From Noctis to Haven Call of the King's endgame ship journey of going to planets to find particular points on the planets to Star Wars Battlefront 3's space/ground transitions (being a loading screen on Elite Squadron) to No Man's Sky and Starfield.
It's been interesting looking at games get more and more focus on certain aspects in space travel. Of course you had Mass Effect with the ship and the ground but it was still a loading screen and two separate parts of the game to play as the ship, and as your character it isn't the same thing (not a bad thing I don't mind different game design elements like this but still there isn't really many games that have the seamless approach to them and the transition ones always impress me).
With a bit of Ratchet Crack in Time ship travel (like the Mass Effect example) that I wished in Rift Apart they continued (not expecting No Man's Sky or Starfield scale at all but for a small galaxy would have been nice and character transitions sure can be loading screens it won't make a lot of sense otherwise) but nope safeness and dropping that and weaker rift elements then Crack in Time and not improving dynamic possibilities than heavily scripted ones two gen later. Can wish but not pushing the hardware is sad to see.
Spyro 2 made me go huh you have low and high res versions of the homeworlds, and the flag changes. In Crack in Time I went huh you have the 3 states of the planets (aftermath, in-progress battle or plant the seed and jump back through to let the time of the vines pass, and finally the fixed reality).
Rift Apart ha we have Blizar go back and forth with a crystal that changes back and forth I mean sure but why not push it further not something Portal did in the Orange Box and Portal 2 on PS3/360 platter hard drives not an SDD marketing team! Yes things run faster but who cares. Sure Portal's scale is much smaller than the entire transition but I mean Spyro had portals with loading screens sure but at the same time Crack in Time did in in 2009 on PS3 what's the big jump there isn't it's the same thing done on 2 planets maybe 3 in that game compared to Rift Apart's what 1 I think? Wow how impressive. Not saying they need to have the same amount or more it's just hilariously a bit of a consistency then really doing anything insanely new it's just the same approach again, sure faster, sure maybe different tech/tweaks and so on but the result is the same or similar so who really cares.
Forced loading screen rifts for the intro level (no different to wow the buildings breaking in Tools of Destruction's first level wow, or the Nefarious City boss fight wow it's forced to go to the Monk level 'specific' area you can't escape from because it's not 100% there anyway so who really cares it's not exciting it's lazy and nothing I haven't seen before many areas end in games.
You check any racing game with cut off roads to no where that just end behind a corner you can't see. It could be the same thing in any game with small scale levels, you have open worlds with barriers and a bunch of dev scaled platforms or props or whatever (see the video showing that stuff in Horizon Zero Dawn, not surprised devs have leftovers all the time encase they need to access them to test the player character heights, tree assets or certain other things.
Check the Ratchet museums to see that kind of behind the scenes stuff or cut content) and not the whole level because why would they need to show the whole level that's a waste of resources and I know they wouldn't do it so why do it it isn't exciting I see through the tricks. Is the area brief yes but it's also invisible walls to block your access to the rest and you can't see that far in the distance to what is there anyways.
Alternate area rifts for platforming challenges (almost the same as Vexx had but without the sundial). Hmmmmmmmm not impressed with less dynamic rift switching boss fight or anything more interesting to control the rifts like Portal then well just a crystal aka as basic as the portal generators on the walls or the portal gun rotating before you pick it up.
I discovered Cosmic Smash before the VR announcement. So I tried a bit of it and it's really good for a Squash/Breakout kind of game and I guess in a way somewhat a Rez like of closeness in artstyle then universe.
The music is excellent just like others I've come across with great electronic looping tracks whether Devil Dice, many PSP puzzle games (Practical Intelligence Quotient or Archer MacClean's Mercury Meltdown), sixth gen racing games usually from the Japanese (Auto Modellista by Capcom as an oddity, not heard much of Group S Challenge's OST, Driving Emotion Type S by Square (besides I assume Racing Lagoon probably having a good OST), R Racing/Ridge Racer) and of course Cosmic Smash is no exception.
The controls are awkward but I guess you can get used to them. They do feel like tennis but the ball just doesn't react in a way I think work with the controls as much. I know they have Virtua Tennis and such but I don't know how lose those were of releasing I mostly hear about it after Cosmic Smash.
Either way a VR revival/new game or whichever I haven't played it or watched footage (got the headset just not paying $40 for it). I hope it good but if it's too motion over using like Horizon and Star Wars then eh. I mean 1st/3rd person I don't know but I assume it will be maybe better than Wii Sports or maybe like Rockstar Table Tennis or Virtua Tennis but VR?
Which would make sense with the gyro actions and hitting the ball to the bricks with more flexibility with motion as of course sports games make sense with motion in the way we use our hands with the objects to play the sports at least for racket/bat based ones do then say running with a football depending on the position the character is or the holding/hand balling/kicking the ball (depends from those types).
Just as much as positioning a gun or bow just not overly getting gimmicky and 'realistic' (or climbing being not as fun especially if it makes up too much of it and the 'tenseness isn't there because it's tedious to do than caring about the scene but just playing the game to get it over with or mountains to climb because someone on the team just loves rock climbing, sigh, I can tell there is someone no those teams there likely is).
With reloading grips something no Wii game did thankfully because they weren't stupid back then like they are now with too much realistic focus and they don't work the gyro can't do it and controls too close is either hitting them together or bad tracking interference so devs need to stop doing it. So a racket/bad makes sense and slight direction changing of the ball trajectory I hope at least, that motion can off. They could have made the sticks work better but on Dreamcast yeah one stick and buttons of different serves made sense.
If it was on PS2 with the pressure sensitive buttons maybe and two analogue sticks to control the angle of the ball sure but nope never came to a dual stick controller at all and i don't mind right analogue stick dodging or attacks or picking up objects but it's mostly a camera these in 99% of games and only a handful still use the right stick the more experimental way or old God of War way (Knack did for example, with such a camera why not use it such a way if the level design is corridors/caverns).
Still glad to see it revived, it has a place for sure, even if like some says VR is where dead IPs go. Which for Space Channel 5 and others yeah not surprised. Then again with Hatsune Miku games not surprised Space Channel 5 didn't really stick around if Sega had the IP to use.
I do think they belong in a different game, that's what I think of the character design.
I guess some bodyguard for the Prince more so. But the design does look odd.
The game itself may be good I am interested. But I assume if Ubisoft knows how to do metroidvanias.
Insomniac's Song of the Deep was a fair attempt I noticed the AAA to it immediately but hey it was a good attempt and unlike Prince of Persia was generous in who it was targeted to with the dev's daughter and a genre they'd never attempted but cared about and a small Spyro size team and I can see that in it, not just following a trend like Ubisoft is taking with Prince of Persia the same way Ratchet tries to be the 'hip thing for kids' and we just go what are you talking about not as fans getting annoyed for the sake of appealing to a new audience but as people going what are you thinking and warning that it isn't a good angle to do so with the IP.
I think the past characters worked. I think appealing to the west is odd. They can but do they have to 'this' hard it's just awkward.
Like sure many don't think of Persian mythology/culture as much as greek, norso or others, but I'm enjoying Forgotten Sands on Wii (Prince and Zahra are great) and clearly many people supported Prince of Persia entries over the years.
Appeal to an audience is sometimes ok sometimes awkward.
Some people just don't do much research even though video game historians are not hard to find, or people actually doing research themselves and finding 'this is real, this isn't because it was unclear/never demonstrated what was accurate or not' among other things. Whether licensing out pong consoles or Mario Bros or whatever the case among other factors this stuff is not hard to find.
And checking more than 1 source or using AI because wow the internet offers that to look at many perspectives.
Also we are told in school to cite our sources, use academic ones and even I go well why wouldn't I clearly do that whether conversation or an essay/analysis make sure it makes sense. Some just make a quick article, don't fact check and some do so much research and I respect it not because it matches what I know but because it has actual references and actual quotes and really good points made that are their own on top of that or may be engaging to read with a little bit of extra to it even if could be filler was still fun to read.
But I mean if I can find documented things from the 50s of Scientists, 70s consoles, arcades and pong consoles/handhelds it's not hard to get this stuff, people document, video showcase and more these days even lost films so if people are too stupid to look for it when someone has likely covered it, yet to and more. If people can find obscure consoles from around the world, prototypes, cancelled, patents and more collectors and historians can be pretty ahead of most people and those giving good info that does make sense and 'did' happen or makes it clear 'we don't know but have theories so that it how we speculate'.
I mean the same happened with Wall Street Journal, when I know more about the docking options of Pocket PCs, PDAs, cables to handhelds like PSP 2000, Nomad, Neo Geo X you know this info is really easy to come by but they can't even do the research themselves as if the Switch is the only one yeah like ideas haven't been tried before journalists many companies try ideas, fail, give it more tech enhancements, marketing a different angle, a company people recognise more and so on.
They did a fair amount for the Japanese market Kemco's support at least.
Then again body pillows ah yeah it's strange but not that bad I'm fine with them being a thing just like figures of whichever size scale model or plushies.
I mean they aren't bed sheets but still it's the closest comparison where you have the favourite IP/character bed sheets and pillows, you could have a L/J pillow case (or use body pillows as if those instead so what's the difference then just the oh it could be used that way when maybe it isn't).
Besides what people do with them as players is up to them. In many cases it could be just to hang them up and display them not think further with it (or keep at as just that a collectible).
