There was a period at least in the west during the 32/64-bit era that many games coming out that used pixel art were shunned by games media as being a step back and it was mainly only fighting games for the most part that were still praised for it. If publishers and developers are still having the same conversation nearly 30 years later then it's a sign it's not going to stop being viable in the next decade because those same people seemed to think the same thing back in the mid 90's.
@Ninfan there are plenty of places that do legit ones you just have to search. You obviously just came across sites that try to unload as much malware as possible as it gives them cheaper places to store the stuff.
@Ninfan They won't sell it with the games already on it you would have to rep the games yourself or download them from somewhere and store them on your own SD card or computer as the wifi will mean you can stream them locally.
This is pretty amazing seeing as the Plus/4 lacks hardware sprites and it one main benefit over other systems at the time in terms of graphics was its colour palette being 121 colours over just 16.
I did know that because of CUBE magazine. I used their cheap plastic nameplates for about a week or so and thought it made my Gamecube look a little tacky and the inserts they gave away weren't exactly good and just basic images of Nintendo characters. If they had given away more artistic designs I may have used it more and at the time I didn't really have a high enough quality printer to design my own.
In all honesty not to interested in this as there are loads of Super Metroid rom hacks for the SNES now that offer something a bit different and some new ideas. If it was a new game that was a metroid inspired one I think I would be more interested.
The fact that EA gave up on it in favour of adding a single player campaign to Battlefield games. It did seem at the time EA was doing to choose either one or the other long term and the one that sold better was always going to be the one they would keep. It's easy to say that the last game only sold 3 million and it was too low but when you as a publisher have a game series that is it's direct competition the some of that is on you too. They could have quite easily alternated between the two like Activision did by bringing on extra dev teams to work on different games.
Even the original cover isn't exactly something that drags you towards it and make you want to take a look. If I recall it was one of those games that reviewed well but it had zero marketing behind it. That probably had more impact than anything. People at the time were also looking for more fast paced or flashier looking games and Ico did look a little drab in comparison so the images on the back more than likely did convince people any more than the front.
@KingMike I recall that SD card adapter too they even had a picture of one in a magazine called CUBE here in the UK. I think it came down to the fact they would have made no money from people using SD cards at the time as the adaptors would have been dirt cheap to sell. Also getting a hold of there largest official capacity ones (8MB) was very hard in most places and it didn't help they had compatibility issues with some older games and was probably one of the reasons behind it not being as readily available.
@themightyant Lost Odyssey had 4 discs and one of those discs actually came in a paper sleeve due to the fact it couldn't fit in the case. So if it was released I doubt they probably wouldn't have released a special case and just used that distribution method.
I was definitely aware of this but for the most part because I owned all three consoles available at the time I barely had any time to play GBA games. I did find it odd that the GBA got versions of games that the GameCube didn't though until years later that I released how poorly it was selling and some publishers didn't want to split their games over multiple discs either. I will say developers were trying some pretty crazy stuff on the GBA too just to make the games stand out and was probably the last system they could really do that on.
This is looking better each time we get a little more information. Still very shocked Ancient is making a new Mega Drive game after all the years. I didn't even know they were still around if I am honest. So I am guessing this has more of a budget behind it too and will likely be released on all or most currently available platforms.
Iron Commando is pretty good I discovered it last year for the first time and can honestly say I am surprised how good it was and that it never got a western release at the time seeing as there was very little in the way of translations to do. Very similar in many ways to The Punisher by Capcom.
I am starting to think both the article saying people should be remembering Croc as much as Banjo Kazooie and the making of Croc were all just conveniently done to making this announcement. I am starting to think the person who compared the sales of the two games did so to try and make the game sound like a big deal.
Croc was heavily promoted at the time as the Playstation's answer to Mario 64 and was probably sold to many parents as that. There is also the case that just because a game sold that many copies doesn't mean those who played it had fond memories as people from the Playstation onwards would often start to amass large collections of games especially when they came out on budget reprints and as a result probably spent very little time with the vast majority of what they owned often going back to their favourites. Simple sales figures don't really equate to fond memories.
While I don't think gaming history has a Nintendo problem I do for the most part it is often told from a U.S. point of view way more. Things like the video game crash that happened in the 80's is made out that it effected the whole world when in Europe and Japan it had very little impact as Atari wasn't really the biggest in those regions.
When your de-make is better than the original that really does say a lot about the original. I can only imagine how good it would be using A Link to the Past as the base game that gets rom hacked.
