Now it looks like a mobile game. By cleaning up the graphics they also ruin the charm of some of the characters in the game. Donkey Kong now look more plastic than realistic now. In the original game with Donkey Kong, the dither and scanline effects made Donkey Kong looks fuzzy and furry like a real ape, by cleaning up the graphic he now look so lifeless and plain.
These dev really needs to move on from the Genesis/Mega Drive. We get it the Genesis can do this and that, it's old now. Release these on modern systems so everyone can play please. Not everyone own a freaking Genesis anymore. Unless they are willing to provide a rom for sale like the Xeno Crisis dev or release it on modern console it's pointless for this game to exist on old console. It'll probably be on a repro cart anyways and as I know with after market games via repro cart such as the Pier Solar and Xeno Crisis cartridges both carts didn't last long, the Pier Solar tend to freeze unexpectedly during battle, resetting will delete your save file and Xeno Crisis had this screen tearing that weren't in any of the ones released for modern consoles.
Nope it wouldn't had help, this game already looks as bad as it is. What the 32X need is an X-Men fighting game that used Mortal Kombat style fight mechanics. I don't think there's an X-Men game at the time that does this, they could even include Scorpion as a guest character just like Akuma in Tekken 7.
This is nothing new, the PS1 and Sega Dreamcast also had one way before the GameCube, PS2 Slim, and Wii Mini. Any top loading disc-based console had this disc eject button.
@Magrane It still counts as a repro since Sega had nothing to do with it. The cartridge is a reproduction cart and not an official cart from Sega or any partners of Sega. Anyways my point is not that they are repro but that they make em look cheap. I mean the Battletoads Double Dragon cartridge is just the freaking logo, at the very least they could had added some artwork to it like the original.
This is what a better repro cart should look like.
Take out the Nintendo logos and stuffs if they want but at least give us a cool artwork like the original.
A good hacking, homebrew, and emulation device. We all know not everyone is gonna use this for just saving game files, most will use it as an EverDrive alternatives to get GameCube ISOs for play via the device.
I don't think I know any of those systems except for the Atari, Super Game Boy, and Sega Genesis consoles. Still why only Super Game Boy but not Super Game Boy 2, the SGB1 had an inaccurate clock speed.
@Big_Fudge They might be, there might be tonnes of these games on Switch. But until Nintendo adds better searching, content matching algorithms, more showcasing outside of its own products, mandatory demos and curates the endless shovelwear, chances of people find it aren't good.
Having one company tell you what to play isn't a good thing, and until consoles start opening themselves up to multiple shop eshops like PC, the only way round that is more products.
The Atari VCS does all that with multiple shops, cloud services, more games other than their own, and functions like a PC and look what happen to it. Nobody bought the thing or any games on it.
The reason why I did not get into the reboot at first was cause Microsoft launch the game as a free-to-play title with Jago as the only free character you get with the game while the rest you had to pay to get. As the game got more development time and actually became more complete and was coming to PC, that's when I jump onto the title. I wouldn't get into the game if it was to be a free-to-play garbage like what Microsoft originally plan. I also would never buy this on Xbox or PlayStation (if it had one), PC and Nintendo is where this game belongs.
I didn't pre-order one as most of these games I already got via other means but I may had second thoughts especially since it included Final Fight CD, Shining Force CD, Truxton, Warsong, an improved Space Harrier II, and the Ninja Warriors. Had it include the Lunar games, Vay, Snatcher, and Popful Mail along with all these in the NA version I definitely would buy it day one but for these kinda good/kinda mediocre games I could always get this at a later date.
@TryToBeHopeful Cause early on the Intellivision Amico didn't seem to be the scummy product it had become, it was going to be a retro throwback console with family and casual in mind and was planning to launch at under $200 with 2 controllers, 6 pack-in games, and had digital games ranging from $2-$9 and all are exclusives. As the Amico saga continues though things change. The price went from $199 to $249 and then eventually to $299 and now it may even reach $329. The pack-in games went from 6 games to 5 games (not sure what game they took out), the price for digital games went from $2-$9 to $4-$12.
The console will not come with 2 controllers anymore, will probably lose some lighting features and will probably had games that likely won't be exclusives anymore too as they plan to release those via multiplat as well according to their new CEO and previous Coleco Chameleon Super NES inside an Atari Jaguar shell team member, Phil Adam. Early sign of the Amico being scummy is when Intellivision hired J Allard of Microsoft to join the company, the guy was only there for one week, saw that the position wasn't for him and left. If J Allard got out just as fast as he got in, then there's something way worst happening at Intellivision right now.