I get they wanted to be respected but at the same time if it was only the Japanese side (if west then yeah I can see why) does it matter it wasn't going to the other regions so why make a big deal out of it.
Other than what oh it's for otaku then others in Japan I guess to have values be seen as? If so sure but otherwise I don't think it's that bad and more a western freak out over cultural differences. Knowing enough about the anime culture/community it's clear but still.
I wonder how Xbox felt about Gal Gun 1 on 360 at the time a similar ehhhhhh do we allow this...... I assume. I mean they blocked Returns for Xbox One which was sad to see. It would have been nice but nope Steam/Switch it is only then a return on Xbox because they have to be respected platforms (it makes sense why and it was going to the west for the first time too but I mean it's also the more tame of the series then the later entries so it's even more sad) but I mean any anime artstyle games can get a bit eh at times of questionable or suitable (depends on the game and what it's going for) but I mean they support some not many on Xbox as it is but not surprised it was never going to happen these days in the western landscape and more older eras instead like with this body pillow.
Ah Croc the Yoshi game that was original got 2 console, 2 handheld, 2 mobile, and some mobile smartphone era games similar to in design but execution of 2D games not sure really they look more like ripoffs or unrelated then related.
I like Croc it had it's limits of the era but still fun even if basic compared to others but I can forgive that as they were doing some new at the time. It wasn't Bubsy rushed out the door (they tried but yeah their texture work and AI and more was just rushed). I'd rather play it than Mario 64 where I was bored stiff it may play better but then again I didn't like it at all in the mission design, the levels, the overhyped nostalgia of Mario 64 I had more fun playing Jumping Flash 1 (before Mario 64) or 40 Winks then I did Mario 64.
I love how people go 'oh the controls' yeah and how many played Tomb Raider, RE games and more with tank controls? Even Rascal it was due to the publisher winning not the developer. Imagine Rayman having tank controls it would have if the devs didn't fight for more flexible controls. Like they are fine they get around it with strafing (Rascal has no strafing so be happy Croc and some other games have strafing at the time) and other aspects and Croc 2 fixed them somewhat so I think people forget the era and that all 5th gen games had that experimental period and of course controls weren't standardised. I like them not being standardised do you know how boring current gen games are with controls too heavy of characters, they may play well but they are so boring and repetitive. But that's their fault for not having engaging other mechanics and just the same overplayed ones and focus on 'everything but the controls'. Not saying oh bring back tank controls I know how awkward they can be but eventually you do get used to them after you play a few games or a few hours with the games.
Play something like PN03 it's tank but automated aiming something we don't see at all anymore. Lost Planet has light gun aiming somewhat a PS3/360 era series and yet Namco did the first cover based shooter and Uncharted/Gears of War took from Killswitch.
Scaler, Space Station Silicon Valley, Chameleon Twist, 40 Winks, Ty, Vexx, Dr Muto, Whiplash, Pitfall Lost Expedition, Rocket Robot On Wheels and more my favourite old school games some played some got my eyes on.
Pretty nice of them. Still strange they are going. You can play the classics but this new one it's Marathon in name only (that's the vibe it gives off) and an extraction shooter/PVP shooter whatever the case is it like Quake Champions and other arena shooters maybe as it's PVP? Whatever that actually means.
Whether like Speed Racer, Pod Racing, that anime with the race I don't know the name of that's I assume a classic. There is so many similarities you could make beside WipEout's charm, lore between years of the futuristic sport even. WipEout or F Zero are easily able to have a story about a newcomer, a league, the different eras of racing.
Of course F Zero has more iconic characters you can make a story with and the GBA game has a story in it, GP Legend besides what an F Zero show I think? While the racing brands of each ship and how they feel is more the case in WipEout then actual characters unless somewhere in the lore I don't know about as I haven't looked.
Then again current WipEout entry is Rush the manager mobile game that's probably not as good as actual manager games or GT4-6 B-Spec even. I mean when is the next console entry that isn't 2048 or a collection of HD/Fury/2048. Even then I wasn't big on 2048 I have come around to it over time the more I played/played it on Vita then Omega Collection but still the structure and feel and events I preferred past games. I have yet to get to pre-Pure era games only played Pure/Pulse/HD/Fury/2048 and I know I'm missing out on the classic entries on PS1 and the PS2 ones.
Cool but if it's a dummy console or a shell of the close to retail design but not final it's not really worth much other than it's just unique purpose. Dummy consoles are nothing new for display purposes so an expensive dummy console is just stupid. XD
4 is my first. Saw it for $4-5 on Xbox One of all systems then a PS4 copy and I was really into it.
It surprised me the combat is a great blend. The cutscenes are fine but I get why people can be thrown off by them but I don't mind visual novels so it didn't bother me too much.
The skimishes and regular levels fill in enough unlike Utawarerumono having so long visual novel moments and very infrequent tactics and it can be annoying let alone only combat grinding when near a combat point (at least in Mask of Deception can't say for other entries as it's my first entry to that series too).
The levels having different obstacles is great and also a hindrance but it keeps them feeling different each time. I don't mind the tutorials for them if it's challenging me. It's up there with Disgaea as my favourite strategy/tactics RPGs as I'm new to the genre somewhat with a few series and one offs but still glad I got into them.
Each character you really want to keep alive like Pikmin like Fire Emblem you want to try as best you can. XD
A very interesting game for sure once when I'd watched a video on Crusader of Centy.
Even playing Crystal Warriors (even as a primitive tactics game that even the water tiles mean nothing and you can walk on them then well walk in and take damage or avoid them at all which surprised me so clearly a remake would do) the Game Gear exclusive on digitally on 3DS from the eshop I am having fun with that so far.
Surprised Sega hasn't done anything with them though. I know they have other RPGs but still I think these do a good enough job and would be great for some remasters. Centy I don't think has been in re-released of Genesis/Mega Drive collections has it?
Then Killswitch (Namco's US studio I think) did cover based shooting in 2003 and 24 the game/Gears/Uncharted and more from then on followed that design.
or Max Payne with it's slow motion also with others trying to do their attempts with Wet, Strangehold, Vanquish.
There is something about old school shooters listed above that just feels great to play and look and act different and the transition for the 2000s of modern ones in their direction like Halos, the others I mentioned above. With some like PN03 getting left behind as a what if of aiming while still using tank controls somewhat but the auto aim/combo abilities, Lost Planet having that still old school aim feel of a light gun aiming.
Licenses always make things difficult unfortunately. I can see why some developers try to get the license themselves and some do have those rights others don't. Then again you have PS3/360 era like co-op games continued on with It Takes Two and A Way Out (I think those games are great and it's nice to see co-op games come back and modernised, fill in a space again but EA will fund that, and help with Koei Tecmo for Wild Hearts but not this.
Granted it's an IP with very infrequent releases the Alice series, it's I know more than just edgy/mature Alice and Wonderland I know it has more going on even if I haven't played or researched them enough but yeah EA clearly are being a bit particular here and I get that it may not sell well but I mean they support the co-op games niche and the Monster Hunter style games niche with Wild Hearts but not this.......
Do I think a mature game of it's type has a place yes yes I do. I mean some mature Indie platformers exist and probably have their own sizeable audience like Conker does but some publishers find the risk too much and I get that but still it does seem odd what risks they will take and which they won't to be safe).
Then again their singleplayer games stance is what it is, Titanfall/Jedi Fallen Order by Respawn prove things but Respawn is more trustworthy then EA) It's why it's annoying, publishers won't fund something until they see a need and also just let it sit there. With only the legacy games there or forgotten. So veteran devs make their own Indie studios and a similar IP themselves or go their own way. Yooka Laylee like Banjo, the many Bioshock like games of Atomic Heart and Judes, the Bloodstained games like Castlevania, Azure Gunvolt like Megaman and many more.
Once I picked up the PGR 1-4 games I just wanted to keep playing them I'm glad I picked them up as I missed out on them. Love 2 & 3 the best (yeah 4 isn't really my thing it gives me Forza 3 & 4 vibes and while 3 & 4 are good I don't like the campaign structure or look it just isn't my thing. I enjoyed the challenges or other structures more).
I've looked at MSR and it's good but that PGR1 refinement is nice still. A good game for Dreamcast though just like Sega GT in their own way of doing things.
I picked up The Club yesterday and oh it's a Bizzare Creations game for sure and while taking me a bit to get into I love the shooter/combo focus it's so unique and fun.
Geometry Wars on DS is a bit awkward for controls and trying to get scores but it's campaign is fine enough and the iterations in PGR 2-4 are nice to just put the game in for, explore the garages that are still cool to this day to look walk around.
I love the PGR 2 dealership to walk around to each of the car categories and look at them or buy them. No one does that anymore it's all just menus these days and even that GT7 cutscene is just sad when in PGR2 I can actually go there no cutscene that amounts to nothing. Got to love old design where devs would do impressive things.
But while yeah walking menus aren't necessary open worlds are just that walking missions/shops and more but it's more reasonable space to walk around in PGR2 and do things I hate large scale with eh things and eh 5 minutes to this and that.
Lucid may be have some devs, same with Playground but it's not the same their efforts are fine but they don't appeal to me as much (no care for Forza Horizon at all).
Even Destruction Allstars gave me Blur vibes besides a Twisted Metal but Fortnite like design artstyle and aethestics (got to appeal to kids which companies seem to struggle doing) and a vehicular combat live service is not appealing in the slightest especially to a audience with no interest in vehicular combat at all and the aesthetic wasn't going to convince people at all.
