for this particular purchase.

In fairness, Astrosmash, Cloudy Mountain, Night Stalker and Breakout all look pretty cool. It's got the New Earthworm Jim of that's your bag, and there was a Data East logo on the presentation, so we'll hopefully see new versions of their arcade stuff. Still, it's looking pretty expensive next to the Evercade VS Founder's I've pre-ordered at £160.00, which also comes with more games on its six carts than have even been announced for Amico!