@Earthbound28 Yeah but at one point people were actually more interested in the Amico than the PlayDate. It wasn't until all the delays and the blaming of the pandemic and harassment of critics that people started backing off the Amico ship.
What a sad death of a console that should had been. If only Tommy Tallarico spent more time focusing on the launch of the console instead of harassing YouTubers online this would had gone somewhere. At one point this thing feels more legit than the Atari VCS, PlayDate, and Polymega, now it falls behind on all of them and is vaporware at best.
@Chunkboi79 I got 2 of em (the RG350 and RG351) and yes they are terrible, I wouldn't say that if I did not try em first. On one of em the d-pad was stiff and doesn't even register properly, I play Street Fighter II Turbo on it and it's very difficult to perform a hadoken and any control that can't perform a hadoken that easily is a failed control to me. The second one fare much better but the face buttons got sticky after a week and then the down position on the d-pad stop working. I wish I could say they're good but they're not and this thing looks to be worst. If they couldn't even last me a year then they are terrible product as my GBA, DS, 3DS, PSP, and PS Vita last me for way over a decade and they still work and control intact even today.
Terrible d-pad, terrible thumbsticks, terrible face buttons, for trying to recreate the NA unique Super NES diamond style layout, at least put concave X and Y buttons on there if you're not gonna use the SFC color buttons. The screen and the bumper buttons are the only thing this handheld got right. I feel sorry for all these emulator makers who make these emulators free for us to try while these cheap Chinese hardware companies kept stealing all these and selling them for profit making them rich while these guys stay poor.
@Gryffin He's going on tour and doing his own thing now. A good company president wouldn't had let his product be in development hell for this long. Even the people he's close with like SmashJT, Cyrus Martin, the Atari Creep, RetroBro, and Bret Weiss all lose faith in the guy, the company, and the product. I think Phil Adam is just hanging on to receive his final salary pay, once he got that he'll leave too. Let's face it, the Intellivision Amico is dead.
I'm honestly surprised why they are still sailing with this notion that the console will be out when everyone already knew the system is dead in the water. Tommy Tallarico is gone, Hans Ippisch left the company, and John Alvarado is the only person that got a system which doesn't even work. At this point just cancelled the system, file for bankruptcy, and give the brand a good burial. When the guy who once work on the Coleco Chameleon is the only person left in the company, that's not a good sign. There's no console, no games, and no devs or partnership of any kind at Intellivision now, even Earthworm Jim 4 was cancelled and that's just a ten seconds walking animation demo. Compare this year to 2018-2019 and you can see the difference in the company. At one point this console would had been something special but that ship had sail a long time ago and it never reach our shore. Just cancelled and let it died.
@TTgowings Any one of these devices will allows you to play Dreamcast games on them, just download the proper emulator like Redream or Flycast and any games you own and you're good to go. The same emulation Polymega will give you is already kinda perfected by these:
Steam Deck
AYN Odin
Dragon Box Pyra
Android Phone
Android Tablet
Windows PC
Linux PC
Atari VCS
Steam Machine
Anbernic handheld
GPD Win 2 or 3
Super Console X
Pandora Arcade Mini
Nvidia Shield
Google Chrome Book
Mini PC
Just pretend any one of these is a Dreamcast and you'll be right at home. You could even use a controller of your choice and even the old VMU if your controller and emulator supports it. These devices could also play Dreamcast games if you know the modding procedure to do so:
Good screen but same lousy d-pad as always. Hated how they still don't had a menu button so you always had to rely on shortcut input to return to the UI menu. As weak as Pocket Go's emulation handhelds are compare to Anbernic, at least they had a good d-pad and a proper menu button making it easy to return to the UI.
@Damo I mean they could just apply it to the module and use the console for powers only. It could be done, yes the module would be more expensive but worth it if that means the compatibility is close to perfect.
Definitely not a scummy product compare to the Amico but that price is still way too expensive for the inferior features it had. I would buy this at around $99 even if it doesn't come with any pack-in games.
While the specs are good, the fact that the screen is still only 480p resolution is just lame. While retro games will look fine on it, a lot of HD compatible games on the Google Play store will look like garbage in comparison especially high graphical games like Mario Kart Tour, Asphalt 9 Legends, and Mortal Kombat Mobile.