What were they thinking or what was Sony thinking with that and it's just a really disappointing product.
I didn't play it but even from the outside it looked like a really not well thought out idea to appeal to an audience they are targeting with no interest anyway and even to vehicular combat fans likely would have liked it be better designed with other focus in mind of aesthetics even if the get out of the car and level designs seemed pretty good honestly. The attitude and audience appealing was the problem with it.
Forza Horizon is fine but even besides the competition it feels safe with 5 and I don't like open worlds of it's sorts (Gravity Rush/Sunset Overdrive I do like) so eh.
Mine works fine. I gave up on online due to the issues with the games not being fixed and I'm not an online person but still. Got no issues using my Wii U for Wii/Wii U games or others whenever I feel in the mood every few days/weeks.
I use it every so often but never have issues. Sure the hard drive power issue is a thing but otherwise it works also fine too once I get it in the right position. The Gamepad does get flat not sitting on the dock but eh it's minor.
Always taken the term from a gameplay (more menu based especially then transitioned depending on the market/audience), theme and characterisation standpoint. Real Time and Turn Based or Tactics or Strategy RPG are fine but also a mouthful/a lot to type and sometimes abbreviations are hard to read.
I hate the term character action game, it's long and vague. Hack n slashes I know come from Diablo isometric type games supposedly but I call them action RPGs instead, and more so HnS games your DMC and such instead and put Beat Em Ups different from their differences.
People still get what you mean though based on where it comes from and the type of things people usually experienced if comparing to other games or the era they came out in especially for turn based/menus heavy focus in JRPGs.
Nowadays while it differs a lot with various combat systems in JRPGs these days or saying the Job system in FF games versus whatever else in another game with a DMC or a uniquely different turn based combat system like say Eternal Sonata or Conception (both completely different design and goals) even some descriptors are easier to tell/explain, hardly was it ever westerners being discriminatory on the internet because people overseas misunderstand the original intentions.
Besides that well some terms/words stick and others don't, many words go out of fashion or gain more and more meanings over time it depends.
They have their differences and while Japan has their real time ones like western or even in hack n slash/character action game ways I'd say they are different but less so these days.
I mean they were solely turn based, more focus on menus, party members were always a focus than an individual, visual novel like story moments (or textboxes for characters to speak even) among other details being more common in the past and western RPGs had their different gameplay, goals and so on.
They are both roleplaying in different ways, not one is more better or more RPG like than another they offered differences that justified the term that way I think.
I think taking offense to it is stupid. Of course it's 'RPGs' to them it's in their country but what RPGs are of a norm to them in game design is what it is also. For us in the rest of the world is different. Anime is animation to them but the rest of the world uses Anime as Japanese or Asian animation because it's easier we use words from their country (besides it's an easier word to say in conversation too like many shortened words over the years) to make it clear what it is, most people already know what it means when said and we say cartoons is that an issue too?
Their way of having European fantasy worlds in their RPGs is different than the rest of the world (as far as I know anyway) it's easy to see what differences and elements they understood about such fantasy worlds from books and movies and how they put it into games compared to how WRPGs are and focus on such elements in games.
I've never taken it from a 'oh this is from the US and this is from Japan'. Couldn't care less. Never taken it as an offensive or racist term ever but if they did then sure without understanding why people used the term not to just discriminate which if people do why, what reason is there to other than social nonsense and misunderstanding.
I mean CRPGs are computer RPGs they aren't Cztech RPGs or Chile RPGs and don't care if there is no EU or otherwise RPGs because to me the gameplay differences that 'genres' have purpose for such definition is more important than stupid social complaining people can have about what a JRPG or WRPG are then it's intended meaning and that the games were different and the line has blurred differently over time in game design that Japanese devs see a need to to appeal to markets or experiment.
This thing was pretty cool but the execution was limited in what it can do in Tetris 64 from what I remember.
Still it's the Wii Vitality Sensor's predecessor/sibling/ancestor I guess but before it on N64. Which as this released the Wii one didn't it's something to behold for sure. Imagine if it got RE2 64 support or other horror game support.
From Portal to Prey 2006 [will have to look up Superliminal and other games] (from what I've heard/researched never played it on wikis and seen of video reviews of the game) to Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time having there own form of portals even if not the same as the Portal Gun from Portal and the transparency effect too or teleporting in the same way of the same area but strict areas of a alternate type (at least in Crack in Time that's the goal of them it seems like what Spyro did back in the day of not the gates to level part but the alternate home world changes like the villain and good guys flags change and there is 2 homeworlds, 1 higher in the sky whether for the flags like change, item placement or lower res due to level of detail I'm not sure which it's purpose serves) it's still interesting to see different studios use portals in different ways, besides guessing how they were used even if I don't know for sure.
While Rift Apart wants to say 'SSD needed to do this' a HDD on PS3 or otherwise proves these devs of many studios wanted to do certain portal/rift like loading and such on hard drives in the 2000s and it 'wasn't a gimmick' like Rift Apart's strict use it was flexible in Portal to use the portal gun on walls besides the rules of the game of course, but as even Hogwarts Legacy makes the tents/animal zoo part of the game instant of new areas (better than Rift Apart's use of the console) but I wonder has it will do on older consoles releases.
Japan prides on mascots for things and otherwise while Alex Kidd is fine it's not the most amazing thing out there of distinct enough so I'm not surprised they changed for Sonic over the years even if Alex Kidd is still around from time to time and has a place.
Sonic hits the right balance that I don't even have to question it. Sure the dialogue and somethings can be what it is over the years in the games but still I can see the appeal of cool for a kid audience regardless of how very particular Sonic looks with spiky hair as a hedgehog and how the games play and the animations showing some attitude.
Kirby having angry eyebrows is determined I can see that and is just a pink sphere but also while being pretty cute looks like he is ready to take on what awaits him while also being happy in other regions box arts.
To me though how is a cool looking character design like Sonic not going to fly? He looks cool, acts cool in game due to the smartly designed animations, it has the attitude and just enough there to a character to be suitable to kids while having some edge to it it isn't American over the top which I bet would be ridiculously stupid and not really work.
Many US/EU characters of the 90s I think did well but I think if Sega of America came up with something themselves it wouldn't fly as well even besides their experience.
Some of their decisions not getting past I do think were unfortunate but ones like this I think they weren't right about and it shows as Sonic is recognisable and appealing in just the right ways.
Sega of Japan may be particular about things back in the 90s but I don't think the US branch judging Sonic really didn't think very far ahead either.
Think how to market him in the right ways and they did, it's not some typical animal it's a hedgehog with interesting spike designs, what moves he could pull off that's interesting for level design and marketing, it's not a bear or a scorpion, chameleon (either of these two would be cool) or a spider or some other kind of creepy or too cute kind of creatures or further in a certain direction type character it's a good blend of edge and cute that works well.
As far as Hyperkin's NES/SNES handhelds (never used but seen in videos) they seem ok for what they are.
A Dreamcast 2 would be awesome. The thing is though appeal and hardware jump since the original. For a niche audience for sure like the Playdate or Evercade a different type of experience not going for big graphics leaps. If it were to (and like Slightly Mad claims of a console that means nothing at all) I don't know if one makes sense. Other than niche devices like the two mentioned above I don't know what to think as graphics and ideas need to be really convincing for people to care and it's a lot of work. Then again sixth gen had experimental titles and these days we get pretty standard experiences that follow a formula so times have changed and games may be bland and boring if they were to make it line up with today's standards of games.
Games of sixth were awesome but I even question if graphics of that sort whether by Indies or a console is enough for people. I don't mind 480i/p graphics but many Indies stick to Saturn/N64/PS1 at least either because of their capabilities/skills compared to a sixth gen graphics reach, the market/audience appeal hasn't reached even if many are buying up their sixth gen console favourites or ones they never played before or just if it's even worth it.
Otherwise I question if dual screen phones have enough appeal for games or stay as productivity devices or dead because no one cares about the gimmick. I'm all for the flexible screens and multiple screens but most people don't care. Give them a camera or whatever else not actual interesting tech directions with screens and other features. It's why I don't see the Switch 2 being a dual screen either. Or being much of anything. I don't know for AR or a mic or whatever other crazy ideas but if the president/research and development have ideas willing to go through by all means it's just I don't know where they go from here or if they want to continue the idea/go back to older ones now with more power and marketing/execution behind it when some in the audience get how it works most people don't.
The Dreamcast while a great console (never used but the library, the VMU being one of the first dual screen console ideas besides just a memory card/minigame device) is still unique for it's time and I care about the VMU more than I do the modem and early online compared to the SNES/Genesis online with phone lines that isn't dial up/broadband and even then more so a Japan thing for the SNES with the online methods for people to play BSZelda and so on. But like the Wii U or DS/3DS no one cares for dual screens enough for it to be worth it other than a niche audience and otherwise the Dreamcast is cool but doesn't have much behind it in brand name other than with a niche audience of Sega fans and the odd people like me that have never used a Sega console but see the appeal in the system and other older consoles. I may have had a PS2 but it doesn't mean I don't want to look for a Dreamcast or GameCube as never used them or played them. Sure got a GameCube controller for my Wii and a single GameCube game but it isn't the same thing of course.
