Comments 102

Re: Activision Might Have "Lost" A Bunch Of Amazing Transformers Video Games


Transformers Devastation can be bought on disc secondhand (as well as TMNT:MiM) for Xbox One, I have it installed on my Series X right now.

I'd love to see the other TF games mentioned get released though! Not sure how likely it would be with MS putting the brakes on their BC programme :/

Edit: looks like Dark Spark is available secondhand too:

Re: Random: The GameCube's Lid Holds A Secret, But Did You Know About It?


I feel like the removal GC lid disc and the eject button that literally says "Press Here" on it were pretty common knowledge at the time. Certainly the eject thing, I feel like I'd be scared the disc would snap if I didn't press it!

One thing I saw recently that surprised me that I knew at the time but toootally forgot in the interim was that the Wii remote had memory that save data could be transferred to. It was supported by very few games and you could also store Miis on it

Re: Everything Revealed At The Evercade Showcase Vol. 1


Woah, had very little interest in the evercade before but that Duke Nukem system looks very cool and including both collections makes it a very maybe buy for me at that price!

But I don't know much about the evercade to be honest. Does it support 3rd party controllers that have analog sticks? And is there full button mapping available for such controllers like mapping buttons to stick movements?

I can't remember how the PS1 dukes controlled but I feel like this would be a useful feature anyway. I remember remapping Medal of Honour PS1 to dual analog (even if it wasn't true analog) in Retroarch and it just felt so much more familiar for me to be able to play.

Also, what resolution does the Evercade VS output at? Are the games displayed at original resolution or are they upscaled for TV or downscaled for the handheld at all?

Re: Random: Video Of Man Trading Rare Retro Items For Zelda: TotK Switch Goes Viral


Stuff is only worth what people are willing to pay. If those eBay listings are still up then nobody has bought them yet.

If this is legit then I don't blame this gentleman for trading in his goods. Sometimes it's less risk and effort than heading to eBay.

Even still, I probably would have tried eBay first 😅

The Switch probably will appreciate in value by a hundred quid or so I imagine, even used if well taken care of. I suspect the other items are more volatile and will go up and down over time.

Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles


I really wanted a CoreGrafx Mini and I was waiting for a decent-ish price drop.

Amazon UK had at least 30 in stock around Xmas 2022 but not long after, they just pulled all of them suddenly so they are no longer available.

Unless someone literally just spent 3 grand and bought them all up!

Re: Review: Retro-Bit LegacyGC - Perfect For Game Boy-Loving GameCube Fans


Wow that's awesome. Will almost definitely pick one (or two) of these up. Having said that, if only one then which colour? Awesome purple or black to match my GameCube?

I know a few super gameboy titles supported local 2 player when played on the SNES. Was there any similar functionality for any games on the GCN's game boy player? I am just wondering if I can justify buying 2 of these 😅

The added ability to switch the d-pad to be used as an analog stick sounds super useful as well. Just for getting through certain menus and stuff even if the bulk of the game could be just as easily played with a d pad.

Is there any build quality issues with this pad? I know retro bit had hiccups with the d-pads on their Saturn controllers a while back

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Mark III


Very nice write up. It's an interesting piece of tech!

I have a few of the MyCard games (had no idea they were called MyCards!) But I only have a Master System II which doesn't play them.

Luckily I have the Master System Converter for the Mega Drive (doesn't fit the Mega Drive II 😅) so I can actually play these MyCards

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


Another thing that's important is ease of access. I believe streaming is successful (in Britain at least where the market is less saturated than the US) because it's fairly cheap and easy to use. If it becomes either too expensive or too hard to use then piracy is the go to option.

Paramount+ in the UK is the perfect example of this, the app is rubbish, there wasn't a console app when I bought a month of it. All in all it was a ball ache to use and my experience of it led me to decide that I would just pirate the content in future and watch it how I want to. Unless of course they release it on blu ray.

Disney+ on the other hand offers superb value imo, the app is well made and on lots of platforms. I'm happy to pay the yearly fee for it despite having pirate copies and official blu rays of some the content because it's easy to use and fairly inexpensive.