Funny how they even film it running from a laptop to the tv. Noticed how this time Tommy Tallarico is not in the video with John anymore. Poor John Alverado, he just want to get this over with and collect his due.
So they admit that it was a scam and those people who pre-ordered will never get their console? I knew from day one that this thing would end up been the Coleco Chameleon part two. I'm just glad the Atari VCS isn't a scam and that console got much more heat than the Intellivision Amico but still manage to exist. Of all the consoles that died after the great videogame crash of 1983, only Atari survived. Intellivision, Colecovision, and Magnavox Odyssey all died and I believe if those got revive nowadays it'll probably for scam purposes and not trustworthy like Atari, Nintendo, Sega, SNK, and Hudson who are the real legit gaming companies that does treat their customers much better.
Ha sounds like Tommy just want to avoid the negative receptions he got with the investors and complainers regarding the Amico and its constant delays and want to weasel his way out so he gave up his position and problems to someone else to fix. It wouldn't surprise me if he weasel out of being the president of the company later on too if the Amico still had not launch yet. 2022 is the year both Amico and Stadia, two platforms nobody ask for, lives or dies.
The emulations on that thing is good but like most people who already pointed out, if you already own a RetroPi, a high end PC, portable PCs like the GPD Win brand of portable PC or the AYA Neo, many of the multiple Chinese consoles or handhelds that AliExpress kept selling, and other forms of devices that could play emulations like Analogue, MiSTer, Ouya, iOS, Androids, Pandora, Linux, Batocera, the internet, etc., it's basically similar to those but on a beautifully crafted shell that required a disc or a cartridge, that is all.
@AtlanteanMan During the uprising of the 32-Bit/64-Bit era, Camelot was no longer a second party studio to Sega. They branch out as a freelance studio which is why they are no longer called Sonic Software Planning and change their name to Camelot Software Planning. This is also why they are able to work with Sony and Nintendo on games like Beyond the Beyond, Hotshot Golf 1 & 2, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, and Golden Sun. They did finish all three scenario games for Shining Force III but only the first one made it to NA as by the time the second two were finished, Sega already moved on to the Dreamcast. Because they are no longer affiliated with Sega by that point, they had no say in bringing the other two Shining Force III scenario games to the west.
@HalBailman Sega or the studio own by Sega actually did a good job with F-Zero GX/AX though, Nintendo never made a console F-Zero game ever again due to its low sales though. Why continue to make games that doesn't sell when they could just continue making more Mario Kart right? Star Fox Zero was good, it just had bad controls, if they ported that game to Switch with new levels and a better control scheme plus bundle it with Star Fox Guard and Star Fox 2 then I think it would do gangbuster sale, they could call it Star Fox Zero Guard Deluxe.
@AtlanteanMan It's obvious Sega never liked anything their American branch made which is the reason why they focus more on their Japanese IPs like Sonic and Virtua Fighter and less on their western ones such as Eternal Champions and Ristar.
Sega was bleeding money at the time so of course they gotta let those guys go, Yuji Naka had no say in it, he's just the messenger. It's Sega who made the decision, even Bernie Stolar was fired by Sega way before the Dreamcast launch. Yes Yuji Naka may sound like a jerk boss but he's not the head honcho that does all the firing. Also that game doesn't seem all that interesting anyways if all it was is just a Sega version of Star Fox.
I wish they make a horizontal oriented version of this at some point. While I like the vertical aspect of the design, I'm an adult now with bigger hands and it's a cramp to hold a vertical oriented handheld device like this with two adult hands since all my fingers will get all tangle up in the back while holding it. Please change the design Analogue, make an actual handheld for us horizontal oriented prefer customers.
@Bass_X0 But they aren't a Game and Watch, they don't have an internal clock like the actual G&W but I do agree what you say about them not being an actual entry as they are not made by Capcom so doesn't count as an actual Street Fighter II game. But then the Sega Master System version was also not made by Capcom so does that one count?
@Franklin To be honest originally Street Fighter was a 2-button game anyways, you will only get medium or fierce attack depending on how hard you hit the punch or kick button, this is how the Game Boy port was handle as well. The consoles and arcade versions just give you easy way to access them. Light press gives you jab, pressure press gives you medium, and heavy press gives you fierce. In the old days it's really difficult to get medium as most either hit too light or hit too hard (not to mention it damage the control over time) so Capcom incorporated the 6 button layout for easy access to the medium attacks and the rest is history (or until Marvel vs. Capcom 2 going forward where they took away the medium attacks altogether).