The Wii U/DS/3DS made it clear no one cares for dual screens enough and otherwise what differences will the console have about it to stand out? I mean the Switch is good but to me the only interesting parts are the Joycons detach, and split-screen on a handheld. Pocket PCs/Tablets with a dock/PDAs and even the Nomad, PSP/PSP Go showcased docks or cables to a monitor or TV so who really cares it. It continues that idea and I'm all for it for a games console but otherwise the Gameboy on the SNES, GB to GBA on the GameCube prior and no DS output like the PSP had sure Nintendo did get it much but still handheld on t5he TV was still a thing for many people in some form.
Same with Wii U/Vita/PSP the remote play or Off TV play features. I don't know if many use their phones more for PS/Xbox remote play but to me I use my Vita because why not. Besides Cloud and if people care for that are buying the Android Cloud handhelds that I expect to appear and die fairly after because people use touch or the controller grips than a full handheld because they can switch from phone to gaming phone whenever they want and take the grips off.
How many would care for a memory card on the go? I mean the 360 had memory cards most people didn't use them with the hard drive installed and optional installs compared to required for all games these days. I prefer Nintendo not having forced installs while with PS3/360 I am happy I can choose to for some games and hate the data installs for some games.
RIP. Well it works good for what it is, it may be the games, it may be I don't know how to use the settings well enough besides my phone spec but it's a great emulator and many people are just idiots. By all means they can do whatever they want, they are giving up their time at the end of the day to make the emulator and if it's too much due to nonsensical people that's fair they have more time for more important things now in their schedule.
NGage and the Xperia Play both interesting hybrid devices. Honestly having a controller with Bluetooth or attachments sucks, both were great ideas but either too early or not appealing enough to people or 'too weird looking' for people (it looks like any other 2000s smartphone/fold out keyboard phone but people are weird regardless of crazy ideas or being too behind or too copy cat or whatever at least it's more interesting than most smartphones or TVs being bland and honestly so confusing that beside the company name/logo I'd never be able to tell who made it).
Can understand why they didn't support it as much, though they could have ported GT PSP or others over but yeah emulators makes sense why people wouldn't bother. I would assume PS1 was cool but if people outside of gaming saw it they'd be like 'what is this it doesn't look capable for the phone' as well. I do still question why some people even would care for gaming on a phone unless it's simple and touch then physical controls though, sure we gamers do get it but the average person wanting 5 minutes or using their thumb for something to do (or listen to music) why bother I guess in their minds even if the more involving games exist on mobile or Remote Play which I swear how many people even use that on a phone compared to companies offering it because they want to push the technology? I care about it but barley use it unless I really feel like it. Otherwise I do think the lack of PS logos on the device is interesting. Sega thought so with the Dreamcast (but did include it of course but they did think about not) but surprised by some companies that don't or have another instead. I can see why with the Sony Ericsson name as something but it's just interesting to think if the name besides support mattered.
With dual screen phones I hope Wii U/DS/3DS style gaming can continue then just 'we only see productivity as the use for this device' which sure the Kinetic benefited for in the medical space and that's understandable given the technology/use cases but I think dual screens have a lot going on and people with their heads not thinking outside the box are also the problem in some cases why we can't have nice things. You can run a Word doc on anything so who really cares.
I mean the PSP like controls, the emulators/earlier Android support is likely pretty good, sure the ribbon cable for the slide out controls is a bit awkward over time but still. I mean I am surprised by the competition part of the article. I guess it would have besides the Vita having PS Mobile for a bit, we never got the Panasonic Jungle as the MMO handheld or could have been Logitech G Cloud of the 2010s I think. So anything could have happened for mobile, online portable and the other two many handhelds competing just 2 from Sony that is. I don't see it being that much a competition like the Wii U/3DS sharing games so why buy a Wii U (I like the Wii U but still won't deny price point of games to choose from).
No matter what the case of price, lack of games/support on the phone or gaming side, advertising lacking (even though the videos show how spot on to market this thing, I like it and I see it being straight forward. I don't care for lifestyle advertising at all but it's still really good just maybe not frequent or too strange for people) or unknown (I don't know enough about the history of the Xperia Play but do enough the NGage) at least they existed then not to show 'what could be done' than still speculating the possibilities of what it would be like to have a gaming phone hybrid.
Then again Sony's phone marketshare is so small of a market but they make the cameras so the phones live on for a niche audience but not the PS side wanting success of a big scale not a small scale like the Vita being niche or this phone going whatever way.
With all the rumours and it finally happening glad they add it and those features. It's no Ridge Racer 7 a HD Ridge Racer but still the second PSP entry is great as a remix of content and well handled even if no bundle of the games ever came it's good enough even for a PSP title (physical on UMD). It's the first entry I got into the series with besides Type 4 via the PS Classic.
We have some of the Indies similar to Outrun and a few Outrun entries that appear here and there I assume, you get your Cruis'n Blast as a return for the Cruis'n series but otherwise yeah I'm all for a fictional cars arcade racer or even building your own cars like Sega GT or Supercar Street Challenge or just being like a manufacturer or something in Apex (not played to know for sure beside descriptions) but I mean I don't need reality or licenses to care about a racing game.
So many old racing games with great ideas (like trying out Tokyo Extreme Racer Drift 2 and the amount of cool ideas on offer there or little details in it). While GT3 had flags/heat and these days the backgrounds are lifeless or boring realistic unappealing tracks that don't even feel like the name or feel it represents anymore. Besides if needing a non-licensed cars racer there was always options and they were still good regardless of that not being the focus.
If Redout, Fast Racing series and more by third parties and Indies or other companies can fill in futuristc arcade racers where WipEout Rush is the state of WipEout, F Zero is elements put into Mario Kart and killed off among whatever others over the years at least we have old entries or some alternative options.
Making claims even when it's clear by the cutscenes or themes (when possibly didn't even play it really) and ignoring the rating's board because of course got to have that messaging or wasn't aware enough that it exists doesn't work well without enough research which they clearly didn't do review or otherwise. Sigh. For a general magazine than gaming focused regardless of region it's a bit much.
I get Sony USA not wanting to have such image/PR it's understandable for the type of game it is. Whatever the case for Sony Europe or individual regions.
It gave me Ultra Despair Girls vibes just not in the same direction (kids seeing adults a certain way and other themes, I haven't seen enough footage of the game and others always heard about it because it was a collector's item). The ideas are creepy but interesting for a horror game.
Interesting stuff. But still it's the game series with so much charm but the worst marketing, even for being Skip's biggest series and something they still can't sell and people still don't know exists. Almost like Earthbound of worst times to release too (besides Mother 2) but still.
Nintendo may have seen the appeal in the character and games but the marketing sucked and that's why only people that really care stand to help Chibi Robo while Nintendo and Skip kept failing to help them sell even if it's Toy Story or Bugs Life or otherwise like and Grounded or others never had issues being heard about.
Too late in the GameCube's life in 2006, either of the DS ones were fairly alright I guess, 1 DS one in the US at Walmart while not sure about other regions how they made it available or marketed it. Wii port of the GameCube game could have had better controls or a point n click mode for the New Play Control version but it never released outside Japan so that kind of was a good and bad thing because of how awkwardly they handled it control wise. Makes me wonder if Luigi's Mansion did appear on Wii if it would have been awkward for vacuum control but for 3D as GameCube was going to have 3D even if late at least it released. Photo Finder is fine but not really that appealing to many people and Zip Lash is a fair platformer but too bland in level design (even though I got stuck on the early parts of the second world because of it's awkward 1 to 5 platforms but eventually skipped it and moved on in the game besides it's awkward design in other areas) and artstyle. A fine game but yeah like many played an hour gave up and continued to give up on it or kept going to get it over with (I pressed on and was happy to get through it but not for collectables, and the mech fight was cool).
The series is great but they just didn't put effort into making it sell.
Comments 130
Re: The Making Of: Noctis, The 'No Man's Sky' Forerunner Whose Creator Retreated From The World
From Noctis to Haven Call of the King's endgame ship journey of going to planets to find particular points on the planets to Star Wars Battlefront 3's space/ground transitions (being a loading screen on Elite Squadron) to No Man's Sky and Starfield.
It's been interesting looking at games get more and more focus on certain aspects in space travel. Of course you had Mass Effect with the ship and the ground but it was still a loading screen and two separate parts of the game to play as the ship, and as your character it isn't the same thing (not a bad thing I don't mind different game design elements like this but still there isn't really many games that have the seamless approach to them and the transition ones always impress me).
With a bit of Ratchet Crack in Time ship travel (like the Mass Effect example) that I wished in Rift Apart they continued (not expecting No Man's Sky or Starfield scale at all but for a small galaxy would have been nice and character transitions sure can be loading screens it won't make a lot of sense otherwise) but nope safeness and dropping that and weaker rift elements then Crack in Time and not improving dynamic possibilities than heavily scripted ones two gen later. Can wish but not pushing the hardware is sad to see.
Spyro 2 made me go huh you have low and high res versions of the homeworlds, and the flag changes. In Crack in Time I went huh you have the 3 states of the planets (aftermath, in-progress battle or plant the seed and jump back through to let the time of the vines pass, and finally the fixed reality).