Likewise, if a collection of games comes out and it doesn't break the bank, you can play it in glorious 4K on a massive TV and have a nice physical copy sitting on your shelf. Well who wouldn't pay for that kind of experience?

Value, ease of access and quality all have to be better than what piracy offers in my opinion. Forget the ethics of swindling conglomerate "IP holders" (though I do very much sympathise with smaller companies and one person developers and will support them with purchases if I want their game or want them to make more games in future)

Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?


I'm in the middle but it's not just a bit of both. It's all of both 😅

I have the no Intro collections downloaded so I basically have access to every single cartridge based game as well as other reasonable sized full sets of disc based consoles.

But.... I also have the majority of the big name classic consoles. I love, love, love collections of games on modern consoles. TMNT, SNK, Mega Drive, sonic mega collection, Street fighter collection, neo Geo pocket selection, samurai showdown collection etc etc.

I buy all these collections if they offer good value even though I could just play the pirate versions.

I'm a bit of a funny one like that. I like to have the stuff on my shelf but I also like to have the pirate stuff digitally.

Ultimately, I play the game in whatever format will give me the experience I want. An example of this was Uncharted Golden Abyss. I own it, I own a vita and I own a pstv. I wanted to play it on the big screen though but the pstv doesn't support this particular game so I hacked the pstv, I downloaded the game and I played it like that even though I already owned the game and the original console to play it on.

I don't buy games and collections because I feel indebted to "IP holders", I buy them because I like the physical product. But it's nice to also have the pirate versions as back ups or to dip my toes into a series without having the huge financial outlay and not actually liking what I've bought

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


I wish this was a Pick 4 vote!

SNES pad is a classic and great for everything 2D

PS1 is a SNES pad with handles so also great for everything 2D

GameCube is probably the most comfortable controller I ever had only let down by it's stiff mini d pad

The DS4 is very comfortable controller

The XBOne and Series controllers are both very comfortable, the loud clicky buttons are annoying though

The Wii mote was a "revolution" pardon the pun. Splitting the pads was an amazing idea and I love holding my hands comfortably to play.

The Joy Cons take this a step further but are way less comfortable than the Wii and nunchuck.

To summarise, my perfect controller would be a split pad with all the buttons, sticks, rumble, gyro etc in a one handed form factor somewhere between the Wii mote and joy cons. I'd say have GameCube or Series handles on them but I think the buttons would make it top heavy so the handles would have to be unique to a split controller.

Re: The Making Of: Grand Theft Auto, The Start Of The 370-Million-Selling GTA Franchise


Interesting, I had no idea about this back story. My preference for what I think are the best games in the series makes a little bit more sense now...

I always thought I just preferred the originals because I had a GameCube instead of a PS2 at release so I missed out on the zeitgeist of GTAIII, vice city and San Andreas. I played a bit of 4 and 5 but I didn't love them.

In fact the only post-GTA2 game from Rockstar that I thought was really good was Red Dead Redemption

But this adds a little more context for my love of GTA, GTA London and GTA2!

Re: How Fighting Games Led To One of NBA Street's Best Features


I remember my mate coming round my house in secondary school and choosing NBA Street Vol 2 on the GameCube to play. I asked him if he'd ever played it before and he said no.

Then he proceeded to whoop me for an hour. I asked if he was sure he never played it before. He said he had definitely never played it before.

The next week, I went round his house and what did I see on his shelf? NBA Street Vol. 2

Re: Feature: My 15 Minutes Of GamesMaster Fame: How Did I Get It So Wrong?


@dantootill this was a brilliant read and kudos to you for braving the playground banter.

Whether the criticisms were rooted in truth or not, the only reason they were repeated with aplomb is because the other kids were jealous or bored.

I remember being on both sides of it as a kid and my painful self awareness as an adult leaves me laughing at how obvious it should have been at the time even though I couldn't see through my timid teenage brain fog!