Pretty sure one of the reasons Sega didn't fight this too much was because the time it was all agreed it was becoming common knowledge how much Atari was struggling. I very much doubt in the 12 months after it was all agreed Sega did any kind of work on Jaguar games.
I always wanted a Wonder Boy game on either the Saturn or Dreamcast and thought Sega had a ready made Zelda style game there that could have also been more Metroidvania.
I find it difficult choosing between the Dragon's Trap and Monster World though for my favourites.
I still have some books that were given away back then that were actual players guys, not just little pull out things but full on books. even during the late 90s I think it was 64 magazine would still do book guides and they were much easier to store on a shelf. I can't imagine the production costs of some of these free things given away. Although I also have fond memories of the C64 magazines of the time having one or two tapes on the cover containing both demos and full games. I think it was expected from certain magazines to have something free given away for a long time.
@RetroGames One of the main reasons so many games are being made for the Megadrive/Genesis is because one person went and made a good development kit that opened the floodgates when people started realising they could now make games for the system far easier. Unfortunately until someone actually does the same with the SNES it may not happen any time soon as most people doing stuff on Nintendo systems tend to make full game hacks of the most popular games. The only exception seems to be for the most part for the NES where there are a bucket load of homebrews.
It's quite amusing how they have to buy back their own Infogrames games that they once had to sell. Although with Night Dive studios they may look to branch out and remaster some of those older games. Saying that it almost seems inevitable that this version of Atari will file for bankruptcy at some point with in the decade like all previous entities having the Atari name.
The game looks nice for sure but even in the article they admitted they were really focused on making a game as good as A Link to the Past. Also I feel because the main character is much smoother in animation and can attack in more directions actually makes it at times harder to control and attack as accurately. They may have not wanted it compared to Zelda games but when their focus was so much on matching it and even basing the look in a similar way then you should really expect that comparison.
It's certainly something was way ahead of it's time especially when you consider how developers had to adjust to making games in 3D at that period. All you have to do is look at the difference between some of the early stuff from that generation and the stuff being released in the late 90s and it seems like a generation ahead. These days these kinds of tools are expected although they seem to be ignored when it comes to optimisation.
@NatiaAdamo I have no doubt about that and Sega as they are now seem very good at buying up developers/publishers the focus just on one kind of game type and market.
Angry Birds Sonic edition incoming. I'll be honest I didn't even realise they were still making Angry Birds games. They really must still be raking it in over those games to have that kind of value.
For the N64 having such a small library overall it really did have a huge impact on so many genres. Both Turok and Turok 2 kind of blew me away at the time having such large levels and sometimes really having to search for keys to progress. In many way I enjoyed their single player campaigns over both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark not that I disliked them or anything.
This was one of the few games I thought really showed what the Dreamcast was capable of because it wasn't just a ports of a PSone or N64 game with better textures which is what made the Dreamcast look less powerful next to the PS2, it was but I definitely think it was released at the wrong time as most developers couldn't take advantage of the hardware as they would use the PSone as base hardware for most games.
The Master System lost to the Pico? That just shows how many people missed out on it than anything or it was never good enough as they played one of the better Sega systems.
I owned all Sega consoles released here in the UK with the exception of the Saturn because for the most part when it was out no where in my local area stocked it and the ones that did stopped by the time the N64 hit shelves in early 1997. So it's the only one I have no nostalgia for or experience with outside of emulation.
The Dreamcast probably came and went to quickly and suffered from ports of PS1 games that really held back the system before the PS2 killed it off.
That being said overall the Megadrive was by far the best for me as it had some fantastic exclusive games and I spent countless hours replaying certain ones and even today I enjoy discovering ones I overlooked back then.
I noticed it was still listed on there last month was honestly surprised it had been listed for so many years and that even major retailers were listing a product that didn't actually have a confirmed release date.
I tend to call most Japanese rpgs that stick to older gameplay styles a Jrpg usually those that are turn based or something like most of the Tales, Star ocean and Xeboblade games which lend heavily into traditional design of a Jrpg but with action combat. Something like Final Fantasy 15 felt more like an open world game with rpg elements in. I have never personally seen anyone use the term in a bad way just to separate the style of rpg the game is since they can be vastly different from a traditional western rpg or a strategy one.
@themightyant I agree it definitely doesn't seem like there were many keys to go around. You would think something like that would have unlimited keys generated until the closing date.