Rift Apart ha we have Blizar go back and forth with a crystal that changes back and forth I mean sure but why not push it further not something Portal did in the Orange Box and Portal 2 on PS3/360 platter hard drives not an SDD marketing team! Yes things run faster but who cares. Sure Portal's scale is much smaller than the entire transition but I mean Spyro had portals with loading screens sure but at the same time Crack in Time did in in 2009 on PS3 what's the big jump there isn't it's the same thing done on 2 planets maybe 3 in that game compared to Rift Apart's what 1 I think? Wow how impressive. Not saying they need to have the same amount or more it's just hilariously a bit of a consistency then really doing anything insanely new it's just the same approach again, sure faster, sure maybe different tech/tweaks and so on but the result is the same or similar so who really cares.
Forced loading screen rifts for the intro level (no different to wow the buildings breaking in Tools of Destruction's first level wow, or the Nefarious City boss fight wow it's forced to go to the Monk level 'specific' area you can't escape from because it's not 100% there anyway so who really cares it's not exciting it's lazy and nothing I haven't seen before many areas end in games.
You check any racing game with cut off roads to no where that just end behind a corner you can't see. It could be the same thing in any game with small scale levels, you have open worlds with barriers and a bunch of dev scaled platforms or props or whatever (see the video showing that stuff in Horizon Zero Dawn, not surprised devs have leftovers all the time encase they need to access them to test the player character heights, tree assets or certain other things.
Check the Ratchet museums to see that kind of behind the scenes stuff or cut content) and not the whole level because why would they need to show the whole level that's a waste of resources and I know they wouldn't do it so why do it it isn't exciting I see through the tricks. Is the area brief yes but it's also invisible walls to block your access to the rest and you can't see that far in the distance to what is there anyways.
Alternate area rifts for platforming challenges (almost the same as Vexx had but without the sundial). Hmmmmmmmm not impressed with less dynamic rift switching boss fight or anything more interesting to control the rifts like Portal then well just a crystal aka as basic as the portal generators on the walls or the portal gun rotating before you pick it up.
Re: The Making Of: Cosmic Smash And C-Smash VRS - Reviving Sega's Cult Classic
I discovered Cosmic Smash before the VR announcement. So I tried a bit of it and it's really good for a Squash/Breakout kind of game and I guess in a way somewhat a Rez like of closeness in artstyle then universe.
The music is excellent just like others I've come across with great electronic looping tracks whether Devil Dice, many PSP puzzle games (Practical Intelligence Quotient or Archer MacClean's Mercury Meltdown), sixth gen racing games usually from the Japanese (Auto Modellista by Capcom as an oddity, not heard much of Group S Challenge's OST, Driving Emotion Type S by Square (besides I assume Racing Lagoon probably having a good OST), R Racing/Ridge Racer) and of course Cosmic Smash is no exception.
The controls are awkward but I guess you can get used to them. They do feel like tennis but the ball just doesn't react in a way I think work with the controls as much. I know they have Virtua Tennis and such but I don't know how lose those were of releasing I mostly hear about it after Cosmic Smash.
Either way a VR revival/new game or whichever I haven't played it or watched footage (got the headset just not paying $40 for it). I hope it good but if it's too motion over using like Horizon and Star Wars then eh. I mean 1st/3rd person I don't know but I assume it will be maybe better than Wii Sports or maybe like Rockstar Table Tennis or Virtua Tennis but VR?
Which would make sense with the gyro actions and hitting the ball to the bricks with more flexibility with motion as of course sports games make sense with motion in the way we use our hands with the objects to play the sports at least for racket/bat based ones do then say running with a football depending on the position the character is or the holding/hand balling/kicking the ball (depends from those types).
Just as much as positioning a gun or bow just not overly getting gimmicky and 'realistic' (or climbing being not as fun especially if it makes up too much of it and the 'tenseness isn't there because it's tedious to do than caring about the scene but just playing the game to get it over with or mountains to climb because someone on the team just loves rock climbing, sigh, I can tell there is someone no those teams there likely is).
With reloading grips something no Wii game did thankfully because they weren't stupid back then like they are now with too much realistic focus and they don't work the gyro can't do it and controls too close is either hitting them together or bad tracking interference so devs need to stop doing it. So a racket/bad makes sense and slight direction changing of the ball trajectory I hope at least, that motion can off. They could have made the sticks work better but on Dreamcast yeah one stick and buttons of different serves made sense.
If it was on PS2 with the pressure sensitive buttons maybe and two analogue sticks to control the angle of the ball sure but nope never came to a dual stick controller at all and i don't mind right analogue stick dodging or attacks or picking up objects but it's mostly a camera these in 99% of games and only a handful still use the right stick the more experimental way or old God of War way (Knack did for example, with such a camera why not use it such a way if the level design is corridors/caverns).
Still glad to see it revived, it has a place for sure, even if like some says VR is where dead IPs go. Which for Space Channel 5 and others yeah not surprised. Then again with Hatsune Miku games not surprised Space Channel 5 didn't really stick around if Sega had the IP to use.
Re: Yu Suzuki's Space Harrier-Successor 'Air Twister' May Be Coming To PS5
Looks good. Always cool to see things like this happen.
Re: Prince Of Persia Creator Addresses 'Lost Crown' Controversy Surrounding In The Best Way
I do think they belong in a different game, that's what I think of the character design.
I guess some bodyguard for the Prince more so. But the design does look odd.
The game itself may be good I am interested. But I assume if Ubisoft knows how to do metroidvanias.
Insomniac's Song of the Deep was a fair attempt I noticed the AAA to it immediately but hey it was a good attempt and unlike Prince of Persia was generous in who it was targeted to with the dev's daughter and a genre they'd never attempted but cared about and a small Spyro size team and I can see that in it, not just following a trend like Ubisoft is taking with Prince of Persia the same way Ratchet tries to be the 'hip thing for kids' and we just go what are you talking about not as fans getting annoyed for the sake of appealing to a new audience but as people going what are you thinking and warning that it isn't a good angle to do so with the IP.
I think the past characters worked. I think appealing to the west is odd. They can but do they have to 'this' hard it's just awkward.
Like sure many don't think of Persian mythology/culture as much as greek, norso or others, but I'm enjoying Forgotten Sands on Wii (Prince and Zahra are great) and clearly many people supported Prince of Persia entries over the years.
Appeal to an audience is sometimes ok sometimes awkward.
Re: Random: French Journalist Reinvents History By Claiming Nintendo Made The World's First Games Console
Some people just don't do much research even though video game historians are not hard to find, or people actually doing research themselves and finding 'this is real, this isn't because it was unclear/never demonstrated what was accurate or not' among other things. Whether licensing out pong consoles or Mario Bros or whatever the case among other factors this stuff is not hard to find.
And checking more than 1 source or using AI because wow the internet offers that to look at many perspectives.
Also we are told in school to cite our sources, use academic ones and even I go well why wouldn't I clearly do that whether conversation or an essay/analysis make sure it makes sense. Some just make a quick article, don't fact check and some do so much research and I respect it not because it matches what I know but because it has actual references and actual quotes and really good points made that are their own on top of that or may be engaging to read with a little bit of extra to it even if could be filler was still fun to read.
But I mean if I can find documented things from the 50s of Scientists, 70s consoles, arcades and pong consoles/handhelds it's not hard to get this stuff, people document, video showcase and more these days even lost films so if people are too stupid to look for it when someone has likely covered it, yet to and more. If people can find obscure consoles from around the world, prototypes, cancelled, patents and more collectors and historians can be pretty ahead of most people and those giving good info that does make sense and 'did' happen or makes it clear 'we don't know but have theories so that it how we speculate'.
I mean the same happened with Wall Street Journal, when I know more about the docking options of Pocket PCs, PDAs, cables to handhelds like PSP 2000, Nomad, Neo Geo X you know this info is really easy to come by but they can't even do the research themselves as if the Switch is the only one yeah like ideas haven't been tried before journalists many companies try ideas, fail, give it more tech enhancements, marketing a different angle, a company people recognise more and so on.
Re: Flashback: How A Dead Or Alive 'Love Pillow' Gave Xbox A PR Headache
They did a fair amount for the Japanese market Kemco's support at least.
Then again body pillows ah yeah it's strange but not that bad I'm fine with them being a thing just like figures of whichever size scale model or plushies.
I mean they aren't bed sheets but still it's the closest comparison where you have the favourite IP/character bed sheets and pillows, you could have a L/J pillow case (or use body pillows as if those instead so what's the difference then just the oh it could be used that way when maybe it isn't).
Besides what people do with them as players is up to them. In many cases it could be just to hang them up and display them not think further with it (or keep at as just that a collectible).
I get they wanted to be respected but at the same time if it was only the Japanese side (if west then yeah I can see why) does it matter it wasn't going to the other regions so why make a big deal out of it.
Other than what oh it's for otaku then others in Japan I guess to have values be seen as? If so sure but otherwise I don't think it's that bad and more a western freak out over cultural differences. Knowing enough about the anime culture/community it's clear but still.
I wonder how Xbox felt about Gal Gun 1 on 360 at the time a similar ehhhhhh do we allow this...... I assume. I mean they blocked Returns for Xbox One which was sad to see. It would have been nice but nope Steam/Switch it is only then a return on Xbox because they have to be respected platforms (it makes sense why and it was going to the west for the first time too but I mean it's also the more tame of the series then the later entries so it's even more sad) but I mean any anime artstyle games can get a bit eh at times of questionable or suitable (depends on the game and what it's going for) but I mean they support some not many on Xbox as it is but not surprised it was never going to happen these days in the western landscape and more older eras instead like with this body pillow.