@Bass_X0 The Tiger handheld LCD version was actually the worst one of the bunch. There are only six fighters and each one only had one special move. Compare to the board game version it's a masterpiece but compare to the Game Boy version, it's miles behind in limitation.
@victordamazio Why would Nintendo make an N64 replica anyways? They had no reason to as old techs and parts of the device were already gone. They could always just port, remaster or emulate the N64 games to their modern systems anyways. Those who want to clone the N64 would find ways to do so whether through the emulation route, FPGA route, or cloud streaming route.
Honestly I would be more happy if you could just load roms onto it. Didn't they say they will had an eshop-like store where you could just purchase and download new and old games to play on this? How come there's no word on that yet?
Comments 451
Re: Evercade EXP Shipment Worth Half A Million Pounds Has Been Stolen
Well this may delay mine for a while.
Re: Fans Are Giving Mario Kart 64 The HD Treatment With Incredible New Mod
Now it looks like a mobile game. By cleaning up the graphics they also ruin the charm of some of the characters in the game. Donkey Kong now look more plastic than realistic now. In the original game with Donkey Kong, the dither and scanline effects made Donkey Kong looks fuzzy and furry like a real ape, by cleaning up the graphic he now look so lifeless and plain.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
These dev really needs to move on from the Genesis/Mega Drive. We get it the Genesis can do this and that, it's old now. Release these on modern systems so everyone can play please. Not everyone own a freaking Genesis anymore. Unless they are willing to provide a rom for sale like the Xeno Crisis dev or release it on modern console it's pointless for this game to exist on old console. It'll probably be on a repro cart anyways and as I know with after market games via repro cart such as the Pier Solar and Xeno Crisis cartridges both carts didn't last long, the Pier Solar tend to freeze unexpectedly during battle, resetting will delete your save file and Xeno Crisis had this screen tearing that weren't in any of the ones released for modern consoles.
Re: Valkie 64 Is A Promising, New Zelda-Like Adventure, Available Now On Steam
Yeap it's a Zelda ripoff but it's a good one at that. Game runs great on the Steam Deck and that's all that matter.
Re: Flashback: Could This Canned X-Men Game Have Saved The Sega 32X? Probably Not
Nope it wouldn't had help, this game already looks as bad as it is. What the 32X need is an X-Men fighting game that used Mortal Kombat style fight mechanics. I don't think there's an X-Men game at the time that does this, they could even include Scorpion as a guest character just like Akuma in Tekken 7.
Re: Random: 21 Years Later, People Are Discovering The GameCube's 'Hidden Eject Button'
This is nothing new, the PS1 and Sega Dreamcast also had one way before the GameCube, PS2 Slim, and Wii Mini. Any top loading disc-based console had this disc eject button.
Re: Retro-Bit Announces Battletoads & Double Dragon And Gleylancer Reprints
@Magrane It still counts as a repro since Sega had nothing to do with it. The cartridge is a reproduction cart and not an official cart from Sega or any partners of Sega. Anyways my point is not that they are repro but that they make em look cheap. I mean the Battletoads Double Dragon cartridge is just the freaking logo, at the very least they could had added some artwork to it like the original.
This is what a better repro cart should look like.

Take out the Nintendo logos and stuffs if they want but at least give us a cool artwork like the original.

Re: Retro-Bit Announces Battletoads & Double Dragon And Gleylancer Reprints
Meh I don't like the label on these repro carts, if you're not going to at least make it look like the original ones then don't bother.
Re: 8BitMods Announces MemCard Pro For GameCube
A good hacking, homebrew, and emulation device. We all know not everyone is gonna use this for just saving game files, most will use it as an EverDrive alternatives to get GameCube ISOs for play via the device.
Re: 17 New openFPGA Cores For Analogue Pocket Just Dropped
I don't think I know any of those systems except for the Atari, Super Game Boy, and Sega Genesis consoles. Still why only Super Game Boy but not Super Game Boy 2, the SGB1 had an inaccurate clock speed.
Re: Random: Playing F-Zero On A Widescreen Monitor Is A Blast
Cool but it takes away the challenge for which the game is known for.
Re: Intellivision Amico Trademark Is Live Once Again
@Big_Fudge They might be, there might be tonnes of these games on Switch. But until Nintendo adds better searching, content matching algorithms, more showcasing outside of its own products, mandatory demos and curates the endless shovelwear, chances of people find it aren't good.
