Comments 72

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


@Damo Then by that token,. maybe I should be allowed to borrow 40K minatures next time I want to play a game of 40K? I dunno, reading has an educational / academia element. I'm not too sure about video games. Buuut, some libraries do have films. I would have at the very least thought some games have crossed into public domain by now and fair (pardon the pun) game?

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


One man's trash is another man's treasure. I dunno, I'm sure there are loads of people happy about Jedi Power Battles. And who am (or indeed anyone) to dictate what gets 'preserved' or not. Surely all games need preserving. So don't bemoan the ones one person might not like along that journey.
I too didn't really like the prequels as films (but loved the lore!) but by God does Disney Star Wars make them look like masterworks! Nostalgia is nostalgia. You either have it or you don't. I'm not convinced there is good or bad.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


I don't think video game history has a Nintendo problem. Granted in the UK, it might be percieved that way what with SEGA and Sony usually being the preferred console, but when I was growing up, reading about all the cool stuff in Japan, the US adverts for NES games in Marvel comics, I was left infuraited that PAL gamers didn't get it lol. They even didn't mind games running so slow! If Nintendo didn't invent something, they certainly popularised it. For me their games have always been superior to their peers. And that creativity even today continues to inspire the industry. So no, history doesn't have a problem...maybe folk just bought the wrong console back in the day lol. Seriously though, all games consoles were worth owning up to XBox 360. Nowadays not so much. But I'll always have a Nintendo console. I'm not saying Nintendo are good because I'm a fan, I'm a fan because Nintendo are so good. To the point of me just letting them create what they want.

Re: Three Of Taito's Classic '80s LaserDisc Games Are Coming To Nintendo Switch


I have still retained my childhood opinion for laserdisc games. Since the moment I saw Dragon's Lair, thought whoooa, the graphics are amazing, popped a quid in aand...couldn't control it, I still think they aren't proper video games. They cheat so as to look as good s a cartoon! (Honestly, younger me felt ripped off and it hustled my pocket money from me! Hahaha. )

Oh, and QTEs needn't think they get away too!

Re: Interview: Trista Bytes On Carving Out A Career In The Retro Gaming Scene


Something is retro when it stops being the low end of a country's standard of living and folk buy it because they either remember it or it's fashionable. That usually takes about 12 years (the same time it takes someone to play something as a child then think they want to buy it again when they start earning their own money.)
*This post isn't really that serious.

Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support


Don't get me wrong, I loved my Megadrive, but it was always disappointing it couldn't handle sprite scaling: the thing that SEGA were wowing crowds with in the arcades at the time. Gotta love those Gods in M2. Will check out Space Harrier 2 for sure, sprite flicker and all. Such an ace curio! Warsong is my fave game on the system (sorry Fire Emblem, Warsong found me first) and I played Atomic Runner to death.

Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time


I want one. But I don't have 100% faith in it. Once I'm sure it's legit, I'll snap one up for sure. This embraces my philosophy of gaming and I'll be disappointed if it doesn't materialise. Will it take over the world? Of course not. But can it be a success? Sure. Some folk really are just about being number one, aren't they.

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