Re: The Making Of: Croc, 3D Platforming's Unsung Hero
Ah Croc the Yoshi game that was original got 2 console, 2 handheld, 2 mobile, and some mobile smartphone era games similar to in design but execution of 2D games not sure really they look more like ripoffs or unrelated then related.
I like Croc it had it's limits of the era but still fun even if basic compared to others but I can forgive that as they were doing some new at the time. It wasn't Bubsy rushed out the door (they tried but yeah their texture work and AI and more was just rushed). I'd rather play it than Mario 64 where I was bored stiff it may play better but then again I didn't like it at all in the mission design, the levels, the overhyped nostalgia of Mario 64 I had more fun playing Jumping Flash 1 (before Mario 64) or 40 Winks then I did Mario 64.
I love how people go 'oh the controls' yeah and how many played Tomb Raider, RE games and more with tank controls? Even Rascal it was due to the publisher winning not the developer. Imagine Rayman having tank controls it would have if the devs didn't fight for more flexible controls. Like they are fine they get around it with strafing (Rascal has no strafing so be happy Croc and some other games have strafing at the time) and other aspects and Croc 2 fixed them somewhat so I think people forget the era and that all 5th gen games had that experimental period and of course controls weren't standardised. I like them not being standardised do you know how boring current gen games are with controls too heavy of characters, they may play well but they are so boring and repetitive. But that's their fault for not having engaging other mechanics and just the same overplayed ones and focus on 'everything but the controls'. Not saying oh bring back tank controls I know how awkward they can be but eventually you do get used to them after you play a few games or a few hours with the games.
Play something like PN03 it's tank but automated aiming something we don't see at all anymore. Lost Planet has light gun aiming somewhat a PS3/360 era series and yet Namco did the first cover based shooter and Uncharted/Gears of War took from Killswitch.
Scaler, Space Station Silicon Valley, Chameleon Twist, 40 Winks, Ty, Vexx, Dr Muto, Whiplash, Pitfall Lost Expedition, Rocket Robot On Wheels and more my favourite old school games some played some got my eyes on.
Re: As A Heads-Up, You Can Grab The Marathon Trilogy Online Now For Free
Pretty nice of them. Still strange they are going. You can play the classics but this new one it's Marathon in name only (that's the vibe it gives off) and an extraction shooter/PVP shooter whatever the case is it like Quake Champions and other arena shooters maybe as it's PVP? Whatever that actually means.
Re: Random: Gran Turismo Director Gets Hopes Up About WipEout Movie
Whether like Speed Racer, Pod Racing, that anime with the race I don't know the name of that's I assume a classic. There is so many similarities you could make beside WipEout's charm, lore between years of the futuristic sport even. WipEout or F Zero are easily able to have a story about a newcomer, a league, the different eras of racing.
Of course F Zero has more iconic characters you can make a story with and the GBA game has a story in it, GP Legend besides what an F Zero show I think? While the racing brands of each ship and how they feel is more the case in WipEout then actual characters unless somewhere in the lore I don't know about as I haven't looked.
Then again current WipEout entry is Rush the manager mobile game that's probably not as good as actual manager games or GT4-6 B-Spec even. I mean when is the next console entry that isn't 2048 or a collection of HD/Fury/2048. Even then I wasn't big on 2048 I have come around to it over time the more I played/played it on Vita then Omega Collection but still the structure and feel and events I preferred past games. I have yet to get to pre-Pure era games only played Pure/Pulse/HD/Fury/2048 and I know I'm missing out on the classic entries on PS1 and the PS2 ones.
Re: MediEvil Designer Is Selling His Entire Archive Of Design Docs For The Game
Hopefully it goes to a gaming museum/history foundation of sorts instead. It would be well respected and kept there.
Or channels do facts coverage on it.
Either way when in such situations it's understandable. He could sell other things but yeah if they take up space/no use for them not surprised.
Re: Latest Gran Turismo Movie Trailer Doesn't Forget Its Roots
Well GT7 seems to not in other areas.
If it has the 'beginner to pro' sure it's got that to it. It's what I'd heard the movie was about. Which is fair enough.
Re: Insanely Rare Nintendo GameCube Found 23 Years After SpaceWorld Unveiling
Cool but if it's a dummy console or a shell of the close to retail design but not final it's not really worth much other than it's just unique purpose. Dummy consoles are nothing new for display purposes so an expensive dummy console is just stupid. XD
Re: The Making Of: Soleil / Crusader Of Centy, Sega's Answer To Zelda
@Diogmites Ah good to know.
Re: Anniversary: Valkyria Chronicles Is 15 Today, And Remains The Apex Of Sega's Series
4 is my first. Saw it for $4-5 on Xbox One of all systems then a PS4 copy and I was really into it.
It surprised me the combat is a great blend. The cutscenes are fine but I get why people can be thrown off by them but I don't mind visual novels so it didn't bother me too much.
The skimishes and regular levels fill in enough unlike Utawarerumono having so long visual novel moments and very infrequent tactics and it can be annoying let alone only combat grinding when near a combat point (at least in Mask of Deception can't say for other entries as it's my first entry to that series too).
The levels having different obstacles is great and also a hindrance but it keeps them feeling different each time. I don't mind the tutorials for them if it's challenging me. It's up there with Disgaea as my favourite strategy/tactics RPGs as I'm new to the genre somewhat with a few series and one offs but still glad I got into them.
Each character you really want to keep alive like Pikmin like Fire Emblem you want to try as best you can. XD
Re: The Making Of: Soleil / Crusader Of Centy, Sega's Answer To Zelda
A very interesting game for sure once when I'd watched a video on Crusader of Centy.
Even playing Crystal Warriors (even as a primitive tactics game that even the water tiles mean nothing and you can walk on them then well walk in and take damage or avoid them at all which surprised me so clearly a remake would do) the Game Gear exclusive on digitally on 3DS from the eshop I am having fun with that so far.
Surprised Sega hasn't done anything with them though. I know they have other RPGs but still I think these do a good enough job and would be great for some remasters. Centy I don't think has been in re-released of Genesis/Mega Drive collections has it?
Re: Playdate Sells 53,000+ Units, More Than Double Panic's Expectations
Good on them. It's a cool product for an audience that's doing really amazing things with it. It has a niche place but it still has a place.
Sold more than the Gizmondo though at 25000 or so I think, onto the Tapwave Zodiac and NGage I guess next.
Re: Best FPS Games - Classic First-Person Shooters That Shaped The Genre
Then Killswitch (Namco's US studio I think) did cover based shooting in 2003 and 24 the game/Gears/Uncharted and more from then on followed that design.
or Max Payne with it's slow motion also with others trying to do their attempts with Wet, Strangehold, Vanquish.
There is something about old school shooters listed above that just feels great to play and look and act different and the transition for the 2000s of modern ones in their direction like Halos, the others I mentioned above. With some like PN03 getting left behind as a what if of aiming while still using tank controls somewhat but the auto aim/combo abilities, Lost Planet having that still old school aim feel of a light gun aiming.
Re: We're Not Getting A Third 'Alice' Game From American McGee
Licenses always make things difficult unfortunately. I can see why some developers try to get the license themselves and some do have those rights others don't. Then again you have PS3/360 era like co-op games continued on with It Takes Two and A Way Out (I think those games are great and it's nice to see co-op games come back and modernised, fill in a space again but EA will fund that, and help with Koei Tecmo for Wild Hearts but not this.
Granted it's an IP with very infrequent releases the Alice series, it's I know more than just edgy/mature Alice and Wonderland I know it has more going on even if I haven't played or researched them enough but yeah EA clearly are being a bit particular here and I get that it may not sell well but I mean they support the co-op games niche and the Monster Hunter style games niche with Wild Hearts but not this.......
Do I think a mature game of it's type has a place yes yes I do. I mean some mature Indie platformers exist and probably have their own sizeable audience like Conker does but some publishers find the risk too much and I get that but still it does seem odd what risks they will take and which they won't to be safe).
Then again their singleplayer games stance is what it is, Titanfall/Jedi Fallen Order by Respawn prove things but Respawn is more trustworthy then EA) It's why it's annoying, publishers won't fund something until they see a need and also just let it sit there. With only the legacy games there or forgotten. So veteran devs make their own Indie studios and a similar IP themselves or go their own way. Yooka Laylee like Banjo, the many Bioshock like games of Atomic Heart and Judes, the Bloodstained games like Castlevania, Azure Gunvolt like Megaman and many more.
Re: The Making Of: Metropolis Street Racer, The Origin Of The Project Gotham Series
Once I picked up the PGR 1-4 games I just wanted to keep playing them I'm glad I picked them up as I missed out on them. Love 2 & 3 the best (yeah 4 isn't really my thing it gives me Forza 3 & 4 vibes and while 3 & 4 are good I don't like the campaign structure or look it just isn't my thing. I enjoyed the challenges or other structures more).
I've looked at MSR and it's good but that PGR1 refinement is nice still. A good game for Dreamcast though just like Sega GT in their own way of doing things.
I picked up The Club yesterday and oh it's a Bizzare Creations game for sure and while taking me a bit to get into I love the shooter/combo focus it's so unique and fun.
Geometry Wars on DS is a bit awkward for controls and trying to get scores but it's campaign is fine enough and the iterations in PGR 2-4 are nice to just put the game in for, explore the garages that are still cool to this day to look walk around.
