Comments 163

Re: Best PS1 RPGs Of All Time


We definitely got shafted in the UK for RPGs until the PS1 era — and even then many of the games in this list never made it to this side of the pond.

Re: This Windjammers Port For Sega Mega Drive Looks Ridiculously Good


@samuelvictor Fascinating and thorough — nice one!

I'm not sure where I read this, but when the Mega Drive was first conceived, weren't Sega originally going to essentially use the same tech as the arcade boards that were being used at the time for games like Afterburner, Golden Axe and Out Run, thus creating an arcade perfect, super-scaler console? But apparently the manufacturing costs would have had each console coming out at something like £300 a pop, so they chose to strip them down in order to save money? We got a near-perfect arcade experience, but ever so slightly out of reach...

I'm not saying I would have been able to convince my parents to shell out three big ones on a console at the time, but it would have been quite impressive!

Re: This Windjammers Port For Sega Mega Drive Looks Ridiculously Good


@samuelvictor I was always curious about scaling on the Mega Drive — I was under the impression that the SNES could handle sprite scaling, but it wasn't until relatively recently that I realised that it was only the background layer (hence why the boss screens on Super Mario World had a black background).

Would developers essentially have to manually draw a new, unique frame for each layer of zoom? Despite its slightly choppy frame rate, I remember Road Rash having some incredibly smooth scaling (on top of the undulating road), which I found very impressive for the time.

Re: PixelFX Working On HDMI Mod For PlayStation 2


@UK_Kev I've got a little pigeonhole-style shelf unit with all my retro consoles and a 32-inch TV on top — which I feel is a good size, and not so big as to make pre-HD era games look like poop. Also it's got a component-out, which makes Wii/GC games look super crisp

Re: Anniversary: Sega's Altered Beast Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary Today


I've always had a soft spot for this one — even the notoriously sluggish port for the CPC back in the day had a really decent 8-bit rendition of the soundtrack, although the game ran like an absolute shaggy dog and had no business being on such an underpowered machine. Going from that to the Mega Drive version was a mind-blowing experience at the time.

Re: Unsurprisingly, Hideo Kojima Is Not Involved With The Upcoming Snake Eater Remake


@Poodlestargenerica well that's what I was thinking — why would they announce a port of the original version of 3 if Delta isn't going to be a complete ground-up redo in the style of the recent Resi games? Still, at least they're straight up offering a chance to play the original three (five if you count the MSX games) on modern consoles finally — best of both worlds

Re: Poll: What's The Best Wonder Boy Game?


I know people love Dragon's Trap, but I was very late to the party — never played it until the (admittedly beautiful) remake on Switch, and while I found it fun, I found the backtracking and the eventual "where do I go next?" vibe (I still haven't to this day completed it) a bit disheartening.

For me, WB in Monster World / WB V: Monster Land III (yikes with these naming conventions!) struck the perfect balance of chill metroidvania and Zelda/RPG-lite

Re: Best ZX Spectrum Games


I was but an Amstrad person, but luckily there was plenty of crossover with the Speccy, many of which played identically across both platforms — can't beat a bit o' Dizzy!