Having one company tell you what to play isn't a good thing, and until consoles start opening themselves up to multiple shop eshops like PC, the only way round that is more products.
The Atari VCS does all that with multiple shops, cloud services, more games other than their own, and functions like a PC and look what happen to it. Nobody bought the thing or any games on it.
Re: The Making Of: Killer Instinct, Nintendo's Street Fighter And Mortal Kombat Killer
The reason why I did not get into the reboot at first was cause Microsoft launch the game as a free-to-play title with Jago as the only free character you get with the game while the rest you had to pay to get. As the game got more development time and actually became more complete and was coming to PC, that's when I jump onto the title. I wouldn't get into the game if it was to be a free-to-play garbage like what Microsoft originally plan. I also would never buy this on Xbox or PlayStation (if it had one), PC and Nintendo is where this game belongs.
Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support
I didn't pre-order one as most of these games I already got via other means but I may had second thoughts especially since it included Final Fight CD, Shining Force CD, Truxton, Warsong, an improved Space Harrier II, and the Ninja Warriors. Had it include the Lunar games, Vay, Snatcher, and Popful Mail along with all these in the NA version I definitely would buy it day one but for these kinda good/kinda mediocre games I could always get this at a later date.
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
No worry the Polium will probably take over the place.
Re: Intellivision Amico Trademark Is Live Once Again
Now the Intellivision Amico is coming to take back its thrown and beat the Polium One as the ultimate NFT vaporware console once and for all.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@TryToBeHopeful Cause early on the Intellivision Amico didn't seem to be the scummy product it had become, it was going to be a retro throwback console with family and casual in mind and was planning to launch at under $200 with 2 controllers, 6 pack-in games, and had digital games ranging from $2-$9 and all are exclusives. As the Amico saga continues though things change. The price went from $199 to $249 and then eventually to $299 and now it may even reach $329. The pack-in games went from 6 games to 5 games (not sure what game they took out), the price for digital games went from $2-$9 to $4-$12.
The console will not come with 2 controllers anymore, will probably lose some lighting features and will probably had games that likely won't be exclusives anymore too as they plan to release those via multiplat as well according to their new CEO and previous Coleco Chameleon Super NES inside an Atari Jaguar shell team member, Phil Adam. Early sign of the Amico being scummy is when Intellivision hired J Allard of Microsoft to join the company, the guy was only there for one week, saw that the position wasn't for him and left. If J Allard got out just as fast as he got in, then there's something way worst happening at Intellivision right now.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
@Earthbound28 Yeah but at one point people were actually more interested in the Amico than the PlayDate. It wasn't until all the delays and the blaming of the pandemic and harassment of critics that people started backing off the Amico ship.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
What a sad death of a console that should had been. If only Tommy Tallarico spent more time focusing on the launch of the console instead of harassing YouTubers online this would had gone somewhere. At one point this thing feels more legit than the Atari VCS, PlayDate, and Polymega, now it falls behind on all of them and is vaporware at best.
Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo
@Chunkboi79 I got 2 of em (the RG350 and RG351) and yes they are terrible, I wouldn't say that if I did not try em first. On one of em the d-pad was stiff and doesn't even register properly, I play Street Fighter II Turbo on it and it's very difficult to perform a hadoken and any control that can't perform a hadoken that easily is a failed control to me. The second one fare much better but the face buttons got sticky after a week and then the down position on the d-pad stop working. I wish I could say they're good but they're not and this thing looks to be worst. If they couldn't even last me a year then they are terrible product as my GBA, DS, 3DS, PSP, and PS Vita last me for way over a decade and they still work and control intact even today.