I love the PGR 2 dealership to walk around to each of the car categories and look at them or buy them. No one does that anymore it's all just menus these days and even that GT7 cutscene is just sad when in PGR2 I can actually go there no cutscene that amounts to nothing. Got to love old design where devs would do impressive things.
But while yeah walking menus aren't necessary open worlds are just that walking missions/shops and more but it's more reasonable space to walk around in PGR2 and do things I hate large scale with eh things and eh 5 minutes to this and that.
Lucid may be have some devs, same with Playground but it's not the same their efforts are fine but they don't appeal to me as much (no care for Forza Horizon at all).
Even Destruction Allstars gave me Blur vibes besides a Twisted Metal but Fortnite like design artstyle and aethestics (got to appeal to kids which companies seem to struggle doing) and a vehicular combat live service is not appealing in the slightest especially to a audience with no interest in vehicular combat at all and the aesthetic wasn't going to convince people at all.
What were they thinking or what was Sony thinking with that and it's just a really disappointing product.
I didn't play it but even from the outside it looked like a really not well thought out idea to appeal to an audience they are targeting with no interest anyway and even to vehicular combat fans likely would have liked it be better designed with other focus in mind of aesthetics even if the get out of the car and level designs seemed pretty good honestly. The attitude and audience appealing was the problem with it.
Forza Horizon is fine but even besides the competition it feels safe with 5 and I don't like open worlds of it's sorts (Gravity Rush/Sunset Overdrive I do like) so eh.
Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead
Mine works fine. I gave up on online due to the issues with the games not being fixed and I'm not an online person but still. Got no issues using my Wii U for Wii/Wii U games or others whenever I feel in the mood every few days/weeks.
I use it every so often but never have issues. Sure the hard drive power issue is a thing but otherwise it works also fine too once I get it in the right position. The Gamepad does get flat not sitting on the dock but eh it's minor.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
Always taken the term from a gameplay (more menu based especially then transitioned depending on the market/audience), theme and characterisation standpoint. Real Time and Turn Based or Tactics or Strategy RPG are fine but also a mouthful/a lot to type and sometimes abbreviations are hard to read.
I hate the term character action game, it's long and vague. Hack n slashes I know come from Diablo isometric type games supposedly but I call them action RPGs instead, and more so HnS games your DMC and such instead and put Beat Em Ups different from their differences.
People still get what you mean though based on where it comes from and the type of things people usually experienced if comparing to other games or the era they came out in especially for turn based/menus heavy focus in JRPGs.
Nowadays while it differs a lot with various combat systems in JRPGs these days or saying the Job system in FF games versus whatever else in another game with a DMC or a uniquely different turn based combat system like say Eternal Sonata or Conception (both completely different design and goals) even some descriptors are easier to tell/explain, hardly was it ever westerners being discriminatory on the internet because people overseas misunderstand the original intentions.
Besides that well some terms/words stick and others don't, many words go out of fashion or gain more and more meanings over time it depends.
They have their differences and while Japan has their real time ones like western or even in hack n slash/character action game ways I'd say they are different but less so these days.
I mean they were solely turn based, more focus on menus, party members were always a focus than an individual, visual novel like story moments (or textboxes for characters to speak even) among other details being more common in the past and western RPGs had their different gameplay, goals and so on.
They are both roleplaying in different ways, not one is more better or more RPG like than another they offered differences that justified the term that way I think.
I think taking offense to it is stupid. Of course it's 'RPGs' to them it's in their country but what RPGs are of a norm to them in game design is what it is also. For us in the rest of the world is different. Anime is animation to them but the rest of the world uses Anime as Japanese or Asian animation because it's easier we use words from their country (besides it's an easier word to say in conversation too like many shortened words over the years) to make it clear what it is, most people already know what it means when said and we say cartoons is that an issue too?
Their way of having European fantasy worlds in their RPGs is different than the rest of the world (as far as I know anyway) it's easy to see what differences and elements they understood about such fantasy worlds from books and movies and how they put it into games compared to how WRPGs are and focus on such elements in games.
I've never taken it from a 'oh this is from the US and this is from Japan'. Couldn't care less. Never taken it as an offensive or racist term ever but if they did then sure without understanding why people used the term not to just discriminate which if people do why, what reason is there to other than social nonsense and misunderstanding.
I mean CRPGs are computer RPGs they aren't Cztech RPGs or Chile RPGs and don't care if there is no EU or otherwise RPGs because to me the gameplay differences that 'genres' have purpose for such definition is more important than stupid social complaining people can have about what a JRPG or WRPG are then it's intended meaning and that the games were different and the line has blurred differently over time in game design that Japanese devs see a need to to appeal to markets or experiment.
Re: Fancy Playing Tetris With Your Pulse? Say Hello To The Nintendo 64 Bio Sensor
This thing was pretty cool but the execution was limited in what it can do in Tetris 64 from what I remember.
Still it's the Wii Vitality Sensor's predecessor/sibling/ancestor I guess but before it on N64. Which as this released the Wii one didn't it's something to behold for sure. Imagine if it got RE2 64 support or other horror game support.
Re: Flashback: Revealing The Secrets Of 'The Room', Lionhead's Answer To Portal
From Portal to Prey 2006 [will have to look up Superliminal and other games] (from what I've heard/researched never played it on wikis and seen of video reviews of the game) to Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time having there own form of portals even if not the same as the Portal Gun from Portal and the transparency effect too or teleporting in the same way of the same area but strict areas of a alternate type (at least in Crack in Time that's the goal of them it seems like what Spyro did back in the day of not the gates to level part but the alternate home world changes like the villain and good guys flags change and there is 2 homeworlds, 1 higher in the sky whether for the flags like change, item placement or lower res due to level of detail I'm not sure which it's purpose serves) it's still interesting to see different studios use portals in different ways, besides guessing how they were used even if I don't know for sure.
While Rift Apart wants to say 'SSD needed to do this' a HDD on PS3 or otherwise proves these devs of many studios wanted to do certain portal/rift like loading and such on hard drives in the 2000s and it 'wasn't a gimmick' like Rift Apart's strict use it was flexible in Portal to use the portal gun on walls besides the rules of the game of course, but as even Hogwarts Legacy makes the tents/animal zoo part of the game instant of new areas (better than Rift Apart's use of the console) but I wonder has it will do on older consoles releases.
Re: Sega Of America Thought Sonic Was "Unsalvageable" As A Character
Always got to laugh at things like this.
Japan prides on mascots for things and otherwise while Alex Kidd is fine it's not the most amazing thing out there of distinct enough so I'm not surprised they changed for Sonic over the years even if Alex Kidd is still around from time to time and has a place.
Sonic hits the right balance that I don't even have to question it. Sure the dialogue and somethings can be what it is over the years in the games but still I can see the appeal of cool for a kid audience regardless of how very particular Sonic looks with spiky hair as a hedgehog and how the games play and the animations showing some attitude.
Kirby having angry eyebrows is determined I can see that and is just a pink sphere but also while being pretty cute looks like he is ready to take on what awaits him while also being happy in other regions box arts.
To me though how is a cool looking character design like Sonic not going to fly? He looks cool, acts cool in game due to the smartly designed animations, it has the attitude and just enough there to a character to be suitable to kids while having some edge to it it isn't American over the top which I bet would be ridiculously stupid and not really work.
Many US/EU characters of the 90s I think did well but I think if Sega of America came up with something themselves it wouldn't fly as well even besides their experience.
Some of their decisions not getting past I do think were unfortunate but ones like this I think they weren't right about and it shows as Sonic is recognisable and appealing in just the right ways.
Sega of Japan may be particular about things back in the 90s but I don't think the US branch judging Sonic really didn't think very far ahead either.
Think how to market him in the right ways and they did, it's not some typical animal it's a hedgehog with interesting spike designs, what moves he could pull off that's interesting for level design and marketing, it's not a bear or a scorpion, chameleon (either of these two would be cool) or a spider or some other kind of creepy or too cute kind of creatures or further in a certain direction type character it's a good blend of edge and cute that works well.
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
As far as Hyperkin's NES/SNES handhelds (never used but seen in videos) they seem ok for what they are.
A Dreamcast 2 would be awesome. The thing is though appeal and hardware jump since the original. For a niche audience for sure like the Playdate or Evercade a different type of experience not going for big graphics leaps. If it were to (and like Slightly Mad claims of a console that means nothing at all) I don't know if one makes sense. Other than niche devices like the two mentioned above I don't know what to think as graphics and ideas need to be really convincing for people to care and it's a lot of work. Then again sixth gen had experimental titles and these days we get pretty standard experiences that follow a formula so times have changed and games may be bland and boring if they were to make it line up with today's standards of games.
Games of sixth were awesome but I even question if graphics of that sort whether by Indies or a console is enough for people. I don't mind 480i/p graphics but many Indies stick to Saturn/N64/PS1 at least either because of their capabilities/skills compared to a sixth gen graphics reach, the market/audience appeal hasn't reached even if many are buying up their sixth gen console favourites or ones they never played before or just if it's even worth it.
Otherwise I question if dual screen phones have enough appeal for games or stay as productivity devices or dead because no one cares about the gimmick. I'm all for the flexible screens and multiple screens but most people don't care. Give them a camera or whatever else not actual interesting tech directions with screens and other features. It's why I don't see the Switch 2 being a dual screen either. Or being much of anything. I don't know for AR or a mic or whatever other crazy ideas but if the president/research and development have ideas willing to go through by all means it's just I don't know where they go from here or if they want to continue the idea/go back to older ones now with more power and marketing/execution behind it when some in the audience get how it works most people don't.