I think Ocarina of Time is a slightly better transition than both Mario 64 and Metroid Prime. I don't think a game being a top down game should remove it from the discussion as games transitioning in the mid to late 90s from sprite based games to ones using polygons struggled and many took a few attempts to get it right. It was often the games of that period that had high expectations from third parties that didn't have the right direction.
The position of the start button is an instant no from me. I'll stick with the 8bitdo M30 that I use, also I am more of a fan of the Megadrive 6 button controller shape and size over the original.
Seems a bit much for something that had less than 10 games and maybe only one or two are worth playing for a little while. Those games being Tempest 3000 and Iron Soldier 3 and that makes you think it was essentially an Atari Jaguar mark 2
Can't believe that we are at the point where people are putting this much effort into hacking and fixing bad bootlegs. It does look impressive though so may give it a shot later.
One thing I will say about the Mark III over the Master System is the controllers look like the are built better. I fount the D-Pad on the Master System too spongy and the plastic around the edges would break too easily. The buttons don't look as shallow either.
Being someone that used to be a big collector of retro games I very much like the fact that publishers rerelease older games through modern systems through emulation for new people to discover and play. Although its not always the original developer or publishers that benefit from these as they are either no longer part of the publisher in the developers case or both the original developer and publisher are long gone and it is someone who picked up the licence to those games that profits from them. I am also not against downloading roms of games that probably wont get a modern release and have prices that put them out of reach of anyone actually playing them on the original hardware. There is also the price of getting the original hardware in some cases and hoping it is in good working order after many years.
I remember when the cheat codes were released a few years after Goldeneye did and many people were shucked they managed to keep them secret for so long as usually at the time the cheats were sent to magazines in the very early days of the game to help promote it from the publishers side. Rare managed to keep quiet about them until after Perfect Dark came out if I recall.
I came across this the other day and the guy working on it has multiple Master System games in the works one is an attempt to fix the Street Fighter 2 port. It will be interesting if he finishes the two games he is building from the ground up though.
I remember a few years ago when someone tried to get Sega's blessing on a new system called Spartan that they wanted to pretty much emulate all older Sega systems and be Sega's way back into the console market. For the most part though as far as hardware goes they aren't interested in anything outside their 16-bit stuff being constantly being re-released because it was the only system they released that was an actual success for them.
Comments 223
Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?
There was a period at least in the west during the 32/64-bit era that many games coming out that used pixel art were shunned by games media as being a step back and it was mainly only fighting games for the most part that were still praised for it. If publishers and developers are still having the same conversation nearly 30 years later then it's a sign it's not going to stop being viable in the next decade because those same people seemed to think the same thing back in the mid 90's.
Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive RPGs And Action Adventures Of All Time
This could also be called the Mega Drive RPG list of all time.
Re: FlippyDrive Is An Exciting New Disk Emulator For The Nintendo GameCube
@Ninfan there are plenty of places that do legit ones you just have to search. You obviously just came across sites that try to unload as much malware as possible as it gives them cheaper places to store the stuff.
Re: FlippyDrive Is An Exciting New Disk Emulator For The Nintendo GameCube
@Ninfan They won't sell it with the games already on it you would have to rep the games yourself or download them from somewhere and store them on your own SD card or computer as the wifi will mean you can stream them locally.
Re: 30 Years Later, This Lemmings Port Finally Brings the Classic Game To The Commodore Plus/4
This is pretty amazing seeing as the Plus/4 lacks hardware sprites and it one main benefit over other systems at the time in terms of graphics was its colour palette being 121 colours over just 16.
Re: Random: We Can't Get Enough Of These Incredible Goemon Figures
Would love a New Goemon game but that would require Konami to you know make games.
Re: Peter Molyneux's Next Game Has Groundbreaking Mechanics, But He's Not Going To Tell You About It
Groundbreaking? Like all of the previous ones that didn't?
@Guru_Larry Or whoever is publishing it has slapped him around a bit before sending him out in public and told him not to speak about it
Re: Bitmap Bureau's Final Vendetta Is Coming To Neo Geo
The collectors edition seems like good value when you look at the price of the cartridge alone. I will admire it from afar though.
Re: Random: The GameCube's Lid Holds A Secret, But Did You Know About It?
I did know that because of CUBE magazine. I used their cheap plastic nameplates for about a week or so and thought it made my Gamecube look a little tacky and the inserts they gave away weren't exactly good and just basic images of Nintendo characters. If they had given away more artistic designs I may have used it more and at the time I didn't really have a high enough quality printer to design my own.