Re: Hands On: Anbernic RG353P - Shamelessly Inspired By Nintendo
Terrible d-pad, terrible thumbsticks, terrible face buttons, for trying to recreate the NA unique Super NES diamond style layout, at least put concave X and Y buttons on there if you're not gonna use the SFC color buttons. The screen and the bumper buttons are the only thing this handheld got right. I feel sorry for all these emulator makers who make these emulators free for us to try while these cheap Chinese hardware companies kept stealing all these and selling them for profit making them rich while these guys stay poor.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@Gryffin He's going on tour and doing his own thing now. A good company president wouldn't had let his product be in development hell for this long. Even the people he's close with like SmashJT, Cyrus Martin, the Atari Creep, RetroBro, and Bret Weiss all lose faith in the guy, the company, and the product. I think Phil Adam is just hanging on to receive his final salary pay, once he got that he'll leave too. Let's face it, the Intellivision Amico is dead.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
I'm honestly surprised why they are still sailing with this notion that the console will be out when everyone already knew the system is dead in the water. Tommy Tallarico is gone, Hans Ippisch left the company, and John Alvarado is the only person that got a system which doesn't even work. At this point just cancelled the system, file for bankruptcy, and give the brand a good burial. When the guy who once work on the Coleco Chameleon is the only person left in the company, that's not a good sign. There's no console, no games, and no devs or partnership of any kind at Intellivision now, even Earthworm Jim 4 was cancelled and that's just a ten seconds walking animation demo. Compare this year to 2018-2019 and you can see the difference in the company. At one point this console would had been something special but that ship had sail a long time ago and it never reach our shore. Just cancelled and let it died.
Re: Dreamcast Support Could Come To Polymega In The Future
@TTgowings Any one of these devices will allows you to play Dreamcast games on them, just download the proper emulator like Redream or Flycast and any games you own and you're good to go. The same emulation Polymega will give you is already kinda perfected by these:
Just pretend any one of these is a Dreamcast and you'll be right at home. You could even use a controller of your choice and even the old VMU if your controller and emulator supports it. These devices could also play Dreamcast games if you know the modding procedure to do so:
Re: Dreamcast Support Could Come To Polymega In The Future
Would be awesome if we hadn't already could play Dreamcast games on everything nowadays.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG503 - Now Packing OLED Goodness, But Is That Enough?
Good screen but same lousy d-pad as always. Hated how they still don't had a menu button so you always had to rely on shortcut input to return to the UI menu. As weak as Pocket Go's emulation handhelds are compare to Anbernic, at least they had a good d-pad and a proper menu button making it easy to return to the UI.
Re: Review: RAD2X Is The Only HDMI Cable You Need For Your Retro Consoles
Some comparison screenshots would had been nice otherwise I wouldn't take this review that seriously.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
@Damo I mean they could just apply it to the module and use the console for powers only. It could be done, yes the module would be more expensive but worth it if that means the compatibility is close to perfect.
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
Still no support for Super Game Boy 2, this thing is garbage. Should had just use FPGA then they wouldn't had to lose this compatibility.
Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?
Definitely not a scummy product compare to the Amico but that price is still way too expensive for the inferior features it had. I would buy this at around $99 even if it doesn't come with any pack-in games.
Re: Review: Retroid Pocket 2+ - A Vast Improvement Over Its Forerunner
While the specs are good, the fact that the screen is still only 480p resolution is just lame. While retro games will look fine on it, a lot of HD compatible games on the Google Play store will look like garbage in comparison especially high graphical games like Mario Kart Tour, Asphalt 9 Legends, and Mortal Kombat Mobile.
Re: Intellivision Releases An Amico Unboxing, Showcases A Functioning System
@Roger_Brazil You could already play Moon Patrol on the Switch. Just not the remake version.
Re: Intellivision Releases An Amico Unboxing, Showcases A Functioning System
Funny how they even film it running from a laptop to the tv. Noticed how this time Tommy Tallarico is not in the video with John anymore. Poor John Alverado, he just want to get this over with and collect his due.
Re: Hardware: Anbernic RG552 - A Big-Screen Upgrade To The Popular RG351
I see they still had not fix that awful d-pad.
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
The Intellivision Amico is an investment scam and garbage system dude.