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


@BloodNinja haha I think the emulator was the least shameful part of my admission 😂

If you like the 2D MGs (and clearly you don't mind them being non-canon) then check out MGS (Ghost Babel in the US) for Game Boy Color if you haven't already! I played that around the same time I played Snakes Revenge on the GameCube/Gameboy player combo and it was awesome. I think it was the second best 2D MG game after MG2:SS

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


@BloodNinja hey, it's actually a decent game! (With some adjustments at least 😅) I played it for the first time a couple years ago.

I will admit that I used an emulator, a guide, game genie codes and I was up to my earholes in save states but I damn well beat it and I actually really enjoyed it!

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


Not sure I agree with the ranking of this list but at least MG2:SS has made it in to the top 10!

The only games I've yet to play are Metal Gear Mobile (need to get around to sorting out that n-Gage 2.0 emulator!), MGS Touch (I have an iPhone 3GS I still need to hack), Ac!d and Ac!d 2

I also haven't played Social Ops but I'm not majorly fussed about playing that. If you are gonna include Social Ops then you should probably include the various iterations of Metal Gear Online. I know they were included with the mainline games but they sort of exist in that murky water separation that GTA online does with GTA V

Not sure if Portable Ops Plus should get its own entry because is not an expanded version of Portable Ops but its own game akin to MGS:VR Missions. Also Metal Gear Database for PS3 (very useful for filling in the gaps even if some of the info has since been retconned) and MGS: Digital Graphic Novel for PSP (I'll forgive the lack of the MGS2 Graphic Novel as it only got a blu ray release on the PS3 Legendary collection 😜)

Re: Poll: Did You Know That GoldenEye Had A Dual-Analogue Control Option On N64?


My goodness! I will be digging out the N64 soon to try this out! I had no idea this an ep1 racer had twin controller support. I'm sure there were a few Wii games that used (or at least planned to use) two Wii remotes instead of Wii remote and nunchuck but I can't think of what specifically.

Any other games able to use two n74 controllers for one player?

Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity


@samuelvictor great stuff, cheers for the advice. Unfortunately I'm at the age now where I can't work for free a lot, though I'd be happy to on some things if the job/people were good. Also I'm a union man through and through (even though I'm not part of a union lol) so I'd hate to be taking jobs from people just because I'm willing to do it for free. It's a problem in my main occupation which is IT, you can have all the experience, knowledge and common sense in the world but if somebody will do the job for half the price and scrape by with average or no feedback then your up the creek.

I do know what you mean though, I'm just not really in the circles to get offered that type of stuff. I have a mate who makes movies not too far from where I am but by the time I get the low down on it I am usually booked on a long string of paid work.

Maybe when I come out of my hidey hole in a post covid world, I might start looking into it more. I'm always on the look out for opportunities but typically, at least pre covid, I was always just always busy and knackered from the job I do, or DIY or some other activity. I'm sure I got another 30-50 years in me so hopefully something comes in in the not too distant (but still post-vaccine) future!

Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity


@samuelvictor that's great stuff, you've certainly been busy! I sort of started around 2011 with the likes of war horse, Captain America and Jack the giant slayer. I've done a load of stuff since (some films and TV I am very visible in like Kingsman, EastEnders and the Benedict cumberbatch brexit film).

I'd have loved to get more into acting and voice acting but I never really found an "in" so to speak. SA work is great, especially if you're working with a good bunch or it's a project you're really interested in. Normally for me that's superhero stuff, EastEnders and projects where im a fan of the cast/crew involved but it's very demoralising when you are bottom rung and on countless projects (not everything by a long shot) just treated like children because of a few bad apples that "leak stuff"

I was going to say i'd love to know about the superhero film you're working on but I suspect you are sworn to secrecy on it (based on my own experience with superhero film) though it seems youve been quite candid about it in another post!

Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity


@samuelvictor that's brilliant, sounds about right! I watched a VGH video on it a while back. It does sometimes amaze me how these British companies (one based in Surrey, no less!) are known worldwide. I mainly like their micro machines be fair.

I just clicked on the IMDb link on you're profile. I do SA work sometimes, I haven't worked on anything listed there but I'm sure it's not everything, I wonder if we've worked on the same thing before 🤔