Re: Metroid Is (Unofficially) Coming To The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
In all honesty not to interested in this as there are loads of Super Metroid rom hacks for the SNES now that offer something a bit different and some new ideas. If it was a new game that was a metroid inspired one I think I would be more interested.
Re: Flashback: How Medal Of Honor Spawned Call Of Duty, The Series That Killed It
The fact that EA gave up on it in favour of adding a single player campaign to Battlefield games. It did seem at the time EA was doing to choose either one or the other long term and the one that sold better was always going to be the one they would keep. It's easy to say that the last game only sold 3 million and it was too low but when you as a publisher have a game series that is it's direct competition the some of that is on you too. They could have quite easily alternated between the two like Activision did by bringing on extra dev teams to work on different games.
Re: Flashback: The Story Behind Ico's "Terrible" North American Box Art
Even the original cover isn't exactly something that drags you towards it and make you want to take a look. If I recall it was one of those games that reviewed well but it had zero marketing behind it. That probably had more impact than anything. People at the time were also looking for more fast paced or flashier looking games and Ico did look a little drab in comparison so the images on the back more than likely did convince people any more than the front.
Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro GC - A Next-Generation GameCube Memory Card
@KingMike I recall that SD card adapter too they even had a picture of one in a magazine called CUBE here in the UK. I think it came down to the fact they would have made no money from people using SD cards at the time as the adaptors would have been dirt cheap to sell. Also getting a hold of there largest official capacity ones (8MB) was very hard in most places and it didn't help they had compatibility issues with some older games and was probably one of the reasons behind it not being as readily available.
Re: Konami Had Metal Gear Solid 4 "Running Beautifully And Smoothly" On Xbox 360
@themightyant Lost Odyssey had 4 discs and one of those discs actually came in a paper sleeve due to the fact it couldn't fit in the case. So if it was released I doubt they probably wouldn't have released a special case and just used that distribution method.
Re: The Making Of: Grand Theft Auto Advance, The GTA III Prequel You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of
I was definitely aware of this but for the most part because I owned all three consoles available at the time I barely had any time to play GBA games. I did find it odd that the GBA got versions of games that the GameCube didn't though until years later that I released how poorly it was selling and some publishers didn't want to split their games over multiple discs either. I will say developers were trying some pretty crazy stuff on the GBA too just to make the games stand out and was probably the last system they could really do that on.
Re: Title Of Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro's Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup Is Revealed
This is looking better each time we get a little more information. Still very shocked Ancient is making a new Mega Drive game after all the years. I didn't even know they were still around if I am honest. So I am guessing this has more of a budget behind it too and will likely be released on all or most currently available platforms.
Re: SNES Beat ‘Em Ups ‘Iron Commando’ & ‘Legend’ Arrive On Modern Consoles Later This Week
Iron Commando is pretty good I discovered it last year for the first time and can honestly say I am surprised how good it was and that it never got a western release at the time seeing as there was very little in the way of translations to do. Very similar in many ways to The Punisher by Capcom.
Re: Croc HD Is In Development, Says Argonaut Founder Jez San
I am starting to think both the article saying people should be remembering Croc as much as Banjo Kazooie and the making of Croc were all just conveniently done to making this announcement. I am starting to think the person who compared the sales of the two games did so to try and make the game sound like a big deal.
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?
Croc was heavily promoted at the time as the Playstation's answer to Mario 64 and was probably sold to many parents as that. There is also the case that just because a game sold that many copies doesn't mean those who played it had fond memories as people from the Playstation onwards would often start to amass large collections of games especially when they came out on budget reprints and as a result probably spent very little time with the vast majority of what they owned often going back to their favourites. Simple sales figures don't really equate to fond memories.
While I don't think gaming history has a Nintendo problem I do for the most part it is often told from a U.S. point of view way more. Things like the video game crash that happened in the 80's is made out that it effected the whole world when in Europe and Japan it had very little impact as Atari wasn't really the biggest in those regions.
Re: "Forgotten" Zelda Adventure Gets Ported To Game Boy
When your de-make is better than the original that really does say a lot about the original. I can only imagine how good it would be using A Link to the Past as the base game that gets rom hacked.