The Dreamcast while a great console (never used but the library, the VMU being one of the first dual screen console ideas besides just a memory card/minigame device) is still unique for it's time and I care about the VMU more than I do the modem and early online compared to the SNES/Genesis online with phone lines that isn't dial up/broadband and even then more so a Japan thing for the SNES with the online methods for people to play BSZelda and so on. But like the Wii U or DS/3DS no one cares for dual screens enough for it to be worth it other than a niche audience and otherwise the Dreamcast is cool but doesn't have much behind it in brand name other than with a niche audience of Sega fans and the odd people like me that have never used a Sega console but see the appeal in the system and other older consoles. I may have had a PS2 but it doesn't mean I don't want to look for a Dreamcast or GameCube as never used them or played them. Sure got a GameCube controller for my Wii and a single GameCube game but it isn't the same thing of course.
The Wii U/DS/3DS made it clear no one cares for dual screens enough and otherwise what differences will the console have about it to stand out? I mean the Switch is good but to me the only interesting parts are the Joycons detach, and split-screen on a handheld. Pocket PCs/Tablets with a dock/PDAs and even the Nomad, PSP/PSP Go showcased docks or cables to a monitor or TV so who really cares it. It continues that idea and I'm all for it for a games console but otherwise the Gameboy on the SNES, GB to GBA on the GameCube prior and no DS output like the PSP had sure Nintendo did get it much but still handheld on t5he TV was still a thing for many people in some form.
Same with Wii U/Vita/PSP the remote play or Off TV play features. I don't know if many use their phones more for PS/Xbox remote play but to me I use my Vita because why not. Besides Cloud and if people care for that are buying the Android Cloud handhelds that I expect to appear and die fairly after because people use touch or the controller grips than a full handheld because they can switch from phone to gaming phone whenever they want and take the grips off.
How many would care for a memory card on the go? I mean the 360 had memory cards most people didn't use them with the hard drive installed and optional installs compared to required for all games these days. I prefer Nintendo not having forced installs while with PS3/360 I am happy I can choose to for some games and hate the data installs for some games.
Re: 'Death Threats' Force Development On Android PlayStation 2 Emulator To End
RIP. Well it works good for what it is, it may be the games, it may be I don't know how to use the settings well enough besides my phone spec but it's a great emulator and many people are just idiots. By all means they can do whatever they want, they are giving up their time at the end of the day to make the emulator and if it's too much due to nonsensical people that's fair they have more time for more important things now in their schedule.
Re: The Tragic Tale Of The 'PlayStation Phone' That Should Have Changed Everything
NGage and the Xperia Play both interesting hybrid devices. Honestly having a controller with Bluetooth or attachments sucks, both were great ideas but either too early or not appealing enough to people or 'too weird looking' for people (it looks like any other 2000s smartphone/fold out keyboard phone but people are weird regardless of crazy ideas or being too behind or too copy cat or whatever at least it's more interesting than most smartphones or TVs being bland and honestly so confusing that beside the company name/logo I'd never be able to tell who made it).
Can understand why they didn't support it as much, though they could have ported GT PSP or others over but yeah emulators makes sense why people wouldn't bother. I would assume PS1 was cool but if people outside of gaming saw it they'd be like 'what is this it doesn't look capable for the phone' as well. I do still question why some people even would care for gaming on a phone unless it's simple and touch then physical controls though, sure we gamers do get it but the average person wanting 5 minutes or using their thumb for something to do (or listen to music) why bother I guess in their minds even if the more involving games exist on mobile or Remote Play which I swear how many people even use that on a phone compared to companies offering it because they want to push the technology? I care about it but barley use it unless I really feel like it. Otherwise I do think the lack of PS logos on the device is interesting. Sega thought so with the Dreamcast (but did include it of course but they did think about not) but surprised by some companies that don't or have another instead. I can see why with the Sony Ericsson name as something but it's just interesting to think if the name besides support mattered.
With dual screen phones I hope Wii U/DS/3DS style gaming can continue then just 'we only see productivity as the use for this device' which sure the Kinetic benefited for in the medical space and that's understandable given the technology/use cases but I think dual screens have a lot going on and people with their heads not thinking outside the box are also the problem in some cases why we can't have nice things. You can run a Word doc on anything so who really cares.
I mean the PSP like controls, the emulators/earlier Android support is likely pretty good, sure the ribbon cable for the slide out controls is a bit awkward over time but still. I mean I am surprised by the competition part of the article. I guess it would have besides the Vita having PS Mobile for a bit, we never got the Panasonic Jungle as the MMO handheld or could have been Logitech G Cloud of the 2010s I think. So anything could have happened for mobile, online portable and the other two many handhelds competing just 2 from Sony that is. I don't see it being that much a competition like the Wii U/3DS sharing games so why buy a Wii U (I like the Wii U but still won't deny price point of games to choose from).
No matter what the case of price, lack of games/support on the phone or gaming side, advertising lacking (even though the videos show how spot on to market this thing, I like it and I see it being straight forward. I don't care for lifestyle advertising at all but it's still really good just maybe not frequent or too strange for people) or unknown (I don't know enough about the history of the Xperia Play but do enough the NGage) at least they existed then not to show 'what could be done' than still speculating the possibilities of what it would be like to have a gaming phone hybrid.
Then again Sony's phone marketshare is so small of a market but they make the cameras so the phones live on for a niche audience but not the PS side wanting success of a big scale not a small scale like the Vita being niche or this phone going whatever way.
Re: Ridge Racer HD? PlayStation Plus Premium Has The Next Best Thing
With all the rumours and it finally happening glad they add it and those features. It's no Ridge Racer 7 a HD Ridge Racer but still the second PSP entry is great as a remix of content and well handled even if no bundle of the games ever came it's good enough even for a PSP title (physical on UMD). It's the first entry I got into the series with besides Type 4 via the PS Classic.
We have some of the Indies similar to Outrun and a few Outrun entries that appear here and there I assume, you get your Cruis'n Blast as a return for the Cruis'n series but otherwise yeah I'm all for a fictional cars arcade racer or even building your own cars like Sega GT or Supercar Street Challenge or just being like a manufacturer or something in Apex (not played to know for sure beside descriptions) but I mean I don't need reality or licenses to care about a racing game.
So many old racing games with great ideas (like trying out Tokyo Extreme Racer Drift 2 and the amount of cool ideas on offer there or little details in it). While GT3 had flags/heat and these days the backgrounds are lifeless or boring realistic unappealing tracks that don't even feel like the name or feel it represents anymore. Besides if needing a non-licensed cars racer there was always options and they were still good regardless of that not being the focus.
If Redout, Fast Racing series and more by third parties and Indies or other companies can fill in futuristc arcade racers where WipEout Rush is the state of WipEout, F Zero is elements put into Mario Kart and killed off among whatever others over the years at least we have old entries or some alternative options.
Re: How A Plagiarised Review Turned 'Rule Of Rose' Into A PS2 "Video Game Nasty"
Making claims even when it's clear by the cutscenes or themes (when possibly didn't even play it really) and ignoring the rating's board because of course got to have that messaging or wasn't aware enough that it exists doesn't work well without enough research which they clearly didn't do review or otherwise. Sigh. For a general magazine than gaming focused regardless of region it's a bit much.
I get Sony USA not wanting to have such image/PR it's understandable for the type of game it is. Whatever the case for Sony Europe or individual regions.
It gave me Ultra Despair Girls vibes just not in the same direction (kids seeing adults a certain way and other themes, I haven't seen enough footage of the game and others always heard about it because it was a collector's item). The ideas are creepy but interesting for a horror game.
Re: The Making Of: Chibi-Robo - How Miyamoto Saved A Cult Hit From The Scrapheap
Interesting stuff. But still it's the game series with so much charm but the worst marketing, even for being Skip's biggest series and something they still can't sell and people still don't know exists. Almost like Earthbound of worst times to release too (besides Mother 2) but still.
Nintendo may have seen the appeal in the character and games but the marketing sucked and that's why only people that really care stand to help Chibi Robo while Nintendo and Skip kept failing to help them sell even if it's Toy Story or Bugs Life or otherwise like and Grounded or others never had issues being heard about.
Too late in the GameCube's life in 2006, either of the DS ones were fairly alright I guess, 1 DS one in the US at Walmart while not sure about other regions how they made it available or marketed it. Wii port of the GameCube game could have had better controls or a point n click mode for the New Play Control version but it never released outside Japan so that kind of was a good and bad thing because of how awkwardly they handled it control wise. Makes me wonder if Luigi's Mansion did appear on Wii if it would have been awkward for vacuum control but for 3D as GameCube was going to have 3D even if late at least it released. Photo Finder is fine but not really that appealing to many people and Zip Lash is a fair platformer but too bland in level design (even though I got stuck on the early parts of the second world because of it's awkward 1 to 5 platforms but eventually skipped it and moved on in the game besides it's awkward design in other areas) and artstyle. A fine game but yeah like many played an hour gave up and continued to give up on it or kept going to get it over with (I pressed on and was happy to get through it but not for collectables, and the mech fight was cool).
The series is great but they just didn't put effort into making it sell.