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
So they admit that it was a scam and those people who pre-ordered will never get their console? I knew from day one that this thing would end up been the Coleco Chameleon part two. I'm just glad the Atari VCS isn't a scam and that console got much more heat than the Intellivision Amico but still manage to exist. Of all the consoles that died after the great videogame crash of 1983, only Atari survived. Intellivision, Colecovision, and Magnavox Odyssey all died and I believe if those got revive nowadays it'll probably for scam purposes and not trustworthy like Atari, Nintendo, Sega, SNK, and Hudson who are the real legit gaming companies that does treat their customers much better.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
Ha sounds like Tommy just want to avoid the negative receptions he got with the investors and complainers regarding the Amico and its constant delays and want to weasel his way out so he gave up his position and problems to someone else to fix. It wouldn't surprise me if he weasel out of being the president of the company later on too if the Amico still had not launch yet. 2022 is the year both Amico and Stadia, two platforms nobody ask for, lives or dies.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Adds Game Boy And Virtual Boy Screen Filters
The emulations on that thing is good but like most people who already pointed out, if you already own a RetroPi, a high end PC, portable PCs like the GPD Win brand of portable PC or the AYA Neo, many of the multiple Chinese consoles or handhelds that AliExpress kept selling, and other forms of devices that could play emulations like Analogue, MiSTer, Ouya, iOS, Androids, Pandora, Linux, Batocera, the internet, etc., it's basically similar to those but on a beautifully crafted shell that required a disc or a cartridge, that is all.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@AtlanteanMan During the uprising of the 32-Bit/64-Bit era, Camelot was no longer a second party studio to Sega. They branch out as a freelance studio which is why they are no longer called Sonic Software Planning and change their name to Camelot Software Planning. This is also why they are able to work with Sony and Nintendo on games like Beyond the Beyond, Hotshot Golf 1 & 2, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, and Golden Sun. They did finish all three scenario games for Shining Force III but only the first one made it to NA as by the time the second two were finished, Sega already moved on to the Dreamcast. Because they are no longer affiliated with Sega by that point, they had no say in bringing the other two Shining Force III scenario games to the west.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@HalBailman Sega or the studio own by Sega actually did a good job with F-Zero GX/AX though, Nintendo never made a console F-Zero game ever again due to its low sales though. Why continue to make games that doesn't sell when they could just continue making more Mario Kart right? Star Fox Zero was good, it just had bad controls, if they ported that game to Switch with new levels and a better control scheme plus bundle it with Star Fox Guard and Star Fox 2 then I think it would do gangbuster sale, they could call it Star Fox Zero Guard Deluxe.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@AtlanteanMan It's obvious Sega never liked anything their American branch made which is the reason why they focus more on their Japanese IPs like Sonic and Virtua Fighter and less on their western ones such as Eternal Champions and Ristar.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@TheFox Yeah but there's no dragoon in the game and Star Fox came out first with that style.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
@HalBailman You mean Rare ruin Star Fox, one of the reason why Nintendo end up selling them to Microsoft and replacing them with Monolith Soft.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
Sega was bleeding money at the time so of course they gotta let those guys go, Yuji Naka had no say in it, he's just the messenger. It's Sega who made the decision, even Bernie Stolar was fired by Sega way before the Dreamcast launch. Yes Yuji Naka may sound like a jerk boss but he's not the head honcho that does all the firing. Also that game doesn't seem all that interesting anyways if all it was is just a Sega version of Star Fox.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
I wish they make a horizontal oriented version of this at some point. While I like the vertical aspect of the design, I'm an adult now with bigger hands and it's a cramp to hold a vertical oriented handheld device like this with two adult hands since all my fingers will get all tangle up in the back while holding it. Please change the design Analogue, make an actual handheld for us horizontal oriented prefer customers.
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
@Bass_X0 But they aren't a Game and Watch, they don't have an internal clock like the actual G&W but I do agree what you say about them not being an actual entry as they are not made by Capcom so doesn't count as an actual Street Fighter II game. But then the Sega Master System version was also not made by Capcom so does that one count?
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
@Franklin To be honest originally Street Fighter was a 2-button game anyways, you will only get medium or fierce attack depending on how hard you hit the punch or kick button, this is how the Game Boy port was handle as well. The consoles and arcade versions just give you easy way to access them. Light press gives you jab, pressure press gives you medium, and heavy press gives you fierce. In the old days it's really difficult to get medium as most either hit too light or hit too hard (not to mention it damage the control over time) so Capcom incorporated the 6 button layout for easy access to the medium attacks and the rest is history (or until Marvel vs. Capcom 2 going forward where they took away the medium attacks altogether).
Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible
@Bass_X0 The Tiger handheld LCD version was actually the worst one of the bunch. There are only six fighters and each one only had one special move. Compare to the board game version it's a masterpiece but compare to the Game Boy version, it's miles behind in limitation.
Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support
@victordamazio Why would Nintendo make an N64 replica anyways? They had no reason to as old techs and parts of the device were already gone. They could always just port, remaster or emulate the N64 games to their modern systems anyways. Those who want to clone the N64 would find ways to do so whether through the emulation route, FPGA route, or cloud streaming route.
Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support
Honestly I would be more happy if you could just load roms onto it. Didn't they say they will had an eshop-like store where you could just purchase and download new and old games to play on this? How come there's no word on that yet?