Re: Flashback: The Atari Jaguar Almost Got Shinobi, Streets Of Rage, Wonder Boy And Other Sega Classics
Pretty sure one of the reasons Sega didn't fight this too much was because the time it was all agreed it was becoming common knowledge how much Atari was struggling. I very much doubt in the 12 months after it was all agreed Sega did any kind of work on Jaguar games.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Wonder Boy Game?
I always wanted a Wonder Boy game on either the Saturn or Dreamcast and thought Sega had a ready made Zelda style game there that could have also been more Metroidvania.
I find it difficult choosing between the Dragon's Trap and Monster World though for my favourites.
Re: The Making Of: Nintendo Magazine System's Street Fighter II VHS - The First 'Let's Play' Video Ever?
I still have some books that were given away back then that were actual players guys, not just little pull out things but full on books. even during the late 90s I think it was 64 magazine would still do book guides and they were much easier to store on a shelf. I can't imagine the production costs of some of these free things given away. Although I also have fond memories of the C64 magazines of the time having one or two tapes on the cover containing both demos and full games. I think it was expected from certain magazines to have something free given away for a long time.
Re: "Go For It!" Is An Upcoming Fighting Game For Your Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
@RetroGames One of the main reasons so many games are being made for the Megadrive/Genesis is because one person went and made a good development kit that opened the floodgates when people started realising they could now make games for the system far easier. Unfortunately until someone actually does the same with the SNES it may not happen any time soon as most people doing stuff on Nintendo systems tend to make full game hacks of the most popular games. The only exception seems to be for the most part for the NES where there are a bucket load of homebrews.
Re: Modder Takes Sega's Legendary 'Tower Of Power' To The Next Level
I think we have different definitions of the word legendary some how.
Re: Atari Buys Rights To Over 100 Retro Games Including Bubsy
It's quite amusing how they have to buy back their own Infogrames games that they once had to sell. Although with Night Dive studios they may look to branch out and remaster some of those older games. Saying that it almost seems inevitable that this version of Atari will file for bankruptcy at some point with in the decade like all previous entities having the Atari name.
Re: The Making Of: Soleil / Crusader Of Centy, Sega's Answer To Zelda
The game looks nice for sure but even in the article they admitted they were really focused on making a game as good as A Link to the Past. Also I feel because the main character is much smoother in animation and can attack in more directions actually makes it at times harder to control and attack as accurately. They may have not wanted it compared to Zelda games but when their focus was so much on matching it and even basing the look in a similar way then you should really expect that comparison.
Re: The PlayStation Performance Analyser, Ken Kutaragi's Secret Weapon In The 32-bit War
It's certainly something was way ahead of it's time especially when you consider how developers had to adjust to making games in 3D at that period. All you have to do is look at the difference between some of the early stuff from that generation and the stuff being released in the late 90s and it seems like a generation ahead. These days these kinds of tools are expected although they seem to be ignored when it comes to optimisation.
Re: Sega Is Buying Angry Birds Developer Rovio
@NatiaAdamo I have no doubt about that and Sega as they are now seem very good at buying up developers/publishers the focus just on one kind of game type and market.
Re: Sega Is Buying Angry Birds Developer Rovio
Angry Birds Sonic edition incoming. I'll be honest I didn't even realise they were still making Angry Birds games. They really must still be raking it in over those games to have that kind of value.
Re: Best FPS Games - Classic First-Person Shooters That Shaped The Genre
For the N64 having such a small library overall it really did have a huge impact on so many genres. Both Turok and Turok 2 kind of blew me away at the time having such large levels and sometimes really having to search for keys to progress. In many way I enjoyed their single player campaigns over both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark not that I disliked them or anything.
Re: Collector's Edition Of The Atari VCS Is Now Available To Buy
Isn't the regular one essentially a collectors edition? Seeing as it was only collectors buying it as it had zero mass market appeal?
Re: The Making Of: Metropolis Street Racer, The Origin Of The Project Gotham Series
This was one of the few games I thought really showed what the Dreamcast was capable of because it wasn't just a ports of a PSone or N64 game with better textures which is what made the Dreamcast look less powerful next to the PS2, it was but I definitely think it was released at the wrong time as most developers couldn't take advantage of the hardware as they would use the PSone as base hardware for most games.
Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You
@Damo I'm sleep deprived and i'm sticking too that answer while some how trying to hide my shame
Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You
The Master System lost to the Pico? That just shows how many people missed out on it than anything or it was never good enough as they played one of the better Sega systems.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
I owned all Sega consoles released here in the UK with the exception of the Saturn because for the most part when it was out no where in my local area stocked it and the ones that did stopped by the time the N64 hit shelves in early 1997. So it's the only one I have no nostalgia for or experience with outside of emulation.
The Dreamcast probably came and went to quickly and suffered from ports of PS1 games that really held back the system before the PS2 killed it off.
That being said overall the Megadrive was by far the best for me as it had some fantastic exclusive games and I spent countless hours replaying certain ones and even today I enjoy discovering ones I overlooked back then.
Re: UK Retailer Argos Stops Accepting Preorders For The Intellivision Amico
I noticed it was still listed on there last month was honestly surprised it had been listed for so many years and that even major retailers were listing a product that didn't actually have a confirmed release date.
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
I tend to call most Japanese rpgs that stick to older gameplay styles a Jrpg usually those that are turn based or something like most of the Tales, Star ocean and Xeboblade games which lend heavily into traditional design of a Jrpg but with action combat. Something like Final Fantasy 15 felt more like an open world game with rpg elements in. I have never personally seen anyone use the term in a bad way just to separate the style of rpg the game is since they can be vastly different from a traditional western rpg or a strategy one.
Re: Fanatical Is Giving Away The First 7 Leisure Suit Larry Games For Free
@themightyant I agree it definitely doesn't seem like there were many keys to go around. You would think something like that would have unlimited keys generated until the closing date.
Re: Fanatical Is Giving Away The First 7 Leisure Suit Larry Games For Free
The keys have sold out already.
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
I think Ocarina of Time is a slightly better transition than both Mario 64 and Metroid Prime. I don't think a game being a top down game should remove it from the discussion as games transitioning in the mid to late 90s from sprite based games to ones using polygons struggled and many took a few attempts to get it right. It was often the games of that period that had high expectations from third parties that didn't have the right direction.
Re: Random: You Need To Check Out This Ridiculously Cute N64 Mini-CRT
Well it's definitely a thing some one done
Re: Review: Retro-Bit 'BIG6' Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Controller - Bigger Is Better
The position of the start button is an instant no from me. I'll stick with the 8bitdo M30 that I use, also I am more of a fan of the Megadrive 6 button controller shape and size over the original.
Re: The Aries64 Lets You Use N64 Controllers With Nuon-Enhanced DVD Players
Seems a bit much for something that had less than 10 games and maybe only one or two are worth playing for a little while. Those games being Tempest 3000 and Iron Soldier 3 and that makes you think it was essentially an Atari Jaguar mark 2
Re: This Infamous NES Sonic Hack Just Got A Serious Upgrade
Can't believe that we are at the point where people are putting this much effort into hacking and fixing bad bootlegs. It does look impressive though so may give it a shot later.
Re: CIBSunday: Sega Mark III
One thing I will say about the Mark III over the Master System is the controllers look like the are built better. I fount the D-Pad on the Master System too spongy and the plastic around the edges would break too easily. The buttons don't look as shallow either.
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
Being someone that used to be a big collector of retro games I very much like the fact that publishers rerelease older games through modern systems through emulation for new people to discover and play. Although its not always the original developer or publishers that benefit from these as they are either no longer part of the publisher in the developers case or both the original developer and publisher are long gone and it is someone who picked up the licence to those games that profits from them. I am also not against downloading roms of games that probably wont get a modern release and have prices that put them out of reach of anyone actually playing them on the original hardware. There is also the price of getting the original hardware in some cases and hoping it is in good working order after many years.
Re: Xbox Confirms GoldenEye 007 Cheat Codes Won't Work On The Xbox Version
I remember when the cheat codes were released a few years after Goldeneye did and many people were shucked they managed to keep them secret for so long as usually at the time the cheats were sent to magazines in the very early days of the game to help promote it from the publishers side. Rare managed to keep quiet about them until after Perfect Dark came out if I recall.
Re: Castlevania Is Coming To The Sega Master System
I came across this the other day and the guy working on it has multiple Master System games in the works one is an attempt to fix the Street Fighter 2 port. It will be interesting if he finishes the two games he is building from the ground up though.
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
I remember a few years ago when someone tried to get Sega's blessing on a new system called Spartan that they wanted to pretty much emulate all older Sega systems and be Sega's way back into the console market. For the most part though as far as hardware goes they aren't interested in anything outside their 16-bit stuff being constantly being re-released because it was the only system they released that was an